Analyzing the Importance of Learnability and Understandability Quality Attributes in Reference to SPL Feature Models


The modeling foundation of SPL is promoting software reuse by segregation of variant features of all the products whi ch belong to a family. The analysis of various quality attribute s is very important in reference to SPL feature models. Identifying whether a feature model is easy to use and learn will help develop a successful product line. Two important quality sub factors of usability i.e. understandability and communicativeness play a great role in development of successful product line feature model. If the understanding of any feature model is low, it will result in lesser use of that feature model. Same applies to communicativeness , the more the communicativeness of a feature model, the more the usability. In other words, the successful reuse of any feature model will depend on the degree of its understa nding and communicativeness. C urrent analysis methods usually focus only on functional requirements of the product lines and do not focus on product quality. Whereas, non functional requirement s like maintainability, dependability and usability etc are essential dimensions of variability. This paper is intended to study the role of understandability and communicativeness over feature models. It also throws light on t he effect of these quality su b factors on SPL feature models and suggests ways to improve their degr

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