53 research outputs found

    Trends of research productivity across author gender and research fields: A multidisciplinary and multi-country observational study

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    Bibliographic properties of more than 75 million scholarly articles, are examined and trends in overall research productivity are analysed as a function of research field (over the period of 1970-2020) and author gender (over the period of 2006-2020). Potential disruptive effects of the Covid-19 pandemic are also investigated. Over the last decade (2010-2020), the annual number of publications have invariably increased every year with the largest relative increase in a single year happening in 2019 (more than 6% relative growth). But this momentum was interrupted in 2020. Trends show that Environmental Sciences and Engineering Environmental have been the fastest growing research fields. The disruption in patterns of scholarly publication due to the Covid-19 pandemic was unevenly distributed across fields, with Computer Science, Engineering and Social Science enduring the most notable declines. The overall trends of male and female productivity indicate that, in terms of absolute number of publications, the gender gap does not seem to be closing in any country. The trends in absolute gap between male and female authors is either parallel (e.g., Canada, Australia, England, USA) or widening (e.g., majority of countries, particularly Middle Eastern countries). In terms of the ratio of female to male productivity, however, the gap is narrowing almost invariably, though at markedly different rates across countries. While some countries are nearing a ratio of .7 and are well on track for a 0.9 female to male productivity ratio, our estimates show that certain countries (particularly across the Middle East) will not reach such targets within the next 100 years. Without interventional policies, a significant gap will continue to exist in such countries. The decrease or increase in research productivity during the first year of the pandemic, in contrast to trends established before 2020, was generally parallel for male and female authors. There has been no substantial gender difference in the disruption due to the pandemic. However, opposite trends were found in a few cases. It was observed that, in some countries (e.g., The Netherlands, The United States and Germany), male productivity has been more negatively affected by the pandemic. Overall, female research productivity seems to have been more resilient to the disruptive effect of Covid-19 pandemic, although the momentum of female researchers has been negatively affected in a comparable manner to that of males

    Scotopic contrast sensitivity and glare after accelerated corneal cross-linking

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    Background: The aim was to assess one-year changes in uncorrected and corrected contrast sensitivity (CS) and glare under scotopic conditions after accelerated cross-linking (CXL) using the 18 mW/cm2 protocol for the treatment of progressive keratoconus and compare results with unoperated controls. Methods: In this non-randomised clinical trial, 30 eyes were enrolled in the CXL group and 30 were assigned to the control group. Scotopic CS at spatial frequencies (SFs) of 0.5, 1.1, 2.2, 3.4, 7.1 and 15 cycles per degree (cpd) were assessed using the MonCv3System (Metrovision, Pérenchies, France) under scotopic conditions (0.5 lux) at baseline and at six and 12 months. Results: The mean ages of the participants in the CXL and control groups were 24.32 ± 5.17 and 30.93 ± 7.43 years, respectively (p < 0.001). After adjusting for age, changes in uncorrected and corrected CS and glare were similar in the two groups (all p > 0.05) except for corrected CS at SF 7.1 cpd (1.45 ± 4.31 versus 3.21 ± 4.69 dB, p = 0.010) and 15 cpd (1.12 ± 4.63 versus 3.03 ± 5.48 dB, p = 0.007), which were reduced as an effect of CXL. Based on covariate analyses, among corrected CS indices, corrected CS7.1 and CS15 were related to CXL and their baseline values (all p < 0.050). Uncorrected CS in all SFs and uncorrected and corrected glare were related to their pre-operative values (all p < 0.001). Conclusion: Accelerated CXL can reduce scotopic corrected CS at SFs higher than 7.0 cpd in cases with better baseline values of these parameters. Changes in uncorrected CS and glare are only a factor of baseline values and the indices reduce in cases with better baseline values after one year. © 2017 Optometry Australi

    Evaluation of virulence factors and antibiotic resistance patterns in clinical urine isolates of klebsiella pneumoniae in Semnan, Iran

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    Background: Klebsiella pneumoniae as an opportunistic pathogen can be the cause of a range of nosocomial and community-acquired infections. Many virulence factors help these bacteria overcome an immune system and cause various diseases. K1 and K2 capsular antigens, also magA, wcaG, and rmpA are well-known K. pneumoniae virulence factors. Klebsiella pneumoniae has been revealed to have the ability to acquire resistance to many antibiotics, which cause treatment failure. Objectives: This study aimed at determining the prevalence of magA, wcaG, rmpA, Capsular type K1, Capsular type K2, TEM, and SHV in K. pneumoniae isolates. Methods: A total of 173 non-duplicate K. pneumoniae isolates were collected from two different hospitals in Semnan, Iran, from urine specimens. Klebsiella pneumoniae was identified by conventional bacteriological tests. Disk diffusion test was performed according to the guidelines of the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI). Detection of virulence factors, TEM, and SHV gene was performed by specific primers. Results: Frequency of virulence factors was as follow: capsular type K2: 32.9, rmpA: 20.2, capsular type K1: 6.9, and wcaG: 16.2. Also, the SHV and TEM were observed in 46.8 and 33.5, respectively. Antibiotics resistance rates were as follow, imipenem: 7.5, ciprofloxacin: 16.1, levofloxacin: 17.3, amoxicillin-clavulanic acid: 30, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole: 32.9, cefepime: 34.1, nitrofurantoin: 35.8, amikacin: 36.4, aztreonam: 39.3, ceftazidime: 42.7. Conclusions: Frequency of some virulence factors including capsular type K2, rmpA, wcaG, and also resistant rate to imipenem, amikacin, and ceftazidime were significantly higher than similar studies. Presence of virulence factors accompanied by drug resistance should make bacteria an infectious agent and lead to treatment failure. © 2018, Author(s)

    New magnetic Co3O4/Fe3O4 doped polyaniline nanocomposite for the effective and rapid removal of nitrate ions from ground water samples

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    In the present study, a new nanocomposite of iron/cobalt oxides and magnetic nanoparticle doped with polyaniline (PANI-Co3O4@MNPs) was synthesized and subsequently, evaluated for its potential in decontaminating nitrate ions from ground water. Various important parameters such as pH, mass dosage, adsorption time, initial concentration, and temperature were experimentally investigated. The important surface and chemical properties of PANI-Co3O4@MNPs, such as surface morphology and roughness, composition and chemical structure were evaluated using field emission scanning electron microscope, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and Fourier transform infrared. Finally, the removal of nitrate was assessed using kinetic, adsorption isotherm, and thermodynamic studies to investigate the underlying mechanism of the removal process. Maximum adsorption capacity was found to be 68.96 mg/g for nitrate ions at pH 6, adsorbent dosage 60 mg within 60 min. The kinetic studies and the adsorption isotherms have been well fitted using pseudo first and the Freundlich models respectively whereas the thermodynamic parameters have been described in terms of enthalpy, entropy, and Gibbs free energy which showed a negative value signifying that the adsorption process was exothermic and spontaneous in nature

    Investigation of potential cognition factors correlated to fire evacuation

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    The design of a navigation system to support indoor fire evacuation depends not only on speed but also a relatively thorough consideration of the cognition factors. This study has investigated potential cognition factors which can affect the human behaviours and decision making during fire evacuation by taking a survey among indoor occupants in age of 20s under designed virtual scenarios. It mainly focuses on two aspects of Fire Responses Performances (FRP), i.e. indoor familiarity (spatial cognition) and psychological stress (situ-ated cognition). The collected results have shown that these cognition factors can be affected by gender and user height and they are correlated with each other in certain ways. It has also investigated users‟ attitudes to the navigation services under risky and non-risky conditions. The collected answers are also found to be correlated with the selected FRP factors. These findings may help to further design of personalized indoor navigation support for fire evacuation

    Regulation of Pax6 by CTCF during Induction of Mouse ES Cell Differentiation

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    Pax6 plays an important role in embryonic cell (ES) differentiation during embryonic development. Expression of Pax6 undergoes from a low level to high levels following ES cell differentiation to neural stem cells, and then fades away in most of the differentiated cell types. There is a limited knowledge concerning how Pax6 is regulated in ES cell differentiation. We report that Pax6 expression in mouse ES cells was controlled by CCCTC binding factor (CTCF) through a promoter repression mechanism. Pax6 expression was significantly enhanced while CTCF activity was kept in the constant during ES cell differentiation to radial glial cells. Instead, the interaction of CTCF with Pax6 gene was regulated by decreased CTCF occupancy in its binding motifs upstream from Pax6 P0 promoter following the course of ES cell differentiation. Reduced occupancy of CTCF in the binding motif region upstream from the P0 promoter was due to increased DNA methylations in the CpG sites identified in the region. Furthermore, changes in DNA methylation levels in vitro and in vivo effectively altered methylation status of these identified CpG sites, which affected ability of CTCF to interact with the P0 promoter, resulting in increases in Pax6 expression. We conclude that there is an epigenetic mechanism involving regulations of Pax6 gene during ES cell differentiation to neural stem cells, which is through increases or decreases in methylation levels of Pax6 gene to effectively alter the ability of CTCF in control of Pax6 expression, respectively

    Histone H1 Depletion Impairs Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation

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    Pluripotent embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are known to possess a relatively open chromatin structure; yet, despite efforts to characterize the chromatin signatures of ESCs, the role of chromatin compaction in stem cell fate and function remains elusive. Linker histone H1 is important for higher-order chromatin folding and is essential for mammalian embryogenesis. To investigate the role of H1 and chromatin compaction in stem cell pluripotency and differentiation, we examine the differentiation of embryonic stem cells that are depleted of multiple H1 subtypes. H1c/H1d/H1e triple null ESCs are more resistant to spontaneous differentiation in adherent monolayer culture upon removal of leukemia inhibitory factor. Similarly, the majority of the triple-H1 null embryoid bodies (EBs) lack morphological structures representing the three germ layers and retain gene expression signatures characteristic of undifferentiated ESCs. Furthermore, upon neural differentiation of EBs, triple-H1 null cell cultures are deficient in neurite outgrowth and lack efficient activation of neural markers. Finally, we discover that triple-H1 null embryos and EBs fail to fully repress the expression of the pluripotency genes in comparison with wild-type controls and that H1 depletion impairs DNA methylation and changes of histone marks at promoter regions necessary for efficiently silencing pluripotency gene Oct4 during stem cell differentiation and embryogenesis. In summary, we demonstrate that H1 plays a critical role in pluripotent stem cell differentiation, and our results suggest that H1 and chromatin compaction may mediate pluripotent stem cell differentiation through epigenetic repression of the pluripotency genes

    An Overview to the Structure and Function of Nuclear Matrix

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    Although the genome is defined by its primary sequence, its functional properties, aredetermined by far more complex mechanisms and depend on multiple layers of nuclearorganization. The architecture of the nucleus includes two overlapping structures: the chromatinand a framework structure named the nuclear matrix. Ultra-structural studies revealthat the nuclear matrix is a network consisting of branched core filaments masked with alarge number of hnRNPs and regulatory proteins. This scaffold has been demonstrated tobe an active and dynamic structure, anchoring the nuclear processes such as replication,transcription and splicing making nuclear domains/foci. It is postulated that the nuclearmatrix serves as a dynamic support to bring together specific DNA sequences with factorsinvolved in the regulation of genome functions. In this review, we attempt to introduce thestructure and function of nuclear matrix as an active intra-nuclear factor, having a criticaldynamic role to organize different nuclear functions. Studying in vivo variations of this epigeneticparameter has been suggested to all investigators interested in the field of chromatinstructure and itsdynamics