10 research outputs found

    Проблеми судової практики щодо поділу майна

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    Щербак В. О. Проблеми судової практики щодо поділу майна / В. О. Щербак // Від римського приватного права до права Європи : матер. 15-ої міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Одеса, 15 трав., 2017 р.) / за заг. ред. д.ю.н., проф. Є. О. Харитонова. – Одеса : Фенікс, 2017. – С. 208-210

    Методика оптимізації енергозбереження у вищих навчальних закладах

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    A base of the methodology of optimization of an energy saving system in higher educational institutions of Ukraine is maintenance of a given level of thermal comfort. Its aim is the increase of HEI efficiency. The methodology of optimization of an energy saving system in higher educational establishments should be realized in two stages. At the first stage, we should carry out an energy audit of premises. The audit is a compilation of a balance of heat loss and heat supply of each HEI premise. At the second stage, we carry out optimization of energy saving and making managerial decision on loading of premises. We carry out optimization of energy saving by means of a model of optimal control of a thermal mode of premises with minimization of energy consumption for heating and energy loss.The given methodology is substantiated and correct for estimation of potential efficiency of HEI premises and making up an energy-efficient plan for use of an auditorium during a heating period. We carried out a pilot testing of the energy saving system optimization project at Kyiv National University of Technology and Design. The testing confirmed a high level of its energy efficiency.Предложена методика усовершенствования системы энергосбережения в высших учебных заведениях Украины как составляющей повышения результативности деятельности. Предложенная методика базируется на разработанной модели оптимального управления тепловым режимом помещений с минимизацией затрат энергии на отопление и энергетических потерь при поддержке заданного уровня теплового комфорта на примере Киевского национального университета технологий и дизайна (Украина)Запропоновано методику удосконалення системи енергозбереження у вищих навчальних закладах України як складової підвищення результативності діяльності. Запропонована методика базується на розробленій моделі оптимального управління тепловим режимом приміщень з мінімізацією витрат енергії на опалення та енергетичних втрат при підтримці заданого рівня теплового комфорту на прикладі Київського національного університету технологій та дизайну (Україна

    Assessing the effects of socially responsible strategic partnerships on building brand equity of integrated business structures in Ukraine

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    Research background: At present, it is critical to raise awareness on how global trends of doing business within the framework of sustainable development affect the success of each business unit, integration associations, and apparently contribute to a nation’s prosperity. Thus, a study aimed at measuring the effects of socially responsible strategic partnerships on building brand equity of integrated business structures (IBS) will provide deeper insights into assessing the effectiveness and relevance of disseminating CSR practices. Purpose of the article: The paper attempts to evaluate the degree of effect of socially responsible strategic partnerships on building strong brand equity of integrated business structures. Methods: The participants in the assessment have been selected from the Forbes TOP 200 largest companies in Ukraine (the ranking was based not only on sales, such metrics as companies’ financial performance, total assets and their current assessed value were also considered). The input data on the CSR indices were obtained from the Center for CSR Development Ukraine. The index of loyalty to a certain brand was calculated as an integral ratio of satisfaction and importance to customers (based on online survey results). To analyze the impact of the endogenous variable of CSR on IBS branding effectiveness (customer loyalty index and brand equity) and its cost effectiveness, correlation regression and factor analysis methods were applied. Findings & Value added: This study demonstrates the feasibility and economic justification of the impact of socially responsible strategic partnerships on brand equity development for integrated business structures. The research has significant implications for brand management of integrated business structures by providing empirical evidence that will improve understanding of the need to implement the concept of socially responsible branding that right today resonates with the moral society

    Assessing the effects of socially responsible strategic partnerships on building brand equity of integrated business structures in Ukraine

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    Research background: At present, it is critical to raise awareness on how global trends of doing business within the framework of sustainable development affect the success of each business unit, integration associations, and apparently contribute to a nation's prosperity. Thus, a study aimed at measuring the effects of socially responsible strategic partnerships on building brand equity of integrated business structures (IBS) will provide deeper insights into assessing the effectiveness and relevance of disseminating CSR practices. Purpose of the article: The paper attempts to evaluate the degree of effect of socially responsible strategic partnerships on building strong brand equity of integrated business structures. Methods: The participants in the assessment have been selected from the Forbes TOP 200 largest companies in Ukraine (the ranking was based not only on sales, such metrics as companies' financial performance, total assets and their current assessed value were also considered). The input data on the CSR indices were obtained from the Center for CSR Development Ukraine. The index of loyalty to a certain brand was calculated as an integral ratio of satisfaction and importance to customers (based on online survey results). To analyze the impact of the endogenous variable of CSR on IBS branding effectiveness (customer loyalty index and brand equity) and its cost effectiveness, correlation regression and factor analysis methods were applied. Findings & Value added: This study demonstrates the feasibility and economic justification of the impact of socially responsible strategic partnerships on brand equity development for integrated business structures. The research has significant implications for brand management of integrated business structures by providing empirical evidence that will improve understanding of the need to implement the concept of socially responsible branding that right today resonates with the moral society

    Управління проектом конкурентно-інтеграційного бенчмаркінгу вищих навчальних закладів

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    The proposed approach to management of a project of competitive-integrative benchmarking makes it possibleh to increase competitiveness of Ukrainian higher educational institutions. Management of projects of HEI development of this type allows us to introduce the service ecosystem of provision for qualified personnel in industry, transport, without which it is impossible to implement high technologies. Ecosystem of benchmarking of HEI is an interaction of four components: functional marketing subsystems (personnel management (People), partnership (Partnership), process management (Processes), educational services (Products).Competitive benchmarking allows us timely and clearly to identify weaknesses and shortcomings in the activity of an examined University. It is possible to develop a project of benchmarking implementation of successful experience of development and realization of competitive advantages and competencies of HEI-model, as well as to compare the activity of HEI with others.Performed analysis of activity of 14 institutions of higher education in Ukraine allowed us to comprehend the situation in the market of educational services and the level of competition. Application of instruments of process-oriented approach of benchmarking makes it possible:– to determine the best HEI for each of the proposed 4P component – marketing subsystems;– to substantiate standard strategies in each benchmarking subsystem by comparison of competitive competences of the top universities.Implementation of the proposed conceptual model of management of a project of competitive-integrative benchmarking allows adaptation of best practices of model HEIs based on partnership and cooperationПредложен подход к управлению проектом сервисной экосистемы конкурентно-интеграционного бенчмаркинга повышения конкурентоспособности украинских высших учебных заведений. Инструментарий процессно-ориентированного подхода к управлению проектом бенчмаркинга базируется на обосновании эталонной стратегии путем сравнения конкурентных преимуществ по выделенным 4P-подсистемам бенчмаркинга управления лучших университетов: управление персоналом (People), партнерские отношения (Partnership), управление процессами (Processes), образовательные услуги (Products)Запропоновано підхід до управління проектом сервісної екосистеми конкурентно-інтеграційного бенчмаркінгу підвищення конкурентоспроможності українських вищих навчальних закладів. Інструментарій процесно-орієнтованого підходу до управління проектом бенчмаркінгу базується на обґрунтуванні еталонної стратегії шляхом порівняння конкурентних переваг за виділеними 4P-підсистемами бенчмаркінгу управління кращих університетів: управління персоналом (People), партнерські відносини (Partnership), управління процесами (Processes), освітні послуги (Products

    Managing a Project of Competitive-integrative Benchmarking of Higher Educational Institutions

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    The proposed approach to management of a project of competitive-integrative benchmarking makes it possibleh to increase competitiveness of Ukrainian higher educational institutions. Management of projects of HEI development of this type allows us to introduce the service ecosystem of provision for qualified personnel in industry, transport, without which it is impossible to implement high technologies. Ecosystem of benchmarking of HEI is an interaction of four components: functional marketing subsystems (personnel management (People), partnership (Partnership), process management (Processes), educational services (Products).Competitive benchmarking allows us timely and clearly to identify weaknesses and shortcomings in the activity of an examined University. It is possible to develop a project of benchmarking implementation of successful experience of development and realization of competitive advantages and competencies of HEI-model, as well as to compare the activity of HEI with others.Performed analysis of activity of 14 institutions of higher education in Ukraine allowed us to comprehend the situation in the market of educational services and the level of competition. Application of instruments of process-oriented approach of benchmarking makes it possible:– to determine the best HEI for each of the proposed 4P component – marketing subsystems;– to substantiate standard strategies in each benchmarking subsystem by comparison of competitive competences of the top universities.Implementation of the proposed conceptual model of management of a project of competitive-integrative benchmarking allows adaptation of best practices of model HEIs based on partnership and cooperatio


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    Urgency of the research. International practice demonstrates that competitive and integrative benchmarking competition gives way to cooperation that may eventually become the driving force in changing the philosophy of the modern system of higher education. Target setting. The study of theoretical and methodological approaches to maintaining effective competitive and integrative benchmarking along with carrying out applied projects facilitating its implementation into the operation of national HEIs seems timely and relevant. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. A study of characteristics of benchmarking as a management tool in education was accomplished by such scholars as N. Jackson, H. Lund, M. Udam, M. Heidmets, Kuźmicz K., Schwarz S., Wersterheijden D. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. The scientists have not yet sufficiently developed the comprehensive analysis of the competitive and integrative benchmarking, including the Higher Eeducation Institutions. The research objective. The article aims to prove the feasibility of competitive and integrative benchmarking to ensure the competitiveness of Higher Education Institutions and their adaptation to market and institutional realia of the domestic economy. The statement of basic materials. The article justifies the feasibility of competitive and integrative benchmarking increasing the competitiveness of national universities. Toolkit of process-oriented approach of benchmarking is based on justification of the reference strategy by comparing competitive advantages in selected 4P-subsystems of benchmarking of management in top universities. Conclusions. The concept of the competitive and integrative benchmarking, developed by the authors as a marketing and management tool facilitating the capacity of Higher Education Institutions to build and maintain their competitive edge, is a synthesis of the competitive analysis mechanism and marketing interaction for the purpose of adapting the best practices by identifying benchmark organizations.Актуальність теми дослідження. Міжнародна практика показує, що все більш актуальним стає застосування конкурентно-інтеграційного бенчмаркінгу, при якому відбувається відмова від суперництва на користь співробітництва, що згодом може стати рушійною силою в зміні філософії сучасної системи вищої освіти. Постановка проблеми. Доцільним є дослідження теоретико-методологічних підходів до ефективної організації конкурентно-інтеграційного бенчмаркінгу і створення прикладних розробок, що полегшують його впровадження в діяльність вітчизняних вищих навчальних закладів. Аналіз останніх досліджень і публікацій. Вивченню бенчмаркінгу як інструменту управління в сфері освіти прісвячені роботи таких дослідників, як Jackson N., Lund H., Udam M., Heidmets M.; Kuźmicz K., Schwarz S., Wersterheijden D. Виділення недосліджених частин загальної проблеми. Науковцями ще недостатньо опрацьовані питання комплексного аналізу конкурентно-інтеграційного бенчмаркінгу, в тому числі і у вищих навчальних закладах. Постановка завдання. Стаття покликана обгрунтувати доцільність застосування конкурентно-інтеграційного бенчмаркінгу в забезпеченні конкурентоспроможності вищих навчальних закладів та адаптації його до ринково-інституційних реалій вітчизняної економіки. Виклад основного матеріалу. У статті обгрунтовано доцільність застосування конкурентно-інтеграційного бенчмаркінгу підвищення конкурентоспроможності вітчизняних вищих навчальних закладів. Інструментарій провесно-орієнтованого підходу бенчмаркінгу базується на обґрунтуванні еталонної стратегії шляхом порівняння конкурентних переваг по виділеним 4P–підсистемам бенчмаркінгу управління кращих університетів. Висновки. Розроблена концепція конкурентно-інтеграційного бенчмаркінгу як маркетингового і управлінського інструменту забезпечення конкурентоспроможності вищих навчальних закладів синтезує механізми конкурентного аналізу і маркетингової взаємодії з метою адаптації передового досвіду за допомогою виявлення еталонних організацій

    Using the Model of Benchmarking of Educational Services in a Socially Responsible Education-Innovation Cluster during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Purpose of the study is to substantiate the feasibility of using the model of benchmarking of educational services in the socially responsible educationalinnovative cluster in the context of Covid-19 pandemic. Specifically, the authors focus on justify a "nuclear" approach to the cluster formation. The processoriented benchmarking model was used to apply best practices of providing higher educational service in the context of Covid-19 pandemic. The method of factor analysis was used to determine the impact of each of the 4P subsystems of benchmarking. Using the method of benchmarking makes it possible to develop a final competitive product in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic - an educational service for all industry and territorial stakeholders. In the light of Covid-19 pandemic, the formation of socially responsible educational-innovative clusters in Ukraine is one of the most promising and effective trends to modernize the provision of educational service. The uniqueness of the educational service is created by strengthening and synergizing the competitive advantages and competencies of all participants in the educational cluster: teachers, students, employers, research staff, the local community

    Experimental testing of the influence of the operating loading on the flow characteristics of hydraulic pump

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    The contribution deals with the influence of the operating loading on the flow characteristics of the hydraulic pump under laboratory conditions. In the test, a new toothed hydraulic pump and hydraulic oil with kinematic viscosity at 40°C, ν = 64.2 mm2.s-1 were used. The operational loading was measured during the most difficult agrotechnical operation – ploughing, at which the loading of the hydraulic pump is the greatest. Laboratory testing was determined for 200 hours, and the flow characteristics had been detected at 50 hours intervals. Measurement of the flow characteristics was performed at rated speed n = 1,000 rpm. Measurement of the flow characteristics was carried out in dependence on the loading pressure from p = 0 MPa to p = 20 MPa. When p = 0 MPa, the value reached n = 91.70% and when p = 20 MPa, n = 86.68%. Running-in of the hydraulic pump lasted 150 hours, with an increase of the flow characteristics Δηvol = 1.36% (p = 10 MPa) compared to the initial state. After working for 200 hours, the flow rate of the hydraulic pump decreases compared to 150 hours