165 research outputs found

    A health concern regarding the protein corona, aggregation and disaggregation

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    Nanoparticle (NP)-protein complexes exhibit the correct identity of NP in biological media. Therefore, protein-NP interactions should be closely explored to understand and to modulate the nature of NPs in medical implementations. This review focuses mainly on the physicochemical parameters such as dimension, surface chemistry, the morphology of NPs and influence of medium pH on the formation of protein corona and conformational changes of adsorbed proteins by different kinds of methods. Also, the impact of protein corona on the colloidal stability of NPs is discussed. Uncontrolled protein attachment on NPs may bring unwanted impacts such as protein denaturation and aggregation. In contrast, controlled protein adsorption by optimal concentration, size, pH and surface modification of NPs may result in potential implementation of NPs as therapeutic agents especially for disaggregation of amyloid fibrils. Also, the effect of NPs-protein corona on reducing the cytotoxicity and clinical implications such as drug delivery, cancer therapy, imaging and diagnosis will be discussed. Validated correlative physicochemical parameters for NP-protein corona formation frequently derived from protein corona fingerprints of NPs which are more valid than the parameters obtained only on the base of NP features. This review may provide useful information regarding the potency as well as the adverse effects of NPs to predict their behavior in the in vivo experiments.Comment: 40 pages, 20 figure

    An examination of eschatological destiny of religious Mustaz'afīn (deprived people) from Imamiyah perspective

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    Eschatological destiny and man's eternal fate towards paradise or hell are undoubtedly considered among some of the most important discussions stated in various Islamic sciences. The eschatological destinies of believers and unbelievers have been explicitly clarified by the Qur'anic verses and Aḥadīth (traditions). However, the classification of people into believers and unbelievers is not correct, since some well-known individuals are considered as Mustaz'afīn (lit; deprived people) because they have not found the true religion, no matter whether they have been either short-sighted by nature or subjected to a tyrant state. Remarkably, they have not achieved the true religious path due to their being as al-Jāhil al-Qāsir (inculpably ignorant). Accordingly, the main question of the study refers to the eschatological destiny of such people. In other words, will they find paradise as believers or enter hell like disbelievers? Pondering and contemplating on the issue, although there are many Mustaz'afīn found all over the universe, testify on the necessity of determining their eschatological destiny. In order to clarify the issue, the verses of the Qur'an as well as Aḥadīth, issued by infallible Imams, have been referred to. Eventually, the result shows that al-Mustaz'afūn al-Muqassirūn (culpably deprived people) are not excused and will be punished, but those of al-Mustaz'afūn al-Qāsirūn (inculpably deprived people) will be destined by the lower levels of paradise if they have done good deeds unless they are either obliged to new duties in the Day of Judgment or face to slight chastisement and will finally enter paradise

    Sample Size Calculation of Clinical Trials Published in Two Leading Endodontic Journals

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    Introduction: The purpose of this article was to evaluate the quality of sample size calculation reports in published clinical trials in Journal of Endodontics and International Endodontic Journal in years 2000-1 and 2009-10. Materials and Methods: Articles fulfilling the inclusion criteria were collected. The criteria were: publication year, research design, types of control group, reporting sample size calculation, the number of participants in each group, study outcome, amount of type I (α) and II (β) errors, method used for estimating prevalence or standard deviation, percentage of meeting the expected sample size and considering clinically importance level in sample size calculation. Data were extracted from all included articles. Descriptive analyses were conducted. Inferential statistical analyses were done using independent T-test and Chi-square test with the significance level set at 0.05. Results: There was a statistically significant increase in years between 2009 and 10 compared to 2000-1 in terms of reporting sample size calculation (P=0.002), reporting clinically importance level (P=0.003) and in samples size of clinical trials (P=0.01). But there was not any significant difference between two journals in terms of reporting sample size calculation, type of control group, frequency of various study designs and frequency of positive and negative clinical trials in different time periods (P>0.05). Conclusion: Sample size calculation in endodontic clinical trials improved significantly in 2009-10 when compared to 2000-1; however further improvements would be desirable

    Comparing the effect of lecture and rescue training methods with the war maneuvers on the public aid preparedness in the personnel of the navy's military barracks

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    Aims: Simulation is one of active learning techniques that learners are encouraged to acquire skills and knowledge. This study aimed to determine comparing the effect of lecture and rescue training methods with the war maneuvers on the public aid preparedness in the personnel of the navy's military barracks in 2014. At first, Kolmogorov Smirnov test was used to detect normal data, and independent t-test was performed for normal data, and Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon tests were used for non-normal data to examine the proposal. Methods: This research was a quasi-experimental study. 132 military personnel were selected by stratified sampling and divided identically in two groups into lectures and training along with combat maneuvers. Multiple-choice test made by researcher was used to determine the level of knowledge before and after the intervention. After gathering information and bringing them into the SPSS software, version 19, data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (Mean and Standard deviation) and inferential statistics. Results: The mean score of the subjects before and after intervention was obtained 12.81 ± 3 and 20.59 ± 3.34, respectively. The results of the comparison between the two groups before and after intervention showed that there were significant differences both lectures and practical groups (P <0.001). Moreover, both groups after intervention indicated an increased score, but the score of operation group increased more than lecture group. Conclusion: The practical training of military forces with war maneuvers has more impact than lecture training method on the amount of preparation and rescue. It is recommended to be used practical training method of military forces along with war maneuvers for military preparedness

    Early maladaptive schemas and asthma: disconnection and rejection domains may have an effect on the severity of asthma

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    Introduction: Early maladaptive schemas (EMSs) that are being shaped through the early period of development of humans have been reported to affect the functions of asthmatic patients. This study focuses on the probable relationship between the personality schemas and areas with severity of asthma. Material and methods: Fifty asthmatic patients were entered this descriptive cross-sectional study in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences from March to August, 2016. We measured the personality schema of patients by using the Young Schema Questionnaire — Short Form (YSQ-SF; Young, 1994). On the other hand, patients’ clinical findings and severity of asthma were assessed by spirometry and the Asthma Control Test (ACT) questionnaire. Results: Uncontrolled (ACT score &lt; 20) and controlled (ACT score ≥ 20) asthma had significant defect in ‘Disconnection domain’ (p = 0.001). Also, significant reverse linear correlation was found between FEV1 and ‘Disconnection domain’, ‘Rejection’ schema area (r = –0.29, p = 0.03), and ‘Over vigilance domain’ (r = –0,36, p = 0.01). Whereas, significant reverse linear correlation was revealed between FEV1/FVC and Over vigilance domain (r = –0.41, p = 0.003). Conclusion: EMSs possibly have potential effects on clinical characteristics and severity of asthma in asthmatic patients

    Effect of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide and HLA-DRB1 subtypes on clinical disease activity index in rheumatoid arthritis patients

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a crippling disease with a global prevalence of approximately 0.5%-1% in adults. Genetic, environmental and immunologic factors contribute importantly to pathogenesis of RA. American College of Rheumatology (ACR) assists in early diagnosis of the disease. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of HLA- DRB1 gene and anti-Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide (CCP) antibody on Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI) and to determine the frequency of HLA-DRB1 alleles in the patients with RA. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive-analytical study, 64 patients with RA referring rheumatology clinic of Hajar Hospital, Shahr-e-Kord, Iran were enrolled based on ACR criteria (1987) by convenience sampling. All patients were examined to assess primary CDAI and referred to laboratory for serologic tests [Rheumatoid Factor (RF) and anti-CCP]. After the patients’ DNA was extracted, HLA-DRB1 was determined per single specific primer-polymerase chain reaction by inno-train kits. The patients were re-examined six months later. Results: The most prevalent type of HLA-DRB1 in the studied patients was 04. In patients with HLA-DRB1 (04), HLA-DRB1 (01), and HLA-DRB1 (15), CDAI decreased pronouncedly after six months, but in other patients it did not (p<0.05). Of the patients, 81.3% had high titers of anti-CCP, but no association between anti-CCP and CDAI was found. Conclusion: RA could be a multifactorial disease. The patients with HLA-DRB1 (04), HLA-DRB1 (01) and HLA-DRB1 (15) showed a good response to routine treatments. The patients with HLA- DRB1 (04) are likely to have no decrease in secondary CDAI. High titers of anti-CCP in patients may indicate the severity of RA in the studied region and perhaps environmental, genetic and unknown or idiopathic factors are aetiologically crucia

    A Comparative Analysis of Decorative Motifs of Seyed Shams-o-ddin Tomb in Yazd and the Soltanieh Dome in Zanjan, Iran

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    The city of Yazd had one of its most historically prosperous periods in the time of “āl-e-Muzaffar” dynasty, in the 8th century. In this period, various monuments and buildings were built, one of which was the tomb of “Seyyed Shams-o-ddin” in Yazd. This monument was previously a complex of “khanqah” (Sufis’ worship place), “madrasah”, (traditional school), “bazaar” (traditional enclosed marketplace), “āb-anbār” (traditional reservoir), and historical bathroom.By the support of Seyyed Shams-o-ddin, the plan of this building was designed in the city of Tabriz and was sent to Yazd to be built. After Seyed Shams-o-ddin’s death, this building turned into his tomb. In addition to its architecture, the decorations of this tomb are samples of the most accurate and various-pattern ornaments of the Ilkhanid period, created in the forms of tilings, paintings, and plasterworks. Through field and library studies, this article presents a case study about motifs and arrays of Seyed Sham-o-ddin tomb and compares them with the ornaments of Soltaniyeh dome in the city of Zanjan. Then through historical and descriptive method, different characteristics of these ornaments are analyzed. In general, this research shows that the decorations of Ilkhanid period have an independent and unique style. They were expanded in a vast geographic area and then were taken to other areas as well. In terms of technique and design, the decorations of Seyed Sham-o-ddin tomb, is in continuation of the Ilkanid style, especially those related to the Soltaniyeh dome


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    Two trials were conducted to study the effect of inclusion of hull-less barley and exogenous enzyme to broiler diet on the growth performance, apparent metabolisable energy (AME) and Nutrient digestibility of broiler chickens. The experiments were 3×4 factorial arrangements with three levels of enzyme (0, 300 and 600 g/ton) and four levels of hull-less barley inclusion (0, 10, 20 and 30%) in diet. The digestion trial was performed in battery cage with 648 male broiler chickens where twelve experimental diets were fed to the chickens from 15-21 (starter) and 35-45 (finisher) days of age. In the growth trial, the experimental diets were fed to 960 broiler chicks distributed in 48 pens for a 7-week feeding trial on growing (0-3 weeks), grower (4-5 weeks) and finisher (6-7 weeks) periods. Results showed that increasing the amount of hull_less barley inclusion decreased feed intake and live-weight gain both in the starter and grower period (P.0.01) but, did not significantly influence in finisher period. At the overall rearing period (0-49 days), increasing amount of hull-less barley in diet significantly decreased feed intake, weight gain, and feed conversion ratio (p0.01). Increasing in hull-less barley inclusion rate, increased relative weight of gastrointestinal track, liver and ceca (P0.01) but, did not influence the relative weight of abdominal fat and gizzard as well as the rate of mortality. Hull-less barley inclusion in diet decreased dietary AME and ileal and total tract digestibility of organic matter, crude protein, crude fat and starch in the starting period (p0.01). The hull-less barley inclusion, however, did not significantly influence the nutrient digestibility (exclude crude fat) and AME in the finishing period. Enzyme supplementation did not show improvement in growth performance and nutrient digestibility in broilers. Increasing the amount of hull-less barley in the diet had the most negative effect on nutrient digestion of broilers at starter period and the reduction in broiler performance probably due to the depressed nutrient digestion. The magnitude of the reduction in digestibility and performance depends on the soluble NSPs concentration of hull-less barley containing diets

    Examination of causes behind procrastination among Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences employees and proposing some strategies for their preventing: A study using the Van Wyk’s Model

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    Background: Competition among the organizations and enterprises plays a particularly important role in the gathering of the profits and acquisition of internal and external resources. Procrastination is one of the main barriers to efforts made towards increasing the productivity and efficiency in the organizations. Accordingly, the main goal of this research was to explore the reasons of procrastination among the employees based on Van Wyk’s model and present some strategies for preventing it. Methods: Descriptive-analytical in nature, this study was conducted on a sample of 200 employees selected from Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences using a self-designed checklist developed based on the informational components incorporated in the Van Wyk’s model. This model consists of 9 factors affecting the level of procrastination observed among the employees i.e. resistance, boredom, perfectionism, last-minute syndrome, lack of motivation for a task, fear of failure, skill deficit, rebelliousness and disorganization. The validity of the developed checklist was checked using its assessment by the expert professors and its reliability was measured with Cronbach's alpha. Both of them were confirmed (Cronbach's alpha of 90%). To analyze the data, T-test and variance analysis were used.Results: The results of the study showed that there was a statistically significant relationship between employee’s resistance, boredom, perfectionism and lack of motivation for task and procrastination (p=0.001); however, the association between fear of failure, rebelliousness and disorganization and procrastination was not statistically significant (p=0.871).Conclusions: The availability of high quality organizational capital will enhance the chance of organization’s success, survival and advancement. As a result, identifying the attributes of human resources and the factors influencing their efficiency so as to exploit the human capital more optimally and remove the reasons of procrastination is of high significance.

    Addressing the needs of sexual partners of people who inject drugs through peer prevention programs in Iran

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    Despite the fact that HIV epidemic is mainly driven by injection drug use in Iran, partners of People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) have been seriously neglected in terms of effective preventive interventions. Currently, sexual partners of PWID might have access to some harm reduction services at Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) centers; however, their needs have not been effectively targeted and met. Unfortunately, the current programs implemented by the Ministry of Health have overlooked the importance of this population in the course of the HIV epidemic throughout the country. In this policy brief, we are trying to draw the health policy-makers’ attention to this overlooked population and while reviewing the advantages and disadvantages of some of the readily available options on the table, come up with a recommended action to tackle this problem. Our recommended action that seems to have had promising results elsewhere in Asia would try to implement preventive interventions targeting this particular population through peer prevention programs