9 research outputs found

    Detecting Ambiguity in Requirements Analysis Using Mamdani Fuzzy Inference

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    Natural language is the most common way to specify requirements during elicitation of requirements as stakeholders can better specify the services they want from a particular system. However, it is arguable that requirements gathered in natural language is free from error especially ambiguity. Ambiguity in requirements can cause requirement engineers or system analysts to perceive the requirements according to their understanding instead of stakeholders understanding. This study attempts to detect ambiguity mainly vagueness as early as possible using Mamdani fuzzy inference when analyzing requirements. Dataset used in this study comprises raw requirements that are still in natural language form. In order to create fuzzy rules, the analysis of the requirements in natural language involves the process of capturing the text patterns of the requirements. The results show that it is possible to use Mamdani fuzzy inference that can detect ambiguity in requirements analysis phase

    Development of Physiotherapy-Treadmill (PhyMill) as Rehabilitation Technology Tools for Kid with Cerebral Palsy

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    Main problems with the motor function for Cerebral Palsy (CP) kids are delayed or arrested on motor development. Therapeutics typically emphasize sound-inhibitory exercises, balance training, and preparatory tasks while walking, sitting, and standing to enhance the functioning of children with CP. The treadmill training is used for repeated tasks-specific walking. The focus is to increase the strength of lower extremity, walking speed, or endurance. In this study, we developed the physio-treadmill device for CP kids called PhyMill. This PhyMill is mainly constructed from the aluminum profile connected to connector made by polylactic acid (PLA) material equipped with an automatic control system. The height of the device can be adjusted according to the user’s height. PhyMill offers three operating modes, the first one allowing you to control the movement of the patient forward and backward. The height of the device can be adjusted automatically according to the user’s height is the second mode. The third mode is a special display screen to attracts the attention of the patient. The protection when using this device is also highlighted by supporting the user with an adjustable harness. Treadmill exercise for non-ambulatory children with CP as rehabilitation technology tools is a promising technique for the treatment of partial body weight support

    Standards and tools in production and maintenance of system documentation

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    Implementation of a standard in a software development or maintenance process will provide guidelines on how to conduct the activities in the phases of software life cycle including the documentation to be produced. In addition, the use of Computer-Aided Software Engineering tools or workbenches can automate parts of documenting activities. Despite the importance of standard and tools to be utilised, they are still not widely used. Thus, software engineers still confront with the problems related to documentation particularly system documentation. This paper presents the result of a survey in Malaysia with the main goal to study software engineers' current practice in production and maintenance of documentation based on characteristic, behavior, belief and attitude. Finally, we highlight on what kind of tools should be introduced, why it is introduced and when or how it should be introduced to support the practice. ABSTRAK; Pelaksanaan sesuatu piawai di dalam proses pembangunan atau pengubahsuaian akan menghasilkan garis panduan bagaimana menjalankan aktivitiaktiviti di dalam fasa-fasa kitar hidup perisian termasuk dokumentasi yang perlu dihasilkan. Di sam ping itu juga, penggunaanalat kejuruteraan perisian berbantukan komputer atau 'workbenches' boleh mengautomasikan sebahagian daripada aktiviti-aktiviti dokumentasi dengan lebih piawai. Walaupun kepentingan piawai dan alat-alat tersebut boleh dimanfaatkan, tetapi pembangun sistem masih tidak menggunakannya secara meluas. Jurutera-jurutera perisian masih berhadapan dengan masalah-masalah berkaitan dengan dokumentasi terutamanya dokumentasi sistem. Rencana ini bertujuan untuk membentangkan hasil kaji selidik yang telah dijalankan di Malaysia. Matlamat utama kajian adalah untuk mengkaji amalan semasa juruterajurutera perisian di dalam penghasilan dan pengubahsuaian dokumentasi berdasarkan sifat, tingkah laku, kepercayaan dan sikap. Basil kajian juga dapat mengenat pasti apakah Jenis aoo yang perlu keMpllta diperkenalkan dan bila atau bagaimana ia harus diperkenalkan untuk menyokong amalan tersebut

    Enhancing cognitive aspects of software visualization using DocLike modularized graph

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    Understanding an existing software system to trace possible changes involved in a maintenance task can be time consuming especially if its design document is absence or out-dated. In this case, visualizing the software artifacts graphically may improve the cognition of the subject system by software maintainers. A number of tools have emerged and they generally consist of a reverse engineering environment and a viewer to visualize software artifacts such as in the form of graphs. The tools also grant structural re-documentation of existing software systems but they do not explicitly employ document-like software visualization in their methods. This paper proposes DocLike Modularized Graph method that represents the software artifacts of a reverse engineered subject system graphically, module-by-module in a document-like re-documentation environment. The method is utilized in a prototype tool named DocLike viewer that generates graphical views of a C language software system parsed by a selected C language parser. Two experiments were conducted to validate how much the proposed method could improve cognition of a subject system by software maintainers without documentation, in terms of productivity and quality. Both results deduce that the method has the potential to improve cognitive aspects of software visualization to support software maintainers in finding solutions of assigned maintenance tasks

    A comparative study on quality characteristics in designing educational applications

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    Traditional learning methods have significantly changed with the adaptation of modern technologies. Teachers and students have become more interested to build their knowledge when exploring learning materials using various devices and applications. ISO/IEC 25010:2011 and ISO 9241-11:2008 are referred to regarding five quality characteristics in designing educational applications. This paper reports the comparative study that investigates the quality characteristics in existing educational applications by applying the Kirkpatrick Model, which comprises four logical levels in the educational process. The investigation of the quality characteristics involved four types of online educational applications. The analysis shows that more than half (56.66%) of the compared characteristics were not found in the selected educational applications. Thus, the study concludes that the compared educational applications remain to have issues if software developers or software engineers do not consider the five quality characteristics, which include user interface aesthetics, appropriateness recognisability, understandability, effectiveness and satisfaction from the users’ perspectives

    Systematic review on software quality in educational applications

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    Approaches in teaching and learning have transformed significantly in tandem with the advances in computerised applications to support the process. Software quality characteristics such as usability is one of the non-functional requirements that must be taken into consideration when designing and developing educational applications. This study focuses on two characteristics of quality in use (effectiveness and satisfaction) and three usability sub-characteristics (learnability, user interface aesthetic, and appropriateness recognisability) that can be used to evaluate the quality of such educational applications. It adopted the systematic literature review method to explore existing works that concern the two quality in use characteristics and the three usability sub-characteristics in their studies. The results provide the insight on the related works and their gaps specifically in developing educational applications

    Evaluation of Energy Harvesting for Smart Cane Application

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    Walking cane is a device used by disabled people to navigate themselves. In recent days, it is equipped with various sensors and functions and it is known as a smart cane. It is already available in the market. However, the smart cane is depending on the battery supply that has to be charged every now and then. In relation to that, this paper is focusing on evaluating energy harvesting for powering up a smart cane. This project evaluates possible energy harvesting considering the nature of usage which are outside, gripping motion, tapping motion of the cane itself. Here, an energy harvesting system was designed and attached to a walking stick and the energy generated was observed. The system consists of a combination of solar modules and piezoelectric modules. The solar modules were attached to the handle, whilst the piezoelectric modules were attached to the bottom of the cane. From there, an experimental evaluation was done by testing the cane in indoor and outdoor environment by subjects with different body profile. The result shows that higher power is generated during outdoor usage, and this shows that the solar modules contribute the most to the generated energy. On the other hand, the piezoelectric modules only contribute a small portion of the generated energy. However, this contribution is significantly important during the usage of the cane in indoor environment, where less sunlight is available