1,159 research outputs found

    Suspension of Justice Isa Ayo Salami: Implications for Rule of Law, Judicial Independence and Constitutionalism

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    The suspension of Justice Ayo Salami, President of the Court of Appeal (PCA) opened a new dimension in the Nigerian judiciary; it is the first of its kind at that level. The National Judicial Council (NJC) initiated the suspension and the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria endorsed it. The paper is concerned with implications of the suspension for the rule of law, constitutionalism and judicial independence. The paper argues that the suspension was unconstitutional for procedural irregularity and further reveals that the mechanisms provided by the constitution to guarantee judicial independence are inadequate and ineffective. It also shows that the much-needed independence of judiciary from the political branches in particular, to a greater extent, depends on internal independence which again largely depends on the leadership of the judiciary and the National Judicial Council. This invariably suggests that for there to be independence from the political branches and internal interference there must be a courageous, just, fearless and pro-active leadership of the judiciary and a more independent Judicial Council, and calls for an amendment to the constitution in that direction

    Optimization of insulated HfO2 dielectrics of GaN/InN/GaN/ In0.1Ga0.9N enhancement mode of MIS-HEMT heterostructure for high frequency power amplifier applications

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    In this paper, the enhancement-mode operation of the hetestructure of GaN/InN/GaN/In0.1Ga0.9N of the Metal Insulator Semiconductor High Electron Mobility Transistor (MIS-HEMTs) device having lnN-channel was investigated. The effect of scaling the device dimensions of Metal Insulator, such as the dielectric thickness of HfO2 and the channel lengths, on the electrical performances was analyzed and compared to the currently used heterostructure. The numerical simulation of synopsis TCAD used showed a significant improvement in the electrical properties of the device that achieved a threshold voltage (VT) = 0.828 maximum drain current of 1.77 A/mm V, transconductance (gm) of 2.29 S.mm−1, lowest ON-state resistance (RON) of 0.21 Ω.mm, and along with high-frequency performance achieving fT/ fmax of 98 GHz/129 GHz and 200 GHz/ 360 GHz respectively. The simulations also showed that this scaled GaN/ InN/ GaN/ In0.9Al0.1N heterostructure MIS-HEMT is an excellent substitute to the currently used MIS-HEMTs for delivering high power density and frequency at RF/power amplifier applications.Keywords: Enhancement mode, Hydrodynamic simulation, InN channel, MIS-HEMT, In0.9Al0.1N barrier/buffer, HfO2, TCH, Transconductanc

    The effect of “Gadagi” tea on liver function and serum glucose concentration in albino rats

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    Effect of oral administration of “Gadagi” tea on liver function and serum glucose concentration was assessed on thirty (30) healthy non – pregnant female albino rats. The animals were grouped and administered different doses (mg/kg) i.e. (low dose; 0.75mg/kg for “Sak,” 1.40mg/kg for “Sada” and 2.10mg/kg for “magani.” Standard dose; 1.50mg/kg for “Sak,” 2.80mg/kg for “Sada” and 4.20mg/kg for “magani.” High dose; 3.00mg/kg for “Sak,” 5.60mg/kg for “Sada” and 8.30mg/kg for “magani”) for a period of one week. Animals that were not administered the tea constituted the control group. At the end of one week, the animals were sacrificed and their serum alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), bilirubin (total and direct) and glucose levels were determined. Mean serum glucose level of the control animals was significantly higher (

    Properties Evaluation of Natural Weathered Polyester/Nano-Locust Bean Pods Ash (LBPA) Composite

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    Nano-Locust bean Pod Ash (LBPA) reinforced polyester matrix composite was developed via Sol-gel techniques to investigate the mechanical and physical properties of the composite after weathering. The mechanical and physical test samples were prepared according to ASTM standard. The composite were subjected to weathering tests to study the effect of natural weather and its degradation on the properties of the composites. The moisture absorption of the composite after 24 hours as well as the weight loss of the test samples after degradation was evaluated. Percentage water absorption of the composite increased with increase in percentage reinforcement composition. The percentage weight losses also increase as the percent reinforcement in the composite increases. Weight loss of the test samples after 30 days shows the highest weight loss values. Approximately 54%, 11%, 86%, and 43% drop in values after 90days exposure was recorded for impact, tensile, flexural and hardness test values respectively. The reduction in modulus values recorded for tensile and flexural was approximately 51% and 8%. Keywords: Nanosized LBPA; polyester composite; Natural weathering; Properties  

    Prevalence of Intestinal Helminth Infections among School Children in Relation to Occupation of Parents and Toilets Facilities in Maru L. G. A. Zamfara State.

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    The Study was conducted to study the prevalence of soil transmitted helminth parasites among school age children in Maru L. G. A. Zamfara State. A total 600 hundred school children between the ages of 4- 14 years were examined for Intestinal helminth infections using formol ether concentration technique. A total of 152 (25.33%) were found to be infected with various species of intestinal helminth parasites. The study showed five common intestinal worms in the area. Ascaris lumbricoides has the highest prevalence of 32.23% followed by Enterobius vermicularis (21.05%), Trichuiris trichuira (20.39%), Hook worm (13.81%) and Taenia spp (12.50%). Mixed Infections (29.60%) with some species of parasites were also encountered. The studies shows a significant difference between infection and the occupation of parents (P < 0.05). The study also showed that there was a significant relationship between infection and the  type of toilet facilities used (P < 0.05). Data suggested that soil transmitted helminths are important public health problems hence actions is imperative against deficiencies in sanitary facilities, improper disposal of human faeces, insufficient supplies of potable water, poor personal hygiene and health education

    Design, fabrication and testing of shea nut shelling machine

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    Sheanut (Butyrospernum paradoxum) is an oil rich tropical tree crop, which is indigenous to the West African savannah zone. In Nigeria, most of the sheanuts shelling are done manually by rural women and children, which is labour demanding and tedious. This research work was carried out to determine some physical and mechanical properties of sheanut in order to minimize economic losses associated with its processing. The mean values recorded for the physical properties at 25% moisture content (wb) are; major diameter (29.20 mm), intermediate diameter (21.90 mm), minor diameter (15.00 mm), geometric mean diameter (21.90 mm), arithmetic mean diameter (21.20 mm), angle of repose (30.280). The mean values for the mechanical properties are; linear limit force (0.80 kN), linear limit deformation (4.60 mm), bioyield point force (1.40 kN), bioyield point deformation (6.50 mm), rupture point force (2.10 kN) and rupture point deformation (9.60 mm). Based on the physical and mechanical properties, a sheanut shelling machine was developed that is capable of addressing the aforementioned problems. Putting into consideration better shelling and efficient separation of shea nuts so as to encourage more utilization and processing of shea nuts and its products. The machine was designed to be powered by 5 hp electric motor. It was tested to shell, separate and clean sheanuts. The result of the performance evaluation showed that the machine had shelling efficiency of 96%; cleaning efficiency of the machine was 69.56% while the recovery efficiency was 82.7%. The successful development of this machine will reduce drudgery and time taken associated with the traditional method of sheanut shelling and therefore will increase productivity and utilization

    A Preliminary Study on Microbial Contamination of Leafy Vegetables in Sokoto Metropolis, Nigeria

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    Five leafy vegetables commonly consumed in Sokoto metropolis were evaluated for microbiological quality using standard procedures involving standard plate count (SPC). The vegetables investigated included Lactuaca sativa (Lettuce), Amaranthus hybridus (Spinach), Vernonia amagdalina (Bitter leaf), Brassica oleracea (Cabbage) and Moringa oleifera Lam (Horse radish). Ten fungal species which include Alternaria alternata, Absidia corymbifera, Aspergillus Niger, A. flavus, Cladosporium herbarum, Fusarium oxysporium, Geotrichum candidum, Mucor racemoses, Rhizopus stolonifer and Trichoderma harzianum and four species of bacteria: Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Listeria monocystogens and Staphyllococus aureus were isolated from the leafy vegetables. The total colony counts of fungi ranged from 1.8 x 106 – 6.28 x 105 (cfu/g) of the vegetables while that of bacteria ranged from 1.0 x 106 to 2.94 x 106 cfu/g of the vegetables. The highest counts of microbial organisms were found on A. hybridus while M. oleifera and B. olerarea had the lowest fungal and bacterial counts respectively. There is a need to reduce the levels of microbial contamination on leafy vegetables through appropriate production practices, careful handling by the vendors and appropriate processing with a view to minimize the risk of human exposure to fungal and bacterial pathogens associated with the vegetables

    Level of heavy metals in soil and some vegetables irrigated with industrial waste water around Sharada Industrial Area, Kano, Nigeria

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    The level of some heavy metals in soil and plant samples from Sharada Industrial Area was analyzed. Plants absorb contaminants through root systems and store them in the root biomass and/or transport them to the stem and/or leaves. The waste water generated by industries was used to irrigate plants; onion (Alium cepa), lettuce (Lactuca sativa), okra (Hibiscus esculentus), Drumstick (Moringa oleifera) and carrot (Daucus carota) which are consumed locally. The level of heavy metals in these plants differs with plant species. Level of lead (Pb) ranged from 10.21±0.20-17.14±0.10μg/g in okra and onion respectively, and the level in soil was found to be 28.00±2.00μg/g. The level of heavy metal was higher in soil than in plants studied. Accumulation of heavy metals varied from plant to plant. The soil levels of copper (Cu) was found to be 9.00±2.00 μg/g with onion having the highest value (8.00±0.10 μg/g) compared to other plants. The uptake of cobalt (Co) by plants varies with plant species. Moringa oleifera had highest concentration of cobalt (14.00±8.00μg/g) and onion had the least concentration of Co (5.00±2.00μg/g). The high values of these metals might be attributed to the use of untreated effluents from industries by farmers for the irrigation of these plants. Thus, the high values of these metals in the plant samples could put the consumers of these vegetables at health risk, since the levels of these metals in plants and soil samples are all above WHO permissible limits.Keywords: Accumulation, Heavy metals, Irrigation, Industrial effluents, Vegetable

    Effect of Administration of Aqueous Suspension of Ricinus communis Seeds on Serum Estrogen and Progesterone in Female Albino Rats

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    In this study, twenty seven (27) female albino rats were used in the determination of contraceptive effect of oral administration of aqueous suspension of Ricinus communis seed. Estrogen and progesterone levels of these rats were analysed using electrochemiluminescent method. The result revealed estrogenic property of the aqueous suspension of R. communis seed, which is partly attributed to the anticonceptive effect of the seeds. The estrogenic activity was high with 107×10-2mg/kg dose administered after 48hours and 7 days respectively, indicating some degree of dose-dependency. In addition, alteration of estrogen/progesterone balance as indicated by this study may be responsible for the contraceptive effect of aqueous suspension of R. communis seed. Keywords: Contraceptive effect, Estrogen, Estrogenic activity, Progesterone, Ricinus communi