40 research outputs found

    Unicystic ameloblastoma in 3 year old paediatric patient: a rare entity

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    Unicystic ameloblastoma (UA) is a benign epithelial odontogenic tumor of the jaws that commonly occurs in 2nd and 3rd decade of life. In fact, this entity is rare in children under 12 years of age. It is characterised as a distinct variant of ameloblastoma, exhibiting a less aggressive behaviour and a lower rate of recurrence than solid conventional ameloblastoma. There are very few reported cases of UA occurring in children below five years of age. The purpose of this case report is to describe a case of UA involving the crown of an unerupted maxillary second premolar in a 3 year old girl. The pathogenesis, clinical appearance, radiographic presentation, histological findings and management of the tumour have also been discussed

    Unicystic Ameloblastoma: Clinical Pathological Analysis of 22 Cases

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    Svrha rada: Uniblastični ameloblastom (UA) vrsta je solidnog ili multicističnog ameloblastoma. To je posebna, manje agresivna varijanta nižeg stupnja rekurencije. Istraživanje je obavljeno usporedbom kliničkih i patohistoloških nalaza niza dijagnoza uniblastičnih ameloblastoma iz arhiva Stomatološkog instituta Maulana Azad sa slučajevima opisanima u literaturi. Materijali i metode: Nakon petogodišnje analize 122 dijagnoze ameloblastoma iz arhiva Odjela za oralnu patologiju Stomatološkog instituta Maulana Azad u New Delhiju u Indiji, odabrana su 22 slučaja. Svi su procijenjeni te se bilježila dob pacijenta, spol, radiografska lokacija i podaci o novotvorini, klinička dijagnoza, histopatološka svojstva, terapija i podaci o kontrolama. Rezultati: Odabrana su 22 slučaja uniblastičnog ameloblastoma od ukupno 112 izdvojenih dijagnoza unatrag pet godina. Raspon dobi pacijenata bio je od 3 do 65 godina, a najčešće se bolest pojavljivala u trećem desetljeću života. Zastupljenost prema spolu bila je podjednaka. Kod većine oboljelih bila je zahvaćena mandibula (n=19), a samo kod troje maksila. Veličina lezije iznosila je od 5 x 1 centimetar do 7,4 x 2,8 centimetara. Najčešći zajednički simptom bio je bezbolna oteklina, pa se koštana egzostoza vidjela u 18 slučajeva. Jednostruka lezija pojavila se kod 20 pacijenata, a višestruka kod dvoje. Mikroskopski su svi slučajevi zadovoljavali kriterije Philipsena i Reicharta (luminal – 8, luminal i intraluminal – 4, luminal, intraluminal i intramural – 3 te luminal i intramural – 7). Nađene su i višestruke varijacije epitela obloženog oko neoplazme. Tijekom kontrola bolest se kod 16 pacijenata nije ponovno pojavila. Zaključak: U istraživanju su se uspoređivali klinički, radiografski i histološki podaci iz 22 dijagnoze UA. Potrebno je dodatno proučiti histogenezu i dijagnostičke nedostatke te treba li produljiti razdoblje kontrola tretiranih lezija.Objective: Unicystic ameloblastoma (UA) is a variant of solid or multicystic ameloblastoma. It is characterized as a distinct variant exhibiting less aggressive behavior and a lower rate of recurrence. The current study was carried out to correlate the clinical pathological findings of the studied series of UA with the other reviewed cases in the literature. Materials and Methods: A total of 22 cases of UA were obtained after reviewing 112 cases of ameloblastoma from the archives of Department of Oral Pathology, Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences, India over a five year period. All the cases were assessed for patient age, gender, location, radiographic features, clinical diagnosis, histopathological features, treatment and available follow-up data. Result: The series represents 22 cases of UA out of 112 cases of ameloblastoma seen during a 5 year period. The age at diagnosis ranged from 3-65 years and peaked during the 3rd decade of life with an almost equal gender predilection. The majority of the cases involved the mandible (n=19) and only 3 were seen in the maxilla. The size of the lesion ranged from 1.5x1cm to 7.4x2.8cm. A painless swelling was the most common presenting symptom and bony expansion was evident in 18 cases. Unilocular radiolucency was encountered in 20 and multilocular in 2 cases. Microscopically, all the 22 cases satisfied the criteria proposed by Philipsen and Reichart (Luminal-8, Luminal and intraluminal-4, Luminal, intraluminal and intramural- 3 and Luminal and intramural-7). Numerous variations in the lining epithelium were observed. The follow-up data were available for 16 patients and revealed no recurrence. Conclusion: The study has collected clinical, radiographic and histological data for 22 cases of UA. The histogenesis, diagnostic pitfalls as well as the need for prolonged follow-up of treated lesions have been emphasized

    Causal effect of plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 on coronary heart disease

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    Background--Plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) plays an essential role in the fibrinolysis system and thrombosis. Population studies have reported that blood PAI-1 levels are associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). However, it is unclear whether the association reflects a causal influence of PAI-1 on CHD risk. Methods and Results--To evaluate the association between PAI-1 and CHD, we applied a 3-step strategy. First, we investigated the observational association between PAI-1 and CHD incidence using a systematic review based on a literature search for PAI-1 and CHD studies. Second, we explored the causal association between PAI-1 and CHD using a Mendelian randomization approach using summary statistics from large genome-wide association studies. Finally, we explored the causal effect of PAI-1 on cardiovascular risk factors including metabolic and subclinical atherosclerosis measures. In the systematic meta-analysis, the highest quantile of blood PAI-1 level was associated with higher CHD risk comparing with the lowest quantile (odds ratio=2.17; 95% CI: 1.53, 3.07) in an age- and sex-adjusted model. The effect size was reduced in studies using a multivariable-adjusted model (odds ratio=1.46; 95% CI: 1.13, 1.88). The Mendelian randomization analyses suggested a causal effect of increased PAI-1 level on CHD risk (odds ratio=1.22 per unit increase of log-transformed PAI-1; 95% CI: 1.01, 1.47). In addition, we also detected a causal effect of PAI-1 on elevating blood glucose and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Conclusions--Our study indicates a causal effect of elevated PAI-1 level on CHD risk, which may be mediated by glucose dysfunction

    Verification of mathematical model for displacement washing of kraft pulp fibres

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    140-148A transient mathematical model has been followed to study the displacement washing of pulp bed composed of porous, compressible and cylindrical shaped fibres. The flow pattern of wash liquid through the bed can be described by a dispersion flow model involving Peclet number and Biot number. The effect of porosity along with Peclet number and Biot number on the solution profile of exit solute concentration via breakthrough curves has been studied. Concentration of solute adsorbed on fibre surface and intrapore solute concentration are related by Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Displacement washing has been simulated using a laboratory washing cell. Five runs of experiments have been performed on pulp beds formed from unbeaten, unbleached kraft fibres to check the authenticity of theoretical results. Axial dispersion coefficient is found to be influenced by interstitial velocity as well as the bed consistency. Washing process is affected collectively by Peclet number, Biot number and bed porosity

    An Efficient Scheme for Numerical Solution of Burgers’ Equation Using Quintic Hermite Interpolating Polynomials

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    A numerical scheme combining the features of quintic Hermite interpolating polynomials and orthogonal collocation method has been presented to solve the well-known non-linear Burgers’ equation. The quintic Hermite collocation method (QHCM) solves the non-linear Burgers’ equation directly without converting it into linear form using Hopf–Cole transformation. Stability of the QHCM has been checked using Eucledian and Supremum norms. Numerical values obtained from QHCM are compared with the values obtained from other techniques such as orthogonal collocation method, orthogonal collocation on finite elements and pdepe solver. Numerical values have been plotted using plane and surface plots to demonstrate the results graphically. Mathematics Subject Classification 35K05, 35K10, 35K57, 65M60, 65M7

    An Efficient Scheme for Numerical Solution of Burgers’ Equation Using Quintic Hermite Interpolating Polynomials

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    A numerical scheme combining the features of quintic Hermite interpolating polynomials and orthogonal collocation method has been presented to solve the well-known non-linear Burgers’ equation. The quintic Hermite collocation method (QHCM) solves the non-linear Burgers’ equation directly without converting it into linear form using Hopf–Cole transformation. Stability of the QHCM has been checked using Eucledian and Supremum norms. Numerical values obtained from QHCM are compared with the values obtained from other techniques such as orthogonal collocation method, orthogonal collocation on finite elements and pdepe solver. Numerical values have been plotted using plane and surface plots to demonstrate the results graphically. Mathematics Subject Classification 35K05, 35K10, 35K57, 65M60, 65M7

    Numerical solution of heat conduction problems using orthogonal collocation on finite elements

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    AbstractTechnique of orthogonal collocation along with finite elements has been presented to solve the linear and non linear heat conduction problems numerically. Choice of Lagrangian interpolation polynomials as base function has been opted to discretize the trial function. Error analysis has been discussed in terms of element size for both the linear and non linear problems. Proposed technique has been applied on different types of linear and non linear heat conduction problems and the numerical values are plotted using 2D and 3D graphs

    Simulace praní vrstvy porézních částic pomocí kvintických Hermitových splinů

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    A comprehensive two phase non-linear mathematical model has been presented with special reference to particle geometry and pore radius of particles. Model equations have been divided into bulk fluid phase and particle phase. Bulk fluid phase is characterized by external fluid whereas particle phase signifies the intraparticle solute concentration and solute concentration adsorbed on particle surface. Interparticle solute concentration and the concentration of solute adsorbed on particle surface are related by Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Model equations have been discretized numerically by Hermite collocation method with quintic basis. Effect of different parameters has been shown via breakthrough curves. Model predicted values have been compared to experimental values given in literature to check the applicability of the model.Byl ukázán komplexní dvoufázový nelineární matematický model s ohledem na geometrii částic a poloměr jejich pórů. Rovnice modelu byly formulovány pro kapalnou fázi a pro částice, obsahující látku sorbovanou na jejich povrchu a popsanou Langmuirovou adsorpční isotermou. K numerické diskretizaci rovnic modelu byla použita kolokační metoda s kvintickým základem. Vliv různých parametrů byl ukázán na vytěsňovacích křivkách praní. Za účelem ověření matematického modelu byly predikované hodnoty porovnány s experimentálními hodnotami z literatury

    Studie dvoufázového nelineárního disperzního modelu vytěsňovacího praní porézních částic pomocí metody OCFE s Lagrangeovým základem

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    A comprehensive diffusion dispersion model has been presented for displacement washing of porous particles. Model equations have been divided into two phases, namely bulk fluid phase and particle phase. Both the phases have been characterized by particle geometry and pore radius of particles. Inter-pore and intra-pore solute concentrations have been related to Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Nonlinear set of model equations has been solved by using the technique of orthogonal collocation on finite elements with Lagrangian basis. Effect of different parameters such as Péclet number, bed porosity and distribution ratio has been shown graphically via breakthrough curves and surface plots. Stability of the numerical technique has been checked by L2 and L∞ norms for different values of parameters. Validity of the model on the laboratory-scale washer has been verified by comparing experimental and model-predicted values. Applicability of the model has also been discussed through industrial parameters.Byl předložen komplexní difuzně-disperzní model pro vytěsňovací praní porézních částic. Rovnice modelu byly vytvořeny pro kapalnou fázi a pro porézní částice na základě geometrických charakteristik částic. Koncentrace rozpuštěných látek v pórech mezi částicemi a uvnitř částic byly popsány za předpokladu platnosti Lagmuirovy adsorpční izotermy. Soustava nelineárních rovnic byla řešena metodou ortogonální kolokace na konečných prvcích s Lagrangeovým základem. Vliv různých parametrů (Pécletovo kritérium, mezerovitost vrstvy a distribuční poměr) byl znázorněn graficky pomocí vytěsňovacích křivek a povrchových grafů. Stabilita numerické metody byla kontrolovaná normami L2 a L∞ pro různé hodnoty parametrů. Platnost modelu pro laboratorní měřítko byla ověřena porovnáním experimentálně získaných a vypočtených hodnot. Použitelnost modelu byla rovněž vyzkoušena pro průmyslové měřítko

    Knowledge about human papillomavirus (HPV) related oral cancers among oral health professionals in university setting: a cross sectional study

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    Introduction: Scientific literature suggests that human papillomavirus (HPV) infection may be associated with oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). However, knowledge regarding HPV-OSCC link among oral health professionals (OHP) has been insufficient. So, the aim of this study was to assess the knowledge about HPV associated OSCC among OHP working in dental faculties in Malaysia. Methodology: Ethical committee of the University approved this study. A validated, pre-tested questionnaire was sent electronically to 224 OHP. Questionnaire collected information regarding demography, knowledge about HPV-OSCC link, HPV vaccine, and willingness to educate patients about HPV OSCC link among the participants of this cross-sectional study. Data collected was analysed using “Stata/IC-13” and was summarised using descriptive statistics like frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Results: Out of 179 participants, around 39% of the participant's opined virus was not a causative factor for OSCC. Around, 44% replied posterior portion of the tongue/oro-pharynx was the commonest site for HPV related OSCC, whereas 29% replied that lateral border of the tongue was the common site for HPV related OSCC. Forty one percent educated patients regarding HPV infection being a causative factor for OSCC. HPV vaccine can prevent OSCC was stated by 70% OHP. Only 12% were aware of the availability of HPV vaccine in Malaysia. Majority (99%), agreed that there is a need to offer continuing education programmes to dentists highlighting advances and preventive strategies in the fight against OSCC. Conclusion: Substantial increase in awareness is required among OHP regarding HPV-OSCC link