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    Volume 1 Issue 5 (July 2013


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    The world is changing toward a market for productivity benefits highly dependent on technology, which will drive automation in the future. Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) is one of the automatic processes employed in industries. Due to this reason large demand of Submerged Arc Welding equipment and consumables will increase in future. The current work is an effort to study the effect of Nickel metal powder addition in flux, on the tensile strength and micohardness, of IS 2062 steel during submerged arc welding. The effect of Nickel metal powder addition on fluxes by keeping the welding parameters like welding voltage and welding speed constant has been evaluated. Taguchi technique has been used for the design of experiments. The effects of flux, voltage and travel speed have been evaluated on the tensile strength and microhardness. The effec

    Performance of FEC codes over AWGN channel for efficient use in Polymer Optical Fiber links

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    Volume 1 Issue 7 (September 2013

    The Survey of the Code Clone Detection Techniques and Process with Types (I, II, III and IV)

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    In software upgradation code clones are regularly utilized. So, we can contemplate on code location strategies goes past introductory code. In condition of-craftsmanship on clone programming study, we perceived the absence of methodical overview. We clarified the earlier research-in view of deliberate and broad database find and the hole of research for additionally think about. Software support cost is more than outlining cost. Code cloning is useful in several areas like detecting library contents, understanding program, detecting malicious program, etc. and apart from pros several serious impact of code cloning on quality, reusability and continuity of software framework. In this paper, we have discussed the code clone and its evolution and classification of code clone. Code clone is classified into 4 types namely Type I, Type II, III and IV. The exact code as well as copied code is depicted in detail for each type of code clone. Several clone detection techniques such as: Text, token, metric, hybrid based techniques were studied comparatively. Comparison of detection tools such as: clone DR, covet, Duploc, CLAN, etc. based on different techniques used are highlighted and cloning process is also explained. Code clones are identical segment of source code which might be inserted intentionally or unintentionally. Reusing code snippets via copying and pasting with or without minor alterations is general task in software development. But the existence of code clones may reduce the design structure and quality of software like changeability, readability and maintainability and hence increase the continuation charges

    Sentimental Analysis and Its Applications - A Review

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    Sentimental Analysis over the years has received a lot of recognition as it has shown a tremendous growth. Nowadays Sentimental analysis can be applied to any field as to bring out the emotions attached to it and also we can be able to know what the other person wants to convey. In our work we will be applying the sentimental analysis on the dataset of 15 hotels from the city and apply the new technique of Statistical Analysis. The Statistical Analysis Technique has taken the attributes like Food Quality, Ambience, area of Location etc into the account for calculating Document Index. The Reviews are taken from a trusted website. It is observed that people before making any decision do visit the reviews before making out the further decisions so e-WOM is the most effective to way to convey the views .Nowadays people rely a lot on electronic form of reviews because it is considered as the most trusted way that people can convey the views

    Code Smell Detection Techniques and Process: A Review

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    A code smell is a hint that something has turned out badly some place in your code. The idea of code smells was introduced to characterize various different types of design shortcomings in code. Code and design smells are poor solutions to recurring implementation and design problems. They may hinder the evolution of a system by making it hard for software engineers to carry out changes. In this paper, we reviewed code smell detection tool like: D�cor, InFusion, JDeodorant, PMD, Stench Blossom, etc. Furthermore, we discussed various code smells detecting techniques. Code clones are indistinguishable fragment of source code which may be embedded deliberately or inadvertently. Reusing code pieces through reordering with or without minor adjustments is general undertaking in programming advancement. We�ve examined several papers to explore various tools and techniques used for code smell. In addition, we reviewed the process of code smell detection

    PSO Algorithm Based Resource Allocation for OFDM Cognitive Radio

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    With the development of remote correspondences, the issue of data transmission lack has turned out to be more conspicuous. Then again, to sense the presence of authorized clients, range detecting procedures are utilized. Vitality recognition, Matched channel identification and Cyclo-stationary component location are the three ordinary techniques utilized for range detecting. However there are a few downsides of these strategies. The execution of vitality indicator is helpless to instability in noise power. Coordinated channel range detecting strategies require a devoted collector for each essential client. Cyclo-stationary element Detection requires parcel of calculation exertion and long perception time. This proposition talks about the routine vitality location strategy and proposed enhanced vitality identification technique utilizing cubing operation. Additionally, cyclic prefix based range detecting is talked about in this theory. Scientific Description of vitality location and cyclic prefix based range detecting strategies is likewise delineated for fading channels
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