363 research outputs found

    Journal articles based on the dissertations submitted in oncology discipline: a comparative study of India and China

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    The study attempts to analyse the conversion pattern of Indian and Chinese oncology dissertations into journal articles. Data were gathered from Web-OPACs of leading national institutes and repositories belonging to both countries and also from the ProQuest database. It is found that compared to India, China has a higher conversion ratio of dissertations into journal articles. It is also observed that Indian authors prefer to contribute articles in Indian journals and Chinese authors publish more in PMC (PubMed Central) based open access journals

    Indian and Chinese Oncologists’ ASCO Conference-based Derivative Articles: A Comparative Study

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    Introduction: Conference-based derivative article is a welcome step in medical fraternity because it overcomes limited peer review, enhances validation of the results, avoids duplication and reduces publication bias to some extent. Further, such work helps in the furthering visibility, archival and accessibility issues of the content. With this background the scope of the present work is restricted to comparing oncology publication output of India and China in terms of derivative articles based on American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) conference papers. Objectives: The significance of the present study lies in the fact that it aims to compare the conversion rate of derivative articles for both the countries, understand some of the factors such as, authorship pattern, identify the bibliometric pattern of derivative articles, and attendance for a conference and number of papers presented and converted. Methods: ASCO conference papers for the period of 2005-14 are investigated for derivative articles in PubMed. At least one of the authors is from India or China in the conference paper. While, the criteria to determine the derivative article includes important keywords, reasonably content-wise similarity and at least one of the authors is common between conference paper and corresponding journal article. Results: It is revealed that in terms of attendance by oncologists, their contribution in conference papers and conversion into derivative articles, China is ahead of India. Conclusions: It is concluded that Chinese oncologists have surpassed Indian in terms of higher (i) conversion ratio, (ii) average number of authors, (iii) significantly higher presence of first and last author in corresponding derivative articles, (iv) citation impact including h- Index, (v) higher attendance at ASCO conference, and (vi) phase wise trials studies

    India and the World after Covid-19: Climate Aspect

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    This research ponders over the climate aspect during the Covid 19. The purpose of this is too aware and disseminate the outbreak of covid 19 cases hiking in a sky rocketing way. This study will focus on the contents of covid 19 where people are battling to overcome the hazard happening around vicinity brought by climate aspect. Its consist of information and analysis of different countries, metamorphosis of the nature with its pulchritude, tactic that need to be followed to overcome predicament, major affected tribe, initiative by various countries, climate aspect, impact at utmost level, drastic change within a smidge, crucial steps to curb COVID-19. This is also fruitful to know the behavior of nature during the COVID-19 climate change. The data were obtained through various authorized news channel and worldometers

    On measures of “useful” information

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    The quantitative-qualitative measure of information as given by Belis and Guiaşu is additive, the additivity being a modification of the additivity of Shannon's measure with due place for utilities of the scheme in this property. A characterization of Belis and Guiaşu's measure depending upon the additivity postulate has been provided. The additivity can be relaxed, and there can be several ways of choosing a nonadditive law in place of additivity. Starting from a particular type of nonadditivity relation we characterize a measure of nonadditive “useful” information, which may be considered as a quantitative-qualitative measure corresponding to the Havrda-Charvat-Vajda-Daróczy entropy of degree β

    Characterization of Group Divisible Designs

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    In this paper, some inequalities of PBIB designs have been given. In this paper, the characterization of all the three types of GD designs, by finding some equalities and inequalities among the parameters of GD designs is obtained

    Comparative experimental and Density Functional Theory (DFT) study of the physical properties of MgB2 and AlB2

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    In present study, we report an inter-comparison of various physical and electronic properties of MgB2 and AlB2. Interestingly, the sign of S(T) is +ve for MgB2 the same is -ve for AlB2. This is consistent our band structure plots. We fitted the experimental specific heat of MgB2 to Debye Einstein model and estimated the value of Debye temperature (theta) and Sommerfeld constant (gamma) for electronic specific heat. Further, from gamma the electronic density of states (DOS) at Fermi level N(EF) is calculated. From the ratio of experimental N (EF) and the one being calculated from DFT, we obtained value of Lembda to be 1.84, thus placing MgB2 in the strong coupling BCS category. The electronic specific heat of MgB2 is also fitted below Tc using pi-model and found that it is a two gap superconductor. The calculated values of two gaps are in good agreement with earlier reports. Our results clearly demonstrate that the superconductivity of MgB2 is due to very large phonon contribution from its stretched lattice. The same two effects are obviously missing in AlB2 and hence it is not superconducting. DFT calculations demonstrated that for MgB2 the majority of states come from Sigma and Pi 2p states of boron on the other hand Sigma band at Fermi level for AlB2 is absent. This leads to a weak electron phonon coupling and also to hole deficiency as Pi bands are known to be of electron type and hence obviously the AlB2 is not superconducting. The DFT calculations are consistent with the measured physical properties of the studied borides, i.e., MgB2 and AlB2Comment: 16 pages Text + Figs: comments/suggestions welcome ([email protected])/www.freewebs.com/vpsawana

    Effect of Ambient Temperature on Calibration of Cooled Thermal Camera

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    Thermal cameras may be used under ambient conditions that differ significantly from the calibration conditions. The effect of ambient temperature on temperature measurement error is examined for MWIR and LWIR cooled thermal cameras. The facilities used include an environmental chamber and an extended area blackbody with temperature controller. Significant differences were observed in the temperatures measured by the cameras placed in different ambient temperatures, with reference to the set blackbody temperatures. Re-calibration was done to account for variations in ambient temperature from 5 ºC to on the outputs of the cameras. It was found that after such recalibration, the measurement error was within acceptable accuracy of ±1 °C

    Estimation of Effect of Emissivity on Target Detection through Thermal Imaging Systems

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    The effects of target emissivity on apparent thermal contrast as well as on detection range capabilities of thermal imagers in long wave infrared and middle wave infrared bands were evaluated. The apparent thermal contrast (to be seen by the thermal imager at standoff distance), considering only the emission from target and background, was first computed in both the IR bands in terms of target emissivity and secondly the apparent thermal contrast, considering the background radiation reflected off the target, was also computed. A graphical user interface simulation in MATLAB was prepared for the estimation of total apparent thermal contrast taking into account both the emission and reflection. This total apparent thermal contrast was finally used in night vision thermal and image processing model for predicting the detection range performance of thermal imagers. Results of the analysis show that the effect of target emissivity on thermal contrast estimates is more pronounced in LWIR. The lower thermodynamic temperature difference between target and background at lower values of target emissivity leads to negative thermal contrast which in-turn leads to higher detection ranges

    A Rare Case of Primary Anterior Chest Wall Abscess due to Salmonella Typhi in an Immunocompetent Male

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    A case of suspicious anterior chest wall mass due to Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi in a middle aged, non- diabetic male is being described. The infection was successfully treated with timely institution of antibiotic treatment. This case highlights the fact that a focal Salmonella infection involving the anteriorchest wall should be considered as a differential diagnosis and not treated as tuberculosis empirically. Submission of specimens for microbiological analysis should be performed for an accurate diagnosis and management