16 research outputs found

    PO-234 Research progress of exercise therapy on type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    Objective  Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is an autoimmune disease with a clear genetic basis, and early islet cell function appears clearly in recession or even lost. Insulin deficiency allows patients to rely on exogenous insulin for life, and long-term complications seriously affect quality of life and shorten life expectancy.  Methods This paper retrieves 1998-2018 years' literatures on "Sports" and "type 1 diabetes" through the PubMed database, and collate and analyze the progress of the research and induction of type 1 diabetes exercise therapy. Results Numerous studies have shown that regular physical exercise can reduce the daily insulin dose in patients with T1DM.At the same time, they should master the contraindications in order to avoid the risks of movement. Currently a recommendation for all T1DM patients is engaging in at least 150 min/week of moderate to vigorous intensity aerobic exercise, sustainability or HIIT, combined with resistance training such as resistance machines and bands, as well as other stretching and balance exercises such as yoga, tai chi, 3 to 7 times per week which is depended on the physical condition of patients and exercise intensity, and resistance training can be performed on nonconsecutive days. Conclusions So patients need to be clear how to safely increase their physical activity, and incorporate more independent physical activity into daily life. &nbsp

    Unraveling the diversity of sedimentary sulfate-reducing prokaryotes (SRP) across Tibetan saline lakes using epicPCR

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    Sulfate reduction is an important biogeochemical process in the ecosphere; however, the major taxa of sulfate reducers have not been fully identified. Here, we used epicPCR (Emulsion, Paired Isolation, and Concatenation PCR) technology to identify the phylogeny of sulfate-reducing prokaryotes (SRP) in sediments from Tibetan Plateau saline lakes. A total of 12,519 OTUs and 883 SRP-OTUs were detected in ten lakes by sequencing of 16S rRNA gene PCR amplicons and epicPCR products of fused 16S rRNA plus dsrB gene, respectively, with Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Bacteroidetes being the dominant phyla in both datasets. The 120 highly abundant SRP-OTUs (>1% in at least one sample) were affiliated with 17 described phyla, only 7 of which are widely recognized as SRP phyla. The majority of OTUs from both the whole microbial communities and the SRPs were not detected in more than one specific lake, suggesting high levels of endemism. The -diversity of the entire microbial community and SRP sub-community showed significant positive correlations. The pH value and mean water temperature of the month prior to sampling were the environmental determinants for the whole microbial community, while the mean water temperature and total nitrogen were the major environmental drivers for the SRP sub-community. This study revealed there are still many undocumented SRP in Tibetan saline lakes, many of which could be endemic and adapted to specific environmental conditions.Peer reviewe

    Authenticity Identification of Meat Products Using Multienzyme Isothermal Rapid Amplification-Lateral Flow Dipstick

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    Purpose: To address the issue that laboratory methods cannot meet the need foron-site rapid testingat the grassroot level, a quick method for detecting the authenticity of meat products was established based on multienzyme isothermal rapid amplification (MIRA) coupled with lateral flow dipstick (LFD). Methods: Pig, cattle, sheep, chicken, and duck-specific mitochondrial gene sequences were selected through GenBank, and intra-species conserved and inter-species specific target fragments were compared using the DNAStar Megalign software. According to the design principles of MIRA primers and probes, target gene-specific primer and probe sets were designed and screened systematically through positive, negative and blank controls to determine the species-specific primers and probes. The reaction system, temperature, and time were optimized. Analytical figures of merit of the method including DNA extraction, sensitivity, detection limit, false positive rate and false negative rate were evaluated to verify its validity. Results: Compared with real-time fluorescent polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the average false positive rate of this method was 3.49%, and the false negative rate was 3.54%, which meets the requirements of on-site rapid testing. Conclusion: In this study, the MIRA-LFD technique was established for 5 common meats, namely, cattle, sheep, pig, chicken and duck, and its validity and feasibility were confirmed, realizing on-site rapid testing of the authenticity of meat products

    Mitochondria-localized AMPK responds to local energetics and contributes to exercise and energetic stress-induced mitophagy

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    Mitochondria form a complex, interconnected reticulum that is maintained through coordination among biogenesis, dynamic fission, and fusion and mitophagy, which are initiated in response to various cues to maintain energetic homeostasis. These cellular events, which make up mitochondrial quality control, act with remarkable spatial precision, but what governs such spatial specificity is poorly understood. Herein, we demonstrate that specific isoforms of the cellular bioenergetic sensor, 5′ AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPKα1/α2/β2/γ1), are localized on the outer mitochondrial membrane, referred to as mitoAMPK, in various tissues in mice and humans. Activation of mitoAMPK varies across the reticulum in response to energetic stress, and inhibition of mitoAMPK activity attenuates exercise-induced mitophagy in skeletal muscle in vivo. Discovery of a mitochondrial pool of AMPK and its local importance for mitochondrial quality control underscores the complexity of sensing cellular energetics in vivo that has implications for targeting mitochondrial energetics for disease treatment

    Rapid evaluation method of subgrade performance using Portable Falling Weight Deflectometer

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    The performance evaluation of new and old subgrades is critical for the quality and safety of reconstruction and extension projects. It is necessary to achieve rapid and easy performance testing. In this study, a Portable FallingWeight Deflectometer (PFWD) is chosen to rapid evaluate the performance of subgrade. First, a testing area, the reconstruction and expansion project of the Hefei to Dagudian section of the Shanghai-Shaanxi Expressway, is selected. Then, the PFWD modulus Ep of resilient tested by PFWD and the corresponding water content w and compacting degree K tested by the cutting ring method for old subgrade are obtained. And the correlation relationship between Ep and w and K is established. The performance of old subgrade can be rapid obtained by PFWD. Meanwhile, for the new subgrade, the correlation relationship between Ep and bending value L, w and K is established, and the performance can also be rapid tested by PFWD. Finally, a rapid evaluation method for the reconstruction and expansion of subgrade performance was proposed, which aims to provide technical support for ensuring construction quality and safety and provides a technical reference and a theoretical basis for the prediction of similar subgrade performance

    Role of MST1 in the regulation of autophagy and mitophagy: implications for aging-related diseases

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    As a key mechanism to maintain cellular homeostasis under stress conditions, autophagy/mitophagy is related to the occurrence of metabolic disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and other aging-related diseases, but the relevant signal pathways regulating autophagy have not been clarified. Mammalian sterile 20-like kinase 1 (MST1) is a central regulatory protein of many metabolic pathways involved in the pathophysiological processes of aging and aging-related diseases and has become a critical integrator affecting autophagic signaling. Recent studies show that MST1 not only suppresses autophagy through directly phosphorylating Beclin-1 and/or inhibiting the protein expression of silent information regulator 1 (SIRT1) in the cytoplasm, but also inhibits BCL2/adenovirus E1B protein-interacting protein 3 (BNIP3)–, FUN14 domain containing 1 (FUNDC1)–, and Parkin (Parkinson protein 2)–mediated mitophagy by interacting with factors such as Ras association domain family 1A (RASSF1A). Indeed, a common pharmacological strategy for anti-aging is to induce autophagy/mitophagy through MST1 inhibition. This article reviews the role and mechanism of MST1 in regulating autophagy during aging, to provide evidence for the development of drugs targeting MST1

    Preparation of Few-Layered WS 2

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    Detrital zircon U-Pb age and detrital rutile trace element data from the late Neogene Baode Red Clay sequence, Chinese Loess Plateau, and detrital rutile geochemistry from 14 potential source areas

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    The data were collected for a joint detrital zircon and detrital rutile provenance study of the late Neogene aeolian Baode Red Clay, located on the northern part of the Chinese Loess Plateau. The data consist of detrital zircon U-Pb ages of the 4.04–2.64 Ma Baode Red Clay (four samples from the Pliocene Jingle Formation and one sample from the 2.64 Ma Transitional Unit), and detrital rutile trace element geochemistry of the 6.91–2.64 Ma Baode Red Clay (three samples from the Miocene Baode Formation, five samples from the Pliocene Jingle Formation, and one sample from the Transitional Unit) and 14 potential sedimentary source areas in Central-East Asia. The data were collected using Nu Plasma AttoM single collector ICP-MS (Nu Instruments Ltd., Wrexham, UK) connected to an Analyte Excite 193 ArF laser ablation system (Photon Machines, San Diego, USA) at the Geological Survey of Finland. The rutiles were analysed for Li, Mg, Al, Si, P, Ca, Sc, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Sn, Sb, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu, Hf, Ta, W, Pb, Th, and U. The grain size fractions of the analysed grains were mostly 30–90 μm for the Red Clay zircons and rutiles, and 20–500 μm for the potential source area rutiles

    Detrital zircon U-Pb age from the late Neogene Baode Red Clay sequence, Chinese Loess Plateau

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    The data consist of detrital zircon U-Pb ages of the 4.04–2.64 Ma Baode Red Clay (four samples from the Pliocene Jingle Formation and one sample from the 2.64 Ma Transitional Unit). The data were collected using Nu Plasma AttoM single collector ICP-MS (Nu Instruments Ltd., Wrexham, UK) connected to an Analyte Excite 193 ArF laser ablation system (Photon Machines, San Diego, USA) at the Geological Survey of Finland