359 research outputs found

    Primate Lentiviral Vpx Commandeers DDB1 to Counteract a Macrophage Restriction

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    Primate lentiviruses encode four “accessory proteins” including Vif, Vpu, Nef, and Vpr/Vpx. Vif and Vpu counteract the antiviral effects of cellular restrictions to early and late steps in the viral replication cycle. We present evidence that the Vpx proteins of HIV-2/SIVSM promote virus infection by antagonizing an antiviral restriction in macrophages. Fusion of macrophages in which Vpx was essential for virus infection, with COS cells in which Vpx was dispensable for virus infection, generated heterokaryons that supported infection by wild-type SIV but not Vpx-deleted SIV. The restriction potently antagonized infection of macrophages by HIV-1, and expression of Vpx in macrophages in trans overcame the restriction to HIV-1 and SIV infection. Vpx was ubiquitylated and both ubiquitylation and the proteasome regulated the activity of Vpx. The ability of Vpx to counteract the restriction to HIV-1 and SIV infection was dependent upon the HIV-1 Vpr interacting protein, damaged DNA binding protein 1 (DDB1), and DDB1 partially substituted for Vpx when fused to Vpr. Our results indicate that macrophage harbor a potent antiviral restriction and that primate lentiviruses have evolved Vpx to counteract this restriction

    Episomal Viral cDNAs Identify a Reservoir That Fuels Viral Rebound after Treatment Interruption and That Contributes to Treatment Failure

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    Viral reservoirs that persist in HIV-1 infected individuals on antiretroviral therapy (ART) are the major obstacle to viral eradication. The identification and definition of viral reservoirs in patients on ART is needed in order to understand viral persistence and achieve the goal of viral eradication. We examined whether analysis of episomal HIV-1 genomes provided the means to characterize virus that persists during ART and whether it could reveal the virus that contributes to treatment failure in patients on ART. For six individuals in which virus replication was highly suppressed for at least 20 months, proviral and episomal genomes present just prior to rebound were phylogenetically compared to RNA genomes of rebounding virus after therapy interruption. Episomal envelope sequences, but not proviral envelope sequences, were highly similar to sequences in rebounding virus. Since episomes are products of recent infections, the phylogenetic relationships support the conclusion that viral rebound originated from a cryptic viral reservoir. To evaluate whether the reservoir revealed by episomal sequence analysis was of clinical relevance, we examined whether episomal sequences define a viral population that contributes to virologic failure in individuals receiving the CCR5 antagonist, Vicriviroc. Episomal envelope sequences at or near baseline predicted treatment failure due to the presence of X4 or D/M (dual/mixed) viral variants. In patients that did not harbor X4 or D/M viruses, the basis for Vicriviroc treatment failure was indeterminate. Although these samples were obtained from viremic patients, the assay would be applicable to a large percentage of aviremic patients, based on previous studies. Summarily, the results support the use of episomal HIV-1 as an additional or alternative approach to traditional assays to characterize virus that is maintained during long-term, suppressive ART

    Mutation detection using ENDO1: Application to disease diagnostics in humans and TILLING and Eco-TILLING in plants

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Most enzymatic mutation detection methods are based on the cleavage of heteroduplex DNA by a mismatch-specific endonuclease at mismatch sites and the analysis of the digestion product on a DNA sequencer. Important limitations of these methods are the availability of a mismatch-specific endonuclease, their sensitivity in detecting one allele in pool of DNA, the cost of the analysis and the ease by which the technique could be implemented in a standard molecular biology laboratory.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The co-agroinfiltration of ENDO1 and p19 constructs into <it>N. benthamiana </it>leaves allowed high level of transient expression of a mismatch-specific and sensitive endonuclease, ENDO1 from <it>Arabidopsis thaliana</it>. We demonstrate the broad range of uses of the produced enzyme in detection of mutations. In human, we report the diagnosis of the G1691A mutation in <it>Leiden factor-V </it>gene associated with venous thrombosis and the fingerprinting of HIV-1 quasispecies in patients subjected to antiretroviral treatments. In plants, we report the use of ENDO1 system for detection of mutant alleles of <it>Retinoblastoma</it>-<it>related </it>gene by TILLING in <it>Pisum sativum </it>and discovery of natural sequence variations by Eco-TILLING in <it>Arabidopsis thaliana</it>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We introduce a cost-effective tool based on a simplified purification protocol of a mismatch-specific and sensitive endonuclease, ENDO1. Especially, we report the successful applications of ENDO1 in mutation diagnostics in humans, fingerprinting of complex population of viruses, and in TILLING and Eco-TILLING in plants.</p

    The Antidepressant Mirtazapine Inhibits Hepatic Innate Immune Networks to Attenuate Immune-Mediated Liver Injury in Mice

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    Activation of the innate immune system, including tissue macrophages and associated neutrophil infiltration, is an important driver of subsequent adaptive immune responses in many autoimmune diseases, including autoimmune hepatitis (AIH). The antidepressant mirtazapine has a unique complex pharmacology, altering signaling through a number of serotonin and histamine receptors that can impact macrophage function; an effect potentially influencing AIH outcome. In the mouse model of concanavalin A (Con A) induced liver injury (mimics many aspects of human AIH), in which early innate immune activation (i.e., stimulated hepatic macrophages/monocytes recruit neutrophils and additional monocytes to the liver) critically drives immune-mediated hepatitis induction, mirtazapine strikingly and dose-dependently inhibited Con A-induced liver injury. This inflammation-suppressing effect of mirtazapine was linked to an attenuation of Con A-stimulated early innate immune responses within the liver, including inhibition of hepatic macrophage/monocyte activation, decreased hepatic macrophage/monocyte-derived pro-inflammatory cytokine (e.g., TNFα) and chemokine (e.g., CXCL1 and CXCL2) production, suppression of Con A-induced increases in the hepatic expression of the neutrophil relevant endothelial cell adhesion molecule ICAM-1, with the resultant significant reduction in neutrophil recruitment into the liver. Consistent with our findings in the Con A model, mirtazapine also significantly reduced activation-induced release of cytokine/chemokine mediators from human CD14+ monocytes in vitro.Conclusion: Our data suggest that mirtazapine can attenuate hepatic innate immune responses that critically regulate the subsequent development of autoimmune liver injury. Therefore, given that it is a safe and widely used medication, mirtazapine may represent a novel therapeutic approach to autoimmune liver disease

    Three agonist antibodies in combination with high-dose IL-2 eradicate orthotopic kidney cancer in mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Combination immunotherapies can be effective against subcutaneous tumors in mice but the effect against orthotopic malignant disease is less well characterized. In particular, a combination of three agonist antibodies, termed Tri-mAb, consisting of anti-DR5, anti-CD40 and anti-CD137 has previously been demonstrated to eradicate a large proportion of subcutaneous renal cell carcinoma (Renca) tumors (75% long-term survival), but the effect against orthotopic disease is not known.</p> <p>Purpose</p> <p>To determine the relative response of orthotopic tumors, we inoculated Renca into the kidney followed by treatment with Tri-mAb.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that orthotopic tumors responded much less to treatment (~13% survival), but a significant improvement in survival was achieved through the addition of IL-2 to the treatment regimen (55% survival). All three agonist antibodies and high dose IL-2, 100,000 IU for up to six doses, were required. CD8<sup>+ </sup>T cells were also required for optimal anti-tumor responses. Coadministration of IL-2 led to enhanced T cell activity as demonstrated by an increased frequency of IFN-gamma-producing T cells in tumor-draining lymph nodes, which may have contributed to the observed improvement of therapy against kidney tumors.</p> <p>Implications</p> <p>Responses of subcutaneous tumors to immunotherapy do not necessarily reflect how orthotopic tumors respond. The use of combination immunotherapy stimulating multiple facets of immunity and including cytokine support for T cells can induce effective anti-tumor responses against orthotopic and metastatic tumors.</p

    Relationship of Morning Cortisol to Circadian Phase and Rising Time in Young Adults with Delayed Sleep Times

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    The present study was aimed at further elucidating the relationship between circadian phase, rising time, and the morning cortisol awakening response (CAR). The results presented here are a secondary analysis of experimental data obtained from a study of advanced sleep-wake schedules and light exposures on circadian phase advances measured by dim-light melatonin onset (DLMO). The present results demonstrate that morning CAR is strongly related to rising time and more weakly related to DLMO phase

    Trust-Driven Joint Operations Practices to Achieve Mass Customization: A Comparative Study for U.S., Chinese and Japanese Companies

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    This study builds a model of trust, based on joint operational activities and mass customization using theories of social capital and the resource-based view of the firm. Based on 208 responses from suppliers in the U.S. and China, this study empirically supports the notion that trust positively drives manufacturer-supplier activities in operations. It also supports the claim that joint operations activities contribute to mass customization capabilities in a significant way. Moreover, the level of trust and the degree of joint activities are different for the four types of suppliers used in the study: U.S. brands produced in North America, Japanese brands produced in China, U.S. brands produced in China, and Chinese brands produced in China

    Dimensions of distance: international flight connections, historical determinism, and economic relations in Africa

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    Purpose: The paper examines how distance manifests in terms of air passenger transport links between countries and focuses on the 48 countries of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). It asks to what extent do existing flight connections reflect economic relations between countries and if so, do they represent past, current or future relations? It asks whether the impact of distance is similar for all countries and at different stages of development. Design/methodology/approach: Passenger flight connection data was extracted to generate map images and flight frequencies in order to observe inter-relationships between different locations and to observe emerging patterns. The paper uses ESRIs ArcGIS software to visualise all these data into maps. Findings: SSA is poorly connected both intra- and inter-continentally. Cultural and historical ties dominate and elements of historical determinism appear within flight connections in SSA reflecting the biases associated with colonialism. Larger economies in SSA are less dependent on these past ties and their flight connections reveal a greater level of diversity and interests. SSA has generally been slow to develop flight routings to the new emerging markets. Originality/value: Its contribution lies not only in examining these flight patterns for an under-researched region but aides in future work on SSA and its integration into the global economy and international business networks. It argues that whilst distance matters; how it matters varies