24 research outputs found

    Positive feedback: a tool for quality education in field of medicine

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    Background: Feedback in medical education is an integral and important constituent of teaching as it encourages and enhances the learners' knowledge, skills and professional performance. Feedback has to be delivered in an appropriate setting; it should focus on the performance and not on the individual; should be clear and specific; delivered in non-judgmental language; should emphasize positive aspects; be descriptive rather than evaluative; and should suggest measures for improvement.Methods:20 Post Graduate Student from surgery department was selected for the study.Results:Constructive feedback is defined as the act of giving information to a trainee through the description of his/her performance in the observed situation. It emphasizes the strengths of the session and areas which require improvement. The processes of giving and receiving feedback are skills that can be acquired only with practice with improvement in Pg student’s skill and knowledge.Conclusion: To integrate the concept of feedback in medical education, training of the trainers pertaining to techniques of adult learning and how to give feedback to trainees are foremost requirements. Interactive feedback is indispensable in bringing about professional development and overall improvement in doctors.

    Actinomycotic lid abscess: a rare presentation

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    Actinomycosis is a gram positive filamentous branching anaerobic bacilli that Is difficult to Isolate and Identify. We present this case of a 15 year old patient who developed repeated infection over a Contused lacerated wound (CLW) on forehead. Cytology revealed Actinomycosis. He subsequently developed upper eyelid actinomycotic inflammatory swelling. Modified Welsh treatment was started and five months of therapy resulted in complete resolution of the infection. Hence any wound with repeated infection should be examined for Actinomycosis. When identified at the right time, such infections show dramatic response to Modified Welsh Therapy

    Rare para testicular lipoma: The largest one reported till date

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    Lipomas within the scrotum are extremely rare and most of which develop from contents of the scrotum rather than the walls themselves. Intrascrotal lipoma can be classified as paratesticular and extratesticular lipoma. Here we describe a patient with a huge scrotal mass which, to our knowledge, is one of the largest paratesticular lipoma ever reported in the literature

    A rare case of herniation of liver through incision of cabg: A case report and review of literature

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    Herniation of liver through an incision of previous surgery is a very rare phenomena. Here we present a case of herniation of part of left lobe of liver through a defect in the anterior abdominal wall due to previous coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) surgery. Up till now only two cases have been reported for liver herniation through scar of previous of CABG surgery and this would be the third case as per our knowledge

    Round worm infestation in fundus of stomach: a rare case presentation

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    A case of a 27-year-old female, in whom a 10cm long round worm (Ascaris lumbricoides) was found in the fundus of stomach, is reported here. In this patient, Ascaris lumbricoides upward migration of the worm to the fundus of stomach, its rare phenomenon, worm mostly seen in the small intestine. This is mainly because of the high gastric acidity. In this patient, we believe proton pump inhibitor (PPI) use caused hypochlorhydria and coexistence H. pylori infection caused chronic atrophic gastritis, which resulted in the retrograde migration of the roundworm to the stomach in our patient

    Study of comparison between skin sutures and skin staplers: 400 case studies

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    Background:There are various ways the skin approximation whether be it sutures, staplers, glues, sterile tapes all of these have the same purpose of but the one which provides the best scar with least wound infection and consumes least time is the one that should be used. So here we have studied 400 patients over a period of 20 months comparing skin sutures with staplers and their outcome with respect to time consumed and percentage of complication.Methods:A prospective type of study was conducted from January 2013 to August 2014 at Dr. D Y Patil Hospital, Nerul for comparison between skin sutures and skin staplers in terms of effectiveness and complications in 400 patients who underwent various surgical procedures. The patients included in this study were randomly selected from those who underwent various surgical procedures which were either elective or emergency with various incisions.Results:The average time taken for skin closure by staplers is 1.84 min per 10 cm of wound & for skin sutures, it is 6.61 min per 10 cm of wound and complication rate for suturing is 30% & for staplers it is about 12%.Conclusion:Outcome of staplers is cosmetically superior to skin sutures with overall less complication as compared to skin sutures.

    Local-Partial Signal Combining Schemes for Cell-Free Large-Scale MU-MIMO Systems with Limited Fronthaul Capacity and Spatial Correlation Channels

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    Cell-free large-scale multi-user MIMO is a promising technology for the 5G-and-beyond mobile communication networks. Scalable signal processing is the key challenge in achieving the benefits of cell-free systems. This study examines a distributed approach for cell-free deployment with user-centric configuration and finite fronthaul capacity. Moreover, the impact of scaling the pilot length, the number of access points (APs), and the number of antennas per AP on the achievable average spectral efficiency are investigated. Using the dynamic cooperative clustering (DCC) technique and large-scale fading decoding process, we derive an approximation of the signal-tointerference-plus-noise ratio in the criteria of two local combining schemes: Local-Partial Regularized Zero Forcing (RZF) and Local Maximum Ratio (MR). The results indicate that distributed approaches in the cell-free system have the advantage of decreasing the fronthaul signaling and the computing complexity. The results also show that the Local-Partial RZF provides the highest average spectral efficiency among all the distributed combining schemes because the computational complexity of the Local-Partial RZF is independent of the UTs. Therefore, it does not grow as the number of user terminals (UTs) increases

    Dengue presenting as gastric perforation: first case reported till date

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    Gastrointestinal perforation is one of the common complications of various illness that is associated with high mortality and morbidity. The common sites of perforation in GIT (gastrointestinal tract) are stomach, duodenum, ileum and colon, but in dengue perforation in any of the above site is rare. Here we report an interesting case of gastric perforation that occurred in a young male patient post dengue fever. To our knowledge, this is the first such case of gastric perforation that occurred in our patient with dengue that we are reporting in the literature

    Pedunculated perianal lipoma: a rare presentation

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    Lipomas are ubiquitous lesions. Most of the lipomas have a fibrous capsule and are divided into lobules by delicate septae. On gross examination and histological analysis, lipomas resemble mature fatty tissue.They are more compact on the cut surface than normal adipose tissue and the lobules are smaller on histological analysis. There is undoubtedly some physiologic difference between fat of lipoma and normal fat. Perianal lipomas are rare and may have deeper or interspincteric extensions. Preoperative evaluation to rule it out is a necessary part of the work up for any perianal lipoma. The case report is of a soft swelling on left side in the perianal region, which was investigated to rule out nature of the lesion or deeper and interspincteric extension. Case was managed by complete enucleation of the lipomatous swelling. Gross and microscopic examination of the surgical specimen revealed a perianal pedunculated lipoma

    The study of laparoscopic cholecystectomy and its conversion to open cholecystectomy: analysis of 100 cases in Navi Mumbai, India

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    Background:  Laparoscopic cholecystectomy has now become a better option instead of open cholecystectomy for the treatment of cholelithiasis that is it has become a gold standard for cholelithiasis condition. Last century has been the most fruitful era for the treatment of biliary tract disease as it saw the progress from open to laparoscopic surgery with single port surgery etc.Methods: The purpose of our study is grading of Laparoscopic cholecystectomy and studying the outcome of problematic and challenging Laparoscopic cholecystectomy cases, its complication and management, to decide when to convert Laparoscopic cholecystectomy to open cholecystectomy. This study analyzes the conversion rate of laparoscopic cholecystectomy to open cholecystectomy in Navi Mumbai, India. This is a retrospective study of 100 patients conducted from October 2012 to October 2014.Results: Out of the 100 cases 98 got successfully operated by Laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Only 2 cases out of 100 got converted from Laparoscopic to open cholecystectomy and they belonged to grade E with empyema.Conclusions: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy has become the procedure of choice for management of symptomatic gall bladder. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy intra operatively for grade A to E where Grade A is very easy level of performing Gall bladder surgery to Grade E where conversion is 100% due to bad.