199 research outputs found

    Reductive cleavage of sulfones and sulfonamides by neutral organic super electron-donor (S.E.D.) reagent

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    The sulfonyl group finds extensive applications in organic and medicinal chemistry both in sulfonamides, popular as robust protecting groups for amines, and in sulfones. Frequently, sulfones are introduced into synthetic schemes to assist particular transformations; further progress along the synthetic route can later require the removal of a sulfone group, and this can be achieved by reductive desulfonylation or, in the special cases of α-halo- or ß-acyloxysulfones, by elimination to an alkene

    Analisis Framing Pemberitaan Kasus Dugaan Korupsi dan Gaya Hidup Mewah Gubernur Ratu Atut Chosiyah pada “Koran Tempo”

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    Modus korupsi sesungguhnya merupakan suatu manipulasi jabatan publik untuk keuntungan pribadi. Mereka menggunakan kewenangan menentukan kebijakan publik semata demi kepentingan sendiri. Peran KPK (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi) dan BPK ( Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan) dalam hal ini sangat berpengaruh untuk menghentikan laju pertumbuhan korupsi.Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pembingkaian (framing) berita koran Tempo terhadap kasus korupsi yang dilakukan oleh pejabat wanita terkait kasus dugaan korupsi dan gaya hidup mewah Ratu Atut Chosiyah. Dugaan kasus korupsi Ratu Atut banyak dimuat dalam media cetak maupun media televisi. Tempo terkenal keras pada kasus yang mengindikasi adanya praktik korupsi dan melibatkan kepentingan publik yang besar termasuk pejabat dan aparatur Negara. Tempo hingga kini mampu meliput beberapa kasus Atut baik dalam kasus korupsi maupun gaya hidup mewah Atut. Salah satu metode penelitian yang mampu menganalisis bagaimana realitas itu dibentuk dan dikonstruksi oleh media adalah analisis framing. Peneliti menggunakan analisa Framing yang diperkenalkan oleh Pan dan Kosicki. Obyek penelitian adalah pemberitaan kasus dugaan korupsi dan gaya hidup mewah Gubernur Ratu Atut Chosiyah yang muncul pada koran Tempodari tanggal 5 Okober 2013 sampai 13 November 2013.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa koran Tempo memberikan gambaran pemberitaan dengan menunjukan struktur Sintaksis, Skrip, Tematik, Dan Retoris. Struktr retoris dalam koran Tempo tampak menonjol karena wartawan koran Tempo banyak menggunakan istilah, leksikon, idiom, bahkan gambar karikatur yang dapat menarik perhatian khalayak. Koran Tempo terkenal dengan gaya pemberitaan yang kritis dan tajam serta memiliki volume dan frekuensi berita yang lengkap karena mampu memuat lebih dari satu pemberitaan dengan kasus yang sama dalam satu edisi. Koran Tempo dalam menuliskan pemberitaan tetap mengedepankan objektivitas dan netralitas, karena wartawan Tempo selalu menjaga agar sebuah karya tetap bermutu tinggi dan berpegang teguh pada kode etik. Nilai etika dan pilihan moral pada Tempo sesuai dengan visi Koran Tempo.Redaksi koran Tempo sebagai Perusahaan yang produknya informasi , diharapkan selalu menjaga obyektivitas dalam menyampaikan pemberitaan dengan memperbanyak sumber berita dan terus menerus meningkatkan apresiasi terhadap ide-ide baru, bahasa, dan tampilan visual yang baik sehinggs dapat menampilkan sebuah informasi yang bermutu tinggi dan layak dikonsumsi masyarakat

    Three-dimensional potential energy surface for fission of 236^{236}U within covariant density functional theory

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    We have calculated the three-dimensional potential energy surface (PES) for the fission of compound nucleus 236^{236}U using the covariant density functional theory with constraints on the axial quadrupole and octupole deformations (β2,β3)(\beta_2, \beta_3) as well as the nucleon number in the neck qNq_N. By considering the additonal degree of freedom qNq_N, coexistence of the elongated and compact fission modes is predicted for 0.9β31.30.9\lesssim \beta_3 \lesssim 1.3. Remarkably, the PES becomes very shallow across a large range of quadrupole and octupole deformations for small qNq_N, and consequently, the scission line in (β2,β3)(\beta_2, \beta_3) plane will extend to a shallow band, which leads to a fluctuation for the estimated total kinetic energies by several to ten MeV and for the fragment masses by several to about ten nucleons

    Energy landscape and phase competition of CsV3Sb5-, CsV6Sb6-, and TbMn6Sn6-type Kagome materials

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    Finding viable Kagome lattices is vital for materializing novel phenomena in quantum materials. In this work, we performed element substitutions on CsV3Sb5 with space group P6/mmm, TbMn6Sn6 with space group P6/mmm, and CsV6Sb6 with space group R-3 m, respectively, as the parent compounds. A total of 4158 materials were obtained through element substitutions, and these materials were then calculated via density function theory in high-throughput mode. Afterward, 48 materials were identified with high thermodynamic stability (E_hull<5meV/atom). Furthermore, we compared the thermodynamic stability of three different phases with the same elemental composition and predicted some competing phases that may arise during material synthesis. Finally, by calculating the electronic structures of these materials, we attempted to identify patterns in the electronic structure variations as the elements change. This work provides guidance for discovering promising AM3X5/AM6X6 Kagome materials from a vast phase space

    Protective Role of α2HS-Glycoprotein in HBV-Associated Liver Failure

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    In this study, levels of plasma α2-Heremans-Schmid glycoprotein, serum tumor necrosis factor-α, serum liver function parameters and short-term mortality were measured in 100 hepatitis B patients. Release of interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-α from the lipopolysaccharide-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells in the presence/absence of spermine and α2-Heremans-Schmid glycoprotein were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to determine the significance and potential mechanism of α2-Heremans-Schmid glycoprotein in hepatitis B virus-associated liver damage. Results showed that serum α2-Heremans-Schmid glycoprotein levels in acute-on-chronic liver failure patients were significantly lower than that in chronic hepatitis B patients or healthy controls (p < 0.05). A negative dependence between serum human α2-Heremans-Schmid glycoprotein and tumor necrosis factor-α levels was observed. Interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-α levels in the lipopolysaccharide-induced peripheral blood mononuclear cell supernates were significantly reduced by spermine and/or α2-Heremans-Schmid glycoprotein. The latter two proteins jointly inhibited cytokine release. These observations suggest that plasma α2-Heremans-Schmid glycoprotein is an independent marker of liver damage and a prognostic indicator of hepatitis B virus chronicity. It may reduce liver inflammation by partially inhibiting release of inflammatory factors from activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells

    Dimeric 1,3-propanediaminetetraacetato lanthanides as the precursors of catalysts for the oxidative coupling of methane

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    National Science Foundation of China [21133007, 21033006, 21373169]; Ministry of Science and Technology of China [2010CB732303, 2012CB214900]; PCSIRT [IRT1036]From neutral solutions, dimeric 1,3-propanediaminetetraacetato lanthanides (NH4)(2)[Ln(2)(1,3-pdta)(2)-(H2O)(4)]center dot 8H(2)O [Ln = La, 1; Ce, 2] and K-2[Ln(2)(1,3-pdta) 2(H2O)(4)]center dot 11H(2)O [Ln = La, 3; Ce, 4] (1,3-H(4)pdta = 1,3-propanediaminetetraacetic acid, C11H18N2O8) were isolated in high yields. The reaction of excess strontium nitrate with 1 resulted in the formation of a two dimensional coordination polymer [La-2(1,3pdta)(2)(H2O) 4](n)center dot[Sr-2(H2O) 6](n)center dot [La-2(1,3-pdta)(2)(H2O)(2)](n)center dot 18nH(2)O (5) at 70 degrees C. Complexes 1-4 show a similar central molecular structure. The lanthanide ions are coordinated by two nitrogen atoms, four carboxy oxygen atoms from one 1,3-pdta ligand, two from the neighboring 1,3-pdta ligand forming a fourmembered ring and two water molecules. Complex 5 has two kinds of dimeric lanthanum unit and extends into a 2D coordination polymer through strontium ions and bridged oxygen atoms, and forms a fourteen membered ring linked by oxygen atoms from carboxy groups of pdta. Complexes 1-4 are soluble in water. The C-13{1H} NMR experiments for complex 1 were tested in solution. Thermal products from 1 and 5 show good catalytic activities towards the oxidative coupling reaction of methane (OCM). The conversion of methane and selectivity to C-2 reached 29.7% and 51.7% at 750 degrees C for the product of 5. From TGA, XRD and SEM analyses, the thermal products from 1 and 5 are rod-and poly-shaped, which are assigned as lanthanum oxocarbonate and a mixture of La2O3, SrCO3 and La2O2CO3 for 1 and 5, respectively. The precursor method is favorable for the formation of regular shaped mixed oxides

    Genomic and oncogenic preference of HBV integration in hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) can integrate into the human genome, contributing to genomic instability and hepatocarcinogenesis. Here by conducting high-throughput viral integration detection and RNA sequencing, we identify 4,225 HBV integration events in tumour and adjacent non-tumour samples from 426 patients with HCC. We show that HBV is prone to integrate into rare fragile sites and functional genomic regions including CpG islands. We observe a distinct pattern in the preferential sites of HBV integration between tumour and non-tumour tissues. HBV insertional sites are significantly enriched in the proximity of telomeres in tumours. Recurrent HBV target genes are identified with few that overlap. The overall HBV integration frequency is much higher in tumour genomes of males than in females, with a significant enrichment of integration into chromosome 17. Furthermore, a cirrhosis-dependent HBV integration pattern is observed, affecting distinct targeted genes. Our data suggest that HBV integration has a high potential to drive oncogenic transformation

    Comparative transcriptome in large-scale human and cattle populations

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    Cross-species comparison of transcriptomes is important for elucidating evolutionary molecular mechanisms underpinning phenotypic variation between and within species, yet to date it has been essentially limited to model organisms with relatively small sample sizes. Here, we systematically analyze and compare 10,830 and 4866 publicly available RNA-seq samples in humans and cattle, respectively, representing 20 common tissues. Focusing on 17,315 orthologous genes, we demonstrate that mean/median gene expression, inter-individual variation of expression, expression quantitative trait loci, and gene co-expression networks are generally conserved between humans and cattle. By examining large-scale genome-wide association studies for 46 human traits (average n = 327,973) and 45 cattle traits (average n = 24,635), we reveal that the heritability of complex traits in both species is significantly more enriched in transcriptionally conserved than diverged genes across tissues. In summary, our study provides a comprehensive comparison of transcriptomes between humans and cattle, which might help decipher the genetic and evolutionary basis of complex traits in both species.https://doi.org/10.1186/s13059-022-02745-