16,502 research outputs found

    Tort Reform and Accidental Deaths

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    Theory suggests that tort reform could have either of two impacts on accidents. First, reforms could increase accidents as tortfeasors internalize less of the costs of externalities, and thus, have less incentive to reduce the risk of accidents. Second, tort reforms could decrease accidents as lower expected liability costs result in lower prices, enabling consumers to buy more risk-reducing products such as medicines, safety equipment, and medical services. We test which effect dominates by examining the effect of tort reforms on non-motor vehicle accidental death rates, using panel data techniques. We find that caps on noneconomic damages, caps on punitive damages, a higher evidence standard for punitive damages, product liability reform, and prejudgment interest reform lead to fewer accidental deaths, while reforms to the collateral source rule lead to increased deaths. Overall, the tort reforms in the states between 1981-2000 have led to an estimated 14,222 fewer accidental deaths.

    Night-time accidents: a scoping study. Executive summary

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    Night-time accidents: a scoping study. Report to The AA Motoring Trust and Rees Jeffreys Road Fund

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    Context: Only a quarter of all travel by car drivers is undertaken between the hours of 19.00 and 08.00, but it is in this period that 40 percent of fatal and serious injuries are sustained by drivers. This indicates that car travel at night carries a greater risk of being killed or seriously injured than does travel during the day. The literature indicates that disproportionate numbers of young drivers, especially young men, are injured at night. But to be able to introduce measures targeted at this group more needs to be known about the purpose of their journeys, the types of roads they travel on, and how far they drive and at what times in the evening and at night. Older drivers tend to have fewer accidents at night, but little is currently known about how much can be accounted for by exposure related to their driving patterns. People over the age of 60 years form about 20 percent of the population, yet they make up over a quarter of traffic fatalities. These two groups of young and older drivers have been selected for study with the following aims: (a) to assess what information exists which relates to night-time exposure by activity and by group (young and older); (b) to assess what is known about exposure and risk to young and older drivers at night, in conjunction with an analysis of relevant accident data to provide a picture of the size of the potential problem areas, and gaps in current knowledge; (c) to identify people’s concerns, attitudes and beliefs with regard to the problems of night-time driving; and (d) to provide the basis for decision on what measures might be brought to bear on the problem, and what further research would be needed in order to point to focused action. This scoping study is in two parts and provides an assessment of the information available and hence the gaps in our knowledge on the nature and extent of night-time driving, and the risks involved at these times. The first part assesses the available data, and the second uses focus groups to gather the views of drivers themselves, together with their concerns, attitudes and beliefs with regard to the problems of night-time driving. The measurement of exposure, or amount of travel by car, of drivers of different age and gender is central to the assessment of the risk of being killed or injured in a road traffic accident. In this study, the measure of exposure used is distance travelled per person per year. This has been combined with casualty data to make preliminary assessments of risk to people of different ages and gender of driving at during the daytime and at night

    First record of an Odontaspidid shark in Ascension Island waters

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    The occurrence of the poorly understood shark species Odontapsis ferox is reported at an oceanic seamount in the central south Atlantic, within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Ascension Island. The presence of the species at this location is confirmed by the discovery of a tooth embedded in scientific equipment, and footage of at least one animal on autonomous underwater video. The new record of this shark species at this location demonstrates the knowledge gaps which still exist at many remote, oceanic structures and their candidacy for status as important conservation areas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Phenomenology of the minimal B-L extension of the Standard Model

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    We present the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) discovery potential in the ZZ' and heavy neutrino sectors of a U(1)BLU(1)_{B-L} enlarged Standard Model also encompassing three heavy Majorana neutrinos. This model exhibits novel signatures at the LHC, the most interesting arising from a ZZ' decay chain involving heavy neutrinos, eventually decaying into leptons and jets. In particular, this signature allows one to measure the ZZ' and heavy neutrino masses involved. In addition, over a large region of parameter space, the heavy neutrinos are rather long-lived particles producing distinctive displaced vertices that can be seen in the detectors. Lastly, the simultaneous measurement of both the heavy neutrino mass and decay length enables an estimate of the absolute mass of the parent light neutrino. For completeness, we will also compare the LHC and a future Linear Collider (LC) discovery potentials.Comment: 4 pages, no figures. LaTeX. Talk given at "The 2009 Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics", Krakow, Poland, July 16-22, 200

    A simple field based method for rapid wood density estimation for selected tree species in Western Kenya

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    Wood density is an important variable for accurate quantification of woody biomass and carbon stocks. Conventional destructive methods for wood density estimation are resource intensive, prohibiting their use, limiting the application of approaches that would minimize uncertainties in tree biomass estimates. We tested an alternative method involving tree coring with a carpenter's auger to estimate wood density of seven tropical tree species in Western Kenya. We used conventional water immersion method to validate results from the auger core method. The mean densities (and 95% confidence intervals) ranged from 0.36 g cm−3 (0.25–0.47) to 0.67 g cm−3 (0.61–0.73) for the auger core method, and 0.46 g cm−3 (0.42–0.50) to 0.67 g cm−3 (0.61–0.73) for the water immersion method. The auger core and water immersion methods were not significantly different for four out of seven tree species namely; Acacia mearnsii, Mangifera indica, Eucalyptus grandis and Grevillea robusta. However, wood densities estimated from the auger core method were lower (t (61) = 7.992, P = <0.001). The ease of the auger core method application, as a non-destructive method in acquiring wood density data, is a worthy alternative in biomass and carbon stocks quantification. This method could protect trees outside forests found in most parts of Africa

    VLBA Imaging of NGC 4261: Symmetric Parsec-scale Jets and the Inner Accretion Region

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    We observed the nuclear region of NGC 4261 (3C270) with the VLBA at two frequencies (1.6 and 8.4 GHz) simultaneously. We find that the position angle of the parsec-scale radio axis agrees, within the errors, with the position angle of the VLA-scale jet. Our observations also reveal basically symmetric radio structures at both 1.6 and 8.4 GHz. Analysis of these images shows that most of the central 10 pc of this source is not significantly affected by free-free absorption, even though HST images show that the nucleus contains a nearly edge-on disk of gas and dust on larger scales. Our highest angular resolution image shows a very narrow gap in emission, which we interpret as an absorption feature, just east of the radio core. This suggests that there may be a small, dense inner accretion disk whose width is less than 0.1 pc. If the inclination of this inner disk is close to that of the larger-scale HST disk it becomes optically thin to 8.4 GHz radiation at a deprojected radius of about 0.8 pc. The brightness of the pc-scale jets falls off very rapidly on both sides of the core, suggesting that the jets are rapidly expanding during the the first several pc of their travel. It appears that there is a small dense inner disk centered on the radio core (the base of the jets; less than 1 pc), a low density bubble filling most of the the inner several pc of the nucleus (within which the radio jets expand rapidly; ~10 pc), and a surrounding cool, higher density region (of which the HST absorption disk is part; tens to hundreds of pc) within which the transverse expansion of the radio jets, as implied by the rate of decrease in jet brightness, is nearly halted.Comment: Accepted by the Astrophysical Journa

    On the existence of dyons and dyonic black holes in Einstein-Yang-Mills theory

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    We study dyonic soliton and black hole solutions of the su(2){\mathfrak {su}}(2) Einstein-Yang-Mills equations in asymptotically anti-de Sitter space. We prove the existence of non-trivial dyonic soliton and black hole solutions in a neighbourhood of the trivial solution. For these solutions the magnetic gauge field function has no zeros and we conjecture that at least some of these non-trivial solutions will be stable. The global existence proof uses local existence results and a non-linear perturbation argument based on the (Banach space) implicit function theorem.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures. Minor revisions; references adde