Great Powersa Conflict Management and Resolution in South-East Asia: An Evaluation of North-Korean Denuclearization Process and Six Party Talks


With the lessons of 1950 s war on the Korean peninsular drawing from the initial soviet reluctance to back North Korea against the US forces and the subsequent lessons of global realism and constructivism learnt by the north in US perpetual support of the south the latter resorted to building a nuclear armament for its continuity and survival This paper is an evaluation of the efficacy of six party talks as adopted in conflict management and resolution in south-east Asia The paper adopts a descriptive secondary research from existing documented literatures for conclusive analogy The paper discovers that the six party talks is a diplomatic way of engaging the provoked north to halt its nuclear ambition for failure to denuclearize north Korea may serve as a great threat to US ally south Korea in the region The paper concludes that there is western nuclear strategy to dominate the global military industrial complex and warfare around the world-hence the perpetual subjugation of the global armament and the strategic deterrence of non proliferation The paper recommends mutual understanding respect to the sovereignty of states and balance of power among other thing

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