6,487 research outputs found

    Introduction to Library Trends 33 (3) Winter 1985: Collection Evaluation

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    Aceh Unique Souvenir Design

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    Special Region of Aceh as one of the westernmost regions in Indonesia has a very unique and rich cultural wealth. As an area which is the entrance of trade from the west, Acehnese culture acculturated with cultures from other countries such as Arabic, India and Malay. These cultural products are fragmented and form their own uniqueness that is developed according to customs, beliefs of the regions in Aceh. Examples such as Gayo, Leung Bata, Aceh Tamiang and others. The results of the acculturation shape the uniqueness of each region in Aceh from traditional clothing that is different from the shape, color and accessories. At the end of 2014, where Aceh experienced a tsunami that devastated Aceh. The disaster resulted in much of the infra-structure in Aceh being destroyed and lost. Cultural products, relics were destroyed by the tsunami. Over time Aceh reor-ganized itself, Aceh tried to rise, especially in terms of the economy. Designing unique accessories for Aceh certainly has its own challenges because Aceh is divided into regions that have his-torically shaped their specific characteristics. In this case, of course one must find a common thread that will connect between regions in Aceh so that the accessories that will be designed at least can be enough to be one of the unique accessories of Aceh. In addition to being able to re-identify one of Aceh's unique cultures, it can also help Aceh to revive its economy again. Key words: Souvenir, Aceh, Identity, Econom

    Disentangling Achievement Orientation and Goal Setting: Effects on Self-Regulatory Processes

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    Creativity has been underscored as a key factor to organizational adaptability and competitiveness in today\u27s rapidly changing business environment. Designing as well as managing work environments that facilitate creativity have therefore received growing attention, resulting in a multitude of research examining the social-psychological work environment. Few studies, however, have focused on the contribution of the physical work environment to supporting creativity in the workplace. This study focuses on the role of the physical environment in supporting creativity in organizations by identifying specific physical features and attributes of the work environment perceived to promote or inhibit creativity. The research design compares four organizations publicly acclaimed for their innovative social-psychological work environments, but which are distinctly different in terms of the physical work environment. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected by means of survey questionnaires [N = 1 30). Results indicate that the physical work environment exerts indirect influence on creativity by contributing to two significant social-psychological conditions that are conducive to creativity, namely dynamism and freedom. The study specifies attributes of the physical work environment perceived to be positively and negatively associated with both of these conditions

    Climate-smart agriculture appreciation event for the members of the Philippine Network of Environmental Journalists

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    The appreciation event was organized to provide the members of the media with the basic concepts about the effects of climate change to agriculture, and of the contribution of agriculture to climate change; to facilitate collection stories on field-based experiences through interactions with farmers who have adopted practices that helped them adapt to climate risks; and to showcase climate smart agriculture approaches in demo farms, school garden, and farmers field. Through this activity, they can also help IIRR extend its reach and scale-out learnings from various CSA initiatives. Once available, these media products will be collated

    Designing Tray for Rasa Rasa Stand in D’Dieuland of Kawasan Wisata Punclut Based on Ergonomic Aspect

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    D’Dieuland is a thematic tourist area located in Pagerwangi Ciumbuleuit Village, Bandung, West Java. D’Dieuland has a large and terraced area, and mostly outdoor. D’Dieuland has various playground and food stands, one of that stands is Rasa Rasa which sells various Sundanese cuisine. Every day there is a process of food distribution from the stand to the dining area by bringing a sufficient number of plates for one serving. Based on observations, it is difficult for the waiter to distribute different types of food (wet and dry) together, and also consider food safety and stability when used. The method used in this ergonomic aspect research is Nordic Body Map questionnaire. The goal is to provide a new design in tray that can be used to serve various food in large terrace area, and comfortable to use. Keywords Rasa Rasa, Food Distribution, Tray, Ergonomic Aspec

    Perancangan Promosi Wisata Petik Madu Di Kota Lawang, Jawa Timur

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    Wisata Petik Madu merupakan sebuah destinasi wisata menarik yang berada di Kota Lawang. Selain bertamasya, pengunjung dapat belajar tentang lebah yang merupakan keunikan dari tempat ini. Fasilitas yang ditawarkan cukup beragam dan tidak dipungut biaya tiket masuk. Tapi, ilmu dan pengalaman yang didapat sangat berguna bagi anak-anak hingga orang dewasa. Namun, promosi yang dilakukan dirasa masih kurang. Media yang telah dibuat kurang memberikan informasi jelas tentang tempat wisata dan untuk mencari informasi melalui internet hanya melalui ulasan yang ditulis orang. Oleh karena itu, dirancanglah media promosi yang dapat mengenalkan dan memberikan informasi yang jelas sehingga dapat menarik minat masyarakat luas untuk berkunjung dan meningkatkan jumlah wisatawan yang datang

    Pola Distribusi Bronkiektasis di Poliklinik Paru RSU Dr. Soedarso Pontianak Periode Januari 2010 – Desember 2011

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    Latar Belakang: Bronkiektasis adalah suatu penyakit yang ditandai denganadanya dilatasi bronkus yang bersifat patologis dan berlangsung kronik. Insidensibronkiektasis di negara-negara barat diperkirakan sebanyak 1,3% diantarapopulasi. Insidensi bronkiektasis cenderung menurun terutama di negara-negaramaju di dunia. Bronkiektasis sebagian besar disebabkan oleh tuberkulosis danakan mengganggu kualitas hidup pasien. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmengetahui distribusi penderita bronkiektasis di Poliklinik Paru RSU Dr.Soedarso Pontianak. Metodologi: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptifdengan pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian dilakukan di RSU Dr. SoedarsoPontianak dari bulan Mei 2012-Juni 2012. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalahsemua pasien yang didiagnosis bronkiektasis berdasarkan rekam medik PoliklinikParu RSU Dr. Soedarso Pontianak dengan memperhatikan kriteria inklusi daneksklusi. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 110 sampel. Sampel dipilihdengan teknik non probability sampling dengan cara consecutive sampling. Datadiambil dengan mengumpulkan data sekunder dari unit rekam medik. Hasil: Hasilpenelitian mendapatkan 110 sampel selama periode penelitian. Penderitabronkiektasis terbanyak terdapat pada rentang usia 44-51 tahun (22,7%), dankejadian bronkiektasis dua kali lebih banyak terjadi pada laki-laki daripadaperempuan. Sebanyak 95 pasien (86,4%) mengeluhkan batuk berdahak, 78 pasien(70,9%) mengeluhkan sesak napas dan 32 pasien (29,1%) mengeluhkanhemoptisis. Sebagian besar penderita bronkiektasis (63,6%) berasal dari daerahPontianak. Sebanyak 63 pasien (57,3%) memiliki riwayat penyakit tuberkulosis,dan 18 pasien (28,57%) diantaranya berusia 44-51 tahun. Sebanyak 69 pasien(62,7%)memiliki gambaran radiologis fokal. Saran: Saran dalam penelitian iniadalah perlunya edukasi dan penyampaian informasi kepada pasien bronkiektasismengenai tanda dan gejala bronkiektasis, terutama bagi pasien post-tuberkulosa
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