404 research outputs found

    Genetic networks of antibacterial responses of eukaryotic cells. Bioinformatics analysis and modeling

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    This work describes the development of new methods to construction of promoter models as one of necessary steps of regulatory networks construction. Identification of characteristic promoter features shows the role of specific transcription factors (TFs) in triggering the response, which in turn sheds light on the signaling pathways activating these TFs. Treating reported results of microarray analyses together with other available information about the genes expressed in different cellular systems under consideration, we search for distinguishing features of the promoters of coexpressed genes. The application of such promoter models enables to identify additional candidate genes belonging to the same regulatory network. Four novel approaches are presented in this work: (i) subtractive approach to matrix generation; (ii) distance distribution approach; (iii) "seed" sets approach; (iv) complementary pairs approach. These approaches help to solve serious problems in promoter model construction such as the doubtful reliability of positive training sets ("seed" sets approach) and lack of knowledge about the exact signaling pathways triggering the gene expression (complementary pairs approach); the subtractive approach to matrix generation allows to refine positional weight matrices (PWM) for heterogeneous sets of binding sites, thus to improve the PWM search for single TFBS. A significant improvement of the specificity of promoter analysis has been achieved by applying statistical methods for characterizing TFBS combinations at over-represented distances rather than the mere identification of single potential TFBS (distance distributions approach). The newly developed methods were applied to the description of four defensive eukaryotic systems in terms of transcription regulation. The obtained models enabled us to gain better insights into the pathways of the corresponding signaling networks.Diese Arbeit beschreibt die Entwicklung mehrerer neuer Methoden zur Konstruktion von Promotormodellen als einen der notwendigen Schritte zur Konstruktion regulatorischer Netzwerke. Die Identifizierung charakteristischer Eigenschaften von Promotoren zeigt die Rolle bestimmter Transkriptionsfaktoren (TF) beim Auslösen spezifischer Antworten auf, was wiederum Aufschluss über die Signalwege zur Aktivierung dieser TF gibt. Durch Verarbeitung von Ergebnissen aus Microarray-Analysen zusammen mit weiteren verfügbaren Informationen über die in den betrachteten zellulären Systemen exprimierten Gene suchen wir nach kennzeichnenden Eigenschaften koregulierter Promotoren. Die Applikation solcher Promotermodelle ermöglicht die Identifizierung zusätzlicher Kandidatengene, die demselben regulatorischen Netzwerk angehören. Vier neue Ansätze werden in dieser Arbeit präsentiert: (i) der subtraktive Ansatz zur Matrixerzeugung; (ii) der Distanzverteilungsansatz; (iii) der "seed"-Set-Ansatz; (iv) der Ansatz komplementärer Paare. Diese Ansätze helfen, beträchtliche Probleme der Promotormodellkonstruktion zu lösen, wie die zweifelhafte Zuverlässigkeit positiver Trainingsets ("seed"-Set-Ansatz) und der Mangel an Wissen über die präzisen Signalwege, die bestimmte Genexpressionsereignisse auslösen (Ansatz komplementärer Paare). Der subtraktive Ansatz zur Matrixerzeugung erlaubt, Positionsgewichtungsmatrizen (PWM) für heterogene Sets von Bindungsstellen zu verfeinern und dadurch die PWM-Suche für einzelne TFBSs zur verbessern. Eine signifikante Verbesserung der Spezifität der Promotoranalyse wurde durch die Anwendung statistischer Methoden zur Charakterisierung von TFBS-Kombinationen in überrepräsentierten Distanzen anstelle der bloßen Identifizierung einzelner potentieller TFBSs erreicht. Die neuentwickelten Methoden wurden zur Beschreibung von vier eukaryotischen Abwehrsystemen verwendet. Die erhaltenen Modelle eröffneten tiefergehende Einsichten in die Pfade der zugehörigen Signalnetzwerke

    Investigation of thin film solar cells on CdS/CdTe base with different back contacts

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    The peculiarities of photo-electric processes in thin film CdS/CdTe solar cells (SC) with different back electrodes (Cu/Au, ITO, Cu/ITO) havebeen studied. As it was established by capacitance – voltage (C-V) characteristics, the potential barrier heights for CdTe/Cu/Au and CdTe/ITO were 0.3 eV and 2.2 eV, respectively. The concentrations of charge carriers near back contact consisted 9⋅10²⁰ m⁻³ and 2⋅10²¹ m⁻³, respectively. A high carrier concentration and hi gh potential barrier of the ITO back contact caused the tunnel – recombination mechanism of the charge transport. The investigations of CdS/CdTe/ITO SC spectral photosensitivity testify a negative impact of the developed grain-boundary surface of the base layer on the processes of diffusion and separation of non-equilibrium currentcarriers generated by short-wave radiation. It is shown that the deposition of Cu nanolayer before the deposition of ITO films give stable efficiency 10% for bifacial CdS/CdTe solar cells

    The use of experience of the developed countries in financial management of Ukraine

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    Досліджено теоретичні основи функціонування фінансового ринку країн з розвиненою економікою. Висвітлено аспекти становлення та розвитку фінансових систем, специфіки організації державних фінансів зарубіжних країн. Детально розглянуто фінансові системи США, Великобританії, Франції, Німеччини та Скандинавських країн, визначено їх місце і роль на світовому фінансовому ринку. Запропоновано заходи щодо трансформації фінансової системи України, а саме: оптимізація кількості та структури бюджетних установ; покращення функціонування ринку капіталу як основи інвестиційного процесу в країні; здійснення державного регулювання процесів входження іноземного капіталу в економіку країни; раціональне планування та прогнозування обсягів фінансування видаткових програм на тривалий період, встановлення громадського контролю і прозорості фінансових процедур.The theoretical basis of the financial markets functioning in advanced economies are reviewed in the article. The aspects of the formation and development of financial systems, the specifics of public finances abroad are highlighted. The financial systems of the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany and The Nordic countries are examined in details, their place and role in the global market are determined. The measures for the transformation of the financial system of Ukraine are offered, such as: optimization of the number and structure of budgetary institutions, improvement of the functioning of the capital market as the basis of the investment process in the country; the implementation of public regulation of foreign capital entry into the economy; rational planning and forecasting of funding spending programs for long-term period and the establishment of public control and transparency of financial procedures. In the developed countries perfect financial market works effectively due to the low rate of inflation, the successful development of the economy, stable legal and regulatory framework, favorable political climate and a balance of interests in society. Taking into account that the financial market of the country is formed in a process of transformation, it requires an extensive research with both theoretical and practical point of views. Taking into account the negligible period of operation compared to economically developed countries, financial market of Ukraine has some flaws that are needed to be resolved, but it is necessary to examine the trends that emerged both within the domestic and international financial markets carefully. This will allow to build a qualitatively new model of development of the Ukrainian financial market with a strong banking sector and a highly efficient capital market

    Perceptions of the Black Sea Region Security Amid the Russian Invasion of Ukraine: View from Ukraine

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    The article presents an analysis of Ukrainian strategic documents and the results of expert interviews and expert surveys regarding Ukrainian perceptions and visions of Black Sea security, and current challenges and opportunities for cooperation between Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Ukraine. Despite certain differences in policy priorities, Baku, Tbilisi, and Kyiv could contribute to strengthening security in the wider Black Sea region by enhancing mutual practical cooperation in the defence sector, resistance to hybrid threats, and joint energy projects. An increase in NATO presence in the Black Sea is considered necessary for strengthening regional security, as well as greater cooperation with the UK, the US, Turkey and Romania

    The levels of relaxin and amino acids play a critical role in women with variable degree of preparedness for labour

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    Underlying biochemical factors that contribute towards the preparedness for labour and ripening of the cervix remain largely unknown. We aimed to characterize metabolic and hormonal determinants that constitute the preparedness for labour in women. The aim of the research was to study the content of relaxin and amino acids involved in its formation in primiparous pregnant women with various degrees of birth preparedness. Materials and methods: Prospective study has been conducted on 115 primiparous women at 38-40 weeks of gestation. Biochemical methods were used to analyse relaxin and amino acid levels in pregnant women with varying degree of birth preparedness. Results: the obtained data from the study indicate importance role of relaxin in the underlying pathogenesis in women with variable degree of preparedness for labour. The results allow to use the levels of relaxin serum as a predictor of the state of the birth canal. Furthermore, the amino acids are known to participate in various critical metabolic processes and play an important role is orchestrating many essential pathways in the body. We present the analysis of amino acids involved in the formation of relaxin in the serum of pregnant women. Our analysis has shown that amino acid imbalance leads to disruption of energy metabolism and blood flow rate, resulting in metabolic, structural and functional changes in the cervix at the onset of labour. Conclusion: considering the mechanisms of the possible influence of relaxin and amino acids on the cervical ripening, we concluded that correcting amino acid imbalance and normalising relaxin levels should be included in preinduction of labour therapeutic regimen. This would be an important step in improving the perinatal outcome

    Classification problems of intangible assets as objects of accounting

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    Досліджено та уточнено економічний зміст нематеріальних активів у якості визначального фактора отримання економічних вигод та утримання конкурентних позицій. Наведено аналіз підходів науковців до класифікації нематеріальних активів з точки зору впливу таких підходів на методологію відображення зазначених активів у бухгалтерському обліку. Узагальнено критерії, що застосовуються відповідно до вітчизняного та зарубіжного законодавства для визнання об’єктів обліку нематеріальними активами та їх класифікації. Обґрунтовано важливість удосконалення існуючої класифікації таких активів для цілей бухгалтерського обліку, виходячи з вітчизняного та зарубіжного досвіду.Intangible assets are an essential key for the development and success of organizations competing in the economic and technological context of the present time. They become the main instigators in the creation of value in entities. They are becoming so important that their identification and classification is an urgent task. Different criteria have been used for the classification of intangible assets in different regulations, such as ability for identification, acquisition method, benefit-making capability etc. In this sense, the accounting norms generally use two criteria to define intangible assets: their ability for identification (identifiable or non-identifiable) and the way they were acquired and became part of the company’s property (whether acquired externally). However, despite the efforts made in recent years in order to understand the nature of intangible assets and the vast literature on them, there is no unanimous definition for a clear and objective delimitation and classification of intangible assets. In this situation, both academic and regulating bodies currently face the challenge of making joint efforts to develop an appropriate definition of intangible assets and establish a coherent classification. Thus, the primary task of the paper is to analyze different approaches to the classification of intangible assets. The importance of improving existing classification of such assets for the purpose of accounting according to the national and foreign experience is shown

    From spirals to lenticulars: evidence from the rotation curves and mass models of three early-type galaxies

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    Rotation curves have traditionally been difficult to trace for early-type galaxies (ETGs) because they often lack a high-density disk of cold gas as in late-type galaxies (LTGs). We derive rotation curves for three lenticular galaxies from the ATLAS3D survey, combining CO data in the inner parts with deep HI data in the outer regions, extending out to 10-20 effective radii. We also use Spitzer photometry at 3.6 um to decompose the rotation curves into the contributions of baryons and dark matter (DM). We find that (1) the rotation-curve shapes of these ETGs are similar to those of LTGs of similar mass and surface brightness; (2) the dynamically-inferred stellar mass-to-light ratios are small for quiescent ETGs but similar to those of star-forming LTGs; (3) the DM halos follow the same scaling relations with galaxy luminosity as those of LTGs; (4) one galaxy (NGC 3626) is poorly fitted by cuspy DM profiles, suggesting that DM cores may exist in high-mass galaxies too. Our results indicate that these lenticular galaxies have recently transitioned from LTGs to ETGs without altering their DM halo structure (e.g., via a major merger) and could be faded spirals. We also confirm that ETGs follow the same radial acceleration relation as LTGs, reinforcing the notion that this is a universal law for all galaxy types.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&