144 research outputs found


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    The aim of the work. Study of the influence of excipients on pharmaco-technological properties of the tablets with thepurpose of development of a new combined pill drug with hypoglycemic activity on the basis of dry extracts of the bilberry leaves, goat’s rue herbs and taurine obtained by direct compression method.Materials and Methods. The main active substances are dry extracts of Vaccinium myrtillus L. leaves, Galega officinalis L. Herbs, taurine and 30 excipients grouped into 6 qualitative factors according to the properties and purposes. The mathematical planning of the experiment on the basis of the 4x4 hyper-Greek-Latin square was used in the work. It makes possible to establish the relationship between the composition of the tablets and the basic pharmaco-technological parameters (the process of compression, uniformity of the mass, the resistance of the tablets to crushing, friability, time of disintegration), in accordance with the requirements of SPFU 2.Results and Discussion. The influence of 30 excipients on the pharmaco-technological properties of tablets (compression process, uniformity of mass, resistance to crushing, friability, time of disintegration) on the basis of dry bilberry leaf extract, extract of goat’s rue herbs and taurine was studied. The influence of 6 qualitative factors on the pharmaco-technological parameters of the studied tablets was studied with the help of a six-factor experiment of the 4x4 hyper-Greek-Latin square. Ranks of the advantages of the studied excipients were constructed for each of the indicators.The dispersion analysis of experimental data showed that the best process for pressing tablets of bilberry leaf extract, extract of goat’s rue herb and taurine is carried out with the use of parlitol 100SD + mannitol, stearin acid, neusel in UFL and sodium carboxymethyl starch.The most uniformity mass of tablets is obtained with the use of neuselinum USand neuselinum UFL, sodium carboxymethyl starch, prosolveODTG 2, magnesium stearate and lubritabe.The most resistant to crushing tablets were obtained with the use of MCC 200, MCCburst, magnesium stearate, neuselinum US 2, sodium croskarmellose and sodium carboxymethyl starch.The studied tablets that included MCCburst, neuselinum US 2, MCC 200, crospovidone CL 10, stearin asid and ludipress had the least friability.The tablets based on extracts of Vaccinium myrtillus L. leaves, Galega officinalis L. herbs and taurine with the use of manit, tabletose, sodium croskarmellose, calcium carbonate, sodium stearyl fumarate, MCC 102, prosolve ODTG 2 had the least disintegration time.Conclusions. The influence of 30 excipients on the pharmaco-technological properties of leaf bilberry extract, extract of goat’s rue herbs and taurine (compression process, uniformity of mass, resistance to crushing, friability, time of disintegration) have been investigated. The influence of 6 qualitative factors on the main responses (indexes) of tablets based on dry extracts of Vaccinium myrtillus L. leaves, Galega officinalis L. herbs and taurine was studied with the help ofthe 4x4hyper-Greek-Latin square. The ranks of the advantages of excipients influence on 5 responses (indexes) of tablets based on dry extracts of Vaccinium myrtillus L. leaves, Galega officinalis L. herbs and taurine were constructed.Мета роботи. Дослідження впливу допоміжних речовин на фармако-технологічні показники таблеток з метою розробки нового комбінованого лікарського засобу з гіпоглікемічною активністю на основі сухого екстракту чорниці листя, екстракту козлятника трави та таурину методом прямого пресування.Матеріали і методи. Основні діючі речовини - сухі екстракти з листя чорниці звичайної і трави козлятника лікарського, таурин і 30 допоміжних речовин згрупованих у 6 якісних факторів за властивостями і призначенями. В роботі використовували математичне планування експерименту на основі гіпер-греко-латинського квадрату четвертого порядку, що дає можливість встановити залежність між складом таблеток та їх основними фармако-технологічними показниками (процес пресування, однорідність маси, стійкість таблеток до роздавлювання, стираність, час розпадання), відповідно до вимог ДФУ 2.Результати й обговорення. Вивчено вплив 30-ти допоміжних речовин на фармако-технологічні властивості таблеток (процес пресування, однорідність маси, стійкість до роздавлювання, стираність, час розпадання) на основі сухих екстрактів чорниці листя, козлятника трави та таурину. За допомогою шестифакторного експерименту - гіпер-греко-латинського квадрату четвертого порядку вивчено вплив 6-ти якісних факторів на фармако-технологічні показники досліджуваних таблеток. Для кожного із показників побудовані ранжовані ряди переваг вивчених допоміжних речовин.Дисперсійний аналіз експериментальних даних показав, що найкраще процес пресування таблеток екстракту чорниці листя, екстракту козлятника трави і таурину проходить при використанні парлітол 100SD+манітолу, кислоти стеаринової, неусиліну УФЛ і натрій крохмальгліколяту.Найбільш однорідну масу таблеток отримано при використанні неусиліну УС та неусиліну УФЛ, натрій карбоксиметилкрохмалю, просолву ОДТ Г 2, магнію стеарату та олії гідрогенізованої.Найбільш стійкі до роздавлювання таблетки отримували при використанні МКЦ 200, МКЦ бурст, магнію стеарату, неусиліну УС 2, натрію кроскармелози та натрій карбоксиметилкрохмалю.Найменшу стираність мали досліджувані таблетки, до складу яких входила МКЦ бурст, неусилін УС 2, МКЦ 200, кросповідон ХЛ 10, кислота стеаринова і лудіпрес.Найшвидше розпадалися таблетки екстракту чорниці листя, екстракту козлятника трави і таурину при використанні маніту, таблетози, натрій кроскармелози, кальцію карбонату, натрій стеарилфумарату, МКЦ 102, просолву ОДТ Г 2.Висновки. Дослідженно вплив 30-ти допоміжних речовин на фармако-технологічні властивості таблеток екстракту чорниці листя, екстракту козлятника трави і таурину (процес пресування, однорідність маси, стійкість до роздавлювання, стираність і розпадання). За допомогою гіпер-греко-латинського квадрату четвертого порядку вивчено вплив 6-ти якісних факторів на основні відгуки (показники) таблеток екстракту чорниці листя, екстракту козлятника трави і таурину. Побудовані ранжовані ряди переваг впливу ДР на 5 відгуків (показників) таблеток екстракту чорниці листя, екстракту козлятника трави і таурину

    Subcellular localization of MC4R with ADCY3 at neuronal primary cilia underlies a common pathway for genetic predisposition to obesity.

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    Most monogenic cases of obesity in humans have been linked to mutations in genes encoding members of the leptin-melanocortin pathway. Specifically, mutations in MC4R, the melanocortin-4 receptor gene, account for 3-5% of all severe obesity cases in humans1-3. Recently, ADCY3 (adenylyl cyclase 3) gene mutations have been implicated in obesity4,5. ADCY3 localizes to the primary cilia of neurons 6 , organelles that function as hubs for select signaling pathways. Mutations that disrupt the functions of primary cilia cause ciliopathies, rare recessive pleiotropic diseases in which obesity is a cardinal manifestation 7 . We demonstrate that MC4R colocalizes with ADCY3 at the primary cilia of a subset of hypothalamic neurons, that obesity-associated MC4R mutations impair ciliary localization and that inhibition of adenylyl cyclase signaling at the primary cilia of these neurons increases body weight. These data suggest that impaired signaling from the primary cilia of MC4R neurons is a common pathway underlying genetic causes of obesity in humans


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    Мета роботи. Вивчення впливу 7-ми кількісних факторів на властивості мас для таблетування і основні показники таблеток при розробці нового комбінованого таблетованого лікарського засобу з гіпоглікемічною активністю на основі сухих екстрактів листя чорниці і трави козлятника в комбінації з таурином. Матеріали і методи. Активними фармацевтичними інгредієнтами були сухі екстракти листя чорниці і трави козлятника, таурин, допоміжні речовини (ДР). Дослідження впливу 7-ми кількісних факторів ДР на такі показники, як процес пресування, однорідність маси таблеток, стійкість таблеток до роздавлювання, стираність і розпадання таблеток екстрактів листя чорниці і трави козлятника та таурину методом прямого пресування проводили відповідно до вимог Державної фармакопеї України (ДФУ), 2 видання. Досліджували також процес заповнення матриці таблетної машини порошковою масою для таблетування та середню масу зпресованих таблеток як показники, що найбільше характеризують придатність порошкової маси до прямого пресування. Результати й обговорення. За допомогою методу випадкового баласу вивчено вплив кількостей 7-ми ДР на основні показники порошкових мас і таблеток екстрактів листя чорниці і трави козлятника та таурину. Для кожного із показників будували діаграми розсіювання. Аналіз діаграм розсіювання показав, що із збільшенням кількості лактози покращується однорідність маси таблеток та зменшується час розпадання. Із збільшенням кількості маніту погіршується однорідність маси таблеток та збільшується час розпадання. Збільшення кількості натрій карбоксиметилкрохмалю в складі таблеток веде до суттєвого погіршення однорідності маси і в межах вивчених інтервалів зменшує час розпадання. При збільшенні кількості неусіліну US 2 в складі таблеток екстрактів листя чорниці і трави козлятника та таурину покращується однорідність маси, підвищується стійкість до роздавлювання, зменшується стираність, проте дещо збільшується час розпадання. Збільшенння кількості кальцій карбонату в складі таблеток веде до погіршення однорідності маси, підвищення стійкості таблеток до роздавлювання, зменшення їх стираності, однак призводить до суттєвого збільшення часу розпадання. Збільшення кількості натрій кроскармелози в складі таблеток покращує однорідність дозування та суттєво зменшує час розпадання таблеток. Висновки. За допомогою методу випадкового балансу вивчено вплив 7-ми кількісних факторів на фармако-технологічні показники таблеток екстрактів листя чорниці і трави козлятника та таурину. За сукупністю основних показників кращими ДР для створення таблеток на основі екстрактів листя чорниці і трави козлятника в комбінації з таурином відібрано таблетозу, неусілін US 2, натрій кроскармелозу, МКЦ 200 та магній стеарат

    Bi-allelic <em>ACBD6</em> variants lead to a neurodevelopmental syndrome with progressive and complex movement disorders

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    \ua9 The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Guarantors of Brain. The acyl-CoA-binding domain-containing protein 6 (ACBD6) is ubiquitously expressed, plays a role in the acylation of lipids and proteins and regulates the N-myristoylation of proteins via N-myristoyltransferase enzymes (NMTs). However, its precise function in cells is still unclear, as is the consequence of ACBD6 defects on human pathophysiology. Using exome sequencing and extensive international data sharing efforts, we identified 45 affected individuals from 28 unrelated families (consanguinity 93%) with bi-allelic pathogenic, predominantly loss-of-function (18/20) variants in ACBD6. We generated zebrafish and Xenopus tropicalis acbd6 knockouts by CRISPR/Cas9 and characterized the role of ACBD6 on protein N-myristoylation with myristic acid alkyne (YnMyr) chemical proteomics in the model organisms and human cells, with the latter also being subjected further to ACBD6 peroxisomal localization studies. The affected individuals (23 males and 22 females), aged 1-50 years, typically present with a complex and progressive disease involving moderate-to-severe global developmental delay/intellectual disability (100%) with significant expressive language impairment (98%), movement disorders (97%), facial dysmorphism (95%) and mild cerebellar ataxia (85%) associated with gait impairment (94%), limb spasticity/hypertonia (76%), oculomotor (71%) and behavioural abnormalities (65%), overweight (59%), microcephaly (39%) and epilepsy (33%). The most conspicuous and common movement disorder was dystonia (94%), frequently leading to early-onset progressive postural deformities (97%), limb dystonia (55%) and cervical dystonia (31%). A jerky tremor in the upper limbs (63%), a mild head tremor (59%), parkinsonism/hypokinesia developing with advancing age (32%) and simple motor and vocal tics were among other frequent movement disorders. Midline brain malformations including corpus callosum abnormalities (70%), hypoplasia/agenesis of the anterior commissure (66%), short midbrain and small inferior cerebellar vermis (38% each) as well as hypertrophy of the clava (24%) were common neuroimaging findings. Acbd6-deficient zebrafish and Xenopus models effectively recapitulated many clinical phenotypes reported in patients including movement disorders, progressive neuromotor impairment, seizures, microcephaly, craniofacial dysmorphism and midbrain defects accompanied by developmental delay with increased mortality over time. Unlike ACBD5, ACBD6 did not show a peroxisomal localization and ACBD6-deficiency was not associated with altered peroxisomal parameters in patient fibroblasts. Significant differences in YnMyr-labelling were observed for 68 co- and 18 post-translationally N-myristoylated proteins in patient-derived fibroblasts. N-myristoylation was similarly affected in acbd6-deficient zebrafish and X. tropicalis models, including Fus, Marcks and Chchd-related proteins implicated in neurological diseases. The present study provides evidence that bi-allelic pathogenic variants in ACBD6 lead to a distinct neurodevelopmental syndrome accompanied by complex and progressive cognitive and movement disorders

    Bi-allelic ACBD6 variants lead to a neurodevelopmental syndrome with progressive and complex movement disorders

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    The acyl-CoA-binding domain-containing protein 6 (ACBD6) is ubiquitously expressed, plays a role in the acylation of lipids and proteins, and regulates the N-myristoylation of proteins via N-myristoyltransferase enzymes (NMTs). However, its precise function in cells is still unclear, as is the consequence of ACBD6 defects on human pathophysiology. Utilizing exome sequencing and extensive international data sharing efforts, we identified 45 affected individuals from 28 unrelated families (consanguinity 93%) with bi-allelic pathogenic, predominantly loss-of-function (18/20) variants in ACBD6. We generated zebrafish and Xenopus tropicalis acbd6 knockouts by CRISPR/Cas9 and characterized the role of ACBD6 on protein N-myristoylation with YnMyr chemical proteomics in the model organisms and human cells, with the latter also being subjected further to ACBD6 peroxisomal localization studies. The affected individuals (23 males and 22 females), with ages ranging from 1 to 50 years old, typically present with a complex and progressive disease involving moderate-to-severe global developmental delay/intellectual disability (100%) with significant expressive language impairment (98%), movement disorders (97%), facial dysmorphism (95%), and mild cerebellar ataxia (85%) associated with gait impairment (94%), limb spasticity/hypertonia (76%), oculomotor (71%) and behavioural abnormalities (65%), overweight (59%), microcephaly (39%) and epilepsy (33%). The most conspicuous and common movement disorder was dystonia (94%), frequently leading to early-onset progressive postural deformities (97%), limb dystonia (55%), and cervical dystonia (31%). A jerky tremor in the upper limbs (63%), a mild head tremor (59%), parkinsonism/hypokinesia developing with advancing age (32%), and simple motor and vocal tics were among other frequent movement disorders. Midline brain malformations including corpus callosum abnormalities (70%), hypoplasia/agenesis of the anterior commissure (66%), short midbrain and small inferior cerebellar vermis (38% each), as well as hypertrophy of the clava (24%) were common neuroimaging findings. acbd6-deficient zebrafish and Xenopus models effectively recapitulated many clinical phenotypes reported in patients including movement disorders, progressive neuromotor impairment, seizures, microcephaly, craniofacial dysmorphism, and midbrain defects accompanied by developmental delay with increased mortality over time. Unlike ACBD5, ACBD6 did not show a peroxisomal localisation and ACBD6-deficiency was not associated with altered peroxisomal parameters in patient fibroblasts. Significant differences in YnMyr-labelling were observed for 68 co- and 18 post-translationally N-myristoylated proteins in patient-derived fibroblasts. N-Myristoylation was similarly affected in acbd6-deficient zebrafish and Xenopus tropicalis models, including Fus, Marcks, and Chchd-related proteins implicated in neurological diseases. The present study provides evidence that bi-allelic pathogenic variants in ACBD6 lead to a distinct neurodevelopmental syndrome accompanied by complex and progressive cognitive and movement disorders

    Bi-allelic ACBD6 variants lead to a neurodevelopmental syndrome with progressive and complex movement disorders

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Oxford University Press via the DOI in this recordData availability: The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author, upon reasonable request. The mass spectrometry proteomics data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium via the PRIDE24 partner repository with the dataset identifiers PXD024957 (YnMyr chemical proteomics in human cells), PXD043676 (YnMyr chemical proteomics in zebrafish), PXD043679 (zebrafish whole proteome), PXD043677 (YnMyr chemical proteomics in X. tropicalis) and PXD043680 (X. tropicalis whole proteome).The acyl-CoA-binding domain-containing protein 6 (ACBD6) is ubiquitously expressed, plays a role in the acylation of lipids and proteins, and regulates the N-myristoylation of proteins via N-myristoyltransferase enzymes (NMTs). However, its precise function in cells is still unclear, as is the consequence of ACBD6 defects on human pathophysiology. Utilizing exome sequencing and extensive international data sharing efforts, we identified 45 affected individuals from 28 unrelated families (consanguinity 93%) with bi-allelic pathogenic, predominantly loss-of-function (18/20) variants in ACBD6. We generated zebrafish and Xenopus tropicalis acbd6 knockouts by CRISPR/Cas9 and characterized the role of ACBD6 on protein N-myristoylation with YnMyr chemical proteomics in the model organisms and human cells, with the latter also being subjected further to ACBD6 peroxisomal localization studies. The affected individuals (23 males and 22 females), with ages ranging from 1 to 50 years old, typically present with a complex and progressive disease involving moderate-to-severe global developmental delay/intellectual disability (100%) with significant expressive language impairment (98%), movement disorders (97%), facial dysmorphism (95%), and mild cerebellar ataxia (85%) associated with gait impairment (94%), limb spasticity/hypertonia (76%), oculomotor (71%) and behavioural abnormalities (65%), overweight (59%), microcephaly (39%) and epilepsy (33%). The most conspicuous and common movement disorder was dystonia (94%), frequently leading to early-onset progressive postural deformities (97%), limb dystonia (55%), and cervical dystonia (31%). A jerky tremor in the upper limbs (63%), a mild head tremor (59%), parkinsonism/hypokinesia developing with advancing age (32%), and simple motor and vocal tics were among other frequent movement disorders. Midline brain malformations including corpus callosum abnormalities (70%), hypoplasia/agenesis of the anterior commissure (66%), short midbrain and small inferior cerebellar vermis (38% each), as well as hypertrophy of the clava (24%) were common neuroimaging findings. acbd6-deficient zebrafish and Xenopus models effectively recapitulated many clinical phenotypes reported in patients including movement disorders, progressive neuromotor impairment, seizures, microcephaly, craniofacial dysmorphism, and midbrain defects accompanied by developmental delay with increased mortality over time. Unlike ACBD5, ACBD6 did not show a peroxisomal localisation and ACBD6-deficiency was not associated with altered peroxisomal parameters in patient fibroblasts. Significant differences in YnMyr-labelling were observed for 68 co- and 18 post-translationally N-myristoylated proteins in patient-derived fibroblasts. N-Myristoylation was similarly affected in acbd6-deficient zebrafish and Xenopus tropicalis models, including Fus, Marcks, and Chchd-related proteins implicated in neurological diseases. The present study provides evidence that bi-allelic pathogenic variants in ACBD6 lead to a distinct neurodevelopmental syndrome accompanied by complex and progressive cognitive and movement disorders

    Bi-allelic ACBD6 variants lead to a neurodevelopmental syndrome with progressive and complex movement disorders

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    The acyl-CoA-binding domain-containing protein 6 (ACBD6) is ubiquitously expressed, plays a role in the acylation of lipids and proteins and regulates the N-myristoylation of proteins via N-myristoyltransferase enzymes (NMTs). However, its precise function in cells is still unclear, as is the consequence of ACBD6 defects on human pathophysiology. Using exome sequencing and extensive international data sharing efforts, we identified 45 affected individuals from 28 unrelated families (consanguinity 93%) with bi-allelic pathogenic, predominantly loss-of-function (18/20) variants in ACBD6. We generated zebrafish and Xenopus tropicalis acbd6 knockouts by CRISPR/Cas9 and characterized the role of ACBD6 on protein N-myristoylation with myristic acid alkyne (YnMyr) chemical proteomics in the model organisms and human cells, with the latter also being subjected further to ACBD6 peroxisomal localization studies. The affected individuals (23 males and 22 females), aged 1-50 years, typically present with a complex and progressive disease involving moderate-to-severe global developmental delay/intellectual disability (100%) with significant expressive language impairment (98%), movement disorders (97%), facial dysmorphism (95%) and mild cerebellar ataxia (85%) associated with gait impairment (94%), limb spasticity/hypertonia (76%), oculomotor (71%) and behavioural abnormalities (65%), overweight (59%), microcephaly (39%) and epilepsy (33%). The most conspicuous and common movement disorder was dystonia (94%), frequently leading to early-onset progressive postural deformities (97%), limb dystonia (55%) and cervical dystonia (31%). A jerky tremor in the upper limbs (63%), a mild head tremor (59%), parkinsonism/hypokinesia developing with advancing age (32%) and simple motor and vocal tics were among other frequent movement disorders. Midline brain malformations including corpus callosum abnormalities (70%), hypoplasia/agenesis of the anterior commissure (66%), short midbrain and small inferior cerebellar vermis (38% each) as well as hypertrophy of the clava (24%) were common neuroimaging findings. Acbd6-deficient zebrafish and Xenopus models effectively recapitulated many clinical phenotypes reported in patients including movement disorders, progressive neuromotor impairment, seizures, microcephaly, craniofacial dysmorphism and midbrain defects accompanied by developmental delay with increased mortality over time. Unlike ACBD5, ACBD6 did not show a peroxisomal localization and ACBD6-deficiency was not associated with altered peroxisomal parameters in patient fibroblasts. Significant differences in YnMyr-labelling were observed for 68 co- and 18 post-translationally N-myristoylated proteins in patient-derived fibroblasts. N-myristoylation was similarly affected in acbd6-deficient zebrafish and X. tropicalis models, including Fus, Marcks and Chchd-related proteins implicated in neurological diseases. The present study provides evidence that bi-allelic pathogenic variants in ACBD6 lead to a distinct neurodevelopmental syndrome accompanied by complex and progressive cognitive and movement disorders