1,480 research outputs found

    The Study of Changes in the Structural and Mechanical Properties of Turkey Fillet During Storage

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    The method and equipment for the study of changes of structural-mechanical properties of Turkey fillet at storage were offered. The improved express-method of the study allows determine the relaxation effort and time at axial deformation and the firmness limit of meat fibers using penetration.The selection of registering equipment and sensors for the study of structural-mechanical properties of Turkey fillet was grounded. The methods of compensation of axial displacement of sensors at the study of penetration and relaxation were described. The principal scheme, appearance and example of work of setting were given.The changes of firmness and relaxation effort of cooled Turkey fillet at different storage terms were characterized.It was established, that organoleptically perceptible changes of structural-mechanical properties of Turkey fillet take place after 46 hours of storage. In first turn, relaxation is decelerated, the firmness limit is lowered that together with less firmness limit of fibers allows recommend it for formation of natural culinary goods of the given form, for example, rolls.The offered equipment and methodology of getting results of axial relaxation and penetration allows make conclusions about the essence of changes of rheological properties of Turkey fillet and also recommend the studied samples for one or another type of culinary processing

    Tubular initial conditions and ridge formation

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    The 2D azimuth & rapidity structure of the two-particle correlations in relativistic A+A collisions is altered significantly by the presence of sharp inhomogeneities in superdense matter formed in such processes. The causality constraints enforce one to associate the long-range longitudinal correlations observed in a narrow angular interval, the so-called (soft) ridge, with peculiarities of the initial conditions of collision process. This study's objective is to analyze whether multiform initial tubular structures, undergoing the subsequent hydrodynamic evolution and gradual decoupling, can form the soft ridges. Motivated by the flux-tube scenarios, the initial energy density distribution contains the different numbers of high density tube-like boost-invariant inclusions that form a bumpy structure in the transverse plane. The influence of various structures of such initial conditions in the most central A+A events on the collective evolution of matter, resulting spectra, angular particle correlations and v_n-coefficients is studied in the framework of the HydroKinetic Model (HKM).Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, the paper to be published in Advances of High Energy Physics (2013, in press

    Quantitative assessment of pinning forces and the superconducting gap in NbN thin films from complementary magnetic force microscopy and transport measurements

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    Epitaxial niobium-nitride thin films with a critical temperature of Tc=16K and a thickness of 100nm were fabricated on MgO(100) substrates by pulsed laser deposition. Low-temperature magnetic force microscopy (MFM) images of the supercurrent vortices were measured after field cooling in a magnetic field of 3mT at various temperatures. Temperature dependence of the penetration depth has been evaluated by a two-dimensional fitting of the vortex profiles in the monopole-monopole model. Its subsequent fit to a single s-wave gap function results in the superconducting gap amplitude Delta(0) = 2.9 meV = 2.1*kB*Tc, in perfect agreement with previous reports. The pinning force has been independently estimated from local depinning of individual vortices by lateral forces exerted by the MFM tip and from transport measurements. A good quantitative agreement between the two techniques shows that for low fields, B << Hc2, MFM is a powerful and reliable technique to probe the local variations of the pinning landscape. We also demonstrate that the monopole model can be successfully applied even for thin films with a thickness comparable to the penetration depth.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Unified Digital Infrastructure of the Modern Scientific Library on the Basis of Web Technologies

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    Purpose. Digitization, expansion of the scientific library infomedia and its integration into the global digital space require the creation of a full-fledged, multifunctional Web-oriented ecosystem. The work is aimed at researching rational ways and implementation of separate tools within the framework of an interactive library information system on the basis of Web-technologies, which includes a single API gateway (library site) and combines separate library management systems (LMS). Methodology. The research was conducted on the basis of the Scientific and Technical Library of the Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan (DNURT). We analysed the structure and condition of the existing out-of-dated library information system, based on the technologies of breaking up separate subsystems into separate services. We considered the possibilities and peculiarities of the transition to a single interactive system with the help of a central Web-application, which combines scattered services. This system is integrated into the system of «IRBIS-64» LMS (although any LMS can be used). Attention is focused on the reliability and protection of user data from unauthorized access. Findings. The ways, means and peculiarities of the transition to a full-fledged, multifunctional Web-oriented ecosystem of the DNURT library are explored. The system has its own API-based interface, which allows it to be easily scalable, thanks to the use of the current framework on the basis of Laravel – OctoberCMS. The system has an administrator and user panel. A subsystem – the DB «Publication Profile of University Science» –has been developed to provide the necessary functionality for plugins and applications: 1) for synchronization withScopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar – in Pyhton language; 2) for automated reporting – in C# language for Windows. Originality. The researchers analysed the possibilities and suggested optimal and effective solutions for creating an interactive information system of the library based on Web-technologies, which includes a single API gateway (library site) and combines separate library automation systems. It is proved that the application of the increased level of abstraction using specialized PHP-frameworks and ORM instead of pure SQL allows the developer to focus on the development of a rather complex and at the same time a simple system from the point of view of development, which is sufficiently effective in the absence of time and material resources in the scientific libraries of Ukraine. The performed researches allow to assert about the partial implementation of the «Library 2.0» paradigm requirements in the library of DNURT. Practical value. The offered interactive information system of the scientific library allows to practically abandon the cumbersome and morally outdated IRBIS 64 system in the issues of service for readers (there is an opportunity even to execute orders of printed literature in a personal account, like in user accounts of modern courier services). The developed software that synchronizes with IRBIS in the C# language allows to upload data from the IRBIS LMS to any modern open-source LMS in the future. Realization of possibilities of the subsystem «Publication Profile of University Science» will allow receiving a statistically reliable picture of the publication activity and influence of scientists, departments, university as a whole

    Теоретичне обґрунтування пошуку потенційних лікарських засобів, що містять біологічно активні речовини з сировини харчових рослин

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    Considering that food plants have a stable raw material base and proved harmless to the human body, the use of raw materials of food plants to create new MP is relevant and has several advantages: sufficient raw material base, meaningful efficiency and high safety level.Aim. Theoretical justification of the search for potential medicinal products based on the food plant row materials, in particular, carrot roots and parsnip roots.Materials and methods. Clinical and pharmacological analysis of the databases of scientific information (articles, monographs, abstracts of theses, etc.) was conducted from Ukraine and worldwide (NCBI, Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Google Scholar, Google Academy). This information includes contain data on the search, development, preclinical research, clinical trials, application in officinal medical practice on the basis of plant-based row materials, in particular, carrot roots and parsnip roots.Results. The conducted study allowed to prove the relevnce, timeliness, expediency and prospect of search of new promising medicinal products on the basis of raw materials of food plants of the Celery genus of carrot roots and parsnip roots.Conclusion. Within the process of the study if has been justified that plants of celery genus planted carrot and planted parsnip, having powerful, affordable and cheap raw material base, are the sources of substances containing the amount of biologically active substances promising to create on their basis new drugs with cytoprotective, anti-inflammatory, nephroprotective, wound healing, reparative action, and they are prospective in terms of the introduction into medical practice for the treatment of skin lesions.Учитывая то, что пищевые растения имеют стабильную сырьевую базу и доказанную безвредность для организма человека, использование сырья пищевых растений для создания новых лекарственных средств является актуальным и имеет ряд преимуществ: достаточную сырьевую базу, значимую эффективность и высокую степень безопасности.Цель. Теоретическое обоснование поиска потенциальных лекарственных средств на основе сырья пищевых растений, в частности – корнеплодов моркови и пастернака.Материалы и методы. Клинико-фармакологическому анализу подлежали источники научной информации (статьи, монографии, авторефераты диссертаций и т.п.) из баз Украины и мира (NCBI, НБУ им В. И. Вернадского, Google Scholar, Google Академия), в которых приведены данные о поиске, разработке, доклинических исследованиях, клинических испытаниях, применении в официнальний и народной медицине лекарственных средств на основе растительного сырья, в частности - корнеплодов моркови и пастернака.Результаты. Проведенное исследование позволило доказать актуальность, своевременность, целесообразность и перспективность поиска новых лекарственных средств на основе сырья пищевых растений рода сельдерейных корнеплодов моркови и пастернака.Выводы. В процессе исследования доказано, что растения рода сельдерейных морковь посевная и пастернак посевной, имея мощную, доступную и дешевую сырьевую базу, являются источниками субстанций, содержащих сумму биологически активных веществ, перспективных для создания на их основе новых лекарственных средств с цитопротекторным, противовоспалительным, нефропротекторным , ранозаживляющим, репаративным действием и являются перспективными для внедрения в медицинскую практику с целью лечения повреждений кожи.Зважаючи на те, що харчові рослини мають стабільну сировинну базу й доказану нешкідливість для організму людини, використання сировини харчових рослин  для створення нових ЛЗ є актуальним та має низку переваг: достатню сировинну базу, значущу ефективність та високий ступінь безпечності.  Мета. Теоретичне обґрунтування пошуку потенційних лікарських засобів на основі сировини харчових  рослин, зокрема – корнеплодів моркви  та пастернака.Матеріали та методи. Клініко-фармакологічному аналізу підлягали джерела наукової інформації (статті, монографії, автореферати дисертаційних робіт та тощо) з баз України та світу (NCBI, НБУ ім В. І. Вернадського, Google Scholar, Google Академія), в яких наведені дані про пошук, розробку, доклінічні дослідження, клінічні випробування, застосування у офіцінальній та народній медицині лікарських засобів на основі рослинної сировини, зокрема – з корнеплодів моркви та пастернака.Результати. Проведене дослідження дозволило довести актуальність, своєчасність, доцільність та перспективність пошуку нових лікарських засобів на основі сировини харчових рослин роду Селерових коренеплодів моркви та пастернака.Висновки. В процесі дослідження доведено, що рослини роду Селерових морква посівна та пастернак посівний, маючи  потужну, доступну та дешеву сировинну базу, є джерелами субстанцій, що містять суму біологічно активних речовин, перспективних для створення на їх основі нових лікарських засобів з цитопротекторною, протизапальною, нефропротекторною, ранозагоювальною, репаративною дією та є перспективними для впровадження в медичну практику з метою лікування пошкоджень шкіри

    Pore-GNN: A graph neural network-based framework for predicting flow properties of porous media from micro-CT images

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    This paper presents a hybrid deep learning framework that combines graph neural networks with convolutional neural networks to predict porous media properties. This approach capitalizes on the capabilities of pre-trained convolutional neural networks to extract n-dimensional feature vectors from processed three dimensional micro computed tomography porous media images obtained from seven different sandstone rock samples. Subsequently, two strategies for embedding the computed feature vectors into graphs were explored: extracting a single feature vector per sample (image) and treating each sample as a node in the training graph, and representing each sample as a graph by extracting a fixed number of feature vectors, which form the nodes of each training graph. Various types of graph convolutional layers were examined to evaluate the capabilities and limitations of spectral and spatial approaches. The dataset was divided into 70/20/10 for training, validation, and testing. The models were trained to predict the absolute permeability of porous media. Notably, the proposed architectures further reduce the selected objective loss function to values below 35 mD, with improvements in the coefficient of determination reaching 9%. Moreover, the generalizability of the networks was evaluated by testing their performance on unseen sandstone and carbonate rock samples that were not encountered during training. Finally, a sensitivity analysis is conducted to investigate the influence of various hyperparameters on the performance of the models. The findings highlight the potential of graph neural networks as promising deep learning-based alternatives for characterizing porous media properties. The proposed architectures efficiently predict the permeability, which is more than 500 times faster than that of numerical solvers.Document Type: Original articleCited as: Alzahrani, M. K., Shapoval, A., Chen, Z., Rahman, S. S. Pore-GNN: A graph neural network-based framework for predicting flow properties of porous media from micro-CT images. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2023, 10(1):39-55. https://doi.org/10.46690/ager.2023.10.0

    Electron-positron pair production by linearly polarized photon in the nuclear field

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    Process of lepton pair production by polarized photon on nuclei can be used to measure the degree of linear polarization of high energy photon. The differential cross section and the analyzing power are calculated with taking into account higher powers of expansion on ZαZ\alpha. Pure Coulomb and screened potential are considered.Comment: 12 page

    Symmetry and disorder of the vitreous vortex lattice in an overdoped BaFe_{2-x}Co_xAs_2 superconductor: Indication for strong single-vortex pinning

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    The disordered flux line lattice in single crystals of the slightly overdoped aFe_{2-x}Co_xAs_2 (x = 0.19, Tc = 23 K) superconductor is studied by magnetization measurements, small-angle neutron scattering (SANS), and magnetic force microscopy (MFM). In the whole range of magnetic fields up to 9 T, vortex pinning precludes the formation of an ordered Abrikosov lattice. Instead, a vitreous vortex phase (vortex glass) with a short-range hexagonal order is observed. Statistical processing of MFM datasets lets us directly measure its radial and angular distribution functions and extract the radial correlation length \zeta. In contrast to predictions of the collective pinning model, no increase in the correlated volume with the applied field is observed. Instead, we find that \zeta decreases as 1.3*R1 ~ H^(-1/2) over four decades of the applied magnetic field, where R1 is the radius of the first coordination shell of the vortex lattice. Such universal scaling of \zeta implies that the vortex pinning in iron arsenides remains strong even in the absence of static magnetism. This result is consistent with all the real- and reciprocal-space vortex-lattice measurements in overdoped as-grown aFe_{2-x}Co_xAs_2 published to date and is thus sample-independent. The failure of the collective pinning model suggests that the vortices remain in the single-vortex pinning limit even in high magnetic fields up to 9 T.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Symmetry and disorder of the vitreous vortex lattice in an overdoped BaFe_{2-x}Co_xAs_2 superconductor: Indication for strong single-vortex pinning

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    The disordered flux line lattice in single crystals of the slightly overdoped aFe_{2-x}Co_xAs_2 (x = 0.19, Tc = 23 K) superconductor is studied by magnetization measurements, small-angle neutron scattering (SANS), and magnetic force microscopy (MFM). In the whole range of magnetic fields up to 9 T, vortex pinning precludes the formation of an ordered Abrikosov lattice. Instead, a vitreous vortex phase (vortex glass) with a short-range hexagonal order is observed. Statistical processing of MFM datasets lets us directly measure its radial and angular distribution functions and extract the radial correlation length \zeta. In contrast to predictions of the collective pinning model, no increase in the correlated volume with the applied field is observed. Instead, we find that \zeta decreases as 1.3*R1 ~ H^(-1/2) over four decades of the applied magnetic field, where R1 is the radius of the first coordination shell of the vortex lattice. Such universal scaling of \zeta implies that the vortex pinning in iron arsenides remains strong even in the absence of static magnetism. This result is consistent with all the real- and reciprocal-space vortex-lattice measurements in overdoped as-grown aFe_{2-x}Co_xAs_2 published to date and is thus sample-independent. The failure of the collective pinning model suggests that the vortices remain in the single-vortex pinning limit even in high magnetic fields up to 9 T.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure