724 research outputs found

    Localized Microdontia: Unilateral Peg Shaped Mandibular Central Incisor

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    Diverse morphological, structural and tooth number aberrations can occur within human dentition secondary to genetic and epigenetic influences which can be manifested as microdontia, macrodontia, hypodontia, oligodontia etc. Microdontia is much more common than macrodontia. Non-syndromic microdontia is not often noted, especially in the permanent mandibular incisors. This is a detailed description of a case of a non-syndromic peg shaped permanent mandibular central incisor in a 9 year old male. Early detection of dental development anomalies is very important, as they may lead to many complications. Documentation of these discrepancies helps in assessing the evolutionary structural and morphological changes in human dentition


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    Objective: Liver is the most important organ in the pivotal role of regulating various physiological processes and several vital functions like metabolism, secretion and storage. Plants are reputed in the indigenous systems of medicine for the treatment of various diseases. Toxicant or drug induced liver injury can be prevented by treating with non toxic hepatoprotective herbs, which can possess membrane stabilizing, hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities. NDMA (N- Nitrosodimethylamine) belongs to nitrosamine compounds which are known hepatic carcinogens. Methods: The aim of the present investigation was to analyse the effects of NDMA on the morphology of hepatic cells, to determine the reversible effect if any, after providing the treatment with the crude extract and isolated glycoside from the roots of Operculina turpethum. The treatment was given in different groups of Swiss Albino Mice. Results: Scanning Electron Microscopy and Light microscopical examinations indicated that NDMA treated mice livers (n = 6) displayed severe vascular and endothelial damage compared to control livers (n = 6). Liver sections appeared with inflammatory cellular infiltration, vacuolated hepatocytes, dilated sinusoids, increased number of Kupffer cells, fibrosis, endothelial fenestrations, intercellular spaces and spaces of Disse, and were accompanied by dilatation of bile canaliculi. Conclusion: These alterations were recovered with the treatment at the dose of 400 mg/kg of crude extract and 50 mg/kg of the isolated compound. Hence, it can be stated that this plant can show significant recovery in NDMA damaged livers

    Improved Performance of Boosting Power in local service Insertion in DVB-NGH single Frequency Networks

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    The frequency networks ployed in the present television networks are either SFN termed as networks with single frequency or MFN elaborated as networks with multi frequency. To provide the services on a global & local scale, such topologies are not considered as the best approach. A desired spectrum of frequency is required though conveyance of local lied services is been triggered by MFNs. As the multiple transmitters provide support to the global services, the main function that is obliged for SFNs is to emit the signals of the same level which operate at a particular instance & frequencies. The coordinate regions of SFN which are linked to the local services should be relayed over the complete network by not breaching the postulates of SFN which lead to dispersion of services locally in an inefficient manner. The additional methodologies that are opted by the further scenario of basic video & mobile broadcasting, thus supplying the local & global components in topology of SFN that are H-LSI and O-LSI methods. In the region which is nearby to transmitters, services which are relayed as local are kept above the global by making use of modulation in hierarchical method by H-LSI. It s achieved by relaying the services which are local in a stream tended at low priority & global in the stream where priority is high. To make the use of transmitters to relay local services, the OFDM symbols are specified by scheme of O-LSI in particular sets of OFDM. The flow of the data within the network of SFN can be programmed in such a way that there is no intervention of various areas on a local scale for every methodology. Also the assessment is done on the criteria of problems occurring while implementation, topologies of network & analysis of performance adding to the definition of O-LSI & H-LSI. It is also observed that the power to boost of SISO is less than that of MISO

    Milk and Its Products: Effect on Salivary pH

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    BACKGROUND: Dairy products are perceived to be important for one’s overall and dental health. Dairy products have been identified as having anticariogenic activity due to the high content of calcium and phosphorous ions and casein phosphopeptides.AIM: To determine the pH levels of human saliva after consuming different dairy products.DESIGN: sixty students were divided into 2 groups (30 with caries and 30 caries free) aged 5-9 years, visited to department of paedodontics and preventive dentistry, who agreed to refrain from oral hygiene procedures for 24 hours were selected for this study. Both groups were further randomly sub-divided into 3 groups (milk, curd and paneer group). After determining baseline salivary pH using a digital pH meter, the subjects were asked to eat the test foods (milk 50ml, curd 50g and paneer 50 g) and salivary pH was measured at time intervals of 1, 5, 15 and 30 minutes.RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The results were statistically measured by using ANOVA test for intergroup and intragroup comparison. Significant decrease in pH was observed at various time intervals and more decrease was observed in caries active group

    Non-Indigenous Instructors Teaching about Indigenous Content: Reflections and Recommendations from Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Pedagogy

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    This article takes a scholarship of teaching and learning approach to improve the authors teaching about Indige-nous content as non-Indigenous teacher educators. It explores how they attempted to incorporate Indigenous content and teaching practices into multicultural education classes and then reflect on how they could have improved their teaching practice. Both authors provide their unique positionality which provides context which is essential to consider when doing equity-based work such as teaching about/with Indigenous communities. The authors discuss their teaching experiences after they occurred with one another and then engage in an exploration via literature on teaching about Indigenous content. The outcomes of two years of co-reflection and analysis of the literature are shared in this article in hopes to help guide both the authors and other non-Indigenous instructors on how to improve their teaching and learning about Indigenous content in courses. The findings stress the importance of (1) acknowledging land as a conduit for domination, (2) recognizing all who teach us, and (3) Indigenous guest lecturers and intergenerational learning

    Achieving Optimal Throughput and Near-Optimal Asymptotic Delay Performance in Multi-Channel Wireless Networks with Low Complexity: A Practical Greedy Scheduling Policy

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    In this paper, we focus on the scheduling problem in multi-channel wireless networks, e.g., the downlink of a single cell in fourth generation (4G) OFDM-based cellular networks. Our goal is to design practical scheduling policies that can achieve provably good performance in terms of both throughput and delay, at a low complexity. While a class of O(n2.5logn)O(n^{2.5} \log n)-complexity hybrid scheduling policies are recently developed to guarantee both rate-function delay optimality (in the many-channel many-user asymptotic regime) and throughput optimality (in the general non-asymptotic setting), their practical complexity is typically high. To address this issue, we develop a simple greedy policy called Delay-based Server-Side-Greedy (D-SSG) with a \lower complexity 2n2+2n2n^2+2n, and rigorously prove that D-SSG not only achieves throughput optimality, but also guarantees near-optimal asymptotic delay performance. Specifically, we show that the rate-function attained by D-SSG for any delay-violation threshold bb, is no smaller than the maximum achievable rate-function by any scheduling policy for threshold b1b-1. Thus, we are able to achieve a reduction in complexity (from O(n2.5logn)O(n^{2.5} \log n) of the hybrid policies to 2n2+2n2n^2 + 2n) with a minimal drop in the delay performance. More importantly, in practice, D-SSG generally has a substantially lower complexity than the hybrid policies that typically have a large constant factor hidden in the O()O(\cdot) notation. Finally, we conduct numerical simulations to validate our theoretical results in various scenarios. The simulation results show that D-SSG not only guarantees a near-optimal rate-function, but also empirically is virtually indistinguishable from delay-optimal policies.Comment: Accepted for publication by the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, February 2014. A preliminary version of this work was presented at IEEE INFOCOM 2013, Turin, Italy, April 201

    Reverse Logistics and Environmental Considerations in Equipment Leasing and Asset Management

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    Reverse Logistics and Environmental Considerations in Equipment Leasing and Asset Management Manu Sharma 151 Pages Directed by Dr. Jane C. Ammons Today many business enterprises employ capital assets in the form of electronic equipment (e.g., personal computers, workstations and peripherals) in large quantities. As a result of rapid technological progress, these products have a very short life cycle, typically not much more than three or four years. Unfortunately, the disposal of electronic equipment (which contains hazardous materials) presents an environmental problem. In the face of rapid equipment changes, current tax laws and disposal challenges, leasing or procurement contracts with take-back considerations are attractive. For a large electronic equipment leasing company, optimal management of assets supported by good logistics decisions is crucial and may provide a significant competitive advantage. The leasing company tries to maximize operating profits through key decisions associated with the length of leases, efficient utilization of logistics facilities for material flow to and from customer sites, and equipment reuse, refurbishment and disposal actions. In this research, a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model is developed to facilitate better decisions from the perspective of an electronic equipment leasing company. The model reduces to a linear program (LP) under certain cost assumptions. All computational results are based on the LP version of the model. A case study with representative industry data validates the approach and demonstrates the utility of the model in answering key research questions. Next, important problem uncertainties are identified and prioritized. The effects of these key uncertainties on optimal lease length and product flow decisions are examined in detail via an extended case study. It is also shown how the leasing company can make near-robust leasing decisions in the face of these uncertainties. The computational research results also have implications for policy formulation on electronic waste. The important insights include an understanding of the potential impacts and expected effectiveness of alternative environmental legislation in different geographic areas, and the imposition of negative externalities on other policy realms as a result of this non-uniform approach. Therefore, this research contributes new models and understanding to the intersection of the fields of reverse logistics and equipment replacement, and provides valuable insights to both business asset managers and environmental policy makers.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Ammons, Jane; Committee Member: Cozzens, Susan; Committee Member: Griffin, Paul; Committee Member: Hartman, Joseph; Committee Member: Sharp, Gunte

    Uterine artery doppler indices may predict intrauterine contraceptive device-related abnormal uterine bleeding

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    Background: The aim of the study was to assess the role of colour Doppler velocimetry of the uterine arteries as a predictor of intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUCD)-induced abnormal uterine bleeding.Methods: A prospective study was performed on 120 women (60 without AUB and 60 with AUB) who had copper IUCD inserted as a method of contraception. Detailed history, general and local examination and relevant investigations were done. Pulsatility index (PI) and resistance index (RI) of uterine artery measured at 3 months after IUCD insertion.Results: Cut-off levels for PI and RI of uterine arteries were set. PI cut-off level <2.09 with sensitivity of 58.3%, specificity of 61.67% and area under the curve (AUC) of 0.666. RI cut-off level ≤0.83 with sensitivity of 53.33%, specificity of 66.67% and AUC of 0.703. These cut-off levels were associated with abnormal uterine bleeding.Conclusions: Initial measurement of uterine artery Doppler indices (PI and RI) before IUCD insertion could be useful in predicting IUCD-induced abnormal uterine bleeding which is the major cause of method withdrawal during the first year of use and accordingly women could be counseled to consider another method of contraception.

    Relationship between anxiety, depression and quality of life in medical student with polycystic ovary syndrome

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    Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder affecting 5-10% of women worldwide. It has clinical, hormonal and psychological manifestation like anxiety, depression and low self-esteem. Aim was to evaluate prevalence of anxiety, depression, and quality of life in medical students with PCOS. Objectives were to study the prevalence of anxiety, depression among medical students suffering from PCOS; and to evaluate quality of life (QoL) in students with PCOS and its association with anxiety, depression and quality of life.Methods: The cross sectional study was conducted among 70 medical students at Geetanjali Medical College and Hospital, Udaipur, Rajasthan, from February 2019 – June 2020. Students were screened and selected as per the Rotterdam’s 2003 criteria after informed consent. Mental health assessment done by using Hamilton depression rating scale for depression, Hamilton anxiety rating scale for anxiety, and using 36-item short form survey for QoL.Results: Twenty five (35.7%) students suffered from anxiety while 20 (28.5%) had depressive disorders. Forty five (64%) patient both anxiety and depression. These students had significant psychological morbidity and poor QoL.Conclusions: Psychological morbidity with PCOS is undertreated and need to be addressed and treated in time so as to turn these students into a responsible happy adult

    Diagnostic laparoscopy in isolated torison of hydrosalpinx: a likely cure for an unlikely disorder

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    Isolated torsion of fallopian tubes is a rare cause of acute abdomen. It is a diagnosis that is often reached after much delay. This is primarily because it has no pathognomonic clinical, radiological or laboratory signs. In such cases, it is advisable to have a low threshold for diagnostic laparoscopy. We managed a middle-aged lady with acute abdomen and after initial tests were inconclusive, we proceeded to diagnostic laparoscopy without much delay and found a twisted right hydrosalpinx. We performed a right salpingectomy as her family was complete. The fallopian tube and ovary usually act as a unit and an isolated torsion of the fallopian tube is a rare occurrence with few tell-tale sign. After cross sectional imaging, we can be fairly certain of an adnexal pathology. A delay in making a diagnosis can lead to catastrophic consequences in such conditions. An early laparoscopy can be both diagnostic and therapeutic in these cases