967 research outputs found

    Linear discriminant analysis for the small sample size problem: an overview

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    Dimensionality reduction is an important aspect in the pattern classification literature, and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) is one of the most widely studied dimensionality reduction technique. The application of variants of LDA technique for solving small sample size (SSS) problem can be found in many research areas e.g. face recognition, bioinformatics, text recognition, etc. The improvement of the performance of variants of LDA technique has great potential in various fields of research. In this paper, we present an overview of these methods. We covered the type, characteristics and taxonomy of these methods which can overcome SSS problem. We have also highlighted some important datasets and software/packages

    A deterministic approach to regularized linear discriminant analysis

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    The regularized linear discriminant analysis (RLDA) technique is one of the popular methods for dimensionality reduction used for small sample size problems. In this technique, regularization parameter is conventionally computed using a cross-validation procedure. In this paper, we propose a deterministic way of computing the regularization parameter in RLDA for small sample size problem. The computational cost of the proposed deterministic RLDA is significantly less than the cross-validation based RLDA technique. The deterministic RLDA technique is also compared with other popular techniques on a number of datasets and favorable results are obtained

    Rotational linear discriminant analysis using Bayes Rule for dimensionality reduction

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    Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) finds an orientation that projects high dimensional feature vectors to reduced dimensional feature space in such a way that the overlapping between the classes in this feature space is minimum. This overlapping is usually finite and produces finite classification error which is further minimized by rotational LDA technique. This rotational LDA technique rotates the classes individually in the original feature space in a manner that enables further reduction of error. In this paper we present an extension of the rotational LDA technique by utilizing Bayes decision theory for class separation which improves the classification performance even further

    Manpower Planning, Scheduling and Tracking of a Construction Project Using Microsoft Project Software

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    Many project suffers time and cost overruns due to improper planning, scheduling and execution works that results in several issues like delay in providing facilities, development, reduction in quality of construction and making the project more expensive. A little consideration shows that the time required to complete the project is inversely proportional to the supply of manpower. As the manpower is increased, the completion time of the project is decreased and on the other hand if the manpower is decreased, the completion time of the project is increased. The present study deals with the manpower planning, scheduling and tracking of “Construction of a Residential Block at Mahadev Parisar, Bhopal”, a six storied (G+6) building project whose construction is in progress at Shivaji Nagar, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. A comparison between the baseline duration and cost to actual duration and cost of manpower of the project is also determined using the project management software tool Microsoft Project 2013.   Most Searchable Keywords manpower schedule sample for construction, construction manpower schedule sample, how to calculate manpower requirement in construction, manpower planning in project management, project manpower planning template,manpower and material tracking software, construction manpower planning, microsoft project construction schedul

    Impact of Regulation on the Physico-chemical Features and Zooplanktonic Diversity of Central Himalayan River Tawi in Udhampur (J&K) INDIA

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    Flow of rivers become impeded and are regulated due to construction of dam. This brings about change in abiotic and biotic factors compared to unregulated river. The post-impoundment physical, chemical and biological parameters of the parent river Tawi (upstream, within reservoir and downstream) were analysed for the first time and data thus generated was compared to reveal influence of dam on this regulated river. It was observed that the water temperature, pH, transparency and carbon dioxide content of the parent river were influenced by the dam and significant differences in these parameters were observed among the main zones sampled. The zooplanktonic community of river Tawi was also influenced by variations in abiotic features and its highest planktonic diversity was recorded in reservoir (lentic zone) of dam due to reduced water current, higher transparency  and long resident time where as downstream river exhibited low diversity due to lotic conditions

    Seed treatments for sustainable agriculture-A review

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    Seed treatment refers to the application of certain agents physical, chemical or biological to the seed prior to sowing in order to suppress, control or repel pathogens, insects and other pests that attack seeds, seedlings or plants and it ranges from a basic dressing to coating and pelleting. Introduction and ban of arsenic (used from 1740 until 1808) is the key milestones in the history of modern seed treatment till then a continuous research and advancement in this technology is going on. The technological advancement prepared a roadmap for refiningexisting seed treatment technologies and future work on technologies like fluid drilling as a way to sow germinated seeds where gel can also serve as a delivery system for other materials, seed priming advances the early phase of germination without redicle emergence. Another advanced technology, solid matrix priming (SMP) has been evaluated as a means to advances the germination of seeds and serve as a carrier for useful material too. Physical and biological seed treatments alone an alternative to chemicals or in combination with a chemical treatment are being used worldwide because of their environmental safety and socioeconomic aspects. Biological seed treatments are expected to be one of the fastest growing seed treatment sectors in the near future, in part because they are easier to register at Environment Protection Agency (EPA). Lack of awareness to seed treatments at farmer’s level is one of the limiting factors in disease management and hence, efforts should be made at farmer’s level to adopt the technology. Keeping the all above facts in mind, selected seed treatment technologies with their improvement and significance will be discussed in this review

    A Study of Aeroacoustic Performance of a Contra-Rotating Axial Flow Compressor Stage

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    The paper reports of an experimental investigation into the aeroacoustic performance of a contra-rotating axial flow compressor stage having a hub-tip ratio of 0.66. Aerodynamic superiority of a contra-stage is examined from the point of view of higher pressure rise, increased through flow and rotating stall suppression. Measurements of sound pressure level and real-time analysis of the noise signals is reported for two axial gap between the rotors on the aeroacoustic performance is discussed. The study reveals that the axial gap between the rotors significantly affects the aeroacoustic performance of a contra-stage


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    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a chronic lung disease that is often preventable and treatable. In Ayurvedic texts Shwasa Roga has been described having symptomatology close to COPD. COPD damages the airways in lungs and leads to shortness of breath, impacting patient`s work, exercise, sleep and other everyday activities. More than 11 million people in the U. S. suffer from COPD and its prevalence has been increasing steadily over the past 20 years. It causes serious long-term disability and early death. COPD includes both chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Risk factor includes exposure to air pollution, second-hand smoke and occupational dusts and chemicals, smoking, cold weather etc. which are also mentioned in Ayurvedic classics. Identification, reduction and control of risk factors to prevent the onset of COPD are important steps towards developing strategies for prevention of COPD. The aims and objectives of Ayurveda are to maintain the health of a healthy person and to cure the diseases of the patients. It is signifies that “prevention is better than cure.” To maintain the health, Ayurveda laid many basic principles like Ritucharya (seasonal regime), Dincharya (diumal regime) etc. The Yogic procedures and the concept of Pathya (wholesome) and Apathya (unwholesome) is the peculiarity of Ayurveda for the management of COPD and the treatment module includes- Panchakarma (Vamana, Virechana, Dhumapana and Nasya), external therapies (Lepas, Dhara, Sthanika Abhayanga and Swedana) and internal medications are very effective in COPD

    Biodiversity and abundance of benthic macro invertebrates community of Datte-da-Talab pond, Birpur (J&K) India

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    A Perennial pond "Datte Da Talab" has a dense population of benthic communities and it plays an important role in the exchange of nutrient cycles in the aquatic ecosystem. Fourteen (14) different species were identified in the present investigation belonging to three groups viz. Annelida (3 taxa), Arthropoda (8 taxa) and Mollusca (3 taxa). Arthropoda represented by Chironomus chironomus, Chironomus pupae, Pentaneura sp., Culicodes sp., Tabanus sp., Berosus sp., Paracymus sp., Hydroglyphus sp. and Canthydrus sp. The population of Mollusca was represented by Melanoides tuberculata, Physa sp. and Gyralus sp. Annelida dominated by Tubifex tubifex, Branchiura sp. and Dero digitata. Arthropoda was the dominant group among all and it constitutes 43.19 % of the total macrobenthic invertebrates collected. Mollusca were the second dominant group and contribute 38.55 % of total macrobenthic population. Whereas group Annelida was the least abundant among all and it shared 18.26 % of total macrobenthic fauna of pond. The maximum abundance of macrobenthic organisms recorded from station IV and minimum at the station I, which was 11558 and 7712 individuals/m2sediment respectively. The relative species diversity, species richness, dominance and evenness were calculated. The value of Simpson index ranged between H' = 0.48 to 0.69. The value of Shannon-Weiner index was higher (I = 1.66) at station III. Species richness in term of Maraglef's index and Menhinick's index varied between minimum valued R1= 1.08 (Station IV) to a maximum value R1 = 1.22 (Station III) and a minimum valued R2= 0.105 (Station IV) to a maximum value R2 = 0.133 (Station III) respectively. The minimum evenness value was observed at station I and maximum at station III the values being E = 0.581 and E = 0.668 respectively. The pond was investigated monthly during the year 2011-2012 for various physico-chemical parameters and macrobenthic invertebrates. Among physico-chemical parameters Depth, Transparency, pH, Water Temperature, Air Temperature, Weather conditions, Dissolved oxygen, Free carbon dioxide, Carbonates, Bicarbonates, Calcium, Magnesium, Chlorides, Phosphates, Sulphates and Nitrates were monitored which showed well marked seasonal fluctuations

    A Novel approach for Load Balancing distribution and storage by using Cloud Computing

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    Today’s Cloud computing is the popular technology to complete the work in an efficient way, this provides an important platform to storing data in terms of pay as per use and accessible for everyone by the help of the internet. As we know the use of this technology invites many issues, some are security, failure rate and most critical load balancing. These research papers focus on load balancing and also provide an algorithm to overcome this issue. This paper proposed an idea to minimize the extra burden on the nodes through load shift or load transfer according to the availability or requirement while nodes are overloaded. Here we are discussing many algorithms and their features and find out the proposed joint algorithm which works accordingly as demanded and also offer an idea to overcome the problem of over burdens on nodes by load balancing
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