1,976 research outputs found

    Stabilized lanthanum sulphur compounds

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    Lanthanum sulfide is maintained in the stable cubic phase form over a temperature range of from 500 C to 1500 C by adding to it small amounts of calcium, barium, or strontium. This compound is an excellent thermoelectric material

    A comparison of the in vitro and in planta responses of Phytophthora cinnamomi isolates to phosphite

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    Research in plant pathology often relies on testing interactions between a fungicide and a pathogen in vitro and extrapolating from these results what may happen in planta. Likewise, results from glasshouse experiments are used to estimate what will happen if the fungicide is applied in the field. However, it is difficult to obtain conditions in vitro and in the glasshouse which reflect the conditions where the fungicide may eventually be used, in the field. The aim of this paper is to compare results of the effect of phosphite on P. cinnamomi isolates in vitro and in planta

    A MERLIN Observation of PSR B1951+32 and its associated Plerion

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    In an investigative 16 hour L band observation using the MERLIN radio interferometric array, we have resolved both the pulsar PSR B1951+32 and structure within the flat spectral radio continuum region, believed to be the synchrotron nebula associated with the interaction of the pulsar and its `host' supernova remnant CTB 80. The extended structure we see, significant at \sim 4.5 σ\sigma, is of dimensions 2.5" ×\times 0.75", and suggests a sharp bow shaped arc of shocked emission, which is correlated with similar structure observed in lower resolution radio maps and X-ray images. Using this MERLIN data as a new astrometric reference for other multiwavelength data we can place the pulsar at one edge of the HST reported optical synchrotron knot, ruling out previous suggested optical counterparts, and allowing an elementary analysis of the optical synchrotron emission which appears to trail the pulsar. The latter is possibly a consequence of pulsar wind replenishment, and we suggest that the knot is a result of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities. These being so, it suggests a dynamical nature to the optical knot, which will require high resolution optical observations to confirm.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Optical Pulse-Phased Photopolarimetry of PSR B0656+14

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    We have observed the optical pulse profile of PSR B0656+14 in 10 phase bins at a high signal-to-noise ratio, and have measured the linear polarization profile over 30% of the pulsar period with some significance. The pulse profile is double-peaked, with a bridge of emission between the two peaks, similar to gamma-ray profiles observed in other pulsars. There is no detectable unpulsed flux, to a 1-sigma limit of 16% of the pulse-averaged flux. The emission in the bridge is highly (~ 100%) polarized, with a position angle sweep in excellent agreement with the prediction of the Rotating Vector Model as determined from radio polarization observations. We are able to account for the gross features of the optical light curve (i.e., the phase separation of the peaks) using both polar cap and outer gap models. Using the polar cap model, we are also able to estimate the height of the optical emission regions.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures, accepted by ApJ (scheduled v597 n2, November 10, 2003

    Time since fire and average fire interval are the best predictors of Phytophthora cinnamomi activity in heathlands of south-western Australia

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    Fires are features of ecological communities in much of Australia; however, very little is still known about the potential impact of fire on plant diseases in the natural environment. Phytophthora cinnamomi is an introduced soil-borne plant pathogen with a wide host range, affecting a large proportion of native plant species in Australia and other regions of the world, but its interaction with fire is poorly understood. An investigation of the effects of fire on P. cinnamomi activity was undertaken in the Stirling Range National Park of south-western Australia, where fire is used as a management tool to reduce the negative impact of wildfires and more than 60% of the park is infested with, and 48% of woody plant species are known to be susceptible to, P. cinnamomi. At eight sites confirmed to be infested with P. cinnamomi, the proportion of dead and dying susceptible species was used as a proxy for P. cinnamomi activity. Subset modelling was used to determine the interactive effects of latest fire interval, average fire interval, soil water-holding capacity and pH on P. cinnamomi activity. It was found that the latest and average fire interval were the variables that best explained the variation in the percentage of dead and dying susceptible species among sites, indicating that fire in P. cinnamomi-infested communities has the potential to increase both the severity and extent of disease in native plant communities

    Facile O-atom insertion into C-C and C-H bonds by a trinuclear copper complex designed to harness a singlet oxene

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    Two trinuclear copper [CuICuICuI(L)]1+ complexes have been prepared with the multidentate ligands (L) 3,3'-(1,4-diazepane-1,4-diyl)bis(1-((2-(dimethylamino)ethyl)(methyl)amino)propan-2-ol) (7-Me) and (3,3'-(1,4-diazepane-1,4-diyl)bis(1-((2-(diethylamino) ethyl)(ethyl) amino)propan-2-ol) (7-Et) as models for the active site of the particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO). The ligands were designed to form the proper spatial and electronic geometry to harness a "singlet oxene," according to the mechanism previously suggested by our laboratory. Consistent with the design strategy, both [CuICuICuI(L)]1+ reacted with dioxygen to form a putative bis(µ3-oxo)CuIICuIICuIII species, capable of facile O-atom insertion across the central C-C bond of benzil and 2,3-butanedione at ambient temperature and pressure. These complexes also catalyze facile O-atom transfer to the C-H bond of CH3CN to form glycolonitrile. These results, together with our recent biochemical studies on pMMO, provide support for our hypothesis that the hydroxylation site of pMMO contains a trinuclear copper cluster that mediates C-H bond activation by a singlet oxene mechanism

    Conditioning bounds for traveltime tomography in layered media

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    This paper revisits the problem of recovering a smooth, isotropic, layered wave speed profile from surface traveltime information. While it is classic knowledge that the diving (refracted) rays classically determine the wave speed in a weakly well-posed fashion via the Abel transform, we show in this paper that traveltimes of reflected rays do not contain enough information to recover the medium in a well-posed manner, regardless of the discretization. The counterpart of the Abel transform in the case of reflected rays is a Fredholm kernel of the first kind which is shown to have singular values that decay at least root-exponentially. Kinematically equivalent media are characterized in terms of a sequence of matching moments. This severe conditioning issue comes on top of the well-known rearrangement ambiguity due to low velocity zones. Numerical experiments in an ideal scenario show that a waveform-based model inversion code fits data accurately while converging to the wrong wave speed profile

    Networks of Recurrent Events, a Theory of Records, and an Application to Finding Causal Signatures in Seismicity

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    We propose a method to search for signs of causal structure in spatiotemporal data making minimal a priori assumptions about the underlying dynamics. To this end, we generalize the elementary concept of recurrence for a point process in time to recurrent events in space and time. An event is defined to be a recurrence of any previous event if it is closer to it in space than all the intervening events. As such, each sequence of recurrences for a given event is a record breaking process. This definition provides a strictly data driven technique to search for structure. Defining events to be nodes, and linking each event to its recurrences, generates a network of recurrent events. Significant deviations in properties of that network compared to networks arising from random processes allows one to infer attributes of the causal dynamics that generate observable correlations in the patterns. We derive analytically a number of properties for the network of recurrent events composed by a random process. We extend the theory of records to treat not only the variable where records happen, but also time as continuous. In this way, we construct a fully symmetric theory of records leading to a number of new results. Those analytic results are compared to the properties of a network synthesized from earthquakes in Southern California. Significant disparities from the ensemble of acausal networks that can be plausibly attributed to the causal structure of seismicity are: (1) Invariance of network statistics with the time span of the events considered, (2) Appearance of a fundamental length scale for recurrences, independent of the time span of the catalog, which is consistent with observations of the ``rupture length'', (3) Hierarchy in the distances and times of subsequent recurrences.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figure

    Scalar conservation laws with nonconstant coefficients with application to particle size segregation in granular flow

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    Granular materials will segregate by particle size when subjected to shear, as occurs, for example, in avalanches. The evolution of a bidisperse mixture of particles can be modeled by a nonlinear first order partial differential equation, provided the shear (or velocity) is a known function of position. While avalanche-driven shear is approximately uniform in depth, boundary-driven shear typically creates a shear band with a nonlinear velocity profile. In this paper, we measure a velocity profile from experimental data and solve initial value problems that mimic the segregation observed in the experiment, thereby verifying the value of the continuum model. To simplify the analysis, we consider only one-dimensional configurations, in which a layer of small particles is placed above a layer of large particles within an annular shear cell and is sheared for arbitrarily long times. We fit the measured velocity profile to both an exponential function of depth and a piecewise linear function which separates the shear band from the rest of the material. Each solution of the initial value problem is non-standard, involving curved characteristics in the exponential case, and a material interface with a jump in characteristic speed in the piecewise linear case