2,271 research outputs found

    A prospective study on the role of Hysterolaparoscopy in the evaluation of infertility

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    Background: Infertility affects about 10-15% of couples of reproductive age groups. The current evidence indicates a 9% prevalence of infertility with 56% of couples seeking medical care. Hysterolaparoscopy provides a comprehensive investigative procedure in which various factors causing female infertility can be assessed at one sitting.Methods: A total 100 infertile women between 20-40 years of age including primary and secondary infertility were evaluated. Patients would be investigated thoroughly for infertility and in preparation for anaesthesia. Tests include follicular study, Ultrasound pelvis. Hysterolaparoscopy was performed in the pre ovulatory period between days 6-10 of the cycle for infertility evaluation.Results: In the present study out of 100 cases for infertility evaluated, primary infertility were 57(57%) and secondary infertility were 43(43%). In our study out of 100 patients, Hysterolaparoscopy showed tuberculosis in 24 (24%) patients, remaining were endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, congestion, intra-pelvic adhesions, hydro-salpinx.Conclusions: It is concluded that while treating the causes of female infertility combined simultaneous diagnostic laparoscopy and hysteroscopy should be performed in all infertile patients as” seeing is believing” and if any pathologies found to be operable the gynaecologist can perform operative hystero-laparoscopy at that time, hence anticipating the pathologies after pre-operative work up is very important

    Nonmedical Limits in Individual Life Insurance

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    This paper shows data that illustrate the substantial variation among nonmedical schedules and the dramatic increase in their amount limits from 1972 through 1992. Coefficients of variation are analyzed for several data subsets. We find that the variation of schedules in the sample of all firms has increased throughout the 1972-1992 period for issue ages up to 30, but has declined for issue ages beyond 30 during the 1982-1992 period. For the non-New York and stock companies our statistical tests indicate an increase in the variability of schedules over the full period 1972 to 1992

    Intrauterine condom catheter tamponade in the management of atonic postpartum haemorrhage: a case series from a tertiary care centre in Central India

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    Background: Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) is the leading cause of maternal mortality worldwide with a prevalence rate of approximately 6% and 50% is due to atonic PPH. According to WHO 2014-  in India 45,000 maternal deaths take place annually and 20-60% are due to postpartum hemorrhage. Various medical and surgical methods are available. Uterine balloon tamponade is one of the methods reported increasingly with good success rates avoiding surgical morbidity.Methods: Prospective data of all women who went into atonic primary PPH after 28 weeks of gestation was collected over a period of one year.Results: Out of the 252 women who had atonic PPH, 23 were inserted with condom balloon catheter after medical management. Success rate was 18/23 (78.2%).Conclusions: Condom catheter is a non-invasive, effective, conservative method of PPH management.  In cases of failure it provides a temporary tamponade effect and time to prepare for other interventions

    Development and validation of Ilaprazole in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage form by UV spectroscopic method

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    A simple UV spectroscopic method was developed and validated for the estimation of Ilaprazole in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage form using Acetonitrile: ethanol (50:50) as solvent. The quantification was achieved at 307nm. Beers law was obeyed in the concentration range of 2-12 ?g/ml. The results of analysis have been validated statistically and recovery studies carried out in the range 80-120% to confirm the accuracy of the proposed method. The relative standard deviation was found to be less than 2.0%. The present result shows that the proposed method can be successfully implemented for estimation of Ilaprazole in bulk and its marketed formulations

    Preclinical and Clinical Evaluation of Siravatham (Cerebral Palsy) with Siddha Therapeutic Management in Children

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    “Special children” is an umbrella term used to classify conditions that childhood disability caused by neuronal damage. The proportion of disabled children in developing countries is generally higher than in developed countries, it is estimated that 6 to 10% of children in India are born disabled. A child who has been determined to require special attention is called as Special Children. Children with multiple disabilities associated with impairments which range across sensory, motor, physical, socio emotional, behavior and cognitive domains known as “Special children” There are many physical disabilities that can affect children. But cerebral palsy is the most common mental disability in childhood. Cerebral palsy is a non progressive disorder of posture and movement often associated with epilepsy and abnormalities of speech, vision and intellect. It results from a defect or lesion of the developing brain. Cerebral palsy occurs in about 1.5 per 1000 live births. Oral Baclofen, Tizanidine, Dantrolene, Diazepam and Gabapentin are widely used for cerebral palsy. Not all patients benefit from this treatment. However this drug was shown to have undesirable other effects such as sedation, respiration problems and muscular weakness, dry mouthl and hallucinations. Patients with localized or multifocal Botulinum toxin injections have risk for antibody formation must be restricted. However, modern drugs can be said to partially fulfill desirable requirements in some extent. It is in the context that we have undertaken a review of the Siddha formulation which could help management of CP. In the view of the above, great efforts have been made to find out the alternate Siddha medicines and methodologies to improve the life style of special children with cerebral palsy. Siddha literature suggested the internal and external therapies which include the Kurunthotti Kudineer, Kollu Podithimirthal and Vasavu Ennai Thokkanam. The history of usage of these medicines and methodologies are very old. In this view, the study was undertaken to evaluate the combined management of internal medicine and external therapies for the management of special children with spastic cerebral palsy. Preclinical studies of Kurunthotti Kudineer: Biochemical analysis: Biochemical Qualitative analysis of trial drug was done in Biochemistry laboratory, Department of Biochemistry, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai. The Bio chemical analysis of trial medicine shows presence of calcium, magnesium, aluminium, sulphate, zinc, alkaloids phenol, hydro quinine and tannic acid. Physicochemical analysis: Physicochemical analysis and Photochemical of Kurunthotti kudineer was done in The Tamil Nadu Dr.MGR Medical University-Chennai. The physicochemical analysis showed the trial drug is in appropriate consistency for trial study In Kurunthotti Kudineer showed Loss of drying at 105C0 was found to be 5.67% it falls in between the limit range (1-20%). so the moisture content shows the good stability of the drug Kurunthotti Kudineer. The total ash in Kurunthotti Kudineer found to be 6.78% and the acid insoluble ash to be 1.53%. The both ash value were under limits. The minimal level of acid insoluble ash shows the less inorganic residue and purity of the Kurunthotti Kudineer. The water soluble extract value of Kurunthotti Kudineer is 12.75% and the Alcohol soluble extractive is 11.48 % its shows the possibility of water soluble constituents such as tannins, sugars, plant acids and mucilage, and alcohol soluble substance such as tannins, resins, and alkaloids to be present in the drug. As the drug Kurunthotti Kudineer having more water soluble constituents than alcohol soluble, it would be non polar. So the trial drug shows good absorption & intracellular distribution without possible of accumulation inside the cells. The good water solubility may rapid the drug absorption and action. Photochemical analysis: Phytochemical of Kurunthotti Kudineer was done in The Tamil Nadu Dr.MGR Medical University-Chennai. The Phytochemical analysis shows the presence of Alkaloids, Quinones. Diterpenes, Flavanoids, Saponin, Carbohydrates. Preclinical safety: Children to get the desired advantage, who must take adequate amount of Kurunthotti Kudineer over a certain length of time, the general opinion that herbal drugs are very safe and the from adverse effects is not true and it can produce undesirable side effects. In our preclinical (NIS/IAEC-IV/07/05012017) acute and 14 days repeated oral toxicity study of Kurunthotti Kudineer showed no mortality of rats up to the higher dose. No behavioural changes or abnormal clinical signs were observed. No treatment related toxicity signs or mortality were observed. The gross necropsy study on the organs showed no abnormal pathological morphology. Clinical Study: The present study was a prospective, open label, non-randomized, outpatient and inpatient based, single centred drug trial conducted in the department of Kuzhanthai Maruthuvam (Paediatric), National institute of Siddha, Chennai. It was conducted during 2016 to December 2018 after obtaining approval from the Institute Ethics Committee (NIS/IEC/2016/11-23/14-10-2016) The trial registered in Clinical trial Registry of India with Reg .No. CTRI/2018/04/013322 was obtained. Single batch of Kurunthotti Kudineer (Internal), Kollu Podithimirthal and Vasavu ennai (External) were prepared for the entire study. The first 30 children with spastic cerebral palsy were screened during the study period. Children of either sex between the age group of 2 to 7yrs, who were diagnosed with spastic cerebral palsy, were identified to include the study. Other type of cerebral palsies and along with seizure disorder, Spinal deformities, impaired vision Autistic Spectrum Disorders, ADD/ADHD (Hyper activity), Mental Retardation, Visual Impairments and Blindness, Hearing Loss and Deafness, Down Syndrome, Spina Bifida, Traumatic Brain Injury were excluded from the study. 30 children satisfied the inclusion criteria and were willing to participate in the study, signed the informed consent. The parents of children who were enrolled was informed about the study, trial drug, possible outcomes and the objectives of the study in the language and terms understandable for them. Children were received internal medicine Kurunthotti Kudineer (2 yrs to 4 yrs - 30 ml, 5 yrs to 7 yrs - 40 ml) twice a day along with external therapies such as massage with Vasavu ennai and Kollu Podithimirthal. Experimental period was 90 days and spasticity was recorded 0th day and followed by every 30th day. Experimental formulations were assigned to each subject and regular study drug reconciliation was performed to document the drug assigned, consumed, and remaining are logged on the drug reconciliation form with sign & date. CLINICAL EFFICACY; The major objective of the work described in this thesis was to elucidate internal medicine Kurunthotti Kudineer alone, combination of internal medicine along with external therapies such as Kollu podithimirthal and Thokkanam compared with positive control routine OPD advice in children with CP influence on assessment of spasticity MAS, MTS muscle tone, Dynamic gait index, Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS), Functional Performance (Disability Assessment Scale), Posture Assessment on upper limb and lower limb assessment of language. In clinical analysis we observed motor function like spasticity, muscle tone, Gross motor function analysis, Gait analysis showed significant improvement in childrens. But the results had shown significantly differed each other. However children had shown significant improvement in all clinical parameters in children. The mean and standard deviation of Kurunthotti kudineer before and after treatment were 4.848 and 3.453 respectively .Which is statistically significant t-value =5.831p value p<0.0001. Statistical analysis reveals that there has been a significant reduction in total scales after treatment indicating the improvement in children doing their daily activities. Statistical analysis reveals that there has been a significant (P< 0.0001) reduction in MAS, MTS, MRCG, GMFCSPAS, DGI, DAS scale after treatment indicating the improvement in children doing their daily activities. The clinical efficacy of the drug was analyzed statistically on all the symptoms mentioned in the assessment criteria. The observation made during the clinical study showed that the trail drug Kurunthotti kudineer (Internal), Kollu Podithimirthal and Vasavu ennai Thokkanam (External) was clinically effective. CONCLUSION: In Siddha literature CP is under the Vatha disease therefore, the therapeutic management is considered to be internal medicine, Kollu podithimirthal and (Thokkanam) massaging. Siddha system of medicines has certainty with safer medications to treat children. Children with CP have multiple symptoms for which no curative treatment exists. Manipulative and body based methods such as Thokkanam, Podithimirthal to improve the quality of life of CP children. The trial drug Kurunthotti kudineer along with kollu podi thimirthal and Vasavu ennai massage was treated to the children. Kurunthotti Kudineer’s primary use is to enhance cognitive function. Researchhas been focused on the mechanism behind these properties

    Successful orthotopic liver transplantation in an adult patient with sickle cell disease and review of the literature

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    Sickle cell disease can lead to hepatic complications ranging from acute hepatic crises to chronic liver disease including intrahepatic cholestasis, and iron overload. Although uncommon, intrahepatic cholestasis may be severe and medical treatment of this complication is often ineffective. We report a case of a 37 year-old male patient with sickle cell anemia, who developed liver failure and underwent successful orthotopic liver transplantation. Both pre and post-operatively, he was maintained on red cell transfusions. He remains stable with improved liver function 42 months post transplant. The role for orthotopic liver transplantation is not well defined in patients with sickle cell disease, and the experience remains limited. Although considerable challenges of post-transplant graft complications remain, orthotopic liver transplantation should be considered as a treatment option for sickle cell disease patients with end-stage liver disease who have progressed despite conventional medical therapy. An extended period of red cell transfusion support may lessen the post-operative complications


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    Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of three main components: nodes, gateways, and software. The spatially distributed measurement nodes interface with sensors to monitor assets or their environment. In a WSN network the devices are connected to WSN nodes wherein the entire nodes uses Zigbee network to transfer the status of connected applications to a controller which controls the whole applications but the main drawback of Wireless sensor networks is its high interference, low coverage area and ability to control only low power devices. In order to overcome these drawbacks Android equipped devices are used to control the applications over GPRS network. Android equipped devices allow the user to control various applications over wireless networks. Being an open sourced platform it allows the user to design a custom module which controls the home applications by connecting the android equipped device and its corresponding home applications to an MCU wherein it uses relay circuits to connect the entire applications using GPRS network to connect the application controller and the android device. These devices can be used to control industrial applications, home applications like light, fan etc., and thereby conserving electricity

    Coefficient inequality for transforms of certain subclass of analytic functions

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    The objective of this paper is to obtain the best possible sharp upper bound for the second Hankel functional associated with the kth root transform [f(zk)]1/k of normalized analytic function f(z) when it belongs to certain subclass of analytic functions, defined on the open unit disc in the complex plane using Toeplitz determinants

    An Integrative Review of Web 3.0 in Academic Libraries

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    Purpose – The aim of this paper is to present an integrated literature review exploring the nature of responsive, semantic and interactive Web 3.0 technologies applicable for academic libraries. Design/methodology/approach – We conducted an integrated review of the literature combining a strategy of automated and keywords search. The main source for identifying the studies are Emerald Library Studies and Information & Knowledge Management eJournals, Web of Knowledge, and Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (EBSCO) databases. To this end, a sample of (n= 140) studies were analyzed to characterize the Web 3.0 trends and its applications based on theme, years and document types. Findings – A review of literature reveals that Web 3. needs evaluation as to what extent they are integrated, deployed and mainstreamed into library services and in information management practices. It is important to develop a conceptual framework that explores the linkages of Web 3.0 technologies and their applications in academic libraries. Originality/value –This review shows how Web 3.0 technologies enhance library services in its holistic conceptualization and how academic libraries are moving into a more robust, inclusive and adaptable phase in their service values and innovation
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