70 research outputs found

    Flight Data of Airplane for Wind Forecasting

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    This research solely focuses on understanding and predicting weather behavior, which is one of the important factors that affect airplanes in flight. The future weather information is used for informing pilots about changing flight conditions. In this paper, we present a new approach towards forecasting one component of weather information, wind speed, from data captured by airplanes in flight. We compare NASA’s ACT-America project against NOAA’s Wind Aloft program for prediction suitability. A collinearity analysis between these datasets reveals better model performance and smaller test error with NASA’s dataset. We then apply machine learning and a genetic algorithm to process the data further and arrive at a competitive error rate. The sliding window approach is used to find the best window size, and then we create a forecasting model that predicts wind speed at high altitudes 10 mins ahead of time. Finally, a stacking-based framework was used for better performance than individual learning algorithms to get root means square error (RMSE) of the best combination as 0.674, which is 98.4% better than the state-of-the-art approach

    Observation Method: A Review Study

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    Observation method is described as a method to observe and describe the behavior of a subject and it involves the basic technique of simply watching the phenomena until some hunch or insight is gained. We are almost constantly engaged in observation. It is our basic method of obtaining information about the world around us”. Man’s eye has been a basic tool for observation for a long time. Now-a-days, a number of tools like camera, video-camera, tape-recorder etc. Are also being employed by researchers. They are also utilizing ‘laboratory conditions’ to study certain aspects. The term includes several types, techniques, and approaches, which may be difficult to compare in terms of enactment and anticipated results, the choice must be adapted to the research problem and the scientific context. As a matter of fact, observation may be regarded as the basis of everyday social life for most people; we are diligent observers of behaviors and of the material surroundings. “We watch, evaluate, draw conclusions, and make comments on interactions and relations”. However, observation raised to the rank of a scientific method should be carried out systematically, purposefully, and on scientific grounds—even if curiosity and fascination may still be its very important components. This Paper discusses the meaning and purpose of the observation method of data collection. It also dwells on how to plan for and the different types of observation. The advantages and disadvantages are also stated


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    Nutritious diet (Ahara) or we can say balanced diet is the key to follow the first principle of Ayurveda or in order to maintain a healthy life. In Ayurveda Acharya Charak has mentioned regular intake of food articles belongs to different categories of food. Acharya Charak has classified Ahara (diet) in twelve categories. Among these, Shukadhanya is the first one. In modern literature, Shukadhanya has been classified in monocotyledons and energy giving food. Energy giving food mainly includes cereal groups like wheat, rice, maize (corn), oats, Jowar, Ragi, and Bajra. Ancient Acharyas has mentioned some Shukadhanya dravyas with their gunas (qualities) like Shashthika, Vrihi (variety of rice), Yava, wheat, which play an important role in prevention of diseases. These Dravyas are Sheeta (cold in potency), Swadu (sweet in taste), Swadu Vipaka (Sweet in digestion). They are said to be Vatavardhak, Alpavarchasa, Brinhana, Shukrala and Mutral. In modern literature, Shukadhanya Varga has been classified in cereal group. Cereals are enriched with niacin, iron, riboflavin, and thiamine, and most cereals have abundant fibre content, especially barley, oat, and wheat. Cereals also have soluble bran that aids in lowering blood cholesterol level and helps in preventing heart diseases. This article is an attempt to analyze the Shukadhanya Varga mentioned in Ayurveda on a scientific basis

    ACD codes over skew-symmetric dualities

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    The applications of additive codes mainly lie in quantum error correction and quantum computing. Due to their applications in quantum codes, additive codes have grown in importance. In addition to this, additive codes allow the implementation of a variety of dualities. The article begins by developing the properties of Additive Complementary Dual (ACD) codes with respect to arbitrary dualities over finite abelian groups. Further, we introduce a subclass of non-symmetric dualities referred to as skew-symmetric dualities. Then, we precisely count symmetric and skew-symmetric dualities over finite fields. Two conditions have been obtained: one is a necessary and sufficient condition, and the other is a necessary condition. The necessary and sufficient condition is for an additive code to be an ACD code over arbitrary dualities. The necessary condition is on the generator matrix of an ACD code over skew-symmetric dualities. We provide bounds for the highest possible minimum distance of ACD codes over skew-symmetric dualities. Finally, we find some new quaternary ACD codes over non-symmetric dualities with better parameters than the symmetric ones

    Perovskite-silicon tandem based photoelectrochemical systems for efficient solar hydrogen generation

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    Direct solar hydrogen generation(DSTH) is a promising method for renewable hydrogen generation, where solar energy drives the generation of hydrogen and oxygen by molecular dissociation of water on a catalytic or semiconductor surface. Despite an enormous amount of work over the last few decades, DSTH has not yet been implemented on large scale due to low efficiency and high costs. This thesis investigates perovskite-silicon tandem PV and Earth abundant catalysts-based system for low-cost and high-efficiency direct-solar-hydrogen-generation. The thesis starts by identifying performance limitations and conceptualising practical device designs to improve the STH efficiency towards 20%. We develop a new theoretical framework to quantify and compare different loss mechanisms in photovoltaic(PV) based solar hydrogen generation systems and evaluate the potential of different loss mitigation techniques to improve the solar to hydrogen generation efficiency. Our analysis shows that the two largest losses in an ideal system are energy lost as heat in the photovoltaic component, and current and voltage mismatch between the PV and electrochemical (EC) components due to sub-optimal system configuration. Employing loss mitigation techniques targeting the two major efficiency losses results in predicted STH efficiencies above 20%, without the need for further improvement of the photovoltaic devices or catalyst. These results demonstrate where best to target interventions to mitigate the biggest losses and ensure maximum improvement in the performance. To achieve the STH target set by the DOE for the year 2020, we develop a system with perovskite-silicon tandem PV and Ni based Earth abundant catalysts with a record STH efficiency of 20%. The NiMo electrodes with a high density of NiMo active sites are fabricated in a flower-stem morphology and exhibit an exceptional HER performance. In addition, an improved perovskite top cell with a record open circuit voltage is achieved using n-dodecylammonium bromide. Further analysis is performed to assess the potential for improvement in the STH efficiency. With Si solar cell performance already close to theoretical limits, perovskite solar cell offer opportunities of improvement to improve the tandem performance. Improving the performance of perovskite solar cell alone could improve the STH efficiency to 25%. A technoeconomic analysis is performed to assess the cost competitiveness of the developed system. The levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH) of DSTH system is calculated as 4.12/Kg.CombiningefficiencyimprovementswithprojectedcostreductioncouldfurtherreducetheLCOHto4.12/Kg. Combining efficiency improvements with projected cost reduction could further reduce the LCOH to 2.3/Kg, presenting a remarkable opportunity to realise cheap renewable hydrogen. Moving towards the aim of a fully integrated system for direct solar hydrogen generation, we develop a photoelectrochemical system based on perovskite PV and Si photocathode system in tandem configuration. We demonstrate a high-performance Si photocathode, incorporating state-of-the-art charge selective passivation and Earth abundant catalysts, with an ABPE of over 10%. Charge selective passivation layers improve the Si photocathode performance by roughly 70% compared to Si photocathode without any passivation, highlighting the importance of the efficiency loss due to recombination at the Si/catalyst interface. An overall water splitting efficiency of 17% is achieved for the photoelectrochemical system when combined with a previously reported Earth abundant OER catalyst and a wide bandgap perovskite solar cell in tandem. These results show that perovskite-silicon tandem based photoelectrochemical systems have the potential to make large scale direct solar hydrogen generation a reality. This work will encourage dedicated research with a clear awareness of components and system design that needs to be focused on, towards achieving the aim of low-cost, large scale solar hydrogen generation


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    The people working in big private companies may be considered as corporate workers. Due to changed lifestyle of the official workers, they commonly face psychological stress. This stress is mainly caused by the internal pressure to achieve success in goals. Stress may be considered as a major reason in lowering the body’s own resistance power and as a result may develop physical and mental ailments. Majority of official workers are prone to lifestyle disorders due to poor eating habits, load of work, physical inactivity and wrong body postures. Ayurveda can do very much in this field. In Ayurveda, where stress is known as Sahasa, Acharya Charak has advised to avoid Sahasa as it adversely affects the body. In Ayurveda ancient Acharyas has mentioned some Ayurvedic preparations and daily lifestyle regimen which can be helpful in lifestyle modification of corporate workers. Among these, Abhyanga, yoga exercises and Pranayam play a very important role. Therapeutically, Nasya Karma, and Shirodhara are helpful in reducing the symptoms of lifestyle disorders. Some Ayurvedic preparations has been described by the ancient Acharyas like Shankhapushpi, Bramhi, Jatamansi, Sarasawatarishta, Ashwagandha. This article is an attempt to analyze the lifestyle modifications for corporate workers with the help of Ayurveda, meditation, yoga, physical exercises and balanced diet together play an important role in rejuvenating the health of an individual on physical, mental and emotional level with a combination of benefits like Panchkarma therapy, herbal medicines, good Dinacharya and nutritious diet

    Analyzing the Importance of Learnability and Understandability Quality Attributes in Reference to SPL Feature Models

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    The modeling foundation of SPL is promoting software reuse by segregation of variant features of all the products whi ch belong to a family. The analysis of various quality attribute s is very important in reference to SPL feature models. Identifying whether a feature model is easy to use and learn will help develop a successful product line. Two important quality sub factors of usability i.e. understandability and communicativeness play a great role in development of successful product line feature model. If the understanding of any feature model is low, it will result in lesser use of that feature model. Same applies to communicativeness , the more the communicativeness of a feature model, the more the usability. In other words, the successful reuse of any feature model will depend on the degree of its understa nding and communicativeness. C urrent analysis methods usually focus only on functional requirements of the product lines and do not focus on product quality. Whereas, non functional requirement s like maintainability, dependability and usability etc are essential dimensions of variability. This paper is intended to study the role of understandability and communicativeness over feature models. It also throws light on t he effect of these quality su b factors on SPL feature models and suggests ways to improve their degr


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    Most of the people have become used to spicy fast food day by day. This has taken human being far away from the nature. Nowadays alcohol consumption is also increasing day by day. Ayurvedic texts has mentioned hepatocellular jaundice as Kamala. Ancient Acharyas has also mentioned “kamali tu virechanama” as Chikitsa Sutra for Kamala. Patient was treated with an integrated approach of Ayurvedic treatment including Virechana Karma (purgation) and Shaman Chikitsa. Due to frequently intake of Pittakara Aahara (spicy and hot food), it leads to vitiation of Pitta Dosha and Virechana (purgation) is the first line of treatment for Pittadushti. Due to Ushna, Laghu, Rruksha Guna, and having Tikta -Katu Rasa of Patola, Amrita, Kutaki (ingredients of internal medication) enhances digestive capacity by hepato-protective action and Pittasaraka guna. Ayurvedic line of management i.e. Virechana therapy and Shamana Chikitsa are successful in Kamala by removing toxic waste from the body, and by correction of Agni (digestive fire). In our ancient classics, single drug along with compound drug have been mentioned in Kamala. These drugs have Kamalahara properties. These Ayurvedic formulations relieve the symptom of Daurbalya (weakness), Kshudha mandya (Appetite loss), Pitamutrata (yellow discolouration of urine), Hrullasa (nausea) and Udarshoola. Also these drugs reduce bile in blood circulation and normalize the other blood parameter. Here a case report of a 50 Years male was having Kamala (hepatocellular jaundice) who was treated with some Ayurvedic herbs and Virechana like Panchakarma and get effectively result with Ayurvedic management