17 research outputs found


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    Permasalahan yang ditangani adalah keberadaan wanita/istri nelayan sebagai penyokong kebutuhan ekonomi rumah tangga sangat dibutuhkan mengingat para suami yang bekerja sebagai nelayan tidaklah dapat digantungkan dari sisi penghasilan. Besarnya kontribusi istri nelayan terhadap peningkatan pendapatan ekonomi rumah tangga nelayan tradisional merupakan salah satu wujud kemampuan dan kemandirian kaum wanita di daerah pesisir untuk menopang ekonomi keluarganya. Seiring dengan berjalannya usaha mereka, tidak sedikit dari anggota POKLAHSAR mengalami masalah dalam modal usaha, terlebih pada saat pandemi ini. Saat ini kelompok belum mampu memberikan bantuan dalam hal modal usaha, padahal kelompok ini sudah memiliki nilai “kekuatan “ dan kekompakan bekerja sama dalam aktivitas usaha terutama dalam menyebarkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan usaha


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    Islamophobia merupakan bukan hal yang baru di Eropa, namun setelah terjadinya peristiwa 9/11 di Amerika Serikat, sentimen islamophobia menjadi fenomena global salah satunya di Eropa. Meningkatnya sentimen islamophobia tersebut dalam beberapa tahun terakhir tidak lepas dari peran media massa yang mana terkesan memberikan stigma yang negatif terhadap Muslim di Eropa dalam laporan beritanya. Selain itu juga, islamophobia mencuri perhatian dari partai sayap kanan Eropa yang mencoba menerapkan kembali nilai-nilai asli Eropa sehingga berdampak kepada kebijakan pollitik yang dinilai merugikan Muslim di Eropa. Berdasarkan tujuan penelitian yang dilakukan, tujuan utama yang ingin dicapai adalah untuk mengetahui peran media massa dalam terbentuknya islamophobia di Eropa, untuk mengetahui perkembangan islamphobia di Eropa dan untuk mengetahui dampak kebijakan politik terhadap orang islam di Eropa. Kegunaan penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan sebagai referensi tambahan bagi pengembangan studi hubungan internasional yang berkaitan dengan masalah yang diteliti. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode dekriptif analitis, yang mana digunakan untuk mendefinisikan fenomena dan membahas realita yang ada serta berkembang dewasa ini kendati yang setuju pada pencarian alternatif untuk membahas permasalahan yang dihadapi. Metode ini paa akhirnya akan dapat dikomparasikan dengan prediksi realita masa yang akan datang. Metode deskritif analisis menggambarkan, menelaah, mengklarifikasi, serta menganalisis fenomena yang ada pada beberapa kejadiaan dalam masalah yang aktual ditengah realita yang ada untuk menguraikan secara lengkap fenomena sosisal serta memperbaiki masalah dalam praktiknya. Faktor media massa yang menyudutkan islam dalam setiap liputan yang berkaitan dengan masalah konflik seperti teroris dan kekerasan membuat banyak warga Eropa yang terjangkit islamophobia sehingga banyak muslim yang menjadi target rasisme dan kekerasan baik di lingkungan tempat tinggal maupun di tempat kerja, sehingga perlu diketahui sejauh mana media massa mempengaruhi kebijakan politik di Eropa terutama terhadap partai sayap kanan Eropa yang dikhawatirkan akan merugikan muslim di Eropa

    Effect of thermal-resistant polymeric coatings on thermomechanical and topographical properties of glass fiber

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    Thermal-resistant coatings, based on polysilazane and polysiloxane polymers, were applied onto the glass fiber rovings with the dip-coating method. The coated glass fibers were characterized by performing different experiments to evaluate the effect of coatings on thermomechanical and topographical properties of glass fiber. The effect of temperature on the mechanical properties of the coated rovings were studied and compared with the uncoated rovings. Thermogravimetric analysis was carried out to investigate the thermal stability of coated samples. Scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray analyses were performed to evaluate the surface topographical characteristics of the glass fiber rovings. These analyses showed the changes in surface morphological properties due to modification of glass fiber by coating treatment. The results of tensile testing indicated that thermal-resistant coatings enhanced up to 60% tensile strength and 20% stiffness of uncoated glass fiber roving. Thermomechanical study up to 500°C revealed that polysiloxane coating on glass fiber showed better performance than polysilazane polymeric coating

    Business Communication Model Amid Pandemic: A Case Study Of Creative Industry Smes Phenomena In Indonesia

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    The aim of this study is to determine the communication maturity stage within an organization, each informant's responses are classified into three categories: internal relationship, new technology adaptation, and the presence of a communication role model in SMEs. The data were collected from interviews with SMEs which were then analyzed by qualitative analysis. This study divides the SMEs into three categories through a case study approach by selecting fifteen SMEs based on purposive sample criteria. Category A contains SMEs that survived during the pandemic without making significant strategy changes, category B contains SMEs that survived during a pandemic by large-scale reforming, and category C is for SMEs that did not survive. Based on this categorization, an internal and external communication analysis, category A internally shows business communications classified into adult and adolescence stages, shown by how they practice open and dynamic internal relationships, adapt new technologies comprehensively and place role models that exhibit an egalitarian and transparent communication skill. As for external communication, category A adopt digital technology by utilizing social media, automatic transaction systems, and social commerce consisting of functional, hedonistic, and social aspects. Categories B and C both adopt digital technology, but do not consider the importance of social commerce

    Silvering of three-dimensional polyethylene terephthalate textile material by means of wet-chemical processes

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    The aim of this research is to develop a wet-chemical silvering method for a three-dimensional (3D) textile material made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) to prevent and eliminate biological contaminants in drinking water and other liquid-containing systems. Three-dimensional textile fabrics are particularly well-suited as silvered disinfection materials in water systems, because they have 3D structures, pressure-elastic textile design, and provide large contact areas. Furthermore, water can easily be passed through the structure. The developed wet-chemical procedures are based on aminosilane, which consists of at least two amine groups and is well-suited to form a silver diamine complex. The silvered textile material was coated with cationic silver. After the chemical reduction, the cationic silver turns into metallic silver on the surface of PET spacer fabrics. The surface morphology of silver-coated spacer fabrics was analyzed and the uniform silver layer on the PET fiber surface was found. X-ray diffraction and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis spectrums showed that the silver was immobilized on the PET fiber surface. The layer thickness and the silver amount were also determined. The silvered spacer fabrics can be used in sealing and/or cooling water systems; therefore, the silver ion release in water was analyzed. Furthermore, textile physical tests for the measurement of breaking force and elongation were carried out. No significant change in breaking force and elongation was observed after silvering of PET spacer fabric

    Thermal and oxidation resistant barrier on carbon fiber with Si and Si–Ti based pre-ceramic coatings for high temperature application

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    Carbon fiber (CF) must be protected from thermal oxidation for high temperature application because of its low thermo-oxidative stability above 450°C in air. CF is now increasingly being used as a reinforcing material in the construction industry. A thermal and oxidation resistant coating is necessary for CF-reinforced concrete (CFRC) composites in order to satisfy a high level of safety standard in the case of fire. New types of pre-ceramic coatings, such as Tyranno® polymer (Si–Ti based pre-ceramic) and SiO₂ sol–gel, have been deposited on CF filament yarn by means of a wet chemical continuous dip coating method. The results of surface analyses, e.g. scanning electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and infrared spectroscopy, showed the changes in topographical properties of CF caused by the coatings. Thermogravimetric analysis proved that the high temperature (up to 800°C) oxidation stability of CF was considerably improved due to the coatings. Tensile test results indicated that the strength of CF yarn at 20°C was increased by up to 80% with the coatings. Thermo-mechanical properties were also enhanced up to 600°C. CF yarn retains its original strength and elasticity modulus, i.e. the stiffness at 700°C, with a Tyranno® polymer coating