140 research outputs found

    Rehabilitation of hearing impaired children in India – An update

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    The prevalence of deafness in India is fairly significant. It is the second most common cause of disability. Approximately 63 million people (6.3%) in India suffer from significant auditory loss.1 Rehabilitation of hearing impaired children in India remains a challenging task. Early detection and intervention are the mainstay of this initiative. This article does not purport to detail the clinical aspects and surgical management of hearing handicapped children.We discuss here the resources and options available in India for the education of deaf children and the role of the Government bodies in rehabilitation. Awareness abouteducation and rehabilitation of hearing handicapped is low among the general public and even among the medical fraternity.

    Analysis of Steel Made Leaf Spring using FEA Tool ANSYS

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    Mathematical and computer modelling have been playing an increasingly important role in the Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) process of many products in the last 60 years. Simulation offers great advantages in the development and analysis phase of products and offers a faster, better and more cost effective way than using physical prototypes alone. This paper analyses the mechanics characteristic of a composite leaf spring made from glass fibre reinforced plastics using the ANSYS software. Considering interleaf contact, the stress distribution and deformation are obtained. Taking the single spring as an example, comparison between the performance of the GFRP and the steel spring is presented. The comparison results show that the composite spring has lower stresses and much lower weight. Then the automotive dead weight is reduced observably

    Rehabilitation of hearing impaired children in India – An update

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    The prevalence of deafness in India is fairly significant. It is the second most common cause of disability. Approximately 63 million people (6.3%) in India suffer from significant auditory loss.1 Rehabilitation of hearing impaired children in India remains a challenging task. Early detection and intervention are the mainstay of this initiative. This article does not purport to detail the clinical aspects and surgical management of hearing handicapped children. We discuss here the resources and options available in India for the education of deaf children and the role of the Government bodies in rehabilitation. Awareness about education and rehabilitation of hearing handicapped is low among the general public and even among the medical fraternity. This record was migrated from the OpenDepot repository service in June, 2017 before shutting down

    Formation of Metal Oxide Nanowire Networks (Nanowebs) of Low-Melting Metals

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    A method of producing networks of low melting metal oxides such as crystalline gallium oxide comprised of one-dimensional nanostructures. Because of the unique arrangement of wires, these crystalline networks defined as “nanowebs”, “nanowire networks”, and/or “two-dimensional nanowires”. Nanowebs contain wire densities on the order of 109/cm2. A possible mechanism for the fast self-assembly of crystalline metal oxide nanowires involves multiple nucleation and coalescence via oxidation-reduction reactions at the molecular level. The preferential growth of nanowires parallel to the substrate enables them to coalesce into regular polygonal networks. The individual segments of the polygonal network consist of both nanowires and nanotubules of β-gallium oxide. The synthesis of highly crystalline noncatalytic low melting metals such as β-gallium oxide tubes, nanowires, and nanopaintbrushes is accomplished using molten gallium and microwave plasma containing a mixture of monoatomic oxygen and hydrogen. Gallium oxide nanowires were 20-100 nm thick and tens to hundreds of microns long. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed the nanowires to be highly crystalline and devoid of any structural defects. Results showed that multiple nucleation and growth of gallium oxide nanostructures can occur directly out of molten gallium exposed to appropriate composition of hydrogen and oxygen in the gas phase. The method of producing nanowebs is extendible to other low melting metals and their oxides such as for example: zinc oxide, tin oxide, aluminum oxide, bismuth oxide, and titanium dioxide

    Adenoids in adult siblings : Is it familial ?

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    Waldeyer’s ring is a collection of lymphoid tissue at the entrance to the aerodigestive tract.Adenoids are present in the nasopharyx.They begin to regress from the age of 8 to 10 years1 and nearly always disappear by adulthood.The persistent presence of adenoid tissue after puberty has been reported in literature.While investigating a case of nasal obstruction in adults,the possibility of persistence of adenoid tissue should be borne in mind.

    Development and Valiation of Stability Indicating Chromatographic Methods for Drugs Used in Bacterial Infection Diseases Applying Experimental Design

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    This study was motivated by the fact that certain food poisonings and harmful microorganisms in ethanol and water determine roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), clove (Syzygium aromaticum), and thyme (Thymus vulgaris). is to exhibit the capacity to eliminate Least inhibitory focuses (MICs) of different plant extricates against Gram-positive microorganisms (Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus), Gram-negative microscopic organisms (Escherichia coli, Enteritidis, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and parasites (Candida albicans) and antibacterial impacts were explored. It is dissolved and measured using the agar well dispersion technique. The concentrate showed antimicrobial efficacy against the microorganisms and yeast used in the tests. Both pHint reduction and cell layer hyperpolarization indicated that the plant extract had a profound effect on the membranes of Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms. Overall, plant extracts have significant potential as unique regular food additives due to their antibacterial properties

    Statistical features of rapidly rotating decaying turbulence: Enstrophy and energy spectra and coherent structures

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    In this paper we investigate the properties of rapidly rotating decaying turbulence using numerical simulations and phenomenological modelling. We find that as the turbulent flow evolves in time, the Rossby number decreases to 103\sim 10^{-3}, and the flow becomes quasi-two-dimensional with strong coherent columnar structures arising due to the inverse cascade of energy. We establish that a major fraction of energy is confined in Fourier modes (±1,0,0)(\pm1,0,0) and (0,±1,0)(0,\pm1,0) that correspond to the largest columnar structure in the flow. For wavenumbers (kk) greater than the enstrophy dissipation wavenumber (kdk_d), our phenomenological arguments and numerical study show that the enstrophy flux and spectrum of a horizontal cross-section perpendicular to the axis of rotation are given by ϵωexp(C(k/kd)2)\epsilon_\omega\exp(-C(k/k_d)^2) and Cϵω2/3k1exp(C(k/kd)2)C\epsilon_\omega^{2/3}k^{-1}\exp(-C(k/k_d)^2) respectively; for this 2D flow, ϵω\epsilon_\omega is the enstrophy dissipation rate, and CC is a constant. Using these results, we propose a new form for the energy spectrum of rapidly rotating decaying turbulence: E(k)=Cϵω2/3k3exp(C(k/kd)2)E(k)=C\epsilon_\omega^{2/3}k^{-3}\exp(-C(k/k_d)^2). This model of the energy spectrum is based on wavenumber-dependent enstrophy flux, and it deviates significantly from power law energy spectrum reported earlier

    High Throughput Ratio Imaging to Profile Caspase Activity: Potential Application in Multiparameter High Content Apoptosis Analysis and Drug Screening

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    Recent advancement in the area of green fluorescent protein techniques coupled with microscopic imaging has significantly contributed in defining and dissecting subcellular changes of apoptosis with high spatio-temporal resolution. Although single cell based studies using EGFP and associated techniques have provided valuable information of initiation and hierarchical changes of apoptosis, they are yet to be exploited for multiparameter cell based real time analysis for possible drug screening or pathway defining in a high throughput manner. Here we have developed multiple cancer cell lines expressing FRET sensors for active caspases and adapted them for high throughput live cell ratio imaging, enabling high content image based multiparameter analysis. Sensitivity of the system to detect live cell caspase activation was substantiated by confocal acceptor bleaching as well as wide field FRET imaging. Multiple caspase-specific activities of DEVDase, IETDase and LEHDase were analysed simultaneously with other decisive events of cell death. Through simultaneous analysis of caspase activation by FRET ratio change coupled with detection of mitochondrial membrane potential loss or superoxide generation, we identified several antitumor agents that induced caspase activation with or without membrane potential loss or superoxide generation. Also, cells that escaped the initial drug-induced caspase activation could be easily followed up for defining long term fate. Employing such a revisit imaging strategy of the same area, we have tracked the caspase surviving fractions with multiple drugs and its subsequent response to retreatment, revealing drug-dependent diverging fate of surviving cells. This thereby indicates towards a complex control of drug induced tumor resistance. The technique described here has wider application in both screening of compound libraries as well as in defining apoptotic pathways by linking multiple signaling to identify non-classical apoptosis inducing agents, the greatest advantage being that the high content information obtained are from individual cells rather than being population based