286 research outputs found

    Understanding the role of implicit self-esteem in responses to positive feedback

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    This study examined the effect of positive feedback (in the context of high scores received on an intelligence test) on positive and negative speeded self-ratings, positive and negative affect, and state self-esteem as a function of participants’ implicit self-esteem. One prior study found that participants with low explicit self-esteem and low implicit self-esteem felt worse after receiving positive feedback than participants with low explicit and high implicit self-esteem. The present study attempted to replicate this effect in addition to testing whether negative responses to positive feedback can be reduced by a correction procedure. Overall, this study failed to replicate the finding that participants with low explicit self-esteem respond differently to positive feedback as a function of their level of implicit self-esteem.Psychology Department (Billingslea award)Arts and Sciences Research ScholarshipSocial and Behavioral Sciences Research GrantNo embarg

    Quantitative plane-resolved crystal growth and dissolution kinetics by coupling in situ optical microscopy and diffusion models : the case of salicylic acid in aqueous solution

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    The growth and dissolution kinetics of salicylic acid crystals are investigated in situ by focusing on individual microscale crystals. From a combination of optical microscopy and finite element method (FEM) modeling, it was possible to obtain a detailed quantitative picture of dissolution and growth dynamics for individual crystal faces. The approach uses real-time in situ growth and dissolution data (crystal size and shape as a function of time) to parametrize a FEM model incorporating surface kinetics and bulk to surface diffusion, from which concentration distributions and fluxes are obtained directly. It was found that the (001) face showed strong mass transport (diffusion) controlled behavior with an average surface concentration close to the solubility value during growth and dissolution over a wide range of bulk saturation levels. The (1̅10) and (110) faces exhibited mixed mass transport/surface controlled behavior, but with a strong diffusive component. As crystals became relatively large, they tended to exhibit peculiar hollow structures in the end (001) face, observed by interferometry and optical microscopy. Such features have been reported in a number of crystals, but there has not been a satisfactory explanation for their origin. The mass transport simulations indicate that there is a large difference in flux across the crystal surface, with high values at the edge of the (001) face compared to the center, and this flux has to be redistributed across the (001) surface. As the crystal grows, the redistribution process evidently can not be maintained so that the edges grow at the expense of the center, ultimately creating high index internal structures. At later times, we postulate that these high energy faces, starved of material from solution, dissolve and the extra flux of salicylic acid causes the voids to close

    Precipitation of hydroxyapatite at 37 °C in a meso oscillatory flow reactor operated in batch at constant power density

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    A meso oscillatory flow reactor (OFR) was successfully applied for the precipitation of hydroxyapatite (HAp) nanoparticles. Mixing efficiency of the mesoreactor operated batchwise in a vertical tube was evaluated at constant power density, by monitoring variation of hue values upon mixing both spatially and temporally. The best operating conditions for fast mixing and a more homogeneous reaction medium were verified for f = 0.83 Hz and x0 = 4.5 mm. HAp precipitation was then carried out under these conditions at 37 °C for different mixing Ca/P molar ratios. HAp nanoparticles with a mean size (d50) of about 67 nm and a narrow size distribution were obtained. Furthermore, the obtained results show the advantages of the meso-OFR over a stirred tank batch reactor due to the production, about four times faster, of smaller and more uniform HAp nanoparticles. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2013This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (SFRH/BD/42992/2008) through the MIT-Portugal Program, Bioengineering Systems Focus Area. The authors are thankful to Dr Jorge Ferreira from LNEG (Laboratorio Nacional de Energia e Geologia, Portugal) for carrying out the X-ray measurements and his help with the interpretation of results

    Evidence for the existence of powder sub-populations in micronized materials : Aerodynamic size-fractions of aerosolized powders possess distinct physicochemical properties

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    This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits any use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and the source are credited.Purpose: To investigate the agglomeration behaviour of the fine ( 12.8 µm) particle fractions of salmeterol xinafoate (SX) and fluticasone propionate (FP) by isolating aerodynamic size fractions and characterising their physicochemical and re-dispersal properties. Methods: Aerodynamic fractionation was conducted using the Next Generation Impactor (NGI). Re-crystallized control particles, unfractionated and fractionated materials were characterized for particle size, morphology, crystallinity and surface energy. Re-dispersal of the particles was assessed using dry dispersion laser diffraction and NGI analysis. Results: Aerosolized SX and FP particles deposited in the NGI as agglomerates of consistent particle/agglomerate morphology. SX particles depositing on Stages 3 and 5 had higher total surface energy than unfractionated SX, with Stage 5 particles showing the greatest surface energy heterogeneity. FP fractions had comparable surface energy distributions and bulk crystallinity but differences in surface chemistry. SX fractions demonstrated higher bulk disorder than unfractionated and re-crystallized particles. Upon aerosolization, the fractions differed in their intrinsic emission and dispersion into a fine particle fraction (< 5.0 µm). Conclusions: Micronized powders consisted of sub-populations of particles displaying distinct physicochemical and powder dispersal properties compared to the unfractionated bulk material. This may have implications for the efficiency of inhaled drug deliveryPeer reviewe

    The presentation, clinical features, complications, and treatment of congenital dacryocystocele

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    Purpose To determine the incidence and presenting features of congenital dacryocystocele in the United Kingdom. To report on those cases complicated by dacryocystitis, respiratory compromise, and the treatment undertaken. Methods A prospective observational study of cases of congenital dacryocystocele presenting in the United Kingdom between September 2014 and October 2015. Infants <3 months of age presenting with a cystic swelling in the medial canthal area were included. Cases were identified via the British Ophthalmology Surveillance Unit (BOSU) reporting system. Results A total of 49 cases were reported during the study period. This gives an incidence of 1 in 18 597 live births. There was a 71% response rate to the questionnaire. The average age at presentation was 16.94 days. Dacryocystoceles were unilateral in 91% of cases. Dacryocystitis was a complicating factor in 49% of patients and 17% had respiratory distress. Uncomplicated dacryocystocele responded well to conservative measures in 86%. Surgical intervention was required in 23% of patients. Those cases complicated by dacryocystitis (29%) and nasal obstruction (17%) were more likely to require surgical intervention compared to those with dacryocystocele alone (14%). Digital massage appears to reduce the likelihood of requiring surgical intervention. The mean time to resolution was 19 days. Conclusions Congenital dacryocystocele is a rare presentation in the United Kingdom. Dacryocystitis and respiratory compromise commonly complicate a dacryocystocele. The use of digital massage as an early intervention is advocated and conservative measures may be sufficient in cases of uncomplicated dacryocystocele

    Production and characterization of carbamazepine nanocrystals by electrospraying for continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing

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    In this paper, an electrospray technique followed by annealing at high temperatures was developed to produce nanocrystals of carbamazepine (CBZ), a poorly water-soluble drug, for continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing process. Electrospraying solutions of CBZ in methanol obeys the expected scaling law of current, which is I ∼ Q[superscript 1/2] (I, electrical current; Q, flow rate), for liquids with sufficiently high conductivity and viscosity. Lower flow rates during electrospraying were preferred to produce smaller diameters of monodisperse, dense CBZ nanoparticles. CBZ nanoparticles were predominantly amorphous immediately after electrospraying. Crystallization of CBZ nanoparticles was accelerated by annealing at high temperatures. CBZ nanocrystals with the most stable polymorph, form III, were obtained by annealing at 90°C, which is above the transition temperature, 78°C, for the enantiotropic CBZ form III and form I. The solubility and dissolution rates of CBZ nanocrystals increased significantly as compared with those of CBZ bulk particles. Therefore, electrospray technology has the potential to produce pharmaceutical dosage forms with enhanced bioavailability and can readily be integrated in a continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing process.Novartis-MIT Center for Continuous Manufacturin


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    An approach and hardware-software set to address parameters of electrical influence on sinocarotid reflexogenous zones have been developed. Exposure represents a flow of electrical pulses affecting transcutaneously reflexogenous zones for optimal hemodynamics, and lower blood pressure in particular.Разработана медицинская методология и создан аппаратно-программный комплекс для поиска параметров электрического воздействия на синокаротидные рефлексогенные зоны. Воздействие представляет поток электрических импульсов, чрезкожно влияющих на рефлексогенныеные зоны с целью оптимизации режима гемодинамики, в частности снижения артериального давления

    Controlled Crystallization of the Lipophilic Drug Fenofibrate During Freeze-Drying: Elucidation of the Mechanism by In-Line Raman Spectroscopy

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    We developed a novel process, “controlled crystallization during freeze-drying” to produce drug nanocrystals of poorly water-soluble drugs. This process involves freeze-drying at a relatively high temperature of a drug and a matrix material from a mixture of tertiary butyl alcohol and water, resulting in drug nanocrystals incorporated in a matrix. The aim of this study was to elucidate the mechanisms that determine the size of the drug crystals. Fenofibrate was used as a model lipophilic drug. To monitor the crystallization during freeze-drying, a Raman probe was placed just above the sample in the freeze-dryer. These in-line Raman spectroscopy measurements clearly revealed when the different components crystallized during freeze-drying. The solvents crystallized only during the freezing step, while the solutes only crystallized after the temperature was increased, but before drying started. Although the solutes crystallized only after the freezing step, both the freezing rate and the shelf temperature were critical parameters that determined the final crystal size. At a higher freezing rate, smaller interstitial spaces containing the freeze-concentrated fraction were formed, resulting in smaller drug crystals (based on dissolution data). On the other hand, when the solutes crystallized at a lower shelf temperature, the degree of supersaturation is higher, resulting in a higher nucleation rate and consequently more and therefore smaller crystals. In conclusion, for the model drug fenofibrate, a high freezing rate and a relatively low crystallization temperature resulted in the smallest crystals and therefore the highest dissolution rate