1,652 research outputs found

    Shell forming mode effect on casting quality

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    The paper deals with the influence of shell forming modes on some parameters of castings: the surface and internal defects. The degree of roughness and stress concentration were determined on the castings obtained under production conditions. According to the result, it was found that the use of variable pressure in the formation of the shell ensures the purity of the casting and the reduction of the stress level in the casting

    Studying properties of chrome cast irons modified with titanium carbide

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    The paper presents the results of studying hardness and wear resistance of chrome cast irons. In the study there were considered samples of cast iron of the ChN2H, ChN4H2 grades and ChN2H after treatment with titanium carbide. Titanium carbide in the amount of 1 % by weight with dispersity of 500 microns was introduced during casting into ChN2H cast iron. As a result of this treatment, the cast iron hardness and wear resistance become comparable to those of Nihard grade cast iron. Studies have shown the promise of using refractory compounds as modifiers for cast irons

    Magnetic field processing to enhance critical current densities of MgB2 superconductors

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    Magnetic field of up to 12 T was applied during the sintering process of pure MgB2 and carbon nanotube (CNT) doped MgB2 wires. We have demonstrated that magnetic field processing results in grain refinement, homogeneity and significant enhancement in Jc(H) and Hirr. The Jc of pure MgB2 wire increased by up to a factor of 3 to 4 and CNT doped MgB2 by up to an order of magnitude in high field region respectively, compared to that of the non-field processed samples. Hirr for CNT doped sample reached 7.7 T at 20 K. Magnetic field processing reduces the resistivity in CNT doped MgB2, straightens the entangled CNT and improves the adherence between CNTs and MgB2 matrix. No crystalline alignment of MgB2 was observed. This method can be easily scalable for a continuous production and represents a new milestone in the development of MgB2 superconductors and related systems


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    The article substantiates that under globalization of world’s markets for Ukraine, it is advisable to implement a strategy of protecting national interests in grain production in a logical and legislative and regulatory relationship with the preservation of land’s fertility, diversification of agricultural production through full grain processing and scientific substantiation of nature capital using. It is established that for optimizing the human-environment relations, it is advisable to carry out an integrated and ingradiented environmental assessment based on the environmental audit procedure, geo-management, and standardization of grain quality with a view to its full-cycle processing for creation an effective environmental management system. The territory’ certification processes are completed by establishing the conformity of the territory with qualitative and quantitative indicators and with all types of resources. It is systematized that for satisfying the growing demand in the world, Ukraine may increase its grain sales in 2019-2020 marketing year. Such trends are observed for wheat, maize and other cereals. However, there are no environmental and economic calculations of the economic efficiency of such grain exports in unprocessed form.  Therefore, the approach to socioecological and economic responsible agriculture resources use, through using the environmental audit and certification of territorial economic systems has been proposed.Обосновано, что в условиях глобализации мировых рынков для Украины целесообразно использовать стратегию защиты национальных интересов относительно зернопроизводства в логической и законодательно-нормативной взаимосвязи с сохранением плодородия земель, диверсификацией сельскохозяйственного производства с помощью полной переработки зерна и научного обоснования использования природного капитала. Установлено, что для оптимизации отношений человек – окружающая среда целесообразно проводить интегрированную и инградиентную оценку состояния окружающей среды на основе процедуры экологического аудита, геоуправления, стандартизации качества зерна с целью его переработки по полному циклу для создания действенной системы управления природопользованием. Процессы сертификации территории завершаются установлением соответствия территории по качественным и количественным показателям и по всем видам ресурсов. Систематизировано, что для удовлетворения растущего спроса в мире Украина может увеличить объемы своих продаж зерновых в 2019-2020 маркетинговом году. Такие тенденции наблюдаются для пшеницы, кукурузы, других зерновых. Однако отсутствуют эколого-экономические расчеты экономической эффективности такого экспорта зерновых в непереработанном виде. Поэтому предложен подход социо-эколого-экономического ответственного аграрного природопользования через использование экологических аудита и сертификации территориально-хозяйственных систем.Обґрунтовано, що в умовах глобалізації світових ринків для України доцільно проводити стратегію захисту національних інтересів щодо зерновиробництва у логічному й законодавчо-нормативному взаємозв’язку із збереженням родючості земель, диверсифікацією сільськогосподарського виробництва через повну переробку зерна й наукове обґрунтування використання природного капіталу. Встановлено, що для оптимізації відносин людина – НПС доцільно проводити інтегровану та інградієнтну оцінку стану довкілля на основі процедури екологічного аудиту, геоуправління, стандартизації якості зерна з метою його переробки за повним циклом для створення дієвої системи управління природокористуванням. Процеси сертифікації території завершуються встановленням відповідності території за якісними і кількісними показниками та за всіма видами ресурсів. Систематизовано, що для задоволення зростаючого попиту у світі Україна може збільшити обсяги своїх продажів зернових в 2019-2020 маркетинговому році. Такі тенденції спостерігаються для пшениці, кукурудзи, інших зернових. Проте відсутні екологоекономічні розрахунки економічної ефективності такого експорту зернових у не переробленому вигляді. Тому, запропоновано підхід соціо-еколого-економічного відповідального аграрного природокористування через використання екологічних аудиту і сертифікації територіально-господарських систем

    Integrative Neuropsychological Characteristics of Subcortical-Frontal Brain Regions as a Schizophrenia Liability Factor

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    Para estudiar las características de las regiones cerebrales subcórtico-frontal, se investigaron la función y la evaluación de su relación con la vulnerabilidad a la esquizofrenia en 59 pacientes y 23 controles, empleando los métodos neuropsicológicos de Luria. El análisis estableció anormalidades bilaterales de la función de las zonas lobulares prefrontal y frontal profunda en pacientes comparados con los controles. Estas anormalidades eran más predominantes en el hemisferio izquierdo. Las coeficientes de correlación punto-biserial de algunos indicadores neuropsicológicos integrativos con la vulnerabilidad a la esquizofrenia eran de 0,39 ± 0,11 y 0,28 ± 0,09, respectivamente. Los datos obtenidos llevan a la discusión de los indicadores neuropsicológicos integrativos de regiones subcortical-frontales del cerebro que se revelan como marcadores potenciales de vulnerabilidad a la esquizofrenia y confirma el papel de la asimetría estructural y funcional del cerebro en la patogénesis de la esquizofrenia.In order to study neuropsychological characteristics of subcortical-frontal brain regions function and assessment of their relation with vulnerability to schizophrenia 59 patients and 23 controls were investigated using Luria’s neuropsychological methods. The analysis established bilateral abnormalities of the function of prefrontal and profound frontal lobe zones in patients as compared with controls. These abnormalities were more predominate in the left hemisphere. Point biserial correlation coefficients of determined integrative neuropsychological indicators with liability to schizophrenia were 0.39 ± 0.11 and 0.28 ± 0.09, for the left and right brain zones respectively. The obtained data permits discussion of the integrative neuropsychological indicators of subcorticalfrontal brain regions as potential markers of liability to schizophrenia and confirms the role of structural and functional brain asymmetry in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia

    Extensive Studies of Legionella Strains Isolated from the Environmental Objects during Preparation and Holding of Mass Events in the Russian Federation in 2013-2014

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    Objective of the work was to conduct an extended study of Legionella strains isolated from epidemiologically significant environmental objects during the preparation and conduct of mass events in the territory of the Russian Federation in 2013-2014 . Materials and methods. Studied were 53 strains of Legionella pneumophila, isolated from epidemiologically significant objects during the preparation and conduct of a number of mass events (ME): XXVII World Summer Universiade, XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games, Sochi; Summer Health Promotion Campaign in 2014, Republic of Crimea; IV Caspian Summit, Astrakhan, 2014. Strains were analyzed using multilocus sequencing, time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-ToF-MS) and atomic force microscopy. Legionella strains were typed by multilocus sequencing in accordance with the algorithm of the European Legionellosis Research Group “Sequence-Based Typing protocol for epidemiological typing of L. pneumophila". Results and discussion. Strains of L. pneumophila, legionellosis agent, were isolated in the territory of the Republic of Crimea, Moscow, Kazan, Sochi, Astrakhan and characterized. According to the results of slide agglutination, 17 L. pneumophila strains were assigned to 1 serogroup , 37 - to 2-14 serogroups. Based on the data obtained by multilocus sequencing, in accordance with the algorithm of the European Working Group on Legionellosis Surveillance, allelic profiles of all the studied L. pneumophila strains were identified; their belonging to 7 sequence types was established. Using the method of time-of-flight mass spectrometry, legionella strains were characterized, their protein profiles were studied, and a database was formed. Using the method of scanning probe microscopy, information was obtained on the morphology of the cells of 18 legionella strains and the features of their surface structures. Using the methods of multilocus sequencing, time-of-flight mass spectrometry, and atomic force microscopy, molecular-genetic, proteomic, and morphometric features of Legionellosis pathogen strains that circulate in epidemiologically significant sites in the Russian Federation were determined

    Evolution of oxygen-ion and proton conductivity in Ca-Doped Ln2Zr2O7 (Ln = Sm, Gd), located near pyrochlore fluorite phase boundary

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    Sm2-xCaxZr2O7-x/2 (x = 0, 0.05, 0.1) and Gd2-xCaxZr2O7-x/2 (x = 0.05, 0.1) mixed oxides in a pyrochlore-fluorite morphotropic phase region were prepared via the mechanical activation of oxide mixtures, followed by annealing at 1600 ?C. The structure of the solid solutions was studied by X-ray diffraction and refined by the Rietveld method, water content was determined by thermogravimetry (TG), their bulk and grain-boundary conductivity was determined by impedance spectroscopy in dry and wet air (100-900 ?C), and their total conductivity was measured as a function of oxygen partial pressure in the temperature range: 700-950 ?C. The Sm2-xCaxZr2O7-x/2 (x = 0.05, 0.1) pyrochlore solid solutions, lying near the morphotropic phase boundary, have proton conductivity contribution both in the grain bulk and on grain boundaries below 600 ?C, and pure oxygen-ion conductivity above 700 ?C. The 500 ?C proton conductivity contribution of Sm2-xCaxZr2O7-x/2 (x = 0.05, 0.1) is ~ 1 ? 10-4 S/cm. The fluorite-like Gd2-xCaxZr2O7-x/2 (x = 0.1) solid solution has oxygen-ion bulk conductivity in entire temperature range studied, whereas proton transport contributes to its grain-boundary conductivity below 700 ?C. As a result, of the morphotropic phase transition from pyrochlore Sm2-xCaxZr2O7-x/2 (x = 0.05, 0.1) to fluorite-like Gd2-xCaxZr2O7-x/2 (x = 0.05, 0.1), the bulk proton conductivity disappears and oxygen-ion conductivity decreases. The loss of bulk proton conductivity of Gd2-xCaxZr2O7-x/2 (x = 0.05, 0.1) can be associated with the fluorite structure formation. It is important to note that the degree of Ca substitution in such solid solutions (Ln2-xCax)Zr2O7-? (Ln = Sm, Gd) is low, x < 0.1. In both series, grain-boundary conductivity usually exceeds bulk conductivity. The high grain-boundary proton conductivity of Ln2-xCaxZr2O7-x/2 (Ln = Sm, Gd; x = 0.1) is attributable to the formation of an intergranular CaZrO3-based cubic perovskite phase doped with Sm or Gd in Zr sublattice. ? 2019 by the authors.371C-9F16-EBDE | Eduarda GomesN/

    Effect of inoculant introducing on improving ingot structure

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    The paper deals with the inoculant–freigrator effect on some parameters of the structure: grain size and contamination index. The “beads” extracted from steelmaking slags were used as the inoculant. The effect of the fractional composition and the number of introduced “beads” were investigated. The “beads” were preliminarily crushed to the fraction of 100 – 1 500 μm and were introduced into the melt in the amount of 0,5 – 1,5 % by mass. It was established that the introduction of the “beads” of the fraction of 500 – 600 microns in the amount of 1 – 1,5 % as the inoculant contributed to the grinding of grain, reduced the tendency to segregation and dendre formation

    Present-Day Menaces and Challenges in the Sphere of Biological Safety and Strategy of Countermeasures

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    Considered is present-day nomenclature of menaces in the sphere of biological safety in the frames of broad-sense representation of this concept associated with infectious diseases. By the example of Ebola fever epidemic in West Africa, demonstrated is the fact that actual, new and spreading in the new territories infectious diseases which are attributed to the category of acute menaces, can create emergency situation in the sphere of biological safety. Such situation presents traits of unexpectedness, explosive growth of morbidity, high number of cases among health workers, high lethality, unpreparedness of the society for countermeasures (monitoring, treatment, prophylaxis, and control), severe social and economical consequences, indirect signs of probability of its intended origin, real menace for biological safety of the whole global community. Presented are variants of menaces that manifested as long-lasting (chronic) epidemics and pandemics (HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria) which have the highest social and economical impact. Considered is nomenclature of menaces that broaden the toolkit of biological terrorism means. The strategy of countermeasures implies systemic approach to prevention and response to acute menaces, reducing of social and economical consequences of their realization, thus achieving more effective control over aforementioned long-lasting problems, strict adherence to BTWC provisions