33 research outputs found

    What Is the Role of Transformational Leadership in SMEs? A Review Paper

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    Purpose: The aim of this research paper is to investigates the role of “TL (Transformational Leadership)” in SMEs (small and medium enterprises). Methodology: The methodology adopted is this study is Systematic literature review.  Total 58 articles have been shortlisted out of 201 downloaded articles based on quality and relatability with topic and reviewed in order to reach conclusion. Articles publish in last 12 years in high-ranked Scimago journals (SRJ) are downloaded. Findings: This study provides a cross cultural view. This systematic review reveals that among all the advanced leadership styles, transformational leadership style is most influential in terms of survival, performance, organizational learning and innovation. Among the four components of transformational leadership, intellectual stimulation is highly associated with firm performance. Limitations of Research /Future Recommendations:  the scope of this study is limited to just SMEs, and it will be interesting if future research analyze the impact of transformational leadership on public and private companies and corporations. Theoretical/ Practical Implication: This study added a synthesized view of “the role of transformational leadership in the SMEs” in the existing literature. This study provides a guide to the leader of SMEs regarding implications of transformational leadership in SMEs and suggest leaders to adopt transformational leadership in order to become an innovative firm and increase performance.  Originality/Value: A comprehensive systematic review of the literature on the impact of transformational leadership on SMEs has been done in this study. This study stated the outcomes of TL in SMEs in different countries which increase generalizability

    Perceived Effectiveness of Tenure Track System and Basic Pay Scale among Academic Staff of Higher Education Institutions

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    The Tenure Track system was introduced in Pakistan in 2002 to improve higher education in the country by recruiting qualified faculty members in higher education institutions, particularly in public sector universities. The main advantage of this system is to grow talented researchers within the faculty to obtain optimal benefits. Much i known about the system, but more is needed to explore. Another system is the Basic Pay Scale. It is a structure that regulates how much an employee is rewarded as salary or wages, depending on the rank, status, position, or tenure in an organization and the effort made to perform a specific task. The objective of this study is to explore the perception and effectiveness of the systems. An explanatory approach is used to address the research questions. Semi-structured interviews were utilized as a source of data collection. The 14 interviews were conducted from faculty members of higher education institutions of public sector universities. The data is converted into transcripts and main themes emerged with the help of the coding technique. The findings reveal the effectiveness of the two system, its process, system preference, and sources of stress. The results show the aspects where the two systems differentiate each other, their recognition, potential sources of stress, and the perception about the available information. The findings also depict that for a better implementation of the system (TTS) and to achieve its basic objective, it is necessary that the system must aware of its full capacity

    Self-Efficacy: The Predictor of Educational Performance among University Students

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    The basic intention of the present research was to explore the association between perceived academic performance and self-efficacy level of the students as it has been an un-explored research area in the Pakistan. Students were selected as an obvious target population. Sample consisted of 250 university students. Questionnaire was used as a data collection instrument. Major portion of the questionnaire had been taken form the research work done by Sherer et al. (1982). Out of 250 students, 212 students contributed in the data collection comprising 85% response rate for the study. SPSS 16.0 was used to analyze data. Findings of the study establish a weak positive association between level of self-efficacy (IV) and DV (perceived academic performance) as IV causes only 3.6% (.036) change in DV (academic performance). Hence, there is a weak dependency of perceived academic performance of students upon their level of selfefficacy

    Investigating the Impact of Workplace Diversity on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Mediating Role of Inclusion

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    This research is aimed to investigate the effects of workplace diversity on organizational citizenship behavior with the mediating role of inclusion. Today the problems faced by the organization’s executives are to develop a culture that gives value to differences and enhances the efficiency of the entire workforce. Employees of the IT sector of Lahore are selected as respondents and the data is collected through an adapted questionnaire. The sample size is 368 and convenience sampling is used. Regression analysis is applied to evaluate the data through SPSS software. Findings show that workforce diversity decreases organizational citizenship behavior but this relationship can be modified by applying the mediating role of inclusion. Results will help out the decision-making authorities to understand how effective workplace diversity management influences the employee’s citizenship behaviors


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    The purpose of this research paper is to investigate the influenceof a firm’s willingness to cannibalize on consumer brand loyalty, withcustomer satisfaction as a moderating variable. The subjects of thisstudy are cell phone consumers. The sample was surveyed with thehelp of a structured questionnaire. A total of 600 questionnaireswere distributed from which only 475 questionnaires were returnedwhile only 450 questionnaires turned out to be fit for analysis. Resultssuggest that there is a significant positive effect of ‘firm’s willingnessto cannibalize’ and ‘customer satisfaction’ on brand loyalty. Thepresumed moderator – customer satisfaction, however has only aslight positive effect on the relationship between firm’s willingness tocannibalize (predictor) and brand loyalty (outcome variable). Ascompared to other cell phone brands, Nokia and Samsung implementmore cannibalizing techniques, i.e. they are more willing to sacrificemarket share of old products to launch new products as a step towardsgreater satisfaction and enhancing brand loyalty of their customersand strengthen their overall market share

    Exploring the Infringing Behaviours of Students inside a University Classroom:

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      The infringing behaviour of students is defined as a set of undesired and objectionable behaviour that hampers the flow of teaching-learning activities inside the classroom. The student's problematic behaviour is something related to the student's disposition and temperament. This research intends to investigate how university teachers perceive student’s misbehaviour and throws light on the underlying causes behind these undesired behavioural traits. This research is based on a descriptive survey. In this research, 50 teachers teaching undergraduate students in various departments of King Khalid University have participated. The authors have collected the data manually by filling two sets of a questionnaire. The result of the study shows: what are some common inappropriate behaviour that a teacher encounters, and why a student displays various types of misbehaviours? The findings of this study will help to develop the establishment of a well-managed classroom


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    The recent developments in branding have changed the market trend, and people are willing to pay more for branded products. The basic aim of this research work is to investigate the impact of brand image on the customer’s willingness to pay more/price premium for the branded products. This study also focuses on how customers brand preferences mediate this relationship. A deductive approach has been used for this study. The population of this research is the consumers of the fast-food industry. To evaluate the hypothesized relationship, the data is collected from 550 students from three different universities in Lahore, Pakistan. The SPSS Amos software has been used to analyze the data through correlation coefficient and regression analysis. This research study provides useful information to policy-makers in identifying and analyzing the factors that can play an essential role in building a favorable brand image in the minds of customers

    Bio-Insecticidal Efficacy of Aegle Marmelos Against Myzus Persicae

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    Myzus persicae (Green peach aphids) has wide range of distribution in different plant hosts. As a pest it causes adverse effect to crops both directly and indirectly by transmitting different viruses and also by producing honey dew. Myzus persicae transmits almost 100 different viral diseases of plants on thirty different plant families which include some major crops like, sugar cane, tobacco, paddy, citrus, sugar beet etc. Myzus persicae is cosmopolitan in distribution. This insect pest causes damage to wide range of economically important crops and their control is usually dependent upon chemicals, intensive use of which may develop resistance in them. During this experiment botanical pesticide is used as natural control measure and tested its efficacy against Green peach aphids at different concentrations. The plant used is Aegle marmelos. Plant parts such as stem and leaves were used to prepare Boiling and Soxhlet extract.  Each extract of plant was individually tested against the aphids’ nymph which gave maximum mortality of about 97.7% results at the concentration of 500 ppm. The use of this botanical pesticide helps to eradicate the crop pests by an eco-friendly manner

    Impact of Deceptive Marketing on Consumers Behavior: A Case of Cellular Industry of Pakistan

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    The research study discusses the relationship between deceptive marketing and consumer behavior regarding the telecommunication industry of Pakistan. As Pakistan is the third largest telecommunication emerging market in the world so, the factors that affect the reaction of consumers are important.  Many customers who use different cellular networks are deceived through false marketing and deceptive features shown in the advertising. The factors that are considered deceptive according to the consumers are examined, that are incorrect interpretation, financial and emotional loss and misleading claims to determine consumer behavior. Moreover, the reaction to these factors is also considered when the customer is exposed to deception in marketing. Keywords: Deceptive marketing, Consumers behavior, incorrect interpretation, financial and emotional loss, misleading claims and cellular industry