767 research outputs found

    Analysing Inflation: Monetary and Real Theories

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    The paper seeks to analyse the inflationary trends observed in Pakistan in the recent past by applying both the monetary and real theories. The former explains inflation in terms of changes in liquidity per unit of real output and velocity whereas the latter makes use of real variables, especially, the structure of economy. Since the ratio between money spending (quantity of money times velocity) and real GDP defines general price level, monetary theory offers a natural tool for analysing inflation. Even factors like raising utility prices by the government or higher expected inflation add to inflation only when the additional demand for money generated by these factors is met with an accommodating increase in money supply (with stable velocity). During FY86 to 96 in Pakistan, money supply grew by 15.4 percent, GDP by 5.3 percent, and velocity by –0.24 percent. This yields an estimated inflation of 9.4 percent, very close to the actual one of 9.2 percent. Interestingly enough, more than half of the money expansion during the 90s emanated from credit for budgetary support, rendering the latter an active source of inflation. Under the real theory, we focused on full-cost-pricing wherein the market value-added price is defined as a weighted sum of various primary costs, e.g., wages, profits, and net indirect taxes. To capture the impact of terms of trade, foreign trade flows were added. It has been estimated that the overall inflation of 9.4 percent during FY86–95 was contributed to the extent of 5.6 points by profits, 2.2 points by wages, 0.9 by net indirect taxes and 0.7 by terms of trade. From policy perspective, monetary analysis has an edge over real analysis as controlling inflation through monetary management is relatively easier than through regulating various costs elements which go into the formation of price

    Assessing the financial potential of the company

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    In this position paper, we seek to extend the layered perception-action paradigm for on-line learning such that it includes an explicit symbolic processing capability. By incorporating symbolic processing at the apex of the perception action hierarchy in this way, we ensure that abstract symbol manipulation is fully grounded, without the necessity of specifying an explicit representational framework. In order to carry out this novel interfacing between symbolic and sub-symbolic processing, it is necessary to embed fuzzy rst-order logic theorem proving within a variational framework. The online learning resulting from the corresponding Euler-Lagrange equations establishes an extended adaptability compared to the standard subsumption architecture. We discuss an application of this approach within the eld of advanced driver assistance systems, demonstrating that a closed-form solution to the Euler Lagrange optimization problem is obtainable for simple cases.  DIPLEC

    Tensile Deformation and Failure of Thin Films of Aging Laponite Suspension

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    In this paper we study deformation, failure and breakage of visco-elastic thin films of aging laponite suspension under tensile deformation field. Aqueous suspension of laponite is known to undergo waiting time dependent evolution of its micro-structure, also known as aging, which is accompanied by an increase in the elastic modulus and relaxation time. In the velocity controlled tensile deformation experiments, we observed that the dependence of force and dissipated energy on velocity and initial thickness of the film is intermediate to a Newtonian fluid and a yield stress fluid. For a fixed waiting time, strain at break and dissipated energy increased with velocity, but decreased with initial thickness. With increase in age, strain at break and dissipated energy showed a decrease suggesting enhanced brittle behavior with increase in waiting time, which may be caused by restricted relaxation modes due to aging. In a force controlled mode, decrease in strain at failure at higher age also suggested enhanced brittleness with increase in waiting time. Remarkably, the constant force tensile deformation data up to the point of failure showed experimental time- aging time superposition that gave an independent estimation of relaxation time and elastic modulus dependence on age.Comment: 30 pages, 17 figure

    Paper Session II-C - Satellite Remote Sensing for Environment and Resource Managment

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    In the recent years there have been valuable achievements in data pre-processing r image processing and interpretation and other related techniques. These developments in the field of satellite remote sensing have resulted in much more useful studies of environment and resource management. We present a review of some of such studies with emphasis on different land use /landcover features in some urban areas of Pakistan. These studies were made using SPOT multispectral and panchromatic data. Our analysis will be found useful for updating information of different urban features. In the end we present our future programs regarding the resource management and environment using earth resource satellites like LANDSAT and SPOT

    Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase maintains glycolysis-driven growth in Drosophila tumors

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    Published online: 14 September 2017Tumors frequently fail to pass on all their chromosomes correctly during cell division, and this chromosomal instability (CIN) causes irregular aneuploidy and oxidative stress in cancer cells. Our objective was to test knockdowns of metabolic enzymes in Drosophila to find interventions that could exploit the differences between normal and CIN cells to block CIN tumor growth without harming the host animal. We found that depleting by RNAi or feeding the host inhibitors against phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) was able to block the growth of CIN tissue in a brat tumor explant model. Increasing NAD+ or oxidising cytoplasmic NADH was able to rescue the growth of PEPCK depleted tumors, suggesting a problem in clearing cytoplasmic NADH. Consistent with this, blocking the glycerol-3-phosphate shuttle blocked tumor growth, as well as lowering ROS levels. This work suggests that proliferating CIN cells are particularly vulnerable to inhibition of PEPCK, or its metabolic network, because of their compromised redox status.Rashid Hussain, Zeeshan Shaukat, Mahwish Khan, Robert Saint and Stephen L. Gregor