6 research outputs found

    Great Powersa Conflict Management and Resolution in South-East Asia: An Evaluation of North-Korean Denuclearization Process and Six Party Talks

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    With the lessons of 1950 s war on the Korean peninsular drawing from the initial soviet reluctance to back North Korea against the US forces and the subsequent lessons of global realism and constructivism learnt by the north in US perpetual support of the south the latter resorted to building a nuclear armament for its continuity and survival This paper is an evaluation of the efficacy of six party talks as adopted in conflict management and resolution in south-east Asia The paper adopts a descriptive secondary research from existing documented literatures for conclusive analogy The paper discovers that the six party talks is a diplomatic way of engaging the provoked north to halt its nuclear ambition for failure to denuclearize north Korea may serve as a great threat to US ally south Korea in the region The paper concludes that there is western nuclear strategy to dominate the global military industrial complex and warfare around the world-hence the perpetual subjugation of the global armament and the strategic deterrence of non proliferation The paper recommends mutual understanding respect to the sovereignty of states and balance of power among other thing

    Federalism and the Arab League: A theoretical synergy

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    Abstract. The paper is a theoretical analogy of the Arab league as a regional organization. The paper also discusses the objectives, strengths and weaknesses of the league. By adopting descriptive-historical research from library instrument, findings show that, there is no doubt that the league had recorded some appreciable level of achievements since its inception and there have equally been some challenges along the line. The paper concludes that, the Arab league must find a way to reduce the perpetual tension and violence in Palestine by working towards enthroning a peaceful relationship with Israel while retaining their cultural identity. The paper also recommends that, the Arab league should strengthen their relationship with the non-Arab Nations especially in the face of globalization to reap the benefits therein involved as a league. Arab league must ensure that Arab states stop waging needless wars between and among themselves. The Syria and Yemeni crises among others is a disgrace to the Arab world.Keywords: Arab league, Theoretical, Synergy, Federalism, Integration.JEL. A10, F15

    Militancy And State-Dialogue On Insecurity In Africa: The Case Of Nigeria's Boko Haram

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    Abstract: The unprecedented emergence of violence and insecurity in Nigeria is a replication of the occurrences in the Middle East and what is glaringly obtainable in Pakistan, Afghanistan and other places in the world. The paper captures the concept of militancy and how it relates to the government of a state in maintaining security and protection of the civilians and their properties. The paper analyzes some of the fundamental ways through which militancy may emanate and how the state can halt or foil the militant activities. It tries to choose among all possible approaches of arresting violence using the best alternative method in the state. The paper is a result of criticaldescriptive research which adopts content instrument of analysis for scientific submissions. The paper discovers that militancy is not the creation of the militants per se, but the creation of conglomerated forces that result in the militancy. The paper however, concludes that the Boko Haram uprising has not been properly addressed by the Nigerian government and only the wrong way has been taken, which is the refusal to hold discussions with members of the sect, due to some intervening variables. The paper also recommends proper dialogue with the Boko Haram members, amnesty and rehabilitation be considered


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    The paper examines the formation and development of the Central American Integration System (SICA) and provides some of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. From the application of secondary methodology, findings show that, the organization has been stable since formation. The paper concludes that, the organization has a lot to learn from other integration systems of the world to strengthen its own within the Central American region. The paper also recommends that, for SICA to achieve its set objectives all hands must be on desk in terms of total commitment by member states. The system should pay adequate attention to the economic aspect of the integration in order to benefit the member nations