20 research outputs found

    Narratives of Distinctiveness or Similarity and Connection - A Response to Korman, De Jong and Jordan’s Steve de Shazer’s Theory Development

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    روایت‌ از تفاوت‌‌ها، شباهت‌ها و ارتباط پاسخی به توسعه‌ی نظریه‌ی کورمان، دی یونگ و استیو دی شیزرِ جوردان در سال 2020 مجله‌ی شیوه‌های راه‌حل محور مقاله‌ای با عنوان توسعه‌ی نظری استیو دی شیزر منتشر کرد. این پژوهش به عنوان کاری تخصصی از دی شیزر مورد بررسی قرار گرفت که محققان آن را به 4 گروه تقسیم‌بندی کردند. در این مقاله 6 قاعده‌ی کلی شناسایی شد که آن‌ها معتقدند اساس تفکر دی شیزر می‌باشد. در تفسیر آن‌ها در ورای این شش اصل، نکات قابل تاملی درباره‌ی متمایز بودنSFBT وجود دارد که محققان مشتاق هستند آن‌ها را با توجه به ابعاد اساسی‌شان از بیشتر راه‌حل‌ها و شاید همه‌ی راه‌حل‌ها متفاوت جلوه دهند. این مقاله پاسخی به جنبه‌ی خاص توسعه‌ی نظری استیو دی شیزر است. در این‌جا نشان داده شده است که امکان روایت های متمایز شده ای در همین زمینه در مقایسه با رویکردهای مختلف وجود دارد و روایت‌های مشابه و موارد مرتبط با آن مطرح می‌شوند. برخی استدلال‌ها برای توسعه‌ی روایت‌های بیشتر، شباهت‌ها و ارتباطات توسعه یافته‌اند

    Towards a Critical Solution-Focused Practice?

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    This article explores possible connections between solution-focused practice, collective action, and social change. It considers how solution-focused practice might enter and be used in such contexts. A case is made for collective action as one type of response to the sort of difficulties that lead people to seek therapy. This is addressed first in a solution-focused way, by considering characteristics of the approach that might help its adaptation for social and collective action. Finally, ideas are offered to make solution-focused practice more suited to such endeavors

    Narratives of Distinctiveness or Similarity and Connection - A Response to Korman, De Jong and Jordan’s Steve de Shazer’s Theory Development

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    2020 年,Journal of Solution Focused Practices 发表了一篇名为 “ Steve de Shazer 的理论发展” 文章。这篇文章的作者探究了 de Shazer 整个职业生涯,将其分为四个阶段,并从中提炼出作者认为是 de Shazer 思想和实践基础的六个公理(axiom)。在作者对这六个公理的评论中,相当强调 SFBT 的独特性;作者相当希望从这六个公理的各个基本面向,能将SFBT与大多数、甚或是所有其他治疗方法,明确地建构出差异区分度。本文是对 “Steve de Shazer 理论发展” 一文中特定一项面向给予回应。本文建议,透过心理治疗专业领域不同取向之间的对照比较,SFBT是可以构建出关于独特性的叙事,以及相似性与联系性的叙事。本文尚提出一些如何发展更多相似性与联系性叙事的相关论点

    Narratives of Distinctiveness or Similarity and Connection - A Response to Korman, De Jong and Jordan’s Steve de Shazer’s Theory Development

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    2020 年, 2020 年,Journal of Solution Focused Practices 發表了一篇名為「 Steve de Shazer 理論發展」 文章。這篇文章的作者探究了 de Shazer 整個職業生涯,將其分為四個階段,並從中提煉出作者認為是 de Shazer 思想和實踐基礎的六項公理(axiom)。在作者對這六項公理的評論中,相當強調 SFBT 的獨特性;作者相當希望從這六項公理的各個基本面向,能將SFBT與大多數、甚或是所有其他治療方法,明確地建構出差異區分度。本文是對 「Steve de Shazer 理論發展」 一文中特定一項面向給予回應。本文建議,透過心理治療專業領域不同取向之間的對照比較,SFBT是可以構建出關於獨特性的敘事,以及相似性與聯繫性的敘事。本文尚提出一些如何發展更多相似性與聯繫性敘事的相關論點

    Solution Focused Practice in Schools: 80 Ideas and Strategies

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    Narratives of Distinctiveness or Similarity and Connection - a response to Korman, De Jong and Jordan’s Steve de Shazer’s Theory Development

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    In 2020 the Journal of Solution Focused Practices published an article called Steve de Shazer’s Theory Development. This surveyed the whole of de Shazer’s career, which the authors divided into four phases, from which they distilled six axioms they believe are foundational to de Shazer’s thinking and practice. In their commentary on the six axioms there is a considerable emphasis on the distinctiveness of SFBT, which the authors are keen to establish as different, in each of its foundational aspects, from most or perhaps all other therapies. This article is a response to this particular aspect of Steve de Shazer’s Theory Development. It suggests that, in comparing different approaches in the field, it is possible to construct both narratives of distinctiveness and narratives of similarity and connection. Some arguments for developing more narratives of similarity and connection are advanced

    The ictal wavefront is the spatiotemporal source of discharges during spontaneous human seizures

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    The extensive distribution and simultaneous termination of seizures across cortical areas has led to the hypothesis that seizures are caused by large-scale coordinated networks spanning these areas. This view, however, is difficult to reconcile with most proposed mechanisms of seizure spread and termination, which operate on a cellular scale. We hypothesize that seizures evolve into self-organized structures wherein a small seizing territory projects high-intensity electrical signals over a broad cortical area. Here we investigate human seizures on both small and large electrophysiological scales. We show that the migrating edge of the seizing territory is the source of travelling waves of synaptic activity into adjacent cortical areas. As the seizure progresses, slow dynamics in induced activity from these waves indicate a weakening and eventual failure of their source. These observations support a parsimonious theory for how large-scale evolution and termination of seizures are driven from a small, migrating cortical area

    The application of δ13C, TOC and C/N geochemistry to reconstruct Holocene relative sea levels and paleoenvironments in the Thames Estuary, UK

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    We examined the use of δ13C, TOC and C/N geochemistry of sedimentary organic matter to reconstruct former sea levels and paleoenvironments in the absence of suitable microfossil data. The modern distribution of δ13C, TOC and C/N of 33 vegetation and 74 surface sediment samples collected from four coastal wetlands in the Thames Estuary and Norfolk, UK are described. The δ13C, TOC and C/N geochemistry of sediments varied in relation to the input of in situ vascular vegetation versus allochthonous particulate organic matter and algae, which was controlled primarily by tidal inundation. We reviewed published and unpublished studies to produce an English database of vegetation (n = 257) and sediment (n = 132) δ13C, TOC and C/N geochemistry. Four elevation-dependent environments in the database had statistically distinct δ13C, TOC and C/N values: (1) tidal flat/low marsh (δ13C: −24.9 ± 1.2‰; TOC: 3.6 ± 1.7%; C/N: 9.9 ± 0.8); (2) middle marsh/high (δ13C: −26.2 ± 1.0‰; TOC: 9.8 ± 6.7%; C/N: 12.1 ± 1.8); (3) reed swamp (δ13C: −27.9 ± 0.7‰: TOC: 36.5 ± 11.5%; C/N: 13.9 ± 1.2); and (4) fen carr (δ13C: −29.0 ± 0.6‰; TOC: 41.6 ± 5.7%; C/N: 17.4 ± 3.1). The δ13C, TOC and C/N geochemistry database was applied to a Holocene sediment core collected from the Thames Estuary to produce three new sea-level index points and one limiting date, illustrating the utility of δ13C, TOC and C/N values to reconstruct Holocene relative sea levels