12,398 research outputs found

    Advanced control concepts

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    The problems of excess control devices and insufficient trim control capability on shuttle ascent vehicles were investigated. The trim problem is solved at all time points of interest using Lagrangian multipliers and a Simplex based iterative algorithm developed as a result of the study. This algorithm has the capability to solve any bounded linear problem with physically realizable constraints, and to minimize any piecewise differentiable cost function. Both solution methods also automatically distribute the command torques to the control devices. It is shown that trim requirements are unrealizable if only the orbiter engines and the aerodynamic surfaces are used

    Women Not Legal Persons

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    Is there a credibility crisis in strategic management research? Evidence on the reproducibility of study findings

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    Recent studies report an inability to replicate previously published research, leading some to suggest that scientific knowledge is facing a credibility crisis. In this essay, we provide evidence on whether strategic management research may itself be vulnerable to these concerns. We conducted a study whereby we attempted to reproduce the empirical findings of 88 articles appearing in the Strategic Management Journal using data reported in the articles themselves. About 70% of the studies did not disclose enough data to permit independent tests of reproducibility of their findings. Of those that could be retested, almost one-third reported hypotheses as statistically significant which were no longer so and far more significant results were found to be non-significant in the reproductions than in the opposite direction. Collectively, incomplete reporting practices, disclosure errors, and possible opportunism limit the reproducibility of most studies. Until disclosure standards and requirements change to include more complete reporting and facilitate tests of reproducibility, the strategic management field appears vulnerable to a credibility crisis

    Looming struggles over technology for border control

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    New technologies under development, capable of inflicting pain on masses of people, could be used for border control against asylum seekers. Implementation might be rationalized by the threat of mass migration due to climate change, nuclear disaster or exaggerated fears of refugees created by governments. We focus on taser anti-personnel mines, suggesting both technological countermeasures and ways of making the use of such technology politically counterproductive. We also outline several other types of ‘non-lethal’ technology that could be used for border control and raise human rights concerns: high-powered microwaves, armed robots, wireless tasers, acoustic devices/vortex rings, ionizing and pulsed energy lasers, chemical calmatives, convulsants, bioregulators and malodurants. Whether all these possible border technologies will be implemented is a matter for speculation, but their serious human rights implications warrant advance scrutiny

    Simian immunodeficiency virus infection in wild-caught chimpanzees from Cameroon

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    Simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIVcpz) infecting chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in west central Africa are the closest relatives to all major variants of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 ([HIV-1]; groups M, N and O), and have thus been implicated as the source of the human infections; however, information concerning the prevalence, geographic distribution, and subspecies association of SIVcpz still remains limited. In this study, we tested 71 wild-caught chimpanzees from Cameroon for evidence of SIVcpz infection. Thirty-nine of these were of the central subspecies (Pan troglodytes troglodytes), and 32 were of the Nigerian subspecies (Pan troglodytes vellerosus), as determined by mitochondrial DNA analysis. Serological analysis determined that one P. t. troglodytes ape (CAM13) harbored serum antibodies that cross-reacted strongly with HIV-1 antigens; all other apes were seronegative. To characterize the newly identified virus, 14 partially overlapping viral fragments were amplified from fecal virion RNA and concatenated to yield a complete SIVcpz genome (9,284 bp). Phylogenetic analyses revealed that SIVcpzCAM13 fell well within the radiation of the SIVcpzPtt group of viruses, as part of a clade including all other SIVcpzPtt strains as well as HIV-1 groups M and N. However, SIVcpzCAM13 clustered most closely with SIVcpzGAB1 from Gabon rather than with SIVcpzCAM3 and SIVcpzCAM5 from Cameroon, indicating the existence of divergent SIVcpzPtt lineages within the same geographic region. These data, together with evidence of recombination among ancestral SIVcpzPtt lineages, indicate long-standing endemic infection of central chimpanzees and reaffirm a west central African origin of HIV-1. Whether P. t. vellerosus apes are naturally infected with SIVcpz requires further study

    Onset of Phase Synchronization in Neurons Conneted via Chemical Synapses

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    We study the onset of synchronous states in realistic chaotic neurons coupled by mutually inhibitory chemical synapses. For the realistic parameters, namely the synaptic strength and the intrinsic current, this synapse introduces non-coherences in the neuronal dynamics, yet allowing for chaotic phase synchronization in a large range of parameters. As we increase the synaptic strength, the neurons undergo to a periodic state, and no chaotic complete synchronization is found.Comment: to appear in Int. J. Bif. Chao

    Economic benefits of Mt. Cook National Park

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    Market and non-market valued decisions are associated with New Zealand's system of national parks. The use benefits of Mount Cook National Park are not priced by the market mechanism, whereas many of the inputs necessary to operate and maintain the Park are priced. Estimates of the economic benefits are relevant information when deciding upon the allocation of resources to, and within, a system of national parks. In 1984, the consumers' surplus for adult New Zealand visitors was about 2.2million.AnestimateofthenetnationalbenefitsisgivenbytheconsumerssurplusobtainedbyNewZealandvisitors,plusthenetbenefitsassociatedwithforeignvisitors,lessthecostofParkmanagementandlandrental.ThenetbenefitofMountCookNationalPark,asitwasin1984,islikelytobepositive,indicatingthatthebenefitsassociatedwiththecurrentusepatternofresourcesexceedstheiropportunitycosttothenation.However,thisresultcannotbeusedtoestablishtheoptimalityofcurrentexpenditureandmanagement.Approximately170,000adultsvisitedMountCookNationalParkover1984;292.2 million. An estimate of the net national benefits is given by the consumers' surplus obtained by New Zealand visitors, plus the net benefits associated with foreign visitors, less the cost of Park management and land rental. The net benefit of Mount Cook National Park, as it was in 1984, is likely to be positive, indicating that the benefits associated with the current use pattern of resources exceeds their opportunity cost to the nation. However, this result cannot be used to establish the optimality of current expenditure and management. Approximately 170,000 adults visited Mount Cook National Park over 1984; 29% were from New Zealand, 25% were from Australia, 18% were from the United States, and 7% were from Japan. Visitors to the Park spend money in towns and villages in the Mackenzie Basin area. Average adult visitor expenditure in the Mackenzie Basin area is 58. These expenditures give rise to secondary economic benefits and create opportunities for regional development. Visitor expenditures in the Mackenzie Basin area are associated with 13.4millionofadditionalregionaloutput,13.4 million of additional regional output, 6.8 million of additional regional income, and 196 jobs. These effects derive their significance from regional objectives; they are not indicators of the national benefits associated with Mount Cook National Park