34 research outputs found

    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Ethnicity: A Literature Review

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    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most expensive mental disorders, costing U.S. citizens $77 billion every year (Reinberg, 2004). Although ADHD effects between 3-7% of U.S. children (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2000), there are many misconceptions about the disorder and concerns have been raised regarding appropriate diagnosis and treatment in children, adolescents, and adults. In addition to these concerns, several authors have noted that there is a lack of research regarding ethnicity and ADHD. The limited research that has been done is confusing with some studies indicating that there is no difference in rates of ADHD diagnoses (Nigg, 2001) and other studies indicating that African American children are placed in behaviorally disordered classrooms at higher rates (Maddox & Wilson, 2004). Reid, Casat, Norton, Anastopoulus, and Temple (2001) found that teachers were more likely to exhibit a bias in their rating scales if their students were African American. The purpose of this paper is to review the literature on ADHD, with a particular focus on the research of ethnicity and ADHD

    Evolution and Modern Approaches for Thermal Analysis of Electrical Machines

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    In this paper, the authors present an extended survey on the evolution and the modern approaches in the thermal analysis of electrical machines. The improvements and the new techniques proposed in the last decade are analyzed in depth and compared in order to highlight the qualities and defects of each. In particular, thermal analysis based on lumped-parameter thermal network, finite-element analysis, and computational fluid dynamics are considered in this paper. In addition, an overview of the problems linked to the thermal parameter determination and computation is proposed and discussed. Taking into account the aims of this paper, a detailed list of books and papers is reported in the references to help researchers interested in these topics

    Big Data in Agriculture – From FOODIE towards data bio

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    What’s the role of Big Data in the farming ecosystem? Farmers need to measure and understand the impact of a huge amount and variety of data which drive overall quality and yield of their fields. Among those are local weather data, GPS data, ortophotos, satellite imagery, soil specifics, soil conductivity, seed, fertilizer and crop protectant specifications and many more. Being able to leverage this data for running long and short term simulations in response to “events” like changed weather, market need or other parameters is indispensable for farmers in terms of maximizing their profits. IoT (Internet of Technology) including field sensors and machinery monitoring. The experimentation in FarmTelemetry project demonstrates that one average Czech farm (i.e. around 1’000 hectares) could generate daily 20 MegaBytes of data. This could be only for Czech Republic something between 30 and 50 GB per one day. We may easily reach Terabytes of data a day from agricultural basic monitoring by sensors in Europe. Together with satellite data agriculture will need to manage extremely large amount of data. On one side there is growing whole ecosystem with a strong need to secure Big Data from different repositories and heterogeneous sources. In some cases, sharing of data could be common interest, but on other side, there are also different interests and data could help to one part of value chain to take bigger part of profit. From this reason Big data are sensitive topics and trusting of producers about data security is essential. The producers of seeds and chemicals want to maximize their business with farmers. Our team stated implementation of Big Data technologies in frame of European 7FP project FOODIE. This work currently the work continue as part of DataBio project

    Distillation Practices in Wine

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    E&J Gallo (Gallo) currently collects the by-products of their brandy still. These by-products are then further processed and used as fuel. However, Gallo hopes to conduct separation techniques on these by-products to better utilize the components and potentially make a profit. The goal of this project was to develop a methodology that allowed for this separation, and experiments were completed using bench-scale distillation columns. The trials completed were inconclusive, but Gallo is now closer to completing its separation goals

    Towards hybrid microrobots using pH- and photo-responsive hydrogels for cancer targeting and drug delivery

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    This work is towards targeted drug delivery using microrobots functionalized to navigate towards naturally occurring pH gradients caused by cancer cells, and to release a payload in response to a light stimulus. Stimuli-responsive microrobots for the localization of specific cell types and targeted drug delivery could provide a new and promising therapy to prevent and treat the spread of cancer. In this work, we present two novel biocompatible photoresists for the fabrication of hybrid microrobots using two-photon polymerization (TPP) for medical applications. One biomarker for cancerous cells is that they exhibit lower pH compared to surrounding healthy tissue. In this work, a pH-responsive resist was developed and demonstrated to automatically seek a low-pH solid in a microfluidic channel, simulating metastatic cells within a vessel. The second resist, a hydrogel-based photoresist, was created to contract in response to light. The two resists were combined together in a two-step printing process to create a microswimmer with potential for tumor localization and drug release capabilities in the human circulatory system

    Leicester Water District Analysis

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    Delivering high quality drinking water to the residents of a town or city necessitates a robust water management system to ensure the health and safety of its residents. Our report investigates the challenges faced by the water supply districts in the Town of Leicester, Massachusetts. By working together with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection and the Town of Leicester, our goal was to analyze the feasibility of incorporating a collaborative water management system in the Town of Leicester to help alleviate issues of water quality and quantity. In our report, we provide recommendations for the Town of Leicester, its water districts and the Moose Hill Commission on how to collaborate to help Leicester with its current and future water needs

    Estrategias de enseñanza para mejorar la convivencia en estudiantes del primer grado C en el área de persona familia y relaciones humanas de la Institución Educativa Julio Armando Ruiz Vásquez de Amarilis 2014

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    Tesis De Segunda EspecialidadLa investigación acción titulada Estrategias de enseñanza para mejorar la convivencia en el área de persona familia y relaciones humanas en estudiantes del primer grado C del nivel secundaria de la Institución Educativa Julio Armando Ruiz Vásquez de Amarilis, 2014, tuvo como objetivos generales Mejorar mis Estrategias de Enseñanza para optimizar la convivencia en el Área de Persona Familia y Relaciones Humanas. La investigación es de tipo cualitativo, se sustenta en la investigación – acción pedagógica, con un diseño que incluye la deconstrucción, la reconstrucción y la evaluación de la efectividad de la práctica, los actores de cambio estuvieron constituidas por la totalidad de mi práctica pedagógica y por los estudiantes del 1º grado “C” del nivel de secundaria, adolescentes entre edades de 11 a 14 años de la Institución Educativa en mención. Para la construcción de la teoría explícita he recurrido a las técnicas bibliográficas y análisis de documentos, para ello utilicé la triangulación de fuentes, luego procedí con el cruce de información para su posterior interpretación dándole significado a cada uno de las subcategorías y categorías, arribando a conclusiones como hallazgos principales de la mejora de la práctica pedagógica. Las conclusiones son: La Deconstrucción, me ha permitido realizar una profunda reflexión donde he podido identificar las fortalezas y debilidades, así como las teorías explicitas que sustentan las estrategias de monitoreo y acompañamiento pedagógico en mi práctica pedagógica. La Reconstrucción, me ha permitido replantear mi práctica pedagógica a través de la implementación y ejecución de un plan de acción para potencializar las fortalezas y superar las debilidades con la aplicación de estrategias de enseñanza basado en estrategias activas y convivencia para mejorar la convivencia en los estudiantes. En la reconstrucción de la práctica pedagógica se ha implementado acciones de mejora relacionadas a la sub categoría convivencia, ello me ha permitido superar las relaciones interpersonales de los estudiantes a través de la práctica de valores basados en respeto, responsabilidad, y la tolerancia. La efectividad de la nueva práctica pedagógica reconstruida, estrategias enseñanza ha sido un éxito porque he podido ayudar en la mejora de los aprendizajes y las relaciones interpersonales de los estudiantes. La efectividad de la nueva práctica pedagógica se realizó a través de triangulación, el uso de la técnica de triangulación me permitió interpretar los resultados obtenidos de las 10 sesiones interventoras y donde se evidencia la mejora de los aprendizajes y las relaciones interpersonales de los estudiantes

    Early child neglect: Does it predict obesity or underweight in later childhood?

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    Child neglect has been hypothesized to be a risk factor for both obesity and underweight in early childhood, although little research has examined the relation between neglect and body mass index (BMI). The present study examined the relation between neglect and BMI among 185 children (91 with a Child Protective Services history of neglect) who were initially seen at ages 4 to 6 years and who were followed through ages 7 to 9 years. Neglected and comparison children were found to have similar BMIs, although both groups had BMIs that were significantly greater than CDC norms for age, gender, and ethnicity. Neglect chronicity did predict lower BMIs but only at age 8 and 9 years. The present findings suggest that greater examination of moderators is needed to identify the specific contexts in which neglect is related to children’s weight.This is the authors' accepted manuscript for an article that was published in Child Maltreatment (2010), vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 250-254. doi: 10.1177/1077559510363730Peer reviewe