284 research outputs found

    Temporal profile of (space occupying lesion of brain)Headache.

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    Introduction: Given the range of disorders that are implicated in manifesting as headache, an analysis and interpretation of the pattern of headache would be helpful in identifying rarer life threatening secondary headaches. This study is, planned mainly to analyse the pattern of the secondary headaches due to brain neoplasm. Methods: All the Patients diagnosed to have primary or secondary brain tumour by neuroimaging were interviewed in detail about the headache. Clinical , neuroimaging and biopsy details were obtained. Results: The prevalence of headache in the study population of 208 patients was 88.5 %. Most had a change in the pattern of headache among 3.8 % who had pre existing headache.During onset, Headaches were localized to frontoparietal in supratentorial, and bifronto parietal in sellar and in hydrocephalus , bioccipital in infratentorial tumours and to the same side in hemispheric lesions. 97.3% had dull aching quality. Greater intensity were seen in with more number of patients with raised Intracranial pressure group, with tumor with edema. The frequency of episodes were more in the severe edema group. Discussion: The brain tumour associated headache initially has onset in the side of tumour in hemispheric lesions and bifrontal in pitutary tumours and in patients with raised ICP. The common pattern was of intermittent type of moderate intensity with worsening with valsalva and postural change. The size of the tumour is one of the factor requiring modification by other factors like edema, development of raised ICP, vascular or meningeal involvement, etc. in determining the headache. The extent of edema plays a significant role with regard to intensity and frequency of the episodes per month. Conclusion: The brain tumour associated headaches have special characteristic features of unilaterality, dull ache, recent onset or change in pattern with pre existing headache, progressive in nature, headache intensity worsening with valsalva, change in position or during exertion and in association with seizures or neurological deficits. The infratentorial location, extent of tumour associated edema, and raised intracranial pressure are significantly important factors in brain tumour associated headache

    Intra-population genetic variance for grain iron and zinc contents and agronomic traits in pearl millet

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    AbstractCrop biofortification is a sustainable approach for fighting micronutrient malnutrition in the world. The estimation of variance components in genetically broad-based populations provides information about their genetic architecture, allowing the design of an appropriate biofortification breeding method for cross-pollinated crops such as pearl millet. The objective of this study was to estimate intra-population genetic variance using self (S1) and half-sib (HS) progenies in two populations, AIMP92901 and ICMR312. Field trials were evaluated in two contrasting seasons (2009 rainy and 2010 summer; otherwise called environments) in Alfisols at ICRISAT, Patancheru. Analyses of variance showed highly significant variation for S1s and HS progenies, reflecting high within-population genetic variation for both micronutrients and other key traits. However, the HS showed narrow ranges and lower genetic variances than the S1 for all of the traits. The micronutrients were highly positively correlated in S1 (r=0.77 to 0.86; P<0.01) and HS (r=0.74 to 0.77; P<0.01) progenies of both populations, implying concurrent genetic improvement for both micronutrients. The genetic variance component was different among populations for Fe and Zn contents across environments, with AIMP92901 showing a greater proportion of dominance and ICMR312 greater additive variance for these micronutrients. The estimates of variance (additive and dominance) were specific for each population, given their dependence on the additive and dominance effects of the segregating loci, which also differ among populations. The possible causes for such differences were discussed. The results showed that the expression of these micronutrients in pearl millet shows largely additive variance, so that breeding high-iron hybrids will require incorporation of these micronutrient traits into both parental lines

    Secondary bacterial flora in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis - a preliminary report

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    Sputum samples from 100 smear positive or skiagram positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients were cultured for superinfecting or co-injecting bacteria. These patients were equally divided into five groups. This included Croup-I who are not treated; Group-II who are treated up to three months; Group-III who are treated for more than three but less than six months; Group-IV treated more than six months and lastly Group-V who have completed the prescribed treatment schedule of varying durations. Neisseria catarrhalis and Strep. viridans predominated in all patients irrespective of group, other organisms isolated, were Micrococci, E.Coli, Serratia, Proteus and Pseudomonas. There was no significant difference in the pattern of organisms isolated from different group of patients. The antibiogram showed the usual susceptibility pattern

    Design of shark skin collagen-aloe composite scaffold for tissue engineering

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    Se ha demostrado que el colágeno es un nuevo biomaterial utilizado para la administración de fármacos, la fabricación de apósitos o como sustrato para ingeniería tisular cuya biocompatibilidad y propiedades biodegradables son únicas. El colágeno bovino y porcino tipo I constituyen una fuente fácilmente disponible de material de soporte para diversas aplicaciones biomédicas. Sin embargo, estas fuentes conllevan cierto riesgo potencial de enfermedades infecciosas como la encefalopatía espongiforme bovina o la encefalopatía espongiforme transmisible. Por esta razón, existe una demanda de colágeno tipo I procedente de otras fuentes. En el presente estudio, se utilizan animales acuáticos y, en concreto, especies de tiburón en las que el colágeno tipo I es una proteína principal de la piel y la estructura tiene similitud con la de las especies mamíferas. Se ha intentado utilizar colágeno de piel de tiburón como matriz de soporte con extracto de aloe para mejorar la estabilidad. Estas matrices de soporte se caracterizaron por varias propiedades fi sicoquímicas y por la evaluación de biocompatibilidad para facilitar el crecimiento de fi broblastos dérmicos humanos in vitro. La incorporación de extracto de aloe infl uyó enormemente en la morfología y las propiedades fi sicoquímicas de la matriz de soporte. Se observó in vitro que los fi broblastos conservaban la orientación organizada en forma de huso al cultivarse sobre la matriz de soporte de colágeno. Así, la matriz de soporte de colágeno desarrollada con una proporción de 10:1 de colágeno de piel de tiburón y extracto de aloe, respectivamente, sirvió como material biocompatible con una resistencia a la tracción apreciable. La investigación anterior sugiere que la matriz de soporte de colágeno de piel de tiburón desarrollada puede ser una alternativa efectiva al colágeno de mamífero en el campo de la ingeniería tisular y para diversas aplicaciones en la curación de heridas.Collagen has proven to be a novel biomaterial used for drug delivery, wound cover dressings or as a substrate for tissue engineering with unique biocompatibility and biodegradable properties. Bovine and porcine Type I collagen provide a readily available source of scaffold material for various biomedical applications. However these sources have some potential risk of infectious diseases such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy or transmissible spongiform encephalopathy. Hence there is demand for an alternative Type I collagen from various other sources. The present study utilizes the aquatic animals particularly the shark species in which collagen Type I is a major protein in the skin and the structure has similarity to that of mammalian species. An attempt was made to use shark skin collagen as scaffold with the extract of aloe to improve the stability. These scaffolds were characterized for various physicochemical properties and biocompatibility assessment to support the growth of human dermal fi broblasts in vitro. The incorporation of aloe extract highly infl uenced the morphology and physicochemical properties of the scaffold. It was observed in vitro that the fi broblasts retained the spindle shape, organized orientation when cultured over collagen scaffold. Thus the developed collagen scaffold at 10: 1 ratio of shark skin collagen and aloe extract respectively served as a biocompatible material with appreciable tensile strength. The above investigation suggests that the developed shark skin collagen scaffold could be an effective alternative for the mammalian collagen for tissue engineering and various wound healing applications

    Reselection within population for high grain iron density and its effects on agronomic traits in pearl millet

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    This study aimed to assess whether intra-population selection and its derived lines inter-mating for grain iron (Fe) has any associated changes in grain yield and other agronomic traits in two Open-Pollinated Varieties (OPVs) in pearl millet. The original (C0) and improved bulks (C1) were evaluated in two contrast seasons (referred to as environments). Result showed non-significant differences between C0 and C1 bulks for all the traits except 1000-grain mass in both the populations. This implied that the selection for higher Fe level did not cause any significant changes on grain yield and other agronomic traits. The S1-based random mated bulks are generally more heterozygous as F2 populations, thus, S2-based population improvement would assemble large number of favorable additive allele to elevate Fe and Zn density which did happen marginally in this study. Interestingly, selection for high Fe significantly increased the 1000-grain mass by 4.8% and 14.2% in the AIMP 92901 and ICMR 312, respectively. One cycle of recurrent selection showed marginal improvement for grain Fe and Zn in C1 over C0 bulks of AIMP 92901 (2.4% more Fe and 7.9% more Zn) and ICMR 312 (8% more Fe and 5.4% more Zn). Nevertheless, these micronutrients are being additively controlled so population improvement is possible with increased cycle of selection and subsequent recombination to assemble more favorable alleles for significant difference from its original bulks. Thus, reselection was effective in improving the target traits with no correlated response on the yield traits

    Hemangiomatous Ameloblastoma: A Rare Variant

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    Ameloblastoma is a true neoplasm of enamel organ type&nbsp;tissue. It is the most common odontogenic neoplasm with more&nbsp;frequency in the mandible. A 20 years old male patient presented&nbsp;with a swelling in the right side of the mandible of 10 months&nbsp;duration. Orthopantomograph revealed multilocular radiolucency&nbsp;extending from the region of 46 to the condyle. Incision biopsy&nbsp;revealed features of plexiform ameloblastoma. Numerous vascular&nbsp;spaces of varying size were seen throughout the stroma.&nbsp;Excision biopsy also revealed similar findings. Based on these&nbsp;findings, a diagnosis of hemangiomatous plexiform ameloblastoma&nbsp;was made. Hemangiomatous ameloblastoma (HA) is still&nbsp;a controversial entity, with some pathologists ruling it out as a&nbsp;&nbsp;separate lesion. This paper discusses the possibility that HA&nbsp;might be an aggressive variant of ameloblastoma and reviews&nbsp;relevant literature.&nbsp

    Reaction of malononitrile with enones

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