9 research outputs found

    Media as a factor of national identification processes in the Ukrainian society

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    З’ясовано місце та роль медіа у процесі формування національної ідентичності українців та складність розширення комунікативної сфери української мови. The place and role of media in shaping Ukrainian national identity and the complexity of the expansion of communicative spheres of Ukrainian language

    The role of information and communication processes in facilitating the decisions of economic entities in the bitcoin market

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    This publication contains the results of a study to determine the role and mechanisms of journalistic information products in shaping the trendiness of cryptocurrency exchanges. The methodology of content analysis, case study, and analytics was applied, which allowed to obtain practical results on the actual functional purpose of journalism in the newest New Media paradigm. The research findings indicate a significant impact of the cryptocurrency market, in particular, Bitcoin, on the global economy. This is due to the introduction of digital currencies among developed economies that are seeking to integrate blockchain technology. The development of digital technologies and the New Media paradigm have had a significant impact on the cryptocurrency market, as illustrated by the influence of Elon Musk. Journalism acts as an information and analytical buffer, providing market participants with statistical information and analytical conclusions

    The role and uses of antibodies in COVID-19 infections: a living review

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 has generated a rapidly evolving field of research, with the global scientific community striving for solutions to the current pandemic. Characterizing humoral responses towards SARS-CoV-2, as well as closely related strains, will help determine whether antibodies are central to infection control, and aid the design of therapeutics and vaccine candidates. This review outlines the major aspects of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody research to date, with a focus on the various prophylactic and therapeutic uses of antibodies to alleviate disease in addition to the potential of cross-reactive therapies and the implications of long-term immunity

    T cell phenotypes in COVID-19 - a living review

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    COVID-19 is characterized by profound lymphopenia in the peripheral blood, and the remaining T cells display altered phenotypes, characterized by a spectrum of activation and exhaustion. However, antigen-specific T cell responses are emerging as a crucial mechanism for both clearance of the virus and as the most likely route to long-lasting immune memory that would protect against re-infection. Therefore, T cell responses are also of considerable interest in vaccine development. Furthermore, persistent alterations in T cell subset composition and function post-infection have important implications for patients’ long-term immune function. In this review, we examine T cell phenotypes, including those of innate T cells, in both peripheral blood and lungs, and consider how key markers of activation and exhaustion correlate with, and may be able to predict, disease severity. We focus on SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells to elucidate markers that may indicate formation of antigen-specific T cell memory. We also examine peripheral T cell phenotypes in recovery and the likelihood of long-lasting immune disruption. Finally, we discuss T cell phenotypes in the lung as important drivers of both virus clearance and tissue damage. As our knowledge of the adaptive immune response to COVID-19 rapidly evolves, it has become clear that while some areas of the T cell response have been investigated in some detail, others, such as the T cell response in children remain largely unexplored. Therefore, this review will also highlight areas where T cell phenotypes require urgent characterisation


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    A mathematical model of the temperature field of a frequency-controlled asynchronous motor rotor is made out on the basis of differential equations of heat conduction. The model developed is approved in the course of experimental research on the motors examined.Разработана математическая модель температурного поля ротора частотно-управляемого асинхронного двигателя на основе дифференциальных уравнений теплопроводности. Полученная модель была апробирована в ходе экспериментальных исследований рассматриваемых двигателей.Розроблена математична модель температурного поля ротора частотно-керованого асинхронного двигуна на основі диференціальних рівнянь теплопровідності. Отримана модель була апробована в ході експериментальних досліджень даних двигунів


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    A mathematical model of the temperature field of a frequency-controlled asynchronous motor rotor is made out on the basis of differential equations of heat conduction. The model developed is approved in the course of experimental research on the motors examined.Разработана математическая модель температурного поля ротора частотно-управляемого асинхронного двигателя на основе дифференциальных уравнений теплопроводности. Полученная модель была апробирована в ходе экспериментальных исследований рассматриваемых двигателей.Розроблена математична модель температурного поля ротора частотно-керованого асинхронного двигуна на основі диференціальних рівнянь теплопровідності. Отримана модель була апробована в ході експериментальних досліджень даних двигунів


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    Demand forecasting for DC machines produced by ELECTROMASHINA Public Corporation (Kharkov, Ukraine) is performed with application of formalized models based on growth curves. Types of DC machines which are most promising for rebuilding are ascertainedВыполнено прогнозирование спроса на машины постоянного тока, выпускаемые ПАО "Электромашина" (г. Харьков), с использованием формализованных моделей на базе кривых роста. Установлены типы машин постоянного тока, которые наиболее перспективны для проведения модернизации.Виконано прогнозування попиту на машини постійного струму, що випускаються ПАТ "Електромашина" (м. Харків), з використанням формалізованих моделей на базі кривих зростання. Встановлені типи машин постійного струму, які найбільш перспективні для проведення модернізації

    Peculiarities of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the treatment of complicated caries in patients with concomitant somatic pathology

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    Relevance. To date, the prescription of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of complicated forms of caries, accompanied by a pronounced pain syndrome, is still needed. The main criteria to be met by NSAIDs used by patients are: adequacy of clinical situation, safety, effectiveness. However, if the choice of therapeutic agent is made without taking into account the accompanying somatic pathology, there is a risk of harm to the patient's health, both on the recommendation of the attending physician, and when the patient himself using the drug. The use of NSAIDs in medical practice is often fraught with serious adverse events (AEs), primarily from the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), cardiovascular system (CVS), etc. The task of the doctor, who prescribes NSAIDs to the patient, is to minimize the negative effects of these drugs on digestive and cardiovascular system of the patient while achieving the optimal analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.Aim. To study the peculiarities of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the treatment of complicated caries in patients with concomitant somatic pathology.Materials and methods. Retrospective review of domestic and foreign publications, questionnaire survey of dentists concerning prescribed NSAIDs, and generalized recommendations for prescribing these drugs taking into account the features of general medical diseases were carried out.Results. Basing on literature data and own clinical observations, the most frequently prescribed drugs for pain reaction relief in patients with complicated forms of caries were singled out and recommendations for prescription of NSAIDs in patients with generalosomatic diseases were suggested.Conclusions. This work offers recommendations for the use of NSAIDs in dental patients with concomitant somatic pathology

    Compression and knowledge discovery in ecology

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