30 research outputs found

    Improving Transfer Learning for Use in Multi-Spectral Data

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    Recently Nasa as well as the European Space Agency have made observational satellites images public. The main reason behind opening it to public is to foster research among university students and corporations alike. Sentinel is a program by the European Space Agency which has plans to release a series of seven satellites in lower earth orbit for observing land and sea patterns. Recently huge datasets have been made public by the Sentinel program. Many advancements have been made in the field of computer vision in the last decade. Krizhevsky, Sutskever & Hinton, 2012, revolutionized the field of image analysis by training deep neural nets and introduced the idea of using convolutions to obtain a high accuracy value on coloured image dataset of more than one million images known as Imagenet ILSVRC. Convolutional Neural Network, or CNN architecture has undergone much improvement since then. One CNN model known as Resnet or Residual Network architecture (He, Zhang, Ren & Sun, 2015) has seen mass acceptance in particular owing to it processing speed and high accuracy. Resnet is widely used for applying features it learned in Imagenet ILSVRC tasks into other image classification or object detection tasks. This concept, in the domain of deep learning, is known as Transfer learning, where a classifier is trained on a bigger more complex task and then learning is transferred to a smaller, more specific task. Transfer learning can often lead to good performance on new smaller tasks and this approach has given state of the art results in several problem domains of image classification and even in object detection (Dai, Li, He, & Sun, 2016). The real problem is that not all the problems in computer vision field belongs to regular RGB images or images consisting of only Red, Green, and Blue band set. For example, a field like medical image analysis has most of the images belonging to greyscale color space, while most of the Remote sensing images collected by satellites belong to multispectral bands of light. Transferring features learned from Imagenet ILSVRC tasks to these fields might give you higher accuracy than training from scratch, but it is a problem of fundamentally incorrect approach. Thus, there is a need to create network models that can learn from single channel or multispectral images iv and can transfer features seamlessly to similar domains with smaller datasets.This thesis presents a study in multispectral image analysis using multiple ways of feature transfer. In this study, Transfer Learning of features is done using a Resnet50 model which is trained on RGB images, and another Resnet50 model which is trained on Greyscale images alone. The dataset used to pretrain these models is a combination of images from ImageNet (Deng, Dong, Socher, Li, Li, & Fei-Fei, 2009) and Eurosat (Helber, Bischke, Dengel, & Borth. 2017). The idea behind choosing Resnet50 is that it has been doing really well in image processing and transfer learning and has outperformed all the other traditional techniques, while still not being computationally prohibitive to train in the context of this work. An attempt is made to classify different land-cover classes in multispectral images taken up by Sentinel 2A satellite. The dataset used here has a key challenge of a smaller number of samples, which means a CNN classifier trained from scratch on these small number of samples will be highly inaccurate and overfitted. This thesis focuses on improving the accuracies of this classifier using transfer learning, and the performance is measured after fine-tuning the baseline above Resnet50 model. The experiment results show that fine-tuning the Greyscale or single channel based Resnet50 model helps in improving the accuracy a bit more than using a RGB trained Resnet50 model for fine tuning, though it haven\u27t achieved great result due to the limitation of lesser computational power and smaller dataset to train a large computer vision network like Resnet50. This work is a contribution towards improving classification in domain of multispectral images usually taken up by satellites. There is no baseline model available right now, which can be used to transfer features to single or multispectral domains like the rest of RGB image field has. The contribution of this work is to build such a classifier for multispectral domain and to extend the state of the art in such computer vision domains


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    Arsenic is a grey substance, which is insoluble in water and therefore cannot be absorbed from the alimentary canal. Arsenic is absorbed through all routes mainly by skin, inhalation and GIT mucosa. Arsenic causes toxicity by combining with sulphydryl enzymes and thus interfering with cell metabolism. Locally it causes irritation of the mucous membranes and remotely depression of the nervous system. Arsenic poisoning can be homicidal, suicidal, accidental, occupational, environmental, iatrogenic or un-iatrogenic. The character of post-mortem appearances depends very largely upon the quantity taken and period which has elapsed before death. Externally the body presents dehydrated, cyanosed, sunken eyeballs jaundiced in post-mortem findings. Rigor mortis lasts longer than usual. Internally red velvet stomach, petechial hemorrhages under the endocardium of the left ventricle, patchy fatty degenerative changes with jaundice in liver, rain drop skin pigmentation and mee’s line in nails findings seen in post-mortem

    Thermal Analysis of disc Brakes Rotor: A comparative Report

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    In this paper, authors present our results of thermal analysis of disc brake rotor used by two-wheelers in India. The aim of this paper is to realize the purpose of the holes in the disk brake. Thermal analysis is done for two different models of rotors. One is a simple rotor without vents and holes and the other perforated (consists of holes). Researchers have tried to analyze the heat loss from a rotor which is considered to be heated by disc brake friction when in use. Researchers analyze the heat loss taking into account convection and radiation. The results are compared for both the discs. The initial condition assumed here is that the vehicle has stopped completely by application of brakes. Both the rotors are of same dimensions. The geometry of disc brake rotor is made in Solid-Works. The heat transfer analysis is done using ANSYS software. The analysis helps us to understand which of the two models is better in terms of performance, heat loss and manufacturing cost and hence extensively used in motorcycles in real world

    Isolation of yeast from soil and different food samples and its characterization based on fermentation

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    Yeasts are eukaryotic microorganisms which can also be used for bioethanol production. In this modern era of increasing demand for energy and fuel, the microbial biosynthesis of ethanol has gained importance. In this study, the potential yeasts for ethanol production from pentose and hexose sugars were identified. Yeasts were isolated from soil and different food samples. They were identified and characterized based on cell morphology (e.g., mode of cell division and spore shape) and physiology (e.g., sugar fermentation tests). Furthermore, quantification of ethanol and cell concentration was performed throughout the fermentation. Spot plate count method was followed to determine the viable yeast count whereas Potassium dichromate oxidation method was used for determining the ethanol concentration. Six different species of yeasts were cultured in three sets of broth for 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours for bioethanol production. The yeasts isolated from black and green grapes relatively synthesized higher concentration of ethanol.Nepal Journal of Biotechnology. Dec. 2015 Vol. 3, No. 1: 29-3

    An Ayurvedic review on Hartala (yellow orpiment) : A Dhatuja Visha

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    In Ayurveda, usage of ‘Dhatuja Visha’ is given in different formulations which are having therapeutic significance. Hartala comes under Dhatuja Visha mentioned by Acharya Sushrut. It is inorganic irritant poison and has a Lomshatana property. It is known as yellow orpiment or arsenic trisulfide (AS2S3) and used as depilatory, coloring pigment and in flypaper. It is an Arsenic compound which is used in several skin diseases in spite of its toxic nature. Hartala or orpiment, a metallic drug, is taken as an ingredient in many Ayurvedic formulations in spite of its direct use, purification is necessary before use and theses formulations are used externally as well as internally in chronic disorders. Here in the article an attempt has been made to collect the Ayurvedic review on Hartala from various Ayurvedic classics

    Hanging and it’s Medicolegal Importance

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    Violent deaths of common occurrence which may be classed as asphyxial deaths such as hanging, ligature strangulation, throttling, suffocation drowning etc. Hanging is the ligature compression of the neck by the weight of one’s own body due to suspension. Ligature materials such as nylon rope, electric wire, duppatta, dhoti, shirt, belt etc. are used for suspension. Hanging is a most common method of committing suicide all over the world, is highly lethal and more than 70% of those who attempted suicide would die. Hanging gives painless death to the victim and no cost involvement so the people prefer it as common and suitable method of suicide. Sometimes homicidal hanging is also seen and accidentally seen in children. According to WHO (world health organization) and research report the suicide by hanging is more common method in male rather than women

    Role of Viruddha Ahara in dermatological disorder and its prevention

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    Viruddha Ahara or incompatible food is very important issue discussed by Ayurveda. These incompatible foods play a major role in the production of many diseases specially skin disease like eruption, leucoderma and different types of dermatological disorder. The food which is wrong in combination, which has undergone wrong processing, which is consumed in incorrect dose, which is consumed in incorrect time of day and in wrong season is known as Viruddha Ahara. Number of food incompatibilities are mentioned in Ayurved literature, such as Charaka and Sushruta Samhitas. Regularly intakes of incompatible food act as a poison which leads to aggravation of all Doshas and causing most of the diseases including skin disease. Viruddha Ahara can lead to inflammation at a molecular level. The ancient and recent surveys both prove that incompatible food habits are one of the major causes of skin disease. In today’s modern era, due to lack of knowledge about correct eating habits, we inattentively follow the wrong dietary habits which manifest dermatological disorder. Avoidance of intake of incompatible food is an important role in the prevention of dermatological disorder

    Contrast-Induced Nephropathy in Renal Transplant Recipients: A Single Center Experience

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    BACKGROUND: Contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) in native kidneys is associated with a significant increase in mortality and morbidity. Data regarding CIN in renal allografts are limited, however. We retrospectively studied CIN in renal allografts at our institution: its incidence, risk factors, and effect on long-term outcomes including allograft loss and death. METHODS: One hundred thirty-five renal transplant recipients undergoing 161 contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) scans or coronary angiograms (Cath) between years 2000 and 2014 were identified. Contrast agents were iso- or low osmolar. CIN was defined as a rise in serum creatinine (SCr) by \u3e0.3 mg/dl or 25% from baseline within 4 days of contrast exposure. After excluding 85 contrast exposures where patients had no SCr within 4 days of contrast administration, 76 exposures (CT: RESULTS: Incidence of CIN was 13% following both, CT (6 out of 45) and Cath (4 out of 31). Significant bivariate predictors of CIN were IV fluid administration ( CONCLUSION: CIN is common in kidney transplant recipients, and there is room for quality improvement with regards to careful renal function monitoring post-contrast exposure. In our study

    Cost-Effectiveness of Vaccination of Older Adults with an MF59®-Adjuvanted Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine Compared to Standard-Dose and High-Dose Vaccines in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden

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    Individuals aged 65 years and above are at increased risk of complications and death from influenza compared with any other age group. Enhanced vaccines, as the MF59®-adjuvanted quadrivalent influenza vaccine (aQIV) and the high-dose quadrivalent influenza vaccine (HD-QIV), provide increased protection for older adults in comparison to the traditional standard-dose quadrivalent influenza vaccines (SD-QIV). This study aimed to assess the cost-effectiveness of aQIV compared to SD-QIV and HD-QIV in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden for adults aged ≥65 years. A static decision tree model was used to evaluate costs and outcomes of different vaccination strategies from healthcare payer and societal perspectives. This model projects that compared to SD-QIV, vaccination with aQIV could prevent a combined total of 18,772 symptomatic influenza infections, 925 hospitalizations, and 161 deaths in one influenza season across the three countries. From a healthcare payer perspective, the incremental costs per quality adjusted life year (QALY) gained with aQIV versus SD-QIV were EUR 10,170/QALY in Denmark, EUR 12,515/QALY in Norway, and EUR 9894/QALY in Sweden. The aQIV was cost saving compared with HD-QIV. This study found that introducing aQIV to the entire population aged ≥65 years may contribute to reducing the disease and economic burden associated with influenza in these countries.publishedVersio

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