292 research outputs found

    Study of the parameters of anthocyanin supramolecular complexes using derivative reflectance spectroscopy

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    Among effective methods for in vivo investigation of metalloanthocyanins, the non-destructive approaches are of special interest, particularly, reflectance spectroscopy. Informational capacity of this method can be improved by derivatizing of spectral data. Our work was aimed at the studying of prospects of reflectance spectra differentiation for estimation of intraspecific flower polychroism, defined by metal-anthocyanin complexes

    Quantum search degeneration under amplitude noise in queries to the oracle

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    We examine how amplitude noise in queries to the oracle degrades a performance of quantum search algorithm. The Grover search and similar techniques are widely used in various quantum algorithms, including cases where rival parties are fighting over confidential data. Hence, the oracle-box wires become the subject of competing activity with an alteration of their normal functioning. Of course, many kinds of errors could arise in this way. Possible influence of dephasing on quantum search was already addressed in the literature. Amplitude damping is another type of errors that should be analyzed first. To study the problem, we introduce a simple model of collective distortions with the use of amplitude damping channel. All the quantities of interest should be considered as functions of the number of Grover's iterations. In particular, we investigate the success probability with respect to the parameter that characterizes the level of amplitude errors. The success probability degrades significantly even if the error amount is not essential. Namely, this probability soon enough reduces to a value close to one half. We also study trade-off relations between quantum coherence and the success probability in the presence of amplitude noise.Comment: 11 pages, two figures. Except for the style, v3 matches the journal version. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1708.0906

    Âviŝe ahlûtinacìï v sučasnomu Ukraïns'komu slovotvorì

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    The article investigates the role of prefixoids in modem domestic word formation, identifies agglutinative tendencies of prefixoids, establishes that agglutination becomes an active way in creating new words, characterizes prefixoids as agglutinatives, finds that the regularity of prefixoids converts them into agglutinative formants, investigates that affixoid derivatives with constantly used classification formant form certain lexical-semantic groups, individualize each affixoid model in structural and semantic planes

    Analysis of ferulic acid in plants containing phenylpropanoids

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    In this work the qualitative and quantitative chromatographic analysis of ferulic acid in plants, cultivated in the Republic of Belarus have been carried out. The most amounts of ferulic acid have been found by HPLC method in beetroot peel (147.34 mg/100 g dry material). It have been found that the kind of beetroot “Prygazhunja” contains the most amounts of ferulic acid, it could be used as raw material for isolation of ferulic acid in preparative amounts

    Hematološki parametri i proizvodne osobine novog romanov × hissar križne pasmine ovce prilagođene europskoj stepskoj klimi

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    The study presented some haematological parameters and production characteristics of novel crossbred Romanov × Hissar and purebred Romanov sheep. A number of biochemical and haematological tests were performed to assess the level of adaptation of F1 crossbred progeny to local rearing conditions and evaluate its potential economic benefits for industrial production. The newly created crossbreed demonstrated significant increase in carcass production characteristics, with pre-slaughter weight increased by 29.2%, slaughter weight - by 39.7%, cooled carcass weight - by 40.5% and total yield ‒ by 8.2% compared to Romanov purebreed. The meat quality was also increased: fat content remained at the same level (6.6-6.8%), carcasses of F1 crossbreed lambs had higher relative weight of muscle tissue (78.8% vs. 73.3%), increased content of the 1st grade meat (94.6% vs. 91.6%), and higher caloric value of the meat (by 8.7%) compared to the parent purebreeds. An increased erythrocyte (by 3.1%) and leukocyte (by 6.45%) count was noted in the F1 rams. Haemoglobin level in F1 lambs was increased by 4.2%. Protein metabolism parameters were improved: blood serum total protein level ‒ by 11.2%, albumin ‒ by 11.4%, globulin ‒ by 10.4%, suggesting intensified protein metabolism in F1 lambs; this was also evidenced by the increased activities of aspartate transaminase (by 3.9%) and alanine transaminase (by 16.6%) in F1 lambs over Romanov purebred animals. Blood serum of crossbred lambs had higher bactericidal (by 1.92%), lysozyme (by 3.53%), and phagocytic activity. The increased haematological and biochemical parameters and enhanced antibacterial properties of serum indicate the enhanced metabolic activity in F1 crossbreed sheep and underlay the improved meat production parameters. Obtained results demonstrate increased adaptation of the novel crossbred to industrial rearing conditions and local microclimate of steppe zone of Ukraine, which is undergoing gradual aridization.U studiju su predstavljeni neki hematološki parametri i proizvodne karakteristike nove križne pasmine romanov × hissar i čistokrvne romanov ovce. Obavljen je niz biokemijskih i hematoloških testiranja u svrhu procjene razine prilagodbe F1 potomaka križane pasmine lokalnim uvjetima uzgoja i procjene potencijalne ekonomske koristi za stočarsku proizvodnju. Novostvorena križana pasmina pokazala je znatno povećanje proizvodnih karakteristika trupla, s masom prije klanja većom za 29,2 %, masom za vrijeme klanja za 39,7 %, masom ohlađenog trupla za 40,5 % i ukupnim prinosom većim za 8,2 % u usporedbi s čistokrvnom romanov ovcom. Povećala se i kvaliteta mesa; udio masnoća ostao je na istoj razini (6,6-6,8 %), trupla F1 janjadi križane pasmine imala su veću relativnu masu mišićnog tkiva (78,8 % u usporedbi sa 73,3 %), povećani udio mesa 1. razreda (94,6 % u usporedbi s 91,6 %) i veću kalorijsku vrijednost mesa (za 8,7 %) u usporedbi s čistokrvnim roditeljima. Povećani broj eritrocita (za 3,1 %) i leukocita (za 6,45 %) uočen je kod F1 ovnova. Razina hemoglobina u F1 janjadi bila je povećana za 4,2 %. Parametri metabolizma bjelančevina bili su poboljšani, tako se poboljšala i ukupna razina bjelančevina u krvnom serumu za 11,2 %, albumina za 11,4 %, globulina za 10,4 %, što ukazuje na intenzivniji metabolizam bjelančevina u F1 janjadi, a na to je ukazala i povećana aktivnost aspartat aminotransferaze (za 3,9 %) i alanin aminotransferaze (za 16,6 %) u F1 janjadi u usporedbi s čistokrvnim romanov ovcama. Krvni serum janjadi križane pasmine imao je i veću baktericidnu (za 1,92 %) aktivnost, aktivnost lizozima (za 3,53 %) i fagocitnu aktivnost. Pojačani hematološki i biokemijski parametri i poboljšana antibakterijska svojstva seruma ukazuju na veću metaboličku aktivnost u F1 križane pasmine ovaca i podupiru bolje parametre proizvodnje mesa. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na veću prilagodljivost nove križane pasmine uvjetima stočarskog uzgoja i lokalnoj mikroklimi stepske zone u Ukrajini, a koja se postupno isušuje

    The NiS – Y 2 S 3 – GeS 2 system at temperature 770 K

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    Tools for Genotyping of Nicotine-Seeking Zebrafish

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    Smoking is one of the main causes of preventable diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Helping people quit using nicotine products is a main goal of our projects. Developing a zebrafish model for nicotine use behavior could provide a tool for studying the underlying genetic risks and neuronal elements of nicotine use behavior. The availability of large numbers of larval zebrafish, relatively short generation time and genetic tools present a major advantage for studying the genetic causes of nicotine use behavior. Here, we present our approach to test whether identified single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with smoking behavior in humans have SNP homologs in nicotine-seeking zebrafish. Our major focus has been on genes that appear to increase the risk for nicotine-use behavior in humans. A zebrafish behavioral test allows us to separate nicotine-seeking from non-seeking larval zebrafish. Fin or scale tissue can be used to isolate genomic DNA. We have developed tools and protocols to detect SNPs in zebrafish genes for acetylcholine receptors type alpha 3, alpha 5, as well as nol4b2, opiate receptor oprm1 and the zebrafish homolog to human cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6). The genetic analysis of nicotine-seeking zebrafish could lead to the identification of genes and gene modifications that facilitate nicotine-use behavior

    Dy8SnS13.61O0.39 from single-crystal data

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    Crystals of the title dysprosium tin sulfide oxide, Dy8SnS13S1−xOx [x = 0.39 (4)], were obtained unintentionally from the Dy–Sn–S system. A statistical mixture of sulfur and oxygen was assumed for one position in the structure. S and O atoms surround each of the eight symmetrically non-equivalent dysprosium atoms. The Sn atoms are located in tetra­hedral surroundings of sulfur atoms. Trigonal prisms and tetra­hedra are connected to each other by their edges. All atoms are situated in mirror planes

    Дослідження електронної провідності монокристалів PbI2:Hf

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    A study of the electron-hole conductivity in PbI2 single crystals doped with Hf (0.2 wt %) was conducted using the Wagner polarization cell method. The influence of the Hf alloying admixture (0.2 mass%) on the nature and parameters of lead diiodide’s electronic conductivity has been analyzed. Basing on the received current-potential dependences, p-type conductivity of a single crystal PbI2:Hf was established. The hole conductivity values (sро) were determined in the studied temperature range allowing to construct temperature dependence. The sро value for single crystal PbI2:Hf increased responsively to increasing temperature. For PbI2 and PbI2:Hf, a comparative analysis of the electron-hole conductivity was carried out. This investigation allowed determining the activation energy sро reduction from 0.47 eV to 0.32 eV due to hafnium doping. Consequently, the presence of Hf admixture in PbI2 crystals causes new impurity acceptor levels located at a distance of 0.64 eV from the upper limit of the valence zone.Проведено дослідження електронно-діркової складової провідності монокристалів PbI2, легованих Hf (0,2 мас. %) з використанням методу поляризаційної комірки Вагнера. Проаналізовано вплив легуючої домішки Hf на характер і параметри електронної провідності дийодиду свинцю. На основі одержаних струмопотенціальних залежностей встановлено р-тип провідності монокристалу PbI2:Hf. Визначено величини діркової провідності (sро) у досліджуваному інтервалі температур, за якими побудовано температурну залежність. Виявлено закономірність збільшення величини sро монокристалу PbI2:Hf із підвищенням температури. Проведено порівняльний аналіз результатів дослідження електронно-діркової складової провідності PbI2 і PbI2:Hf, з якого встановлено зменшення енергії активації sро з 0,47 еВ до 0,32 еВ при легуванні гафнієм. Зроблено висновок про виникнення нових домішкових акцепторних рівнів, розташованих на відстані 0,64 еВ від стелі валентної зони, обумовлених наявністю домішки Hf  у кристалах PbІ2