861 research outputs found

    Nile perch fish nuggets: Partial replacement of fish flesh with sesame hulls and sunroot — Quality assessment and storage stability

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    This study aimed to produce Nile perch fish nuggets by replacing a part of fish flesh with different concentrations of sesame hulls and sunroot to reach the optimal recipe. Chemical, microbiological, and sensory characteristics of nuggets were evaluated during 3 months of frozen storage at –18 °C. According to the obtained data on the chemical composition of raw materials, Nile perch flesh had the highest content of protein (20.21%), sesame hulls contained the highest amount of fat (13.54%), fiber (17.24%) and ash (16.11%), while sunroot tubers had the highest amount of carbohydrates (15.76%). Based on the sensory score, the acceptable replacement ratio for fish nuggets prepared with sunroot (T1) and sesame hulls (T2) was 10% and 7.5%, respectively. Thiobarbituric acid (TBA) analysis at zero time shows that the T1 samples had the minimum value compared to the T2 and control samples. During storage, the TBA levels increased slightly in all samples, but after three months T1 also showed the lowest value. The total plate count (TPC) and psychrophilic bacterial (PSY) count in the samples were affected by the period of frozen storage at –18 °C. The initial TPC and PSY loads were 2.32 and 2.02 log cfu/g for control; 2.24 and 1.72 log cfu/g for T1; 2.30 and 1.47 log cfu/g for T2, respectively. During storage, the values of TPC and Psy slightly decreased. In conclusion, this study succeeded in the replacement of Nile perch fish with sesame hulls and sunroot as new sources to improve the nutritional value and quality characteristics of fish nuggets.This study aimed to produce Nile perch fish nuggets by replacing a part of fish flesh with different concentrations of sesame hulls and sunroot to reach the optimal recipe. Chemical, microbiological, and sensory characteristics of nuggets were evaluated during 3 months of frozen storage at –18 °C. According to the obtained data on the chemical composition of raw materials, Nile perch flesh had the highest content of protein (20.21%), sesame hulls contained the highest amount of fat (13.54%), fiber (17.24%) and ash (16.11%), while sunroot tubers had the highest amount of carbohydrates (15.76%). Based on the sensory score, the acceptable replacement ratio for fish nuggets prepared with sunroot (T1) and sesame hulls (T2) was 10% and 7.5%, respectively. Thiobarbituric acid (TBA) analysis at zero time shows that the T1 samples had the minimum value compared to the T2 and control samples. During storage, the TBA levels increased slightly in all samples, but after three months T1 also showed the lowest value. The total plate count (TPC) and psychrophilic bacterial (PSY) count in the samples were affected by the period of frozen storage at –18 °C. The initial TPC and PSY loads were 2.32 and 2.02 log cfu/g for control; 2.24 and 1.72 log cfu/g for T1; 2.30 and 1.47 log cfu/g for T2, respectively. During storage, the values of TPC and Psy slightly decreased. In conclusion, this study succeeded in the replacement of Nile perch fish with sesame hulls and sunroot as new sources to improve the nutritional value and quality characteristics of fish nuggets

    Taro leaves extract and probiotic lactic acid bacteria: A synergistic approach to improve antioxidant capacity and bioaccessibility in fermented milk beverages

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    Taro leaves extract (TLE) was used to manufacture two fermented milk beverages in concentrations of 250 and 500 mg/L (FMTLE 250 and FMTLE 500). The polyphenolic profile via HPLC, volatile compounds via GC-MS, antioxidant, antimicrobial activities of TLE, physicochemical properties, probiotic survival, and bioaccessibility of the supplemented beverages were also evaluated. TLE presented phenolic and flavonoid levels of 130.56 ± 1.55 μg GAE/g and 53 ± 1.15 CE μg/g, respectively. Sulfated polysaccharides, triterpenoids, and tannins were recorded (26.5 ± 0.8 μg/g, 7.30 ± 0.37 μg/g, 0.26 ± 0.03 μg/g). IC50 of the TLE measured using DPPH. assay was 144.83 ± 2.19 μg/mL, while the ABTS*+ assay was 100.48 ± 1.45 for determination antioxidant activity. The highest antimicrobial activity of TLE was observed against Salmonella enterica and Listeria monocytogenes with an inhibition zone of 15.5 and 13.6 mm, respectively. The survival of Lactobacillus paracasei showed no statistical difference between the control and FMTLE 250 and FMTLE 500 (P > 0.05). Antioxidant potential increased, with probiotics were stable through the digestion processes of the supplemented beverages and the increasing polyphenol concentration in the beverages. Sensory evaluation showed the acceptance of FMTLE 250 and FMTLE 500 for consumer consumption. In sum, combining TLE and probiotics in fermented beverages provides an excellent food model with many health benefits.Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    An extremely low-noise heralded single-photon source: a breakthrough for quantum technologies

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    Low noise single-photon sources are a critical element for quantum technologies. We present a heralded single-photon source with an extremely low level of residual background photons, by implementing low-jitter detectors and electronics and a fast custom-made pulse generator controlling an optical shutter (a LiNbO3 waveguide optical switch) on the output of the source. This source has a second-order autocorrelation g^{(2)}(0)=0.005(7), and an "Output Noise Factor" (defined as the ratio of the number of noise photons to total photons at the source output channel) of 0.25(1)%. These are the best performance characteristics reported to date

    Metformin use in obese mothers is associated with improved cardiovascular profile in the offspring

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    BACKGROUND: Maternal obesity increases the risk for pregnancy complications and adverse neonatal outcome and it has also been associated with long lasting adverse effects in the offspring, including increased body fat mass, insulin resistance and increased risk for premature cardiovascular disease. Lifestyle interventions in pregnancy have produced none or modest effects in reducing adverse pregnancy outcomes in obese mothers. Metformin use in Obese Pregnant women trial was associated with reduced adverse pregnancy outcomes and had no effect on birthweight. However, the long-term implications of metformin on the health of offspring remain unknown. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to assess whether prenatal exposure to metformin can improve the cardiovascular profile and body composition in the offspring of obese mothers. STUDY DESIGN: In 151 children from the Metformin use in Obese-Pregnant women trial we measured body composition, peripheral blood pressure and arterial pulse wave velocity. Central hemodynamics (central blood pressure and augmentation index) were estimated using the Vicorder device. Left ventricular cardiac function and structure were assessed by echocardiography. RESULTS: Children were 3.9±1.0 years of age and 77 were exposed to metformin prenatally. There was no significant difference in peripheral blood pressure, arterial stiffness and body composition apart from gluteal and tricep circumferences which were lower in the metformin group (p<0.05). The metformin, compared to the placebo group, had lower central hemodynamics (mean adjusted decrease - 0.707mmHg for aortic systolic blood pressure, -1.65mmHg for aortic pulse pressure and -2.68% for augmentation index, p<0.05 for all) and lower left ventricular diastolic function (adjusted difference in left atrial area -0.525cm2, in isovolumic relaxation time -0.324msec and in pulmonary venous systolic wave 2.97cm/s, p<0.05 for all). There were no significant differences in metabolic profile between the groups. CONCLUSION: Children of obese mothers who were prenatally exposed to metformin, compared to those exposed to placebo, have lower central hemodynamic and cardiac diastolic indices. These results suggest that administration of metformin in obese pregnant women may potentially have a beneficial cardiovascular effect for their offspring

    First Report of Leishmania tropica from a Classical Focus of L. major in North-Sinai, Egypt

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://www.ajtmh.org/content/81/2/213.long.Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is prevalent in the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula and previous research has consistently documented the etiologic agent to be Leishmania major. We report the first isolation of Leishmania tropica from human cases of CL in a Northern Sinai community bordering Palestine. Parasite culturing, real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), gene sequencing, and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analyses indicate CL cases in this community were caused by either L. major or L. tropica (three cases each). Two wild-caught rodents (Gerbillus pyramidum floweri) were infected with L. tropica. Phlebotomus papatasi sand flies were found harboring L. major, however only non-infected individuals of Phlebotomus sergenti, a vector for L. tropica, were caught. Patients with L. tropica had not traveled from the region in over a year, suggesting these cases are autochthonous. This scenario is consistent with an incursion of L. tropica from bordering countries and raises concerns about expansion of this parasite further into Egypt

    Outcome predictors for maternal red blood cell alloimmunisation with anti-K and anti-D managed with intrauterine blood transfusion

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    Red blood cell (RBC) alloimmunisation with anti-D and anti-K comprise the majority of cases of fetal haemolytic disease requiring intrauterine red cell transfusion (IUT). Few studies have investigated which haematological parameters can predict adverse fetal or neonatal outcomes. The aim of the present study was to identify predictors of adverse outcome, including preterm birth, intrauterine fetal demise (IUFD), neonatal death (NND) and/or neonatal transfusion. We reviewed the records of all pregnancies alloimmunised with anti-K and anti-D, requiring IUT over 27 years at a quaternary fetal centre. We reviewed data for 128 pregnancies in 116 women undergoing 425 IUTs. The median gestational age (GA) at first IUT was significantly earlier for anti-K than for anti-D (24·3 vs. 28·7 weeks, P = 0·004). Women with anti-K required more IUTs than women with anti-D (3·84 vs. 3·12 mean IUTs, P = 0·036) and the fetal haemoglobin (Hb) at first IUT was significantly lower (51.0 vs. 70.5 g/l, P = 0·001). The mean estimated daily decrease in Hb did not differ between the two groups. A greater number of IUTs and a slower daily decrease in Hb (g/l/day) between first and second IUTs were predictive of a longer period in utero. Earlier GA at first IUT and a shorter interval from the first IUT until delivery predicted IUFD/NND. Earlier GA and lower Hb at first IUT significantly predicted need for phototherapy and/or blood product use in the neonate. In the anti-K group, a greater number of IUTs was required in women with a higher titre. Furthermore, the higher the titre, the earlier the GA at which an IUT was required in both groups. The rate of fall in fetal Hb between IUTs decreased, as the number of transfusions increased. Our present study identified pregnancies at considerable risk of an unfavourable outcome with anti-D and anti-K RBC alloimmunisation. Identifying such patients can guide pregnancy management, facilitates patient counselling, and can optimise resource use. Prospective studies can also incorporate these characteristics, in addition to laboratory markers, to further identify and improve the outcomes of these pregnancies

    Effect of acidity and salt content on the keeping quality of butter

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    Szerzők kísérletei szerint a vaj eltarthatósága a tejszín aciditásának növekedésével fokozatosan csökken. Édes tejszínből, ill. közepes és nagy aciditású tejszínből készült sózatlan vaj 5 C°-on jól eltartható volt 135, ill. 105 és 75 napig. Sózott vajak eltarthatósága rosszabb volt amint a sózatlan vajaké. Édes tejszínből, ill. közepes és nagy aciditású tejszínből készült sózott vajak eltarthatósága 5 C°-on való tárolásakor 105, ill. 90 és 45 nap volt. Nach den Versuchsangaben vermindert sich die Lagerfähigkeit der Butter stufenweise mit der Erhöhung der Azidität der Sahne. Aus süsser Sahne bzw. aus Sahne von mittlerer und hoher Azidität hergestellte ungesalzte Butter war bei 5°C 135 bzw. 105 und 75 Tage lang lagerfähig. Die Lagerfähigkeit von gesalzten Buttern war schlechter als die der ungesalzten Butter. Gesalzte Butter aus süsser Sahne bzw. aus Sahne von mittlerer und hoher Azidität war bei Lagerung bei 5 °C 105 bzw. 90 und 45 Tage lang lagerfähig. According to the experimental results the keeping quality of butter gradually decreased with the increase of acidity of the cream. Unsalted butter manufactured from sweet cream and cream of moderate and high acidity, respectively, exhibited a keeping quality of 135, 105 and 75 days on storage at 5°C. Salted butters showed lower keeping quality than unsalted butters.Salted butter manufactured from sweet cream and cream of moderate and high acidity, respectively, showed a keeping quality of 105, 90 and 45 days on storage at 5 °C. Selon les expériences des auteurs la stockabilité du beurre diminue avec I’augmentation de l’acidité de la creme. Les beurres non salés, produits ä partir des cremes douce, ä acidité faible et forte se faisaient bien entreposer ä 5°C pendant des périodes respectives de 135, 105 et 75 jours. La stickabilité des beurres sales était inférieure ä celle des non salés. La stockabilité des beurres salés, fabriqués ä partir de cremes douce, d’acidité faible ou forte durait, ä 5°C, 105, 95 et 45 jours

    Some Findings Concerning Requirements in Agile Methodologies

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    gile methods have appeared as an attractive alternative to conventional methodologies. These methods try to reduce the time to market and, indirectly, the cost of the product through flexible development and deep customer involvement. The processes related to requirements have been extensively studied in literature, in most cases in the frame of conventional methods. However, conclusions of conventional methodologies could not be necessarily valid for Agile; in some issues, conventional and Agile processes are radically different. As recent surveys report, inadequate project requirements is one of the most conflictive issues in agile approaches and better understanding about this is needed. This paper describes some findings concerning requirements activities in a project developed under an agile methodology. The project intended to evolve an existing product and, therefore, some background information was available. The major difficulties encountered were related to non-functional needs and management of requirements dependencies