73 research outputs found

    ‘What’s it like to have ME?’ The discursive construction of ME in computer-mediated communication and face-to-face interaction

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    ME/CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) is a debilitating illness for which no cause or medical tests have been identified. Debates over its nature have generated interest from qualitative researchers. However, participants are difficult to recruit because of the nature of their condition. Therefore, this study explores the utility of the internet as a means of eliciting accounts. We analyse data from focus groups and the internet in order to ascertain the extent to which previous research findings apply to the internet domain. Interviews were conducted among 49 members of internet (38 chatline, 11 personal) and 7 members of two face-to-face support groups. Discourse analysis of descriptions and accounts of ME/CFS revealed similar devices and interactional concerns in both internet and face-to-face communication. Participants constructed their condition as serious, enigmatic and not psychological. These functioned to deflect problematic assumptions about ME/CFS and to manage their accountability for the illness and its effects

    Density and Velocity Fields from the PSCz Survey

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    We present the results for the predicted density and peculiar velocity fields and the dipole from the PSCz survey of 15,000 IRAS galaxies over 84% of the sky. We find a significant component to the dipole arising between 6000 and 15,000 km/s, but no significant component from greater distances. The misalignment with the CMB is 20 degrees. The most remarkable feature of the PSCz model velocity field is a coherent large-scale flow along the baseline connecting Perseus-Pisces, the Local Supercluster, Great Attractor and the Shapley Concentration. We have measured the parameter beta using the amplitude of the dipole, bulk flow and point by point comparisons between the individual velocities of galaxies in the MarkIII and SFI datasets, and the large-scale clustering distortion in redshift space.All our results are consistent with beta = 0.6 +- 0.1.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures. To appear in 'Towards an Understanding of Cosmic Flows', Victoria, July 1999, eds Courteau,S., Strauss,M., Willick,J. PAS

    Assessing Domestic Heat Storage Requirements for Energy Flexibility Over Varying Timescales

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    This paper explores the feasibility of storing heat in an encapsulated store to support thermal load shifting over three timescales: diurnal, weekly and seasonal. A building simulation tool was used to calculate the space heating and hot water demands for four common UK housing types and a range of operating conditions. A custom sizing methodology calculated the capacities of storage required to fully meet the heat demands over the three timescales. Corresponding storage volumes were calculated for a range of heat storage materials deemed suitable for storing heat within a dwelling, either in a tank or as an integral part of the building fabric: hot water, concrete, high-temperature magnetite blocks, and a phase change material. The results indicate that with low temperature heat storage, domestic load shifting is feasible over a few days. Beyond this timescale, the very large storage volumes required make integration in dwellings problematic. Supporting load shifting over 1–2 weeks is feasible with high temperature storage. Retention of heat over periods longer than this is challenging, even with significant levels of insulation. Seasonal storage of heat in an encapsulated store appeared impractical in all cases modelled due to the volume of material required

    Domestic thermal storage requirements for heat demand flexibility

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    Future changes to the UK’s energy system, specifically radically increasing the deployment of renewable energy sources at all scales, will require much more flexibility in demand to ensure system stability. Using dynamic building simulation, this paper explores the feasibility of using thermal storage to enable flexibility in heat demand over a range of timescales: diurnal, weekly and seasonal. Time-varying space heating and hot water demand profiles for four common UK housing types were generated, accounting for different occupancy characteristics and various UK climates. These simulated heat demand profiles were used to calculate the necessary storage volumes for four heat storage options: hot water, concrete, high-temperature magnetite blocks and an inorganic phase change material. The results indicated that without first radically improving insulation levels to reduce heat demands, even facilitating diurnal heat storage would require low-temperature, sensible heat storage volumes well in excess of 1000L, in many cases. Storage of heat over more than a few days becomes infeasible due to the large storage volumes required, except in the case of dwellings with small heat demands and using high-temperature storage. However, for heat storage at high temperature, retention of heat over longer time periods becomes challenging event with significant levels of insulation

    “Pork pies and vindaloos”: learning for cosmopolitan citizenship

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    This paper examines Audrey Osler and Hugh Starkey’s 2003 article on cosmopolitan citizenship 14 years after its publication. Since its publication, young people’s disconnection from political life has increasingly become a cause for concern for most, if not all, Western democracies. Specifically, this article examines the implications for young people’s political life in Leicester following a period of local, regional and national political changes. The study has shown how some South Asian young people occupy “outsiders-within” status in Leicester’s “common culture” (and all the sub-cultures that exist within it) and see their ethnic communities from a range of voyeuristic positions. Young South Asian participants in the study have not distanced themselves from the South Asian community entirely, but the way participants have approached narrating their self-identities has not necessarily been forged in, or determined upon, how “Indian” or “Pakistani” identities are conceived by the common culture. Consequently, two questions arise. Firstly, what is the impact of developing cosmopolitan citizenship among young people forging new types of ethnic identities in Leicester? Secondly, what types of educational approaches (formal and informal) would be important to help strengthen young people’s political engagement? The paper concludes that the ongoing challenge for educators is to strengthen mutual understanding between students from different communities and backgrounds by drawing on their lived experience within the caveat of promoting cosmopolitan citizenship

    The Maestro (Mro) Gene Is Dispensable for Normal Sexual Development and Fertility in Mice

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    The mammalian gonad arises as a bipotential primordium from which a testis or ovary develops depending on the chromosomal sex of the individual. We have previously used DNA microarrays to screen for novel genes controlling the developmental fate of the indifferent embryonic mouse gonad. Maestro (Mro), which encodes a HEAT-repeat protein, was originally identified as a gene exhibiting sexually dimorphic expression during mouse gonad development. Wholemount in situ hybridisation analysis revealed Mro to be expressed in the embryonic male gonad from approximately 11.5 days post coitum, prior to overt sexual differentiation. No significant expression was detected in female gonads at the same developmental stage. In order to address its physiological function, we have generated mice lacking Maestro using gene targeting. Male and female mice homozygous for a Mro null allele are viable and fertile. We examined gonad development in homozygous male embryos in detail and observed no differences when compared to wild-type controls. Immunohistochemical analysis of homozygous mutant testes of adult mice revealed no overt abnormalities. Expression profiling using DNA microarrays also indicated no significant differences between homozygote embryonic male gonads and controls. We conclude that Maestro is dispensable for normal male sexual development and fertility in laboratory mice; however, the Mro locus itself does have utility as a site for insertion of transgenes for future studies in the fields of sexual development and Sertoli cell function

    Train the Trainers: Recurso online para alinear capacidades y competencias transversales en el marco de la agenda europea de capital humano, empleabilidad y competitividad

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    El proyecto “Train the Trainers” continĂșa la labor de dos proyectos anteriores: 2019/20 No. 360 (La docencia en emprendimiento y emprendimiento social en los ecosistemas universitarios de referencia: AplicaciĂłn de las metodologĂ­as docentes de aprender a emprender en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid) y 2018/19 No. 218 (La docencia en emprendimiento y emprendimiento social en los ecosistemas universitarios de referencia). El proyecto ha supuesto la creaciĂłn de un recurso online destinado a la formaciĂłn en innovaciĂłn social y emprendimiento dentro del marco de la Nueva Agenda de Capacidades de Europa empleando como prototipo la asignatura de “CrĂ­tica literaria e investigaciĂłn contemporĂĄnea en lengua inglesa” del Grado de Estudios Ingleses. La propuesta se enmarca dentro de las lĂ­neas prioritarias del equipo rectoral y del Vicerrectorado de Emprendimiento y Empleabilidad, en lĂ­nea con la normativa europea puesto que la universidad debe potenciar no solo la docencia y la investigaciĂłn sino tambiĂ©n la transferencia de conocimiento a la sociedad y el fortalecimiento de las salidas profesionales mediante la alineaciĂłn de la docencia a las capacidades y competencias que se necesitan en el mercado laboral

    Chromosome-scale genome assembly provides insights into rye biology, evolution and agronomic potential

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    Rye (Secale cereale L.) is an exceptionally climate-resilient cereal crop, used extensively to produce improved wheat varieties via introgressive hybridization and possessing the entire repertoire of genes necessary to enable hybrid breeding. Rye is allogamous and only recently domesticated, thus giving cultivated ryes access to a diverse and exploitable wild gene pool. To further enhance the agronomic potential of rye, we produced a chromosome-scale annotated assembly of the 7.9-gigabase rye genome and extensively validated its quality by using a suite of molecular genetic resources. We demonstrate applications of this resource with a broad range of investigations. We present findings on cultivated rye's incomplete genetic isolation from wild relatives, mechanisms of genome structural evolution, pathogen resistance, low-temperature tolerance, fertility control systems for hybrid breeding and the yield benefits of rye-wheat introgressions.Peer reviewe
