4,937 research outputs found

    Variation of turbulent burning rate of methane, methanol, and iso-octane air mixtures with equivalence ratio at elevated pressure

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    Turbulent burning velocities for premixed methane, methanol, and iso-octane/air mixtures have been experimentally determined for an rms turbulent velocity of 2 m/s and pressure of 0.5 MPa for a wide range of equivalence ratios. Turbulent burning velocity data were derived using high-speed schlieren photography and transient pressure recording; measurements were processed to yield a turbulent mass rate burning velocity, utr. The consistency between the values derived using the two techniques, for all fuels for both fuel-lean and fuel-rich mixtures, was good. Laminar burning measurements were made at the same pressure, temperature, and equivalence ratios as the turbulent cases and laminar burning velocities and Markstein numbers were determined. The equivalence ratio (φ) for peak turbulent burning velocity proved not always coincident with that for laminar burning velocity for the same fuel; for isooctane, the turbulent burning velocity unexpectedly remained high over the range φ = 1 to 2. The ratio of turbulent to laminar burning velocity proved remarkably high for very rich iso-octane/air and lean methane/air mixtures

    Import/Export in Digital Rights Management

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    The inherently controlled nature of digital rights management systems does little to promote inter-operability of systems provided by different vendors. In this paper, we consider import and export functionality by which multimedia protected by one digital rights management regime can be made available to a multimedia device that supports a different digital rights management regime, without compromising the protection afforded to the content under the original regime. We first identify specific issues to be addressed by developers of digital rights management import/export regimes and outline a variety of methods by which these regimes may be implemented. We then apply our observations to the specific example of import and export of content between the digital rights management regimes defined by the Motion Picture Exports Group and the Open Mobile Alliance

    Detecting the harmonics of oscillations with time-variable frequencies

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    A method is introduced for the spectral analysis of complex noisy signals containing several frequency components. It enables components that are independent to be distinguished from the harmonics of nonsinusoidal oscillatory processes of lower frequency. The method is based on mutual information and surrogate testing combined with the wavelet transform, and it is applicable to relatively short time series containing frequencies that are time variable. Where the fundamental frequency and harmonics of a process can be identified, the characteristic shape of the corresponding oscillation can be determined, enabling adaptive filtering to remove other components and nonoscillatory noise from the signal. Thus the total bandwidth of the signal can be correctly partitioned and the power associated with each component then can be quantified more accurately. The method is first demonstrated on numerical examples. It is then used to identify the higher harmonics of oscillations in human skin blood flow, both spontaneous and associated with periodic iontophoresis of a vasodilatory agent. The method should be equally relevant to all situations where signals of comparable complexity are encountered, including applications in astrophysics, engineering, and electrical circuits, as well as in other areas of physiology and biology

    Lorentz Beams

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    A new kind of tridimensional scalar optical beams is introduced. These beams are called Lorentz beams because the form of their transverse pattern in the source plane is the product of two independent Lorentz functions. Closed-form expression of free-space propagation under paraxial limit is derived and pseudo non-diffracting features pointed out. Moreover, as the slowly varying part of these fields fulfils the scalar paraxial wave equation, it follows that there exist also Lorentz-Gauss beams, i.e. beams obtained by multipying the original Lorentz beam to a Gaussian apodization function. Although the existence of Lorentz-Gauss beams can be shown by using two different and independent ways obtained recently from Kiselev [Opt. Spectr. 96, 4 (2004)] and Gutierrez-Vega et al. [JOSA A 22, 289-298, (2005)], here we have followed a third different approach, which makes use of Lie's group theory, and which possesses the merit to put into evidence the symmetries present in paraxial Optics.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Journal of Optics

    Thermal simulation of magnetization reversals for size-distributed assemblies of core-shell exchange biased nanoparticles

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    A temperature dependent coherent magnetization reversal model is proposed for size-distributed assemblies of ferromagnetic nanoparticles and ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic core-shell nanoparticles. The nanoparticles are assumed to be of uniaxial anisotropy and all aligned along their easy axis. The thermal dependence is included by considering thermal fluctuations, implemented via the N\'eel-Arrhenius theory. Thermal and angular dependence of magnetization reversal loops, coercive field and exchange-bias field are obtained, showing that F-AF size-distributed exchange-coupled nanoparticles exhibit temperature-dependent asymmetric magnetization reversal. Also, non-monotonic evolutions of He and Hc with T are demonstrated. The angular dependence of Hc with T exhibits a complex behavior, with the presence of an apex, whose position and amplitude are strongly T dependent. The angular dependence of He with T exhibits complex behaviors, which depends on the AF anisotropy and exchange coupling. The resulting angular behavior demonstrates the key role of the size distribution and temperature in the magnetic response of nanoparticles.Comment: Revised arguments in Introduction and last sectio

    Resolution enhancement in nonlinear scanning microscopy through post-detection digital computation

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    In the last decade, the resolution of optical microscopy has been doubled thanks to linear structured illumination. The resolution has been further improved by combining structured illumination with nonlinear photoresponse. Recently, structured illumination has been combined with point-scanning microscopy. In this paper, we investigate whether, as in wide field acquisition, significant resolution enhancement can be obtained by harnessing the nonlinear response of the sample when point-scanning structured illumination is employed. We compare point scanning with wide field structured illumination microscopy in terms of signal-to-noise ratio. We conclude that superresolution using saturated point-scanning structured illumination is severely restricted to the first nonlinear orders. We identify possibilities for how different beam shapes or nonlinear phenomena might be envisaged for future implementations

    Lingin Derived Organic Matter in Georgia Coastal Waters

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    The importance of riverine- and saltmarsh-derived organic matter to the food web of Georgia coastal waters has been a focus of ecological research over the past thirty years. Studies based on energy budgets, carbon flux measurements, and stable isotope ratios have generally implicated marsh detritus as an important, although not always dominant, source of organic matter within the marshes and adjacent estuaries (Teal 1962, Odum and de la Cruz 1967, Haines 1977, Peterson and Howarth 1987). However, data on the contribution of exported marsh and riverine organic matter to productivity futher offshore, in continental shelf waters off the coast of Georgia, remains equivocal (Chalmers et al. 1985, Hopkinson 1985). Dissolved lignin-derived compounds provide molecular level markers by which to determine the presence of terrestrially-derived organic matter in marine ecosystems. Lignin is found only in vascular plants and has no known oceanic sources. Thus its presence in seawater serves as unequivocal evidence of input of marsh or riverine organic matter, and indeed such lignin-derived material has been found in open ocean water a great distance from its probable point of origin (Meyers-Schulte and Hedges 1986). In this study, we present data on concentrations and distribution of lignin phenols in seawater samples collected during October and November 1987 on the continental shelf of the southeastern U.S., between Cape Hattaras and Cape Canaveral

    Lattice Model of Sweeping Interface for Drying Process in Water-Granule Mixture

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    Based on the invasion percolation model, a lattice model for the sweeping interface dynamics is constructed to describe the pattern forming process by a sweeping interface upon drying the water-granule mixture. The model is shown to produce labyrinthine patterns similar to those found in the experiment[Yamazaki and Mizuguchi, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. \textbf{69} (2000) 2387]. Upon changing the initial granular density, resulting patterns undergo the percolation transition, but estimated critical exponents are different from those of the conventional percolation. Loopless structure of clusters in the patterns produced by the sweeping dynamics seems to influence the nature of the transition.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure