Indian and Chinese Oncologists’ ASCO Conference-based Derivative Articles: A Comparative Study


Introduction: Conference-based derivative article is a welcome step in medical fraternity because it overcomes limited peer review, enhances validation of the results, avoids duplication and reduces publication bias to some extent. Further, such work helps in the furthering visibility, archival and accessibility issues of the content. With this background the scope of the present work is restricted to comparing oncology publication output of India and China in terms of derivative articles based on American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) conference papers. Objectives: The significance of the present study lies in the fact that it aims to compare the conversion rate of derivative articles for both the countries, understand some of the factors such as, authorship pattern, identify the bibliometric pattern of derivative articles, and attendance for a conference and number of papers presented and converted. Methods: ASCO conference papers for the period of 2005-14 are investigated for derivative articles in PubMed. At least one of the authors is from India or China in the conference paper. While, the criteria to determine the derivative article includes important keywords, reasonably content-wise similarity and at least one of the authors is common between conference paper and corresponding journal article. Results: It is revealed that in terms of attendance by oncologists, their contribution in conference papers and conversion into derivative articles, China is ahead of India. Conclusions: It is concluded that Chinese oncologists have surpassed Indian in terms of higher (i) conversion ratio, (ii) average number of authors, (iii) significantly higher presence of first and last author in corresponding derivative articles, (iv) citation impact including h- Index, (v) higher attendance at ASCO conference, and (vi) phase wise trials studies

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