3 research outputs found

    Методика оценки конкурентоспособного специалиста

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    It is proposed to break a vicious circle of negative development of industry enterprises (Knall circle) by qualitative growth of human resources of each organization. For that purpose, it is suggested to improve methods for assessing competence of specialists. The proposed mechanism takes into account integral and particular criteria, and is designed to achieve a multiplier effect of development factors interaction.Предлагается разорвать порочный круг негативного развития предприятий железнодорожной отрасли (круг Кналла) посредством качественного роста человеческих ресурсов каждой из организаций. Для этой цели в том числе совершенствуется и методика оценки компетенций специалистов. Предлагаемый механизм учитывает интегральный и частные критерии, рассчитан на мультипликативный эффект взаимодействия факторов развития

    The Development Of Self-Government Of The Student in The Educational Process

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    The research urgency is caused by necessity to study and develop the phenomenon of students’ self-government, providing their vocational formation. In this regard, this paper aims to identify the internal psychological-pedagogical factors for implementing of self-government of the students through the assessment of their personal-typological peculiarities. A leading approach to the study of this problem is activity-based approach, allowing considering of the manifestation of students’ personality characteristics within the educational process. The authors present the results of experimental research of internal factors of students’ self-government; reveal the specifics for solution of educational tasks in terms of time; identify criteria of successful task performance by the students; theoretically substantiate conditions for manifestation of self-government of College students. The materials of the paper are of practical significance for educators, psychologists, researchers, engaged in the projecting and implementation of learning activities of College students

    Preface to the Proceedings of the II International Scientific Conference on Intelligent Information Technologies and Mathematical Modeling (IITMM)

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