149 research outputs found

    Nanocontainer-Based Active Systems: From Self-Healing Coatings to Thermal Energy Storage

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    We highlight the development of nanocontainer-based active materials started in 2006 at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces under the supervision of Prof. Helmuth Moehwald. The active materials encapsulated in the nanocontainers with controlled shell permeability have been first applied for self-healing coatings with controlled release of the corrosion inhibitor. The nanocontainers have been added to the paint formulation matrix at 5−10 wt % concentration, which resulted in attaining a coating-autonomous selfhealing ability. This research idea has attracted the attention of many scientists around the world (>1500 publications during the last 10 years) and has already been transferred to the commercialization level. The current trend in nanocontainer-based active systems is devoted to the multifunctionality of the capsules which can combine self-healing, antibacterial, thermal, and other functionalities into one host matrix. This article summarizes the previous research done in the area of nanocontainer-based active materials together with future perspectives of capsule-based materials with antifouling or thermoregulating activity

    Nanocontainers for Self-Healing Coatings

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    This progress report covers recent achievements in the development of nanocontainers for self‐healing corrosion protection coatings. The functionality and design of Layer‐by‐Layer‐assembled, polymer, and inorganic nanocontainers are demonstrated in the coatings for protection of steel and aluminium alloys. The release of the corrosion inhibitors from nanocontainers occurs only when triggered by local pH changes or other internal or external stimuli, which prevents leakage of the corrosion inhibitor out of the coating and increases coating durability. This leads to the self‐healing ability of the coating and terminates corrosion propagation.</jats:p

    Nanocapsules containing salt hydrate phase change materials for thermal energy storage

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    Nanocapsules containing salt hydrate for latent heat storage were proven to be thermally and chemically stable over 100 cycles.</p

    Зарубежные методики психологической диагностики сексизма

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    We pay attention on the problems of Russian modern studies of sexism, which are suffering from the lack of relevant psychodiagnostic tools. We examine and describe foreign experience in diagnosing sexism. диагностики сексизма. The development of sexism interpretations and its measurement methodologies in the concepts of N. Benokraitis and J. Feagin (overt/blatant, covert, and subtle sexism), P. Glick and S. Fiske (hostile and benevolent sexism) are analyzed. The review presents the main theoretical concepts of sexism and related tests such as Attitudes Toward Women Scale by J. Spence and R. Helmreich; Modern Sexism Scale by J. Swim, K. Aikin, W. Hall, B. Hunter; Neosexism Scale by F. Tougas, R. Brown, A. Beaton, A. Joly; Ambivalent Sexism Inventory by P. Glick and S. Fiske; Implicit Association Test by A. Greenwald, D. McGhee and J. Schwartz

    Center-to-limb variation of the continuum intensity and linear polarization of stars with transiting exoplanets

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    The limb darkening and center-to-limb variation of the continuum polarization is calculated for a grid of one-dimensional stellar model atmospheres and for a wavelength range between 300 and 950 nm. Model parameters match those of the transiting stars taken from the NASA exoplanet archive. The limb darkening of the continuum radiation for these stars is shown to decrease with the rise in their effective temperature. For the lambda = 370 nm wavelength, which corresponds to the maximum of the Johnson-Cousins UX filter, the limb darkening values of the planet transiting stars lie in a range between 0.03 and 0.3. The continuum linear polarization depends not only on the effective temperature of the star but also on its gravity and metallicity. Its value decreases for increasing values of these parameters. In the UX band, the maximum linear polarization of stars with transiting planets amounts to 4%, while the minimum value is approximately 0.3%. The continuum limb darkening and the linear polarization decrease rapidly with wavelength. At the R band maximum (lambda = 700 nm), the linear polarization close to the limb is in fact two orders of magnitude smaller than in the UX band. The center- to-limb variation of the continuum intensity and the linear polarization of the stars with transiting planets can be approximated, respectively, by polynomials of the fourth and the sixth degree. The coefficients of the polynomials, as well as the IDL procedures for reading them, are available in electronic form. It is shown that there are two classes of stars with high linear polarization at the limb. The first one consists of cold dwarfs. Their typical representatives are HATS-6, Kepler-45, as well as all the stars with similar parameters. The second class of stars includes hotter giants and subgiants. Among them we have CoRoT-28, Kepler-91, and the group of stars with effective temperatures and gravities of approximately 5000 K and 3.5, respectively

    Features of Crohn's Disease Depending on the Age of Disease Onset

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    Aim: to evaluate the characteristics of Crohn's disea depending on the age of the disease onset in patients observed in a specialized City Center for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Diagnosis and Treatment.Materials and methods. We observed 180 patients with an established diagnosis of Crohn's disease for 52 weeks, followed by a retrospective assessment. Patients were divided into three groups depending on the age of the onset of the disease according to the Paris classification (A1, A2, A3). The visits included: the collection of complaints, medical history, objective examination, clinical blood testing; biochemical blood testing (C-reactive protein); fecal calprotectin; ileocolonoscopy. Statistical processing of the obtained data was carried out using Excel, RStudio and the R language; for categorical data, the Pearson chi-square test or Fisher's exact test was used (for 2 × 2 tables with small samples). For categorical and quantitative, the Mann – Whitney t-test was used. Student's t-test was used to test the equality of means.Results. The gender distribution and the average duration of the disease were comparable in all groups. At the time of diagnosis, ileocolitis (p = 0.01), inflammatory form of Crohn's disease (p &lt; 0.05), and the upper gastrointestinal tract involvement (p &lt; 0.05) were more frequently detected in group A1. Isolated colonic Crohn’s disease predominated in group A3 (p &lt; 0.001). No significant difference between the groups in the incidence of extraintestinal manifestations of the disease was found (p = 0.32). In group A1, there was a positive correlation between smoking and lack of response to therapy. In group A2, endoscopic remission was observed less frequently among smokers at the end of the study (p &lt; 0.05). Anal fissures were noted as the most common perianal disease in all groups. In group A1, there was a positive correlation between clinical, laboratory and endoscopic remission and the absence of perianal disease. At the end of the follow-up, the worsening of endoscopic SES-CD level was observed more frequently in the patients with the onset before 30 years old in group A2 (p = 0.01).Conclusions. Not only pediatric onset, but also the onset of Crohn's disease before the age of 40 is a risk factor for the progression of the disease and its more severe course


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    In the current system of financing the drug provision of certain categories of citizens in the outpatient setting in the Russian Federation, there are a number of problems caused by various factors, such as the imperfection of the legislative framework, the implementation of control procedures, etc. The article reveals in detail the problem of lack of funding in connection with the establishment of unified approaches to calculating the standards of financial costs per month per citizen for all regions of Russia, which do not take into account any of the factors of regional development. It has been proposed to change the approaches in calculating the standards, which will ensure their approximation to the real needs of financing preferential categories of citizens

    Solar abundance corrections derived through 3D magnetoconvection simulations

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    We explore the effect of the magnetic field when using realistic three-dimensional convection experiments to determine solar element abundances. By carrying out magnetoconvection simulations with a radiation-hydro code (the Copenhagen stagger code) and through a-posteriori spectral synthesis of three Fe I lines, we obtain evidence that moderate amounts of mean magnetic flux cause a noticeable change in the derived equivalent widths compared with those for a non-magnetic case. The corresponding Fe abundance correction for a mean flux density of 200 G reaches up to ~0.1 dex in magnitude. These results are based on space- and time-averaged line profiles over a time span of 2.5 solar hours in the statistically stationary regime of the convection. The main factors causing the change in equivalent widths, namely the Zeeman broadening and the modification of the temperature stratification, act in different amounts and, for the iron lines considered here, in opposite directions; yet, the resulting Δlogϵ(Fe)|\Delta\log\epsilon_{\odot}(Fe)| coincides within a factor two in all of them, even though the sign of the total abundance correction is different for the visible and infrared lines. We conclude that magnetic effects should be taken into account when discussing precise values of the solar and stellar abundances and that an extended study is warranted.Comment: ApJ accepte

    A Substantial Amount of Hidden Magnetic Energy in the Quiet Sun

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    Deciphering and understanding the small-scale magnetic activity of the quiet solar photosphere should help to solve many of the key problems of solar and stellar physics, such as the magnetic coupling to the outer atmosphere and the coronal heating. At present, we can see only 1{\sim}1% of the complex magnetism of the quiet Sun, which highlights the need to develop a reliable way to investigate the remaining 99%. Here we report three-dimensional radiative tranfer modelling of scattering polarization in atomic and molecular lines that indicates the presence of hidden, mixed-polarity fields on subresolution scales. Combining this modelling with recent observational data we find a ubiquitous tangled magnetic field with an average strength of 130{\sim}130 G, which is much stronger in the intergranular regions of solar surface convection than in the granular regions. So the average magnetic energy density in the quiet solar photosphere is at least two orders of magnitude greater than that derived from simplistic one-dimensional investigations, and sufficient to balance radiative energy losses from the solar chromosphere.Comment: 21 pages and 2 figures (letter published in Nature on July 15, 2004

    Solar granulation from photosphere to low chromosphere observed in BaII 4554 A line

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    The purpose of this paper is to characterize the statistical properties of solar granulation in the photosphere and low chromosphere up to 650 km. We use velocity and intensity variations obtained at different atmospheric heights from observations in BaII 4554 A. The observations were done during good seeing conditions at the VTT at the Observatorio del Teide on Tenerife. The line core forms rather high in the atmosphere and allows granulation properties to be studied at heights that have been not accessed before in similar studies. In addition, we analyze the synthetic profiles of the BaII 4554 A line by the same method computed taking NLTE effects into account in the 3D hydrodynamical model atmosphere. We suggest a 16-column model of solar granulation depending on the direction of motion and on the intensity contrast measured in the continuum and in the uppermost layer. We calculate the heights of intensity contrast sign reversal and velocity sign reversal. We show that both parameters depend strongly on the granulation velocity and intensity at the bottom photosphere. The larger the two parameters, the higher the reversal takes place in the atmosphere. On average, this happens at about 200-300 km. We suggest that this number also depends on the line depth of the spectral line used in observations. Despite the intensity and velocity reversal, about 40% of the column structure of granulation is preserved up to heights around 650 km.Comment: accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic