11,658 research outputs found

    A View through Faraday's Fog 2: Parsec Scale Rotation Measures in 40 AGN

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    Results from a survey of the parsec scale Faraday rotation measure properties for 40 quasars, radio galaxies and BL Lac objects are presented. Core rotation measures for quasars vary from approximately 500 to several thousand radians per meter squared. Quasar jets have rotation measures which are typically 500 radians per meter squared or less. The cores and jets of the BL Lac objects have rotation measures similar to those found in quasar jets. The jets of radio galaxies exhibit a range of rotation measures from a few hundred radians per meter squared to almost 10,000 radians per meter squared for the jet of M87. Radio galaxy cores are generally depolarized, and only one of four radio galaxies (3C-120) has a detectable rotation measure in the core. Several potential identities for the foreground Faraday screen are considered and we believe the most promising candidate for all the AGN types considered is a screen in close proximity to the jet. This constrains the path length to approximately 10 parsecs, and magnetic field strengths of approximately 1 microGauss can account for the observed rotation measures. For 27 out of 34 quasars and BL Lacs their optically thick cores have good agreement to a lambda squared law. This requires the different tau = 1 surfaces to have the same intrinsic polarization angle independent of frequency and distance from the black hole.Comment: Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal: 71 pages, 40 figure

    Deep Chandra and multicolor HST observations of the jets of 3C 371 and PKS 2201+044

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    This paper presents multiwavelength imaging and broad-band spectroscopy of the relativistic jets in the two nearby radio galaxies 3C 371 and PKS 2201+044, acquired with Chandra, HST, VLA, and Merlin. Radio polarization images are also available. The two sources stand out as "intermediate'' between FRIs and FRIIs; their cores are classified as BL Lacs, although broad and narrow optical emission lines were detected at times. The multiwavelength images show jet morphologies with the X-ray emission peaking closer to the nucleus than the longer wavelengths. The jets are resolved at all wavelengths in a direction perpendicular to the jet axis. The jets SEDs are consistent with a single spectral component from radio to X-rays, interpreted as synchrotron emission. The SEDs show a progressive softening from the inner to the outer regions of the jet, indicating that the electron break energy moves to lower energies with distance from the core. Overall, the X-ray and multiwavelength properties of the jets of 3C 371 and PKS 2201+044 appear intermediate between those of FRIs and FRIIs.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 28 pages (emulateapj5), 17 figure

    The Sub-parsec Scale Radio Properties of Southern Starburst Galaxies. I. Supernova Remnants, the Supernova Rate, and the Ionised Medium in the NGC 253 Starburst

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    Wide-field, very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations of the nearby starburst galaxy NGC 253, obtained with the Australian Long Baseline Array (LBA), have produced a 2.3 GHz image with a maximum angular resolution of 15 mas (0.3 pc). Six sources were detected, all corresponding to sources identified in higher frequency (>5 GHz) VLA images. One of the sources, supernova remnant 5.48-43.3, is resolved into a shell-like structure approximately 90 mas (1.7 pc) in diameter. From these data and data from the literature, the spectra of 20 compact radio sources in NGC 253 were modelled and found to be consistent with free-free absorbed power laws. Broadly, the free-free opacity is highest toward the nucleus but varies significantly throughout the nuclear region (tau_0 ~ 1->20), implying that the overall structure of the ionised medium is clumpy. Of the 20 sources, nine have flat intrinsic spectra associated with thermal radio emission and the remaining 11 have steep intrinsic spectra, associated with synchrotron emission from supernova remnants. A supernova rate upper limit of 2.4 yr^-1 is determined for the inner 320 pc region of the galaxy at the 95% confidence level, based on the lack of detection of new sources in observations spanning almost 17 years and a simple model for the evolution of supernova remnants. A supernova rate of >0.14 (v/10^4) yr^-1 is implied from estimates of supernova remnant source counts, sizes and expansion rates, where v is the radial expansion velocity of the supernova remnant in km s^-1. A star formation rate of 3.4 (v/10^4) < SFR(M<=5Msun) < 59 Msun yr^-1 has been estimated directly from the supernova rate limits and is of the same order of magnitude as rates determined from integrated FIR and radio luminosities.Comment: Accepted by the Astronomical Journal. 34 pages, 6 figures; fixed typos in assumed expansion velocit

    PKS 1018-42: A Powerful Kinetically Dominated Quasar

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    We have identified PKS 1018-42 as a radio galaxy with extraordinarily powerful jets, over twice as powerful as any 3CR source of equal or lesser redshift except for one (3C196). It is perhaps the most intrinsically powerful extragalactic radio source in the, still poorly explored, Southern Hemisphere. PKS 1018-42 belongs to the class of FR II objects that are kinetically dominated, the jet kinetic luminosity, Q6.5×1046ergs/sQ \sim 6.5 \times 10^{46}\mathrm{ergs/s} (calculated at 151 MHz), is 3.4 times larger than the total thermal luminosity (IR to X-ray) of the accretion flow, Lbol1.9×1046ergs/sL_{bol} \sim 1.9 \times 10^{46}\mathrm{ergs/s}. It is the fourth most kinetically dominated quasar that we could verify from existing radio data. From a review of the literature, we find that kinetically dominated sources such as PKS 1018-42 are rare, and list the 5 most kinetically dominated sources found from our review. Our results for PKS 1018-42 are based on new observations from the Australia Telescope Compact Array.Comment: To appear in ApJ Letter

    A major radio outburst in III Zw 2 with an extremely inverted, millimeter-peaked spectrum

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    III Zw 2 is a spiral galaxy with an optical spectrum and faint extended radio structure typical of a Seyfert galaxy, but also with an extremely variable, blazar-like radio core. We have now discovered a new radio flare where the source has brightened more than twenty-fold within less than two years. A broad-band radio spectrum between 1.4 and 666 GHz shows a textbook-like synchrotron spectrum peaking at 43 GHz, with a self-absorbed synchrotron spectral index +2.5 at frequencies below 43 GHz and an optically thin spectral index -0.75 at frequencies above 43 GHz. The outburst spectrum can be well fitted by two homogenous, spherical components with equipartition sizes of 0.1 and 0.2 pc at 43 and 15 GHz, and with magnetic fields of 0.4 and 1 Gauss. VLBA observations at 43 GHz confirm this double structure and these sizes. Time scale arguments suggest that the emitting regions are shocks which are continuously accelerating particles. This could be explained by a frustrated jet scenario with very compact hotspots. Similar millimeter-peaked spectrum (MPS) sources could have escaped our attention because of their low flux density at typical survey frequencies and their strong variability.Comment: ApJ Letters, in press, (AAS)LaTeX, 3 figures, available at http://www2.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/staff/hfalcke/publications.html#iiizw2 or in a few weeks at http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/staff/falcke/publications.html#iiizw

    VSOP and Ground-based VLBI Imaging of the TeV Blazar Markarian 421 at Multiple Epochs

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    We present thirty VLBI images of the TeV blazar Markarian 421 (1101+384) at fifteen epochs spanning the time range from 1994 to 1997, and at six different frequencies from 2.3 to 43 GHz. The imaged observations include a high-resolution 5 GHz VLBI Space Observatory Programme (VSOP) observation with the HALCA satellite on 1997 November 14; full-track VLBA observations from 1994 April, 1996 November, and 1997 May at frequencies between 5 and 43 GHz; six epochs of VLBA snapshot observations at frequencies between 2 and 15 GHz from Radio Reference Frame studies; and five geodetic VLBI observations at 2 and 8 GHz from the archive of the Washington VLBI Correlator Facility located at the U.S. Naval Observatory. The dense time coverage of the images allows us to unambiguously track components in the parsec-scale jet over the observed time range. We measure the speeds of three inner jet components located between 0.5 and 5 mas from the core (0.3 to 3 pc projected linear distance) to be 0.19 +/- 0.27, 0.30 +/- 0.07, and -0.07 +/- 0.07 c (H_{0}=65 km s^{-1} Mpc^{-1}). If the sole 43 GHz image is excluded, all measured speeds are consistent with no motion. These speeds differ from tentative superluminal speeds measured by Zhang & B\aa\aa th from three epochs of data from the early 1980's. Possible interpretations of these subluminal speeds in terms of the high Doppler factor demanded by the TeV variability of this source are discussed.Comment: 18 pages, including 7 figures, emulateapj.sty, accepted by The Astrophysical Journal; modified text describing Radio Reference Frame observation

    Issues and Opportunities in Exotic Hadrons

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    The last few years have been witness to a proliferation of new results concerning heavy exotic hadrons. Experimentally, many new signals have been discovered that could be pointing towards the existence of tetraquarks, pentaquarks, and other exotic configurations of quarks and gluons. Theoretically, advances in lattice field theory techniques place us at the cusp of understanding complex coupled-channel phenomena, modelling grows more sophisticated, and effective field theories are being applied to an ever greater range of situations. It is thus an opportune time to evaluate the status of the field. In the following, a series of high priority experimental and theoretical issues concerning heavy exotic hadrons is presented.Comment: White paper from INT workshop, "Modern Exotic Hadrons". References added. Version to appear in Chinese Physics

    Synchronized dynamics of cortical neurons with time-delay feedback

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    The dynamics of three mutually coupled cortical neurons with time delays in the coupling are explored numerically and analytically. The neurons are coupled in a line, with the middle neuron sending a somewhat stronger projection to the outer neurons than the feedback it receives, to model for instance the relay of a signal from primary to higher cortical areas. For a given coupling architecture, the delays introduce correlations in the time series at the time-scale of the delay. It was found that the middle neuron leads the outer ones by the delay time, while the outer neurons are synchronized with zero lag times. Synchronization is found to be highly dependent on the synaptic time constant, with faster synapses increasing both the degree of synchronization and the firing rate. Analysis shows that presynaptic input during the interspike interval stabilizes the synchronous state, even for arbitrarily weak coupling, and independent of the initial phase. The finding may be of significance to synchronization of large groups of cells in the cortex that are spatially distanced from each other.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure