808 research outputs found

    Non-linear Modelling of the Australian Business Cycle using a Leading Indicator

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    This paper develops a new non-linear model to analyse the business cycle by exploiting the relationship between the asymmetrical behaviour of the cycle and leading indicators. The model proposed is an innovations form of the structural model underlying simple exponential smoothing that is augmented by a latent Markov switching process. Furthermore, the probabilities that drive the Markov process vary with the growth of the leading indicator. The proposed model is used to analyse the Australian business cycle using the gross domestic product as a proxy and the industrial materials prices index as the exogenous leading indicator influencing the transition probabilities. Model parameters are estimated using a Gibbs sampling algorithm and subsequently used for forecasting purposes.Structural model; Markov switching regime; Gibbs sampling; Business cycle; Leading indicator.

    Chiral Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

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    The paper reviews nanoscale science and technology of chiral molecules/macromolecules-under twosubtopics-chiral nanotechnology and nano-chiral technology. Chiral nanotechnology discusses thenanotechnology, where molecular chirality plays a role in the properties of materials, including molecularswitches, molecular motors, and other molecular devices; chiral supramolecules and self-assembled nanotubesand their functions are also highlighted. Nano-chiral technology  describes the nanoscale approaches to chiraltechnology such as asymmetric synthesis and catalysis, chiral separation and detection, and enantiomericanalysis. Chiral sensors have also been included. The state-of-the-art chiral research at DMSRDE,Kanpur isalso presented.Defence Science Journal, 2008, 58(5), pp.626-635, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.58.168

    Genetic Analysis of Growth Traits in White Boni Sheep Under the Central Highlands Region of Yemen

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    The data were collected from 1992 to 2009 of White Boni sheep maintained at the Regional Research Station in the Central Highlands of Yemen. Data were analyzed to study the growth related traits and their genetic control. The least square means for body weights were 2.26±0.67, 11.14±0.46 and 19.21±1.25 kg for birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW), six-month weight (WM6), respectively. The pre-and post-weaning average daily weight gains (ADG1 and ADG2) were 106.04±4.98g and 46.21±8.36 g/ day. Significant differences associated with the year of lambing were observed in body weight and weight gain at different stages of growth. Males were heavier and had a higher weight gain than females at almost all stages of growth and differences tended to increase with age. Single-born lambs had a distinct advantage over those born in twin birth at all stages of growth. The lambs in the dam’s second to fourth parities were generally of heavier weight and higher daily weight gain than those in other parities. The heritabilities of all body weights, weight gains at different stages of growth were moderate (0.11-0.43). The phenotypic and genetic correlation among the different body weights were positive and high. The genetic correlations of the pre- and post-weaning average daily gains with body weights were hight to moderate, except BW with ADG2

    Evaluación de cáscaras de maní como alternativa a arcillas decolorantes

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    Peanut hulls (PNH) were carbonized at different temperatures, times, and evaluated at different concentrations as an alternative to bleaching clays. Evaluation of bleached crude soybean oil with PNH was based on their delta free fatty acids, reduction in peroxide value (PV), reduction in phospholipids (PL) and bleachability. The performance of several commercially used bleaching clays was evaluated, for comparison. Mixtures were formulated including: PNH and Tonsil -N (TN), PNH and Fuller’s earth (FE) and PNH and O-passive (OP) and examined. The oxidative stability of oils was determined. Results for the investigated commercial bleaching clays revealed: TN > FE > F > TF > OP. Highest reduction in PV and PL, and highest bleachability were achieved for soybean oil bleached with 2% PNH carbonized at 500°C for 30 min (PNH”). Mixtures of PNH” with the three chosen bleaching clays indicated that 1PNH”: 2TN gave the highest bleachability. CSO was miscella bleached in hexane using PNH” and resulted in an appreciable improvement in all oil characteristics, especially in bleachability. Oxidative stability of oils was in the following order: TN > control > FE > PNH” with Induction period values of 23,1 > 6,43 > 5,73 > 2,85 h, respectively.Las cáscaras de maní (PNH) fueron carbonizadas a diferentes temperaturas y tiempos, y utilizadas a diferentes concentraciones como una alternativa a las tierras decolorantes. La evaluación de un aceite de soja decolorado con PNH se ha basado en sus ácidos grasos libres, reducción del índice de peróxidos (PV), reducción de los fosfolípidos (PL), y en la blanqueabilidad. El rendimiento de varias tierras decolorantes de uso comercial fue evaluado y comparado con el de PNH carbonizada. Las mezclas formuladas incluían: PNH y Tonsil-N (TN), PNH y tierras de Fuller (FE) y PNH y O-pasivo (OP). La estabilidad oxidativa de los aceites resultantes fue determinada. Los resultados revelaron que la efectividad de la decoloración con las tierras decolorantes investigadas fue el siguiente: TN > FE > F > TF > OP. La mayor reducción en PV y PL, y la mayor decoloración se logró para el aceite de soja blanqueado con un 2% de PHN carbonizada a 500°C durante 30 min (PNH”). Las mezclas de PHN” con las tres tierras de blanqueo elegidas indicaron que 1PHN”: 2TN dio el mayor porcentaje de decoloración. La miscela de aceite de soja crudo en hexano decolorada usando PNH” resultó mejorar apreciablemente todas las características del aceite, sobre todo la blanqueabilidad. La estabilidad oxidativa fue en el siguiente orden: TN > control > FE > PNH” con valores de periodo de inducción de 23,1 > 6,43 > 5,73 > 2,85 h, respectivamente


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    Uncertainty-based stope boundary optimization is a complex part of underground mine planning, especially in mass mining projects and notably block caving. Besides, grade variation and grade uncertainty are significant sources of error in mining projects. This paper presents a procedure to determine a resilient block-cave stope boundary considering the ore grade uncertainties. The procedure applies the floating stope algorithm, the maximum upside/minimum downside, and the value at risk for design evaluation. The floating stope algorithm is customized for block caving and is used to determine the stope boundary over some simulated grade models. The idea fits into a multi-criteria decision-making problem. Finally, the most resilient stope boundary is selected by considering several criteria and the TOPSIS method. According to the results, the resilient stope boundary covers an area where the mineable reserve is 977 Mt with an average copper grade of 0.51%.Optimizacija granica iskopa metodom temeljenom na nesigurnosti složen je dio projektiranja podzemnih rudnika, posebno u projektima masovnoga rudarenja te u metodi blokovskoga iskopa. Osim toga, varijacija u stupnju i nesigurnost sadržaja rude česti su izvori pogrešaka u rudarskim projektima. Ovaj rad predstavlja postupak za određivanje elastične granice blokovskoga iskopa uzimajući u obzir nesigurnosti sadržaja rude. Postupak primjenjuje algoritam plutajućih granica iskopa, maksimalno dobru / minimalno lošu stranu i rizičnu vrijednost za ocjenu dizajna. Algoritam plutajućih granica iskopa prilagođen je za blokovsku metodu iskopa i koristi se za određivanje granice iskopa preko određenih simuliranih stupnjevitih modela. Ideja se uklapa u višekriterijski problem odlučivanja. Konačno, odabire se najelastičnija granica iskopa uzimajući u obzir nekoliko kriterija i TOPSIS metodu. Prema rezultatima elastična granica iskopa pokriva područje gdje eksploatacijske rezerve iznose 977 Mt s prosječnim sadržajem bakra od 0,51 %

    An asymptomatic case of peritoneal encapsulation: case report and review of the literature

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    Peritoneal encapsulation is a rare congenital anomaly characterised by a thin membrane of peritoneum encasing the small bowel to form an accessory peritoneal sac. We present a case of peritoneal encapsulation diagnosed incidentally in an 82 year old man undergoing laparotomy for colonic cancer. The sac was easily excised and surgery was otherwise uneventful. A discussion of the case and a review of the literature are presented

    Glyceride structure and sterol composition of SOS-7 halophyte oil

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    Glyceride structure of SOS-7 halophyte oil was studied using the lipase hydrolysis technique. This halophyte sample was obtained from 1988 harvest planted in Ghardaka, on the border of the Red Sea, Egypt. The oilseed was ground and extracted for its oil using commercial hexane in Soxhlet extractor. The unsaturated fatty acids were found centralized in the 2-position of triglycerides, whereas oleic and linolenic acids showed more preference for this position. It was found that P3 was the major component of GS3, whereas P2L and PStL; PL2, POL and StL2 are predominating among GS2U and GSU3 respectively. L3 manifested itself as the principal constituent of GU3 type. Sterol composition of the halophyte oil was determined by GLC as TMS derivative. It was found that the oil contains campsterol, β-sitosterol, stigmasterol and 7-stigmasterol of which 7-stigmasterol is the major sterol and constitute 52.4%.Se ha estudiado usando la técnica de hidrólisis mediante lipasa la estructura glicerídica de aceite de halofito SOS-7. Esta muestra de halofito fue obtenida a partir de una cosecha de 1988 plantada en Ghardaka, en la orilla del Mar Rojo, Egipto. Para la extracción del aceite de la semilla molida se utilizó hexano comercial en extractor Soxhlet. Los ácidos grasos insaturados se encontraron centralizados en la posición 2 de los triglicéridos, siendo los ácidos oleico y linolénico los que mostraron mayor preferencia por esta posición. Se encontró que P3 fue el componente mayoritario de GS3, mientras que P2L y PStL; PL2 POL y StL2 son los predominantes para GS2U y GSU3 respectivamente. L3 se manifestó como el principal constituyente de los GU3. La composición esterólica del aceite de halofito se determinó por GLC como derivados del TMS. Se encontró que el aceite contenía campesterol, β-sitosterol, estigmasterol y 7-estigmasterol siendo este último el esterol mayoritario con un porcentaje del 52,4

    Strengthening of Concrete Beams Using FRP Composites

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    Finite element analysis (FEA) is used to predict the behavior of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with fiber reinforced polymer (FRP). To verify and measure the accuracy of the FEM model, the current model results were compared with both experimental and theoretical available results. Four beams were studied simulating the Horsetail Creek Bridge, Oregon, USA. The first one is a control beam with no strengthening fiber.The second beam is strengthened with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) oriented along the length of the beam to reinforce the flexure behavior. The third beam is wrapped with glass fiber reinforced polymer(GFRP) laminates representing the shear beam. The fourth one is strengthened with CFRP and GFRP laminates representing the flexure-shear beam.The load-strain for concrete, steel and fiber as well were represented and compared. In addition, the load deflection curves and crack patterns were developed and represented. The results showed that the modeling process was accurate in simulating the tested beams. It was also clear that using FRP in strengthening reinforced concrete beams is an effective method in improving both shear and flexural behavior of the beams

    Galactic Center Pulsars with the ngVLA

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    Pulsars in the Galactic Center (GC) are important probes of General Relativity, star formation, stellar dynamics, stellar evolution, and the interstellar medium. Despite years of searching, only a handful of pulsars in the central 0.5 deg are known. The high-frequency sensitivity of ngVLA will open a new window for discovery and characterization of pulsars in the GC. A pulsar in orbit around the GC black hole, Sgr A*, will provide an unprecedented probe of black hole physics and General Relativity.Comment: To be published in the ASP Monograph Series, "Science with a Next-Generation VLA", ed. E. J. Murphy (ASP, San Francisco, CA