362 research outputs found

    Excitation of atoms in an optical lattice driven by polychromatic amplitude modulation

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    We investigate the mutiphoton process between different Bloch states in an amplitude modulated optical lattice. In the experiment, we perform the modulation with more than one frequency components, which includes a high degree of freedom and provides a flexible way to coherently control quantum states. Based on the study of single frequency modulation, we investigate the collaborative effect of different frequency components in two aspects. Through double frequency modulations, the spectrums of excitation rates for different lattice depths are measured. Moreover, interference between two separated excitation paths is shown, emphasizing the influence of modulation phases when two modulation frequencies are commensurate. Finally, we demonstrate the application of the double frequency modulation to design a large-momentum-transfer beam splitter. The beam splitter is easy in practice and would not introduce phase shift between two arms.Comment: 11pages, 7 figure

    Role of crystal-field-splitting and longe-range-hoppings on superconducting pairing symmetry of La3_3Ni2_2O7_7

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    We study the bilayer two-orbital model for superconducting pairing symmetry of La3_3Ni2_2O7_7 under pressure. By combining density-functional-theory (DFT), maximally-localized-Wannier-function, and linearized Eliashberg equation with random-phase-approximation, we find that the superconducting pairing symmetry of La3_3Ni2_2O7_7 is robustly dxyd_{xy} if its DFT band structure is accurately reproduced in the downfolded model. We further show that fine-tuning of crystal-field-splitting between two Ni-ege_g orbitals qualitatively affects superconducting pairing symmetry of the bilayer two-orbital model, which changes from dxyd_{xy} to s±s_{\pm} as the crystal-field-splitting exceeds a critical value. When the model only includes nearest-neighbor and second-nearest-neighbor hoppings, the crystal-field-splitting obtained by fitting to the DFT band structure is larger than the critical value and thus leads to s±s_{\pm} superconducting pairing symmetry. When all nonzero long-range-hoppings are also included in the model, the fitted crystal-field-splitting is reduced and smaller than the critical value, which makes dxyd_{xy} superconducting pairing symmetry more favorable than s±s_{\pm} symmetry. Our work demonstrates that in downfolded effective models, the details of band structure can play a crucial role in determining pairing symmetry in multi-orbital unconventional superconductors (such as La3_3Ni2_2O7_7).Comment: 11 pages and 4 figure

    Estimating moisture susceptibility of asphalt modified with alumina trihydrate

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    U radu je na temelju slobodne površinske energije, ocijenjena osjetljivost asfalta s aluminijevim trihidratom na vlagu. Analizirana su fizikalna svojstva i zapaljivost uzoraka s dodatkom aluminijeva trihidrata. Za potrebe istraživanja izrađeni su uzorci asfalta modificiranog stiren-butadien-stirenom s različitim udjelima ATH-a (0-14 %). Na uzorcima s dodatkom ATH-a analizirano je povećanje viskoznosti, točka razmekšanja, otpornost bitumena prema kolotraženju, granični indeks kisika i indeks penetracije. Iz aspekta mikromehanizama, ATH u velikoj mjeri nepovoljno utječe na oštećenje asfaltne mješavine uslijed djelovanja vlage.The moisture susceptibility of asphalt containing alumina trihydrate (ATH) was assessed through the surface free energy. Physical properties and flame retardancy of ATH samples were also investigated. For research purposes SBS modified asphalt samples with different dosages (0-14 %) of ATH were prepared. Increased viscosity, softening point limiting oxygen index and lower penetration ductility, were investigated for the ATH modified samples. ATH has a significant negative effect on the moisture-induced damage potential of asphalt mixture from the view of micromechanisms


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    In wireless Ad Hoc networks, large number and flexible mobility of terminals lead to the rarity of wireless channel resources. Also the hidden and exposed terminal problem exists in the Ad Hoc network which is the major factors restricting its development and applying. Considering these factors, this paper proposes a new CSMA protocol: multi-channel two-dimensional probability CSMA for wireless Ad Hoc network protocol based on three-way handshake mechanism, and analyzes the system throughput, delay of information packet, energy consumption and other properties under the control of the proposed protocol. By using the cycle analysis method, computer simulation results not only verify the theoretical analysis, but also show that the protocol has the optimum performance. The proposed protocol can not only reduce the collision probability of information packets to some extent, improving the channel utilization, reducing the waste of channel resources, but also achieve the balancing of load in a variety of wireless Ad Hoc network services, meeting the needs by different priorities with different QoS, and ensuring the systematic efficiency and fairness

    An Improvement of Global Error Bound for the Generalized Nonlinear Complementarity Problem over a Polyhedral Cone

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    We consider the global error bound for the generalized nonlinear complementarity problem over a polyhedral cone (GNCP). By a new technique, we establish an easier computed global error bound for the GNCP under weaker conditions, which improves the result obtained by for GNCP

    Atomic Ramsey interferometry with S- and D-band in a triangular optical lattice

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    Ramsey interferometers have wide applications in science and engineering. Compared with the traditional interferometer based on internal states, the interferometer with external quantum states has advantages in some applications for quantum simulation and precision measurement. Here, we develop a Ramsey interferometry with Bloch states in S- and D-band of a triangular optical lattice for the first time. The key to realizing this interferometer in two-dimensionally coupled lattice is that we use the shortcut method to construct π/2\pi/2 pulse. We observe clear Ramsey fringes and analyze the decoherence mechanism of fringes. Further, we design an echo π\pi pulse between S- and D-band, which significantly improves the coherence time. This Ramsey interferometer in the dimensionally coupled lattice has potential applications in the quantum simulations of topological physics, frustrated effects, and motional qubits manipulation