293 research outputs found

    Driver Fatigue Detection using Mean Intensity, SVM, and SIFT

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    Driver fatigue is one of the major causes of accidents. This has increased the need for driver fatigue detection mechanism in the vehicles to reduce human and vehicle loss during accidents. In the proposed scheme, we capture videos from a camera mounted inside the vehicle. From the captured video, we localize the eyes using Viola-Jones algorithm. Once the eyes have been localized, they are classified as open or closed using three different techniques namely mean intensity, SVM, and SIFT. If eyes are found closed for a considerable amount of time, it indicates fatigue and consequently an alarm is generated to alert the driver. Our experiments show that SIFT outperforms both mean intensity and SVM, achieving an average accuracy of 97.45% on a dataset of five videos, each having a length of two minutes

    Zoonotic MERS-CoV transmission: modeling, backward bifurcation and optimal control analysis

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    Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) can cause mild to severe acute respiratory illness with a high mortality rate. As of January 2020, more than 2500 cases of MERS-CoV resulting in around 860 deaths were reported globally. In the absence of neither effective treatment nor a ready-to-use vaccine, control measures can be derived from mathematical models of disease epidemiology. In this manuscript, we propose and analyze a compartmental model of zoonotic MERS-CoV transmission with two co-circulating strains. The human population is considered with eight compartments while the zoonotic camel population consist of two compartments. The expression of basic reproduction numbers are obtained for both single strain and two strain version of the proposed model. We show that the disease-free equilibrium of the system with single stain is globally asymptotically stable under some parametric conditions. We also demonstrate that both models undergo backward bifurcation phenomenon, which in turn indicates that only keeping R0 below unity may not ensure eradication. To the best of the authors knowledge, backward bifurcation was not shown in a MERS-CoV transmission model previously. Further, we perform normalized sensitivity analysis of important model parameters with respect to basic reproduction number of the proposed model. Furthermore, we perform optimal control analysis on different combination interventions with four components namely preventive measures such as use of masks, isolation of strain-1 infected people, strain-2 infected people and infected camels. Optimal control analysis suggests that combination of preventive measures and isolation of infected camels will eventually eradicate the disease from the community

    Weather effects on stock returns and volatility in South Asian markets

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    We study the effect of mood-proxy variables on index returns and volatility in six South Asian markets. Our mood-proxy variables include six weather (temperature, humidity, cloud cover, air pressure, visibility, and wind speed), three weather indicator variables (fog, thunder storm and rain or drizzle) and two biorhythmic variables (SAD and lunar phases). We adopt a robust approach and attempt to select the best parsimonious econometric model for each market. Our findings suggest that mood-proxy variables have some convincing influences in South Asian capital markets. In some instances, these variables are influencing returns while in other instances they are influencing volatility

    Dynamics of COVID-19 transmission with comorbidity: a data driven modelling based approach

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    An outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic is a major public health disease as well as a challenging task to people with comorbidity worldwide. According to a report, comorbidity enhances the risk factors with complications of COVID-19. Here, we propose and explore a mathematical framework to study the transmission dynamics of COVID-19 with comorbidity. Within this framework, the model is calibrated by using new daily confirmed COVID-19 cases in India. The qualitative properties of the model and the stability of feasible equilibrium are studied. The model experiences the scenario of backward bifurcation by parameter regime accounting for progress in susceptibility to acquire infection by comorbidity individuals. The endemic equilibrium is asymptotically stable if recruitment of comorbidity becomes higher without acquiring the infection. Moreover, a larger backward bifurcation regime indicates the possibility of more infection in susceptible individuals. A dynamics in the mean fluctuation of the force of infection is investigated with different parameter regimes. A significant correlation is established between the force of infection and corresponding Shannon entropy under the same parameters, which provides evidence that infection reaches a significant proportion of the susceptible

    Determinación mediante pruebas aceleradas y a temperatura ambiente de la actividad antioxidante de varios extractos de plantas en aceite de girasol

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    The present study was conducted to investigate the antioxidant potential of 11 medicinally or economically important plant materials indigenous to Pakistan. The materials were extracted with 80% methanol and examined  for their antioxidant activity under different storage conditions using sunflower and soybean oils as oxidation substrates. Preliminary antioxidant activity assessment among the extracts was conducted with the TLC-test and by measuring percent inhibition of linoleic acid peroxidation. The rhizome of Iris germanica, leaves of Lawsonia alba, and M. oleifera, coffee (Coffee arabica) beans, rice (Oryza sativa) bran, wheat bran and oats (Avenis sativa) groats and hull, which showed higher antioxidant activity among the extracts, were further evaluated using soybean and sunflower oils as oxidation substrates. The vegetable oils were stabilized with extracts at a dosage of 0.12% (w/w), and individually subjected to accelerated (65 oC, 15 days) and ambient (6 months) storage. The oxidative deterioration level was monitored for the measurement of antioxidant activity index (AI), peroxide value (PV), conjugated dienes and trienes contents. Overall, the extracts of coffee beans, oat groats and hull, Iris germanica and M. oleifera leaves were found to be the most effective in extending oxidative stability, and retarding PV, primary and secondary oxidation products of soybean and sunflower oils. The order of efficiency of the plant extracts for stabilization of the subject oils was as follows: oat groats and hull > coffee beans > M. oleifera leaves > Lawsonia alba > Iris germanica > rice bran > wheat bran. Significant differences in the antioxidant potential of some of the extracts for stabilization of substrate oils were observed under ambient and accelerated storage conditions and thus demonstrated a variable antioxidant prospective of the extracts under different analytical protocols.El presente trabajo se ha realizado para investigar la capacidad antioxidante potencial de once plantas medicinales o económicamente importantes autónomas del Pakistán. Las plantas se extractaron con metanol al 80% y se estudia su capacidad antioxidante bajo diferentes condiciones de almacenamiento, utilizando aceite de girasol y soja como sustratos. Los ensayos previos de capacidad antioxidante se llevaron a cabo con la prueba TLC-test y midiendo el porcentaje de inhibición de la peroxidación del ácido linoleico. El rizoma de Iris germanica, las hojas de Lawsonia alba, y M. oleifera, las semillas de café (Coffee arabica), el salvado de arroz (Oryza sativa), el salvado de trigo y salvado, granos y cáscara de avena (Avenis sativa), que fueron las que tuvieron una mayor capacidad antioxidante, de todos los extractos, se ensayaron después usando los sustratos de girasol y soja. Los aceites vegetales se estabilizaron con una dosis de 0,12 (peso/peso) y se sometieron a ensayos de almacenamiento acelerados (15 días a 65º) o temperatura ambiente (6 meses). El deterioro oxidativo se siguió mediante la medida del índice de actividad (AI), índice de peróxido (PV), así como por el contenido de dienos y trienos. En general, los extractos de semillas de café, partículas y cáscaras de avena, y Iris germanica y hojas de M. oleifera fueron las que mostraron una mayor efectividad para extender la estabilidad de los aceites, y retardar la elevación del PV, así como en la prevención de la aparición de productos de oxidación primarios y secundarios. El orden de eficacia fue: partículas y cáscaras de avena > granos de café > hojas de M. oleifera > Lawsonia alba > Iris germanica > salvado de arroz > salvado de trigo. Se detectaron diferencias significativas en el potencial antioxidante de algunos extractos tanto a temperatura ambiente como en condiciones de las pruebas aceleradas. Ello demostró una amplia gama de propiedades antioxidante de los extractos frente a los diferentes procedimientos analíticos empleados


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    Young people as well as older people have now great passion for the denim cloth. Today jeans are available in many colors and designs. In this study we tried to reveal the difference in between two types of cellulase enzymes acid and neutral (powder) enzyme. To do this, denim samples were collected and prepared according to the recipe of equal amount of enzyme by varying the liquor ratio. Basically there were no differences found in between acid and powder enzyme on different fastness properties like rubbing, washing, perspiration, light fastness test. But there was a significant difference in weight loss%. Acid enzyme exhibited little bit more enzymatic effect than powder enzyme and it also showed more weight loss % . But the neutral enzyme required less money rather than acid enzyme and no need to control pH, easy to use. Moreover, lower liquor ratio gave higher abrasion. Acid enzyme gave more back staining than neutral enzyme

    Biological movement of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae in Pakistan; A pioneer project of CEMB, Punjab, Pakistan

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    Background: In Asia, germ plasm exchange in different ecosystems, has been observed. This exchange causes movement of different pathogens. In present study, we worked on movement of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) causing bacterial blight of rice. In 1976, this disease was first recorded from Punjab (Pakistan) but the cultivars of that time showed resistance against bacterial blight. Then in 1984, the disease was seen on IRRI9. Tremendous increase of this pathogen has become prevalent due to increase in demand of Basmati 385 (cultivar), and now it is one of the most important rice diseases in Pakistan. Hypothesis of present study is “there is genetic diversity of Xoo in different rice growing areas of Punjab, Pakistan.”Methods: By fingerprinting; the movement pattern of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae were searched out in present study. The IS1112; a repetitive element of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae was used to fingerprint twenty-one bacterial strains.Results: We compared local strains with that of provided by IRRI Philippine (International Rice Research Institute, Philippine). The obtained clusters were correlated with regional differentiation.Conclusion: Present reported work is the pioneer study (1998-2000) which clued the occurrence of regional movement of pathogen via germ plasm exchange. This study may also provide help to forensics to watch the bioterrorism.Keywords: Bacterial blight; Xanthomonas oryzae; Germ plasm; Genetic diversity; SAARC