3,731 research outputs found

    Acoustic Echo and Noise Cancellation System for Hand-Free Telecommunication using Variable Step Size Algorithms

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    In this paper, acoustic echo cancellation with doubletalk detection system is implemented for a hand-free telecommunication system using Matlab. Here adaptive noise canceller with blind source separation (ANC-BSS) system is proposed to remove both background noise and far-end speaker echo signal in presence of double-talk. During the absence of double-talk, far-end speaker echo signal is cancelled by adaptive echo canceller. Both adaptive noise canceller and adaptive echo canceller are implemented using LMS, NLMS, VSLMS and VSNLMS algorithms. The normalized cross-correlation method is used for double-talk detection. VSNLMS has shown its superiority over all other algorithms both for double-talk and in absence of double-talk. During the absence of double-talk it shows its superiority in terms of increment in ERLE and decrement in misalignment. In presence of double-talk, it shows improvement in SNR of near-end speaker signal

    Effectiveness of chitosan mouthwash on plaque formation and levels of salivary Streptococcus and Lactobacillus count: an in vivo study

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    Background: The objectives of the present study were to clinically evaluate the effectiveness of chitosan mouthwash on Plaque formation and to evaluate the antimicrobial activity against salivary Streptococcus mutans (SM) and Lactobacillus (LB).Methods: A total of 20 participants with decay-missing-filled index ≥4 and simplified oral hygiene index score >1.3 were recruited for the study after taking informed consent. All the participants were provided a bottle of chitosan mouthwash in addition to their usual oral hygiene procedure. Baseline salivary SM and LB levels were determined, using chair-side CRT® bacteria test prior giving chitosan mouthwash and after 14 days, during which children are advised to use 10 ml of mouthwash for 60 seconds two times daily. Plaque index score recorded using Silness and Loe plaque index. Paired t-test (or corresponding non-parametric) and percentage comparison method using cross tables were used for statistical analysis.Results: The baseline plaque index score of 0.758 and after 14 days of mouthwash use, it reduced to 0.434. The mean difference in the plaque index showed significant reduction in the plaque score (i.e., with the difference of 0.324). The results showed the antiplaque effects with a short duration of 14 days use of chitosan (CH) mouthwash. The antibacterial activity demonstrated a range of inhibitory effect on salivary SM and LB.Conclusions: CH showed an evident strong effect against salivary SM and LB levels and controlling the plaque biofilm formation. So water soluble CH can be used in new formulations for oral applications not only as antimicrobial agent but also for plaque biofilm control

    Effect of nano based seed treatment insecticides on seed quality in Pigeonpea

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    A laboratory experiment was conducted to know the effect seed treatment with nano insecticides on seed quality of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) cv. TS3R. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of macro and nano insecticides on seed germination and vigour of Pigeonpea. Different recommended seed treatment insecticides viz, malathion, fenvalerate, emamectine benzoate, thiodicarb, sweet flag and neem seed kernel powder insecticides were synthesized to nano form using high energy planetary ball mill. The Pigeonpea seed were treated with different nano insecticides i.e., 10-90 per cent reduction in actual dosage. Among the different treatments studied, seed treated with nano malathion 50 per cent lesser than normal dosage, fenvalerate 60 per cent lesser, thiodicarb 10 per cent lesser, emamectine benzoate 30 per cent lesser, sweetflag 70 per cent lesser, neem seed kernel powder 40 per cent lesser than actual recommended dosage gave significantly higher seed germination (98.0, 98.67, 98.67, 97.0, 99.0 and 98.67 percent) ,less number of abnormal seedlings (1.0, 0.33, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 and 0.33 per cent) , shoot length (10.13, 9.00, 11.47, 9.50, 10.90 and 10.87 cm), root length (12.56, 12.93, 12.83, 12.60 11.50 and 13.00 cm), seedling dry weight (85.73, 87.40, 88.47, 87.70, 88.60 and 88.27 g) and seedling vigour index (2223, 2164, 2397, 2143, 2217 and 2354) as compared to untreated seeds and macro insecticides. Therefore, it is very clear that nano based insecticides has a significant (0.1 %) impact on the seed quality improvement

    Antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of uropathogenic Escherichia coli and their prevalence among people in and around Dhanbad, Jharkhand

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    Background: Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common infections, which causes high morbidity and mortality among human population. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and their antibiogram profile of uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) in and around Dhanbad. Methods: A total of 641 urine samples were collected from the suspected patients of UTI. The samples were cultured on MacConkey agar for isolation and identification. Antibiotic susceptibility test was done by disc diffusion method. Both male and female patients of different age groups were included for this study. Results: 45.70% urinary isolates were identified as E. coli. 43.56% UPEC isolates were sensitive to nitrofurantoin and piperacillin/tazobactum. 22.77% isolates were susceptible to levofloxacin and amikacin followed by cefotaxime (21.78%). These isolates were mostly resistant to ampicillin and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, their susceptibility pattern was found to be 11.88% and 5.94% respectively. Conclusion: Prevalence of E. coli among urinary isolates was high in our study. Antibiogram profile of these isolates varies to different antibiotics in terms of their susceptibility pattern. Continuous surveillance of antibiogram of UPEC isolate is mandatory because it vary significantly in different geographical area. Thus empirical selection of antimicrobials should be based on the knowledge of local prevalence and individual sensitivity rather than on universal guideline

    Finding and counting vertex-colored subtrees

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    The problems studied in this article originate from the Graph Motif problem introduced by Lacroix et al. in the context of biological networks. The problem is to decide if a vertex-colored graph has a connected subgraph whose colors equal a given multiset of colors MM. It is a graph pattern-matching problem variant, where the structure of the occurrence of the pattern is not of interest but the only requirement is the connectedness. Using an algebraic framework recently introduced by Koutis et al., we obtain new FPT algorithms for Graph Motif and variants, with improved running times. We also obtain results on the counting versions of this problem, proving that the counting problem is FPT if M is a set, but becomes W[1]-hard if M is a multiset with two colors. Finally, we present an experimental evaluation of this approach on real datasets, showing that its performance compares favorably with existing software.Comment: Conference version in International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS), Brno : Czech Republic (2010) Journal Version in Algorithmic


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    The commonly identified limitations of video face trackers are, the inability to track human face in different background video sequences with the conditions like occlusion, low quality, abrupt motions and failing to track single face when it contain multiple faces. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm to track human face in different background video sequences with the conditions listed above. The proposed algorithm describes an improved KLT tracker. We collect Eigen, FAST as well as HOG features and combine them together. The combined features are given to the tracker to track the face. The algorithm being proposed is tested on challenging datasets videos and measured for performance using the standard metrics

    Mycobacterial cultures contain cell size and density specific sub-populations of cells with significant differential susceptibility to antibiotics, oxidative and nitrite stress

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    The present study shows the existence of two specific sub-populations of Mycobacterium smegmatis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis cells differing in size and density, in the mid-log phase (MLP) cultures, with significant differential susceptibility to antibiotic, oxidative, and nitrite stress. One of these sub-populations (similar to 10% of the total population), contained short-sized cells (SCs) generated through highly-deviated asymmetric cell division (ACD) of normal/long-sized mother cells and symmetric cell divisions (SCD) of short-sized mother cells. The other sub-population (similar to 90% of the total population) contained normal/long-sized cells (NCs). The SCs were acid-fast stainable and heat-susceptible, and contained high density of membrane vesicles (MVs, known to be lipid-rich) on their surface, while the NCs possessed negligible density of MVs on the surface, as revealed by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Percoll density gradient fractionation of MLP cultures showed the SCs-enriched fraction (SCF) at lower density (probably indicating lipid-richness) and the NCs-enriched fraction (NCF) at higher density of percoll fractions. While live cell imaging showed that the SCs and the NCs could grow and divide to form colony on agarose pads, the SCF, and NCF cells could independently regenerate MLP populations in liquid and solid media, indicating their full genomic content and population regeneration potential. CFU based assays showed the SCF cells to be significantly more susceptible than NCF cells to a range of concentrations of rifampicin and isoniazid (antibiotic stress), H2O2 (oxidative stress),and acidified NaNO2 (nitrite stress). Live cell imaging showed significantly higher susceptibility of the SCs of SC-NC sister daughter cell pairs, formed from highly-deviated ACD of normal/long-sized mother cells, to rifampicin and H2O2, as compared to the sister daughter NCs, irrespective of their comparable growth rates. The SC-SC sister daughter cell pairs, formed from the SCDs of short-sized mother cells and having comparable growth rates, always showed comparable stress-susceptibility. These observations and the presence of M. tuberculosis SCs and NCs in pulmonary tuberculosis patients' sputum earlier reported by us imply a physiological role for the SCs and the NCs under the stress conditions. The plausible reasons for the higher stress susceptibility of SCs and lower stress susceptibility of NCs are discussed

    Oxidative processes intensity and quallity of bull semen when adding microelements nanosuccinate compounds

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    Досліджували вплив органічної форми Mn2+, Сu2+ і Zn2+ у вигляді наносукцинату на інтенсивність окисних процесів у спермі та виживання сперміїв, розріджених лактозо-жовтково-гліцериновим розріджувачем еякулятів бугаїв. Встановлено, що дихальна активність сперми у контролі – 2,7 ± 0,44 нг-атом О/хв×0,1 мл сперми, а за додавання наносукцинатів мікроелементів змінюється і залежить від дози в розріджувачі й ролі окремого мікроелемента в обмінних процесах сперміїв. Так, 0,06 мг/л Zn2+-сукцинату майже не змінює дихальну активність (2,3 ± 0,43 нг-атом О/хв×0,1 мл сперми), за 0,6 мг/л на 44,5% знижує інтенсивність дихання, яка за 3,0 мг/л становить 1,2 ± 0,33 нг-атом О/хв×0,1 мл сперми. Різниця між контролем і максимальною дозою Zn2+-сукцинату – 55,6% (P < 0,05), а сила впливу зростаючого вмісту комплексної сполуки в розрідженій спермі на дихальну активність середньої сили (η = 0,529). Додавання Сu2+ і Mn2+-сукцинату в розріджені еякуляти бугая проявляє подібну залежність: інтенсивність дихання за максимальних доз менша, відповідно, на 59,3 і 66,7% (Р < 0,01–0,001). Сила впливу зростаючого вмісту Сu2+- і Mn2+-сукцинату в розрідженій спермі на дихальну активність середньої сили (відповідно, η = 0,544 і 0,600). Одночасно додавання пропорційно наростаючих доз наносукцинатів мікроелементів знижує на 0,05 – 0,11 mV/хв×0,1 мл сперми відновну здатність. При цьому зі збільшенням вмісту наносукцинатів мікроелементів у розрідженій спермі зростає кількість зразків, у яких виявлено підвищення потенціалу середовища. Залежність відновної здатності від збільшення доз наносукцинатів мікроелементів у розрідженій спермі – η = 0,544–0,831. Активність СДГ за додавання 0,06 мг/л Zn2+-сукцинату в розріджені еякуляти проявляє тенденцію до підвищення (на 16,6%; 44,2 ± 8,03 од/год×0,1 мл сперми), а за вищого вмісту – до зниження на 9,8–20,4% (Р > 0,05) порівняно з контролем. Аналогічні зміни встановлені за додавання Mn2+-сукцинату, однак різниця між контролем та максимальним вмістом (1,0 мг/л) становить 30,3% (Р > 0,05). За пропорційного підвищення Сu2+-сукцинату величина активності ензиму поступово знижується: за 0,04 мг/л – на 27,3% і за 0,4 мг/л – на 58,3% (P < 0,05). Виживання сперміїв у середовищі розрідження за низьких доз наносукцинатів мікроелементів не змінюється (152,0–168,0 год), за 0,1 мг/л Мn2+-сукцинату підвищується на 12 год до 172,0 год, а за максимальних величин Zn2+- і Сu2+ – знижується на 12 год, порівняно з контролем.Исследовали влияние органической формы Mn2+, Сu2+ и Zn2+ в виде наносукцината на интенсивность окислительных процессов в сперме и выживание спермиев в разбавленных лактозо-желточно-глицериновым разбавителем эякулятов быков. Установлено, что дыхательная активность спермы в контроле – 2,7 ± 0,44 нг-атом О/мин×0,1 мл спермы, а при добавлении наносукцинатов микроэлементов изменяется и зависит от дозы в разбавителе и роли отдельного микроэлемента в обменных процессах спермиев. Так, 0,06 мг/л Zn2+-сукцината почти не изменяет дыхательную активность (2,3 ± 0,43 нг-атом О/мин×0,1 мл спермы), 0,6 мг/л на 44,5% снижает интенсивность дыхания, которая при 3,0 мг/л составляет 1,2 ± 0,33 нг-атом О/мин×0,1 мл спермы. Разница между контролем и максимальной дозой Zn2+-сукцината – 55,6% (P < 0,05), а сила влияния увеличения содержания комплексного соединения в разбавленной сперме на дыхательную активность средней силы (η = 0,529). Добавление Сu2+ и Mn2+-сукцината в разбавленные эякуляты быка проявляет подобную зависимость: интенсивность дыхания при максимальных дозах меньше соответственно на 59,3 и 66,7% (Р < 0,01–0,001). Сила влияния увеличения содержания Сu2+- и Mn2+-сукцината в разбавленной сперме на дыхательную активность средней силы (соответственно, η = 0,544 и 0,600). Одновременно добавление пропорционально нарастающих доз наносукцинатов микроэлементов снижает на 0,05–0,11 mV/мин×0,1 мл спермы восстановительную способность. При этом с увеличением содержания наносукцинатов микроэлементов в разбавленной сперме увеличивается число проб, в которых установлено повышение потенциала среды. Зависимость восстановительной способности от увеличения доз наносукцинатов микроэлементов в разбавленной сперме – η = 0,544–0,831. Активность СДГ при добавлении 0,06 мг/л Zn2+-сукцината в разбавленные эякуляты проявляет тенденцию к повышению (на 16,6%; 44,2 ± 8,03 ед/ч × 0,1 мл спермы), а при высоком содержании – к снижению на 9,8–20,4% (Р < 0,05) по сравнению с контролем. Аналогичные изменения установлены при добавлении Mn2+-сукцината, однако разница между контролем и максимальным содержанием (1,0 мг/л) составляет 30,3% (Р < 0,05). При пропорциональном повышении Сu2+-сукцината величина активности энзима постепенно снижается: при 0,04 мг/л – на 27,3% и 0,4 мг/л – на 58,3% (P < 0,05). Выживание спермиев в разбавленной сперме при низких дозах наносукцинатов микроэлементов не изменяется (152,0–168,0 ч), при 0,1 мг/л Мn2+-сукцината повышается на 12 ч до 172,0 ч, а при максимальных величинах Zn2+– и Сu2+ – снижается на 12 ч по сравнению с контролем.We investigated influence of organic compounds (succinates) of Mn2+, Сu2+ and Zn2+ on the intensity of oxidative processes in sperm and the survival of spermatozoa in bull ejaculates diluted by lactose-yolk-glycerin diluent. Respiration activity in control is 2.7 ± 0.44 ng-atom О/min×0,1 ml of semen, and when adding microelements succinate compounds changes and depends on dose and role of microelement in spermatozoa metabolism. When adding 0,06 mg/l Zn2+-succinate, respiration activity is on control level. Dose increase to 0.6 mg/l leads to decrease oxygen consumption on 44.5%, and at highest dose – 3.0 mg/l respiration activity is 1.2 ± 0.33 ng-atom О/min×0,1 ml of semen. Impact strength of Zn2+-succinate increasing content in diluted bull sperm on respiration activity is medium (η = 0.529). Analogically, when adding 0.004 mg/l Сu2+- and 0.01 Mn2+-succinate respiratory activity is on control levels: respiration intensity at maximal doses is lower on 59.3 and 66.7% (Р < 0.01–0.001). Impact strength of Сu2+ and Mn2+-succinate increasing concentration in diluted bull sperm on respiration activity is medium (η = 0.544 and 0.600). Simultaneously, addition of increasing doses of microelements succinates decreases redox ability on 0.05–0.11 mV/min×0.1 ml of semen. Thus, the number of sperm samples which revealed enhancing the potential of environment increases. Correlation between redox ability and increase of microelement succinates in diluted semen is η = 0.544–0.831. When adding Zn2+-succinate in dose 0,06 mg/l succinate dehydrogenase activity has a decreasing tendensy (on 16.6%; 44.2 ± 8.03 UI/h×0.1 ml of semen), and higher conсentrations lowers on 9.8–20.4% (Р > 0.05) comparing to control. Analogical changes are registered when adding Mn2+-succinate, but at maximal dose (1.0 mg/l) decrease is higher (30.3% comparing to control (Р < 0.05). Сu2+-succinate has a negative effect on succinate dehydrogenase activity – independently from dose activity is lower than in control and is: at 0.04 mg/l – on 27.3% and at 0.4 mg/l – on 58.3% (P < 0.05). When adding low doses of succinate microelements to diluent, spermatozoa survival is on control level (152.0–168.0 hours). Addition of 0.1 mg/l Мn2+-succinates increases spermatozoa 12 hours to 172.0 hours, and at maximal doses of Zn2+- і Сu2-succinate survival lowers on 12 hours comparing to control

    On the spectral density from instantons in quenched QCD

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    We investigate the contribution of instantons to the eigenvalue spectrum of the Dirac operator in quenched QCD. The instanton configurations that we use have been derived, elsewhere, from cooled SU(3) lattice gauge fields and, for comparison, we also analyse a random `gas' of instantons. Using a set of simplifying approximations, we find a non-zero chiral condensate. However we also find that the spectral density diverges for small eigenvalues, so that the chiral condensate, at zero quark mass, diverges in quenched QCD. The degree of divergence decreases with the instanton density, so that it is negligible for the smallest number of cooling sweeps but becomes substantial for larger number of cools. We show that the spectral density scales, that finite volume corrections are small and we see evidence for the screening of topological charges. However we also find that the spectral density and chiral condensate vary rapidly with the number of cooling sweeps -- unlike, for example, the topological susceptibility. Whether the problem lies with the cooling or with the identification of the topological charges is an open question. This problem needs to be resolved before one can determine how important is the divergence we have found for quenched QCD.Comment: 33 pages, 16 figures (RevTex), substantial revisions; to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Method for Label-Free Quantitative Proteomics for Sorghum bicolor L. Moench

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    Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is a rapidly emerging high biomass feedstock for bioethanol and lignocellulosic biomass production. The robust varietal germplasm of sorghum and its completed genome sequence provide the necessary genetic and molecular tools to study and engineer the biotic/abiotic stress tolerance. Traditional proteomics approaches for outlining the sorghum proteome have many limitations like, demand for high protein amounts, reproducibility and identification of only few differential proteins. In this study, we report a gel-free, quantitative proteomic method for in-depth coverage of the sorghum proteome. This novel method combining phenol extraction and methanol chloroform precipitation gives high total protein yields for both mature sorghum root and leaf tissues. We demonstrate successful application of this method in comparing proteomes of contrasting cultivars of sorghum, at two different phenological stages. Protein identification and relative quantification analyses were performed by a label-free liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS-MS) analyses. Several unique proteins were identified respectively from sorghum tissues, specifically 271 from leaf and 774 from root tissues, with 193 proteins common in both tissues. Using gene ontology analysis, the differential proteins identified were finely corroborated with their leaf/root tissue specific functions. This method of protein extraction and analysis would contribute substantially to generate in-depth differential protein data in sorghum as well as related species. It would also increase the repertoire of methods uniquely suited for gel-free plant proteomics that are increasingly being developed for studying abiotic and biotic stress responses