991 research outputs found

    Comparison of Cholesterol Lowering Diets: Apple, Casein Cytochrom P450 protein and Cholesterol 7α Hydroxylase Activities in Hamsters

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    Lithogenic diet, casein and apple fiber diets were fed to hamsters for 3-5 weeks. For control group, animals were fed on normal Purina chow without any supplement. The cholesterol lowering effect of lithogenic diet, casein and apple diets were compared. After dietary regimen, animals were screened for any gall stone formation. The isolated liver microsomes were separated from animals and tested for the cholesterol-7α Hydroxylase (CH) enzyme activity measurement in all three groups. The control animals did not show any gall stone formation and their CH enzyme activities were normal. The lithogenic diet showed significantly enhanced CH enzyme activities while animals fed on casein and apple diet regimen showed moderate increase in microsomal CH enzyme activity indicated cholesterol lowering in liver. In conclusion, cholesterol 7α hydroxylase may be a biomarker of cholesterol status in the body and microsomal CH enzyme may be lowered down after treatment of casein and apple diets

    Effect of predrying treatments on the retention of quality characteristics of green peas (Pisum sativum L.) cv. Lincoln during mechanical drying

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    An experiment was conducted to standardize the predrying treatments with minimum loss to physicochemical characteristics of green peas (Pisum sativum L.) cv. Lincoln during drying process. In this study, moisture content (73%), TSS (15oB), chlorophyll content (28mg/100g) and ascorbic acid (54mg/100g) were recorded in green peas. Different predrying treatments used in this study for quality preservation of peas were T0, T1 and T2. From this study, it was concluded that Na2CO3, NaCl and sugars were responsible for the preservation of green color/ chlorophyll in peas during drying. On the basis of sensory evaluation T2 was found best among all because maximum green color was retained in this treatment. Therefore, it was further selected for physico-chemical analysis After drying there was decrease in moisture content (4%), chlorophyll content (17mg/100g) and ascorbic acid content (37.6mg /100g) while increase in TSS (22oB), reducing sugars (8.3%) and total sugars (20%) of peas. A rehydration ratio of 3:1 was observed for this treatment. This is a low cost technology for preservation of quality of peas. Dried peas can further be utilized for the preparation of various value added instant products round the year

    Knowledge, preferences, practices, and attitudes about breastfeeding among postnatal mothers in Uttarakhand, India: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Breastmilk is the natural and safest first food for the newborn. It has nutritional, immunological, behavioural, and offers mother-infant bonding. Objective: The objective of the study was to explore the knowledge, practice, and attitudes of mothers towards breastfeeding. Material & Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among conveniently selected 950 postnatal mothers attending the immunization clinic and paediatric OPD with their children for vaccination and treatment of other minor illnesses from April 2018 to November 2019 in selected hospitals of Rishikesh, Uttarakhand. Mothers were face-to-face interviewed using structured knowledge, preference, practices, and attitude questionnaires about newborn breastfeeding. Tools were validated and tested for reliability. Results: The average knowledge scores (11.72±1.78) indicated that mothers have good knowledge about breastfeeding. Most mothers (81.45%) fed their babies with colostrum, and 82% were exclusively breastfeeding. It was also reported about top feeds like honey, coconut water, grape water, ghuttee, lactogen among about 20% of the participants. The average score of the Iowa Infant Feeding Attitude Scale (IIFAS) (58.11±6.44) lay in the range of neutral attitudes related to breastfeeding practices among the mothers. Conclusion: Breastfeeding practices were adequate among many mothers, but there were practices of throwing colostrum, topfeed baby and early initiation of weaning. Thus, it is necessary to create awareness among the mothers and their families about the correct practices of feeding the newborn baby; eventually, the attitude will change

    Color image encryption and decryption using Hill Cipher associated with Arnold transform

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    Image security over open network transmission is a big concern nowadays. This paper proposes another methodology for color image encoding and decoding using two stage Hill Cipher method which is connected with Arnold Transformation. The forgoing created a strategy for encryption and decryption of color image information and touched on just the premise of keys. In this plan, keys and the agreement of Hill Cipher (HC) are basic. Moreover, keys multiplication (pre or post) over an RGB image information framework is inevitable to know to effectively decrypt the first image information. We have given a machine simulation with a standard example and the result is given to support the stalwartness of the plan. This paper gives a detailed comparison between prior proposed methods and this methodology. The system has potential utilization in computerized RGB image transforming and security of image information

    Thinking beyond low-density lipoprotein cholesterol: strategies to further reduce cardiovascular risk

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    Several large statin trials and meta-analyses have demonstrated a reduction in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Some trials have also highlighted the significance of residual cardiovascular risk after treatment of LDL-C to target levels. This reflects the complex nature of residual cardiovascular risk. This residual risk is partially due to low HDL-C and high triglycerides (TG) despite achievement of LDL goals with statin therapy. The NCEP ATP III guidelines reported that low HDL-C is a significant and an independent risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD) and is inversely related to CHD. Epidemiologic studies have also shown a similar inverse relationship of HDL-C with CHD. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) may directly participate in the anti-atherogenic process by promoting efflux of cholesterol of the foam cells of atherogenic lesions. Many studies have demonstrated multiple anti-atherogenic actions of HDL-C and its role in promoting efflux of cholesterol from the foam cells. The residual risk by increased TG with or without low HDL-C can be assessed by calculating non–HDL-C and a reduction in TG results in decreased CHD

    The Home Mortgage Disclosure Act And Subprime Lending

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    This research paper focuses on the analysis of subprime lending activities in specific geographic area in the light of reporting requirements of the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA). This cross sectional study has focused on the detailed analysis of mortgage data for the selected Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA) from a socio-economic perspective. The objective of this research is to assess the impact of predatory lending in selected geographic regions. Another dimension of the research focuses on the role of mortgage lending from a securitization point of view. The study reveals that private securitization (PSEC) mortgages grew dramatically not only by the number of loans but also significantly by the dollar amount due to subprime lending activities during the period of study. The growth in PSEC loans affected mortgage lending in several ways, such as, increasing subprime lending, boosting home prices, and undermining mortgage industry regulations. Additionally, Government-Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) loan originations also increased the number of subprime loans because of relaxed reporting requirements which contributed to increased delinquencies and foreclosures for conforming loans. The study further reveals that HMDA reporting requirements allowed the mortgage industry to conceal the loans that had spreads above the prime rate of up to 3.5 points for Fixed Rate Mortgage or 5 points for Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM). The study of mortgage lending programs, products, and regulatory laws have also been examined to assess the impact of predatory lending on homeownership

    Analysis of a Radar system for UAV Tracking using MATLAB

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    Volume 7 Issue 6 (June 201

    Genetic divergence evaluation of apple germplasm by D2 multivariate analysis

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    Genetic divergence was worked out in the new germplasm of apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) including 42 genotypes. Mahalanobis's D2 statistics was applied for identifying the potential parents to be involved in the hybridization programme for trait specific improvement or selecting better segregants. On the basis of performance for various traits, genotypes were grouped into three clusters and maximum numbers of genotypes i.e. 28 were accommodated in cluster I , while 10 and 4 genotypes were arranged in cluster II and III respectively. The average intra cluster distance was maximum in cluster II (2.214) and minimum in cluster III (1.212). Inter cluster distance was maximum between cluster II and III (5.077) indicating that hybridization between genotypes from cluster II and III can be utilized for getting the superior recombinants in segregating generations. On the basis of cluster means for various characters , cluster II was found superior for shoot thickness (0.34cm), inter - nodal length (2.38cm), number of lenticels (62.10) and leaf blade length (8.79cm) whereas cluster III was found superior for leaf blade width (5.10cm), petiole length (2.64cm) and leaf blade ratio (3.62). Hence, hybridization between parents from cluster II and cluster III for these characters can produce better recombinants in segregating generations

    Comparitive study of clinical effect of Apamarga Kshara Sutra prepared by 7 and 21 coatings in Bhagandara

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    Background: Bhagandara is a 2nd highest prevalent disease among the anorectal diseases. It can be correlated to Fistula-In-Ano. For the management of fistula in ano various surgical, parasurgical and minimally invasive surgical procedures have been mentioned. But all these procedures carry a disadvantage of high rates of recurrence and also have a great chance of creation of serious complications like anal incontinence and anal stenosis. Hence the search for a newer, safer and scientific treatment for the management of this disease continues. Objectives: A new Kshara Sutra with fewer coatings has been tried to see if results are the same with an advantage of early and easy preparation. Materials and Methods: Total 30 patients were randomly selected in the study and divided into 2 groups fulfilling the inclusion criteria which were designed for the study. Results: Study showed significant results in reducing the discharge, pain, itching and burning sensation and induration within the group and insignificant result obtained between the groups statistically. Conclusion: The study revealed that Kshara Sutra prepared with 7 coating is more economical, easy to prepare and equally efficient in the management of Bhagandara
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